System of personality value orientations

dc.citation.journalTitleПсихологічні виміри культури, економіки, управління : науковий журнал
dc.contributor.authorVoloshyna, Neonila
dc.description.abstractMethodology: 1) there are the diversity of theories and conceptions of value orientations of a person; 2) the value orientations of a person is a component of the external world of the individual, the constituent of the personality continuity; 3) the value orientations of a person is a broad system of stable personality values, its attitudes; is an indicator of what can be expected from an individual, judging about the social and political position and spiritual world of the person, by looking at what goals he/she attempts to achieve, what objects are the most valuable; is a general indicator of the priorities, needs, requests, social position, and the level of spiritual development; 4) an individual system of value orientations has a hierarchical structure; 5) the development of value orientations is closely connected with the development of orientation of the individual. The realization of value orientations by a person depends both on the internal conditions (level of development of these psychological mechanisms) and external ones (social relations, economic, social political structure of society, its system of values, material and spiritual wealth, prospects of general development). The subject of the research in the scientific work is the value orientations in the structure of the personality. There have been used methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, grouping of available knowledge about values and value orientations through the prism of the structure of the individual. The purpose of the paper is to analyze and introduce (show) the place of value orientations of the personality in its structure, to reveal its essence, content and basic principles of functioning. The objectives of the study: 1) to carry out a comparative analysis of conceptions and models of the value orientations of the personality; 2) to reveal the essence and content of the value orientations of the personality; 3) to reveal the methodological basis of the main principles of their functioning; 4) to determine personality value orientations as spiritually universal principles which are an integral part of personality.
dc.identifier.citationVoloshyna N. System of personality value orientations / Neonila Voloshyna // Психологічні виміри культури, економіки, управління : науковий журнал. — Львів, 2018. — Том 11. — С. 282–303.
dc.identifier.citationenVoloshyna N. System of personality value orientations / Neonila Voloshyna // Psykholohichni vymiry kultury, ekonomiky, upravlinnia : naukovyi zhurnal. — Lviv, 2018. — Vol 11. — P. 282–303.
dc.relation.ispartofПсихологічні виміри культури, економіки, управління : науковий журнал (11), 2018
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dc.rights.holder© ГО «Львівський аналітичний дім», 2018.
dc.rights.holder© Західний науковий центр НАН України та МОН України, 2018.
dc.rights.holder© Волошина Неоніла
dc.titleSystem of personality value orientations


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