Особливості маркетингової підтримки інновацій вітчизняних промислових підприємств в умовах міжнародних економічних відносин
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Розглянуто питання маркетингової підтримки інновацій вітчизняних промислових підприємств в умовах міжнародних економічних відносин. Обґрунтовано особливості маркетингу інновацій; визначено завдання маркетингу інновацій на різних стадіях її реалізації; запропоновано послідовність здійснення маркетингу інновацій; досліджено етапи процесу сприйняття інновації різними групами споживачів; сформовано критерії, які визначають попит на інновацію в умовах міжнародних економічних відносин. The purpose of this article is to study the theoretical foundations and applied problems in marketing support of the innovation enterprises in conditions of international economic
relations. Theoretical and methodological basis of research are the fundamental provisions of economic theory, scientific works of scientists on marketing of innovations. In the process of research the following methods were used: graphic (visual presentation of research results); generalization; analytical and logical (to determine marketing goals of innovation, objectives of marketing support of innovations in terms of international economic relations, formation of sequence of implementation of innovation marketing of domestic industrial enterprises in the conditions of international economic relations). In the article the questions of marketing support of innovations of domestic industrial enterprises in the conditions of international economic relations. It justifies features of marketing of innovations; defines the tasks of marketing of innovations at different stages of its implementation; suggested sequencing of marketing of innovations; the investigated stages of the process of perception of innovations by different groups of consumers; developed criteria that determine the demand for innovation in terms of international economic relations. The commercial success of innovations on the market is impossible without their active
marketing support. Analysis of domestic and foreign scholars on the problems of marketing of
innovations has revealed that in spite of they have developed theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a complex of marketing innovation, there are no methodological developments in the organization and application of marketing innovation in the enterprise. The proposed sequence of implementation of marketing innovations in the context of international economic relations will allow industrial enterprises to form an effective marketing strategy, even at the stage of their creation. Marketing innovation needs to take place at all stages of the innovation process that will ensure the competitiveness of innovative products in the international market. Studies have shown that the main criteria that determine the demand for innovation of enterprises in the conditions of international economic relations are: the ability to meet the needs of consumers; distinct competitive advantage; ease of use; the ability to test features that are stated in the product. Innovative products will be in demand in the market, if it is to have
at least one unique characteristic that will be important for consumers. The main targets for the control of marketing of innovations are: the volume of sales of innovative products; amount of profit (losses) from innovation; consumer response to innovation; captured market share; the amount of expenses for marketing activities. Adopted at the initial stage, the criteria and standards of the approved program of marketing of innovations do not have to remain unchanged for a long period of time. In the context of
dynamic changes in the business environment, it is advisable to use an adaptive control system
to reflect these changes. In this regard, the company must exercise such control as revision of
marketing innovation, which consists in the critical evaluation and correction of strategic, tactical and operational objectives of marketing activities in accordance with the changes of the market situation.
інновація, маркетинг інновацій, успіх, завдання, етапи, попит, innovation, marketing innovation, success, challenge, stages, demand
Вербицька Г. Л. Особливості маркетингової підтримки інновацій вітчизняних промислових підприємств в умовах міжнародних економічних відносин / Г. Л. Вербицька // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Логістика : збірник наукових праць. – 2016. – № 846. – С. 36–41. – Бібліографія: 9 назв.