Caputo fractional reduced differential transform method for SEIR epidemic model with fractional order
dc.citation.epage | 548 | |
dc.citation.issue | 3 | |
dc.citation.spage | 537 | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Державний університет Екіті | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Мусульманський університет Алігарха | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Університет наук про здоров’я Сефако Макгато | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Ekiti State University | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Bayero University | |
dc.contributor.affiliation | Health Sciences University | | | Фадугба, С. Е. | | | Алі, Ф. | | | Абубакар, А. Б. | | | Fadugba, S. E. | | | Ali, F. | | | Abubakar, A. B. | |
dc.coverage.placename | Львів | |
dc.coverage.placename | Lviv | | | 2023-10-25T07:19:11Z | | | 2023-10-25T07:19:11Z | | | 2021-03-01 | | | 2021-03-01 | |
dc.description.abstract | У статті запропоновано метод дробового скороченого диференціального перетворення Капуто для моделі епідемії “уразливі–схильні–інфіковані–видужалі” з дробовим порядком у спільноті–хазяїні. Цей метод — це поєднання дробової похідної Капуто та відомого методу скороченого диференціального перетворення. Він демонструє можливий прогрес та ефективність роботи. Властивості моделі були проаналізовані та досліджені. Дробова модель епідемії успішно розв’язана за допомогою цього методу. Отже, цей метод подає розв’язок моделі у вигляді збіжного степеневого ряду з легко обчислюваними компонентами без будь-яких обмежуючих припущень. | |
dc.description.abstract | This paper proposes the Caputo Fractional Reduced Differential Transform Method (CFRDTM) for Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) epidemic model with fractional order in a host community. CFRDTM is the combination of the Caputo Fractional Derivative (CFD) and the well-known Reduced Differential Transform Method (RDTM). CFRDTM demonstrates feasible progress and efficiency of operation. The properties of the model were analyzed and investigated. The fractional SEIR epidemic model has been solved via CFRDTM successfully. Hence, CFRDTM provides the solutions of the model in the form of a convergent power series with easily computable components without any restrictive assumptions. | |
dc.format.extent | 537-548 | |
dc.format.pages | 12 | |
dc.identifier.citation | Fadugba S. E. Caputo fractional reduced differential transform method for SEIR epidemic model with fractional order / S. E. Fadugba, F. Ali, A. B. Abubakar // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 8. — No 3. — P. 537–548. | |
dc.identifier.citationen | Fadugba S. E. Caputo fractional reduced differential transform method for SEIR epidemic model with fractional order / S. E. Fadugba, F. Ali, A. B. Abubakar // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 8. — No 3. — P. 537–548. | |
dc.identifier.doi | 10.23939/mmc2021.03.537 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language.iso | en | |
dc.publisher | Видавництво Львівської політехніки | |
dc.publisher | Lviv Politechnic Publishing House | |
dc.relation.ispartof | Mathematical Modeling and Computing, 3 (8), 2021 | |
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dc.relation.references | [22] Baleanu D., Etemad S., Rezapour S. On a fractional hybrid integro differential equation with mixed hybrid integral boundary value conditions by using three operators. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 59 (5), 3019–3027 (2020). | |
dc.relation.references | [23] Veeresha P., Baskonus H. M., Prakasha D. G., Gao W., Yel G. Regarding new numerical solution of fractional Schistosomiasis diseases arising in biological phenomena. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 133, 109661 (2020). | |
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dc.relation.references | [25] Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Singh J. Solution for fractional forced KdV equation using fractional natural decomposition method. AIMS Mathematics. 5 (2), 798–810 (2019). | |
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dc.relation.references | [31] Johnston S. J., Jafari H., Moshokoa S. P., Ariyan V. M., Baleanu D. Laplace homotopy perturbation method for Burgers equation with space and time-fractional order. Open Phys. 14 (1), 247–252 (2016). | |
dc.relation.references | [32] Abbas S. Existence of solutions to fractional order ordinary and delay differential equations and applications. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 2011, Article ID: 793023 (2011). | |
dc.relation.references | [33] Senea N. SIR epidemic model with Mittag-Leffler fractional derivative. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 137, 109833 (2020). | |
dc.relation.references | [34] Abdelhai E., Abdesslem L. A., Mouhcine T., Torres D. F. M. Analysis of a SIRI epidemic model with distributed delay and relapse. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing. 7 (3), 545–557(2019). | |
dc.relation.references | [35] Khalil Hasan Nonlinear Systems. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Prentice Hall (2002). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [1] Acan O., Qurashi M. M. A., Baleanu D. Reduced differential transform method for solving time and space local fractional partial differential equations. Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications. 10 (10), 5230–5238 (2017). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [2] Fadugba S. E. Closed-form solution of generalized fractional Black-Scholes-like equation using fractional reduced differential transform method and fractional Laplace homotopy perturbation method. International Journal of Engineering and Future Technology. 16, 13–24 (2019). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [3] Kumar S., Kumar D., Singh J. Numerical computation of fractional Black-Scholes equation arising in financial market. Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 1 (3–4), 177–183 (2014). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [4] Prakasha D. G., Malagi N. S., Veeresha P. New approach for fractional Schrodinger-Boussinesq with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Mathematical methods in Applied Sciences. 43, 9654–9670 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [5] Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G. An efficient technique for two-dimensional fractional order biological population model. International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing. 11 (1), 2050005 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [6] Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Baskonus H. M., Yel G. An efficient analysis approach for fractional Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model. Mathematical methods in Applied SciencesS. 43, 4136–4155 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [7] Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Baskonus H. M. New numerical surfaces to the mathematics model of cancer chemotherapy effect in Caputo fractional derivatives. Chaos. 29, 013119 (2019). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [8] Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Kumar D. Fractional SIR epidemic model of childhood disease with MittagLeffler memory. Fractional Calculus in Medical and Health Science. CRC Press, 229–248 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [9] Abdon A. Modelling the spread of COVID-19 with new fractal-fractional operators: Can the lockdown save mankind before vaccination?. Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 136, 109860 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [10] Zizhen Z. A novel covid-19 mathematical model with fractional derivatives; singular and nonsingular kernels. Chaos Solitons & Fractals. 139, 110060 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [11] Atangana A., ˙I˘gret Araz S. Mathematical model of COVID-19 spread in Turkey and South Africa. Advances in Difference Equations. 2020, Article number: 659 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [12] Gao W., Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Baskonus H. M., Yel G. New approach for the model describing the deathly disease in pregnant women using Mittag-Leffler function. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 134, 109696 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [13] Prakasha D. G., Veeresha P. Analysis of Lakes pollution model with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science. 5 (4), 310-322 (2020), | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [14] Gao W., Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Senel B., Baskonus H. M. Iterative method applied to the fractional non-linear systems arising in thermoelasticity with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Fractals. 28 (8), 2040040 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [15] Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G. Solution for fractional generalized Zakharov equations with Mittag-Leffler function. Results in Engineering. 5, 100085 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [16] Fadugba S. E. Homotopy analysis method and its applications in the valuation of European call options with time-fractional Black-Scholes equation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 141, 1–6 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [17] Fadugba S. E. Comparative study of the reduced differential transform and Sumudu transform for solving fractional Black-Scholes equation for a European call option problem. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 19, 38–57 (2019). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [18] Keskin Y., Oturanc G. Reduced differential transform method for partial differential equations. Int. J. Nonlin. Sci. Numer. Simul. 10, 741–749 (2009). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [19] Fadugba S. E., Owoeye K. O. Reduced differential transform for solving special linear and nonlinear partial differential equations. International Journal of Engineering and Future Technology. 16, 39–53 (2019). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [20] Fadugba S. E., Okunlola J. T. Solution of the Black-Scholes partial differential equation for the vanilla options via the reduced differential transform method. International Journal of Mathematics and Computation. 30, 76–85 (2019). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [21] Keskin Y., Oturanc G. The reduced differential transform method for solving linear and nonlinear wave equations. Iran. J. Sci. Technol. 34, 113–122 (2010). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [22] Baleanu D., Etemad S., Rezapour S. On a fractional hybrid integro differential equation with mixed hybrid integral boundary value conditions by using three operators. Alexandria Engineering Journal. 59 (5), 3019–3027 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [23] Veeresha P., Baskonus H. M., Prakasha D. G., Gao W., Yel G. Regarding new numerical solution of fractional Schistosomiasis diseases arising in biological phenomena. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 133, 109661 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [24] Gao W., Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Baskonus H. M. Novel dynamic structures of 2019-nCoV with nonlocal operator via powerful computational technique. Biology. 9 (5), 107 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [25] Veeresha P., Prakasha D. G., Singh J. Solution for fractional forced KdV equation using fractional natural decomposition method. AIMS Mathematics. 5 (2), 798–810 (2019). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [26] Arqub O. A., El-Ajou A. Solution of the fractional epidemic model by homotopy analysis method. Journal of King Saud University-Science. 25 (1), 73–81 (2013). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [27] Miller K., Ross B. An introduction to the fractional calculus and fractional differential equations, Wiley, New York (1993). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [28] Podlubny I. Fractional differential equations: An introduction to financial derivatives, fractional differential equations, to methods of their solution and some of their applications. Academic Press (1999). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [29] Sontakke B. R., Shaikh A. S. Properties of Caputo operator and its applications to linear fractional differential equations. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. 5, 22–27 (2015). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [30] Momoh A. A., Ibrahim M. O., Uwanta I. J., Manga S. B. Mathematical model for control of Measles epidemiology. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 87, 707–718 (2013) | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [31] Johnston S. J., Jafari H., Moshokoa S. P., Ariyan V. M., Baleanu D. Laplace homotopy perturbation method for Burgers equation with space and time-fractional order. Open Phys. 14 (1), 247–252 (2016). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [32] Abbas S. Existence of solutions to fractional order ordinary and delay differential equations and applications. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. 2011, Article ID: 793023 (2011). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [33] Senea N. SIR epidemic model with Mittag-Leffler fractional derivative. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. 137, 109833 (2020). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [34] Abdelhai E., Abdesslem L. A., Mouhcine T., Torres D. F. M. Analysis of a SIRI epidemic model with distributed delay and relapse. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing. 7 (3), 545–557(2019). | |
dc.relation.referencesen | [35] Khalil Hasan Nonlinear Systems. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Prentice Hall (2002). | |
dc.rights.holder | © Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”, 2021 | |
dc.subject | дробова похідна Капуто | |
dc.subject | епідемічна модель | |
dc.subject | дробовий порядок | |
dc.subject | метод скороченого диференціального перетворення | |
dc.subject | Caputo fractional derivative | |
dc.subject | epidemic model | |
dc.subject | fractional order | |
dc.subject | reduced differential transform method | |
dc.title | Caputo fractional reduced differential transform method for SEIR epidemic model with fractional order | |
dc.title.alternative | Метод дробового скороченого диференціального перетворення Капуто для моделі епідемії SEIR з дробовим порядком | |
dc.type | Article |
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