Держава та армія. – 2014. – №784
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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"
Тематичний випуск “Держава та армія” фахового Вісника Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” виданий з ініціативи Інституту гуманітарних та соціальних наук Львівської політехніки. У цьому випуску Вісника публікуються наукові статті, в яких основну увагу приділено проблемі історії України та її державності і національним Збройним cилам. Виходить у двадцять другий раз. Цей випуск також містить матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції “Проблеми музеєфікації, реконструкції та експонування пам’яток ранньосередньовічної доби”, що відбулась на базі Культурно-археологічного центру с. Пересопниця на Рівненщині 1–2 червня 2013 р. Розрахований на науковців, викладачів гуманітарних дисциплін, студентів, усіх тих, хто цікавиться проблемами військової історії України.
Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» : [збірник наукових праць] / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка». – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014. – № 784 : Держава та армія / відповідальний редактор С. В. Терський. – 288 с.
Item Аграрне питання в програмних документах і діяльності УНДО(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Виздрик, В. С.Розглянуто діяльність політики УНДО в аграрній сфері. Проаналізовано діяльність партії у пропаганді ідей господарської самостійності та згуртованості українського селянства в протистоянні асиміляційній політиці Польської держави парламентським шляхом. Consider activity of the UNDO policy in agriculture. The parliamentary activity of the UNDA played an important role in promoting the ideas of economic independence and unity of the Ukrainian peasants in opposition to the policy of Ukrainians assimilation. The article deals with the activities of the Ukrainian National Democratic Association (UNDA) in agricultural policy. In the interwar period, highly sophisticated national and socioeconomic relations have developed in Western Ukraine and they were accompanied by constant political struggle of the population with the Polish authorities. Against this general background of sharp contradictions in the conditions of colonial rule, the Ukrainian political parties were forced to develop their own policy in the agrarian question, and fight for their implementation. In the political spectrum in Western Ukraine the UNDA has played a significant role, as for the size and impact on the Ukrainian people. It became a leading Western party in the second part of the 20’s and 30’s of the twentieth century, and the Association represented Ukraine in the international arena. The experience of the UNDA is very important in the context of modern state-building process in Ukraine, as the forms and methods of the parliamentary activity that were promoted by the National Democrats are still actual. Being on the legal situation the Association expressed the national interests of the Ukrainian people and defended their right to self-organized life. The party initiated the consolidation of the national forces and made decisive impact on the socio-political, cultural, educational and economic life of the region. The experience of the National Democrats in the Sejm and Senate of Poland proved that it was impossible at that time to solve the agrarian problem in Western Ukraine by the parliament. The failure of understanding between the National Democrats and the Polish government has caused the frustration among the Ukrainian public in legitimate – parliamentary methods of struggle. It was the push to the decline of all Ukrainian legal parties regardless of their relationship to the policy of “normalization”. However, the parliamentary activity of the UNDA played an important role in promoting the ideas of economic independence and unity of the Ukrainian peasants in opposition to the policy of Ukrainians assimilation, and it preserved the traditions of multiparty democracy in the our society.Item Діяльність української еміграції в країнах Європи у міжвоєнний період ХХ ст.(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Плазова, Т. І.Досліджується та аналізується питання діяльності української еміграції в країнах Європи в міжвоєнний період ХХ ст. Проаналізовано чисельність та соціальний статус української еміграції того періоду. Особливий інтерес становить завершальний етап визвольних змагань та перехід українського війська разом із державними органами в еміграцію за кордон. На сучасному етапі завданням є проаналізувати діяльність українських емігрантів за кордоном, їхні прагнення підтримувати дух національної свідомості, дослідити їхній вплив на подальший розвиток ідеї боротьби за незалежність на теренах України, адже згодом саме ці люди долучилися до активних дій у відстоюванні суверенності України в роки Другої світової війни. This article investigates and analyzes the issue of Ukrainian emigration in Europe in the interwar period of the twentieth century, also – the number and social status of Ukrainian emigration in the period. At the turn of the 20–30s of the twentieth century there were finally decided the main centers of concentration of Ukrainian political emigration in Europe. They became centers of Ukrainian political thought outside Ukraine, and their activities are reminded of the existence of the Ukrainian people. It should be noted that in most European countries in general knew little about Ukraine, did not perceive it as a geopolitical unit and not bother Ukrainian question. Views on Ukrainians as a phenomenon insignificant is consistent with the concept of proimperial measures for the development of colonial territories as those that are incapable of independent statehood. Development of Ukraine as an independent and democratic state is not possible without a comprehensive and detailed study of its history. Of particular interest is attracting the final stage of the struggle for liberation and transition Ukrainian troops together with the authorities to emigrate abroad. It is at present the task to analyze the activity of Ukrainian emigrants abroad, their desire to maintain the spirit of national consciousness and explore their impact on the further development of the idea of the struggle for independence in Ukraine. Great importance and how they passed on to their descendants love Ukraine and the desire to see this great country free from Russia’s power and sovereign. After 1991 the historiography situation radically changed in Ukraine: established the spirit of pluralism in scientific work, changed priorities, methodology and research methods, the researchers had access to previously banned archival materials, some of which have returned from abroad. It is through archival documents can reliably reproduce the events of those times, including being Ukrainian political emigration in the European inter-war period. At the present stage for Ukrainian scientists are challenged to analyze the activity of Ukrainian emigrants abroad, their desire to maintain the spirit of national consciousness and explore their impact on the further development of the idea of the struggle for independence in Ukraine. Of great importance is the fact that how they passed on to their descendants love Ukraine and the desire to see this great country free from Russia’s power and sovereign.Item Їх виховав Пласт: родина Гороховичів (20–30-ті роки ХХ століття)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Візітів, Ю. М.Розкриті на підставі історичних джерел, маловідомі сторінки діяльності волинської пластової родини Гороховичів у 20–30-ті роки ХХ ст. Антоніна, Іван, Василь і Тихон Гороховичі спрямовували свої сили на підвищення загальноосвітнього та культурного рівня місцевої молоді через популярні форми пластової роботи, а також співпрацю з іншими просвітніми товариствами. The article has analysed the activity one of the famous Plast-family of Volyn in 20s–30s of XX century, based on the source study analysis of the archive documents, memoirs, information published in medias, Ukrainian and foreign historiography. The Ukrainian intelligentsia worked selflessly on the educational ground. The life and activity of many famous Volyn families are discussed, for example Gorokhovich family – Antonina, Ivan, Tyhon, Vasyl, is closely connected with the activity of Plast. Owing to their activity in Plast, they managed to develop and get public acknowledgement. Being the humanistic and democratic by nature under the conditions of the extremely Polish-oriented social order, Plast was the weighty components of the retention of the national consciousness of Ukrainian people, merged into the main areas of the public life – education, culture, upbringing of the young generation. Plast occupies the first place judging by its social importance and activity results. Plast was the developed system of cultural and educational methods promoting the social, national, patriotic, aesthetic upbringing of the Ukrainian nation in Volyn region. During the above years, Plast selected the only method to assure the development of the education and self upbringing of the Ukrainian nation. Therefore, the purposeful anabolic policy of Poland was opposed by the national cultural and educational work of the Plast, based on the high moral substances and moral duties of their members, joined by the common key ideas of Ukrainian state system the common purposes.Item Створення та діяльність більшовицьких військ в Україні в кінці 1918 – 1929 роках у сучасній історіографії(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Хома, І. Я.У загальних рисах проаналізовано основні здобутки сучасної української історіографії в дослідженні становлення та діяльності військ Червоної армії на території України в кінці 1918 – 1920 роках. Modern Ukrainian historiography of Ukrainian National Revolution (1917–1921) has been presented by hundreds of research papers, theses, monographs that covervarious aspects of that age. The vast majority of works concern the problems that until 1991 were suppressed, falsified an derased from the memory of society. Clearly there is a need in scientific reappraisal of the establishment of Bolshevik government history, bothin general and in detail. It comprises new problems and aspects that were not consideredin Soviet historiography, suppressed or distorted. The reappraisal and new scientific publications should be based on modern methodological approaches, sources, factsetc. According to historian V.Verstyuk “Ukrainian historians practically stopped to study the history of Bolshevism. This is very interesting phenomen on that... was not examined critically” [1, p. 129]. The aim of the article is to determine the general state of researchin modern Ukrainian historiography the formation an dactivities of the Red Army against the forces of the UNR in the end of 1918 – 1920. The modern historiography refers to scientific researches that have been issued since independence. In general the historiography of this problem is divided into two groups. Works that briefly concider this perspective, as well as those that are directly related to current military events in Ukraine of 1918–1920. The first group include monographs written by S.Kulchytskyy, M.Doroshko and G.Kuriy. S. Kulchytskyy under the scheme of communismin Ukraine is considering the problem of “military and political alliance” between Bolshevik Russia and Ukrainian Soviet government. M.Doroshko raises the general questions about coming of Bolsheviks’ regime. The value of H.Kuriy’s monographis in collected and summarized factual material that refers to G. Petrovskyy’s activities, who was involved in the military and political processes of that time. V.Verstyuk’s publication “Ukrainian Revolution: metaphors, object, interpretation” motivated to write the article. These condgroup is presented by monographs of V.Verstyuk, V.Kuzmenko and A.Rukkas, V.Savchenko’s scientific and popular publication, the sis researches of O.Bozhko and O.Chihradze. In addition to N. Makhno’s military units that were apart of Bolshevik forces, V.Verstyuk’s monograph presentsa number of legitimate critical views about the military and political alliance, the formation and activities of the Red Army. V.Kuzmenko’s scientific paper considers the specificity of state building in the USSR, where the focus of attention on the attitude of the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics to the Ukrainian Soviet Army is especially interesting. A.Rukkas describesin details the condition of Soviet troops and the major battles that were held on the territory of Ukraine during th e Ukrainian-Polish-Soviet War in 1920, as well as directly against the UNR’s troop sin November of that year. That paper is the latest significant achievement in Ukrainian militaryhistory. The thesis presented by O.Bozhko did not lose its relevance because it is the only comprehensive work about the Ukrainian Soviet Army before the military and political union of 1919. In O.Chihradze’s work there are presented schemes of the Bolshevik forces structure, comparison of the warring parties’ military capability, ethnic composition is mentioned and other issues are considered. Scientific and popular book written by V.Savchenko is an achievement of historiography. The structure of the book shows the author has thorough knowledge in the topic of military events in Ukraine during 1917 – 1921. However V.Savchenko avoid the implication of archival documents and links for the scientific apparatus on which his work is based. In general, the problem of Ukrainian Soviet Army, and later Bolshevik forces that have been operating in Ukraine did not become the subject of a separate research in modern Ukrainian historiography. Every of the mentioned researches who worked in it sown field during scientific analysis draws attention to the different aspects of military construction, military activities of the armed forces of the Ukrainian Soviet government and the institutions that are under its controll. In analyzed works the historians raise the question of chronological boundaries of the military actions, compare strength and combat cap ability the of warring armies, tactical and strategic principles of the activities and others. The combination of these aspects shows that inmodern historiography, onthe background of a large number of works about military construction of the UNR and fight on various fronts, there was formed a common vision for the establishment and activities of the main enemy camp in 1917–1921 years – the Red Army.Item Предмети середньовічного озброєння з Чорнівського городища першої половини XIII ст. (дослідження 2012 р.)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Пивоваров, С. В.; Калініченко, В.Проаналізовано предмети озброєння дального та ближнього бою, а саме наконечники стріл, та бронзове руків'я середньовічного меча, виявлені під час дослідження Чорнівського городища першої половини XIII ст. у 2012 р. Здійснено типологізаці. та аналіз Буковинни та дають змогу простежити взаємовідносини військоговго континенту Чорнівського городища із суміжними територіями Русі та Європи у XIII ст. This article analyzes of armaments and long-range melee, such as arrowheads and bronze pommel handle medieval sword found during research Chornivska hillfort first half of the XIII century in 2012. The authors typology and analysis of armaments. The authors introduced into scientific circulation quite rare for the region discovery, namely head bronze finial medieval sword hilt, which was discovered on the Chornivka hillfort first half of XIII century in 2012. Argued that the head pommel sword has baltic origin. Detection allows us to trace and find more to explore military affairs of the local population, in particular to trace mutual troop Chornivka hillfort with adjacent territories of Russia and Europe in the XIII century. The purpose of this study is to put into circulation actually first discovery details of the sword, which clearly can be attributed to XII – early XIII сеntury from Siret territory to the Middle Dniester river interfluve, namely head pommel or handle of a medieval sword and a comprehensive review of the findings, it’s analysis, interpretation and implementation types. Consequently, the typology A. Kirpichnikova by their morphological features head pommel sword with Chornivka hillfort of the type I – swords with bronze cross bronze pommel with five or seven parts. The shape of the pommel blades of this type are similar to swords such as K, S, and T1 by typologically V. K azakyavichusa. Bronze swords of the given type, as indicated by A. Kirpichnikov with cast ornament with circles characteristic of romance art ХІІ century. This type of sword was the inscription on the blade. All findings of this type swords found in the settlements and burials of the XII–XIII century.Item Поневолення України більшовицькою системою та припинення її репрезентації на міжнародній арені у першій половині XX ст.(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Дещинський, Л. Є.Розглянуто поневолення української держави та припинення її репрезентації на міжнародній арені у першій половині XX ст. The condition and tendencies of development of the basic of Ukraine on international changes in 1919–1941 is analyzed.Item Середньовічні замки та фортеці Західної Волині як об’єкти пам’ятко-охоронної діяльності (1920–1930 рр.)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Каша, М. Є.Розглянуто проблеми вивчення, збереження та використання замків та фортець Західної Волині в контексті історичних змін та нових пам’ятко-охоронних реалій міжвоєнного періоду. Висвітлено основні моменти функціонування цих об’єктів та їх місце у системі пам’яток краю. This paper addresses the problem of the study, preservation and use of the castles and fortresses of Western Volhynia in the context of historical changes and new sights enforcement realities of the interwar period. The basic operation points of these objects and their place in the land of monuments. The subject of the article is the history of castle in the context of military events on the territory of Western Volynian region, which took place at the end of XV- in XVII centuries. Main stages of castle functioning and its place in the system of country defence are highlighted.Item Соціально-орієнтовані інтернет-джерела дослідження єврореволюції 2013–2014 рр. в Україні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Химиця, Н. О.Висвітлено роль і значення соціальних мереж в організації революційних та протестних рухів в Україні восени 2013 р. – навесні 2014 р. Досліджується специфіка та особливості історичних джерел про події Єврореволюції 2013–2014 рр. в Україні, що представлені в соціальних мережах. The article considers the current problem of investigation of the role and importance of social networks in the organization of Ukrainian revolutionary and protest movements from autumn 2013 to spring 2014. The specifics and peculiarities of historical sources about the Eurorevolution events of 2013-2014 in Ukraine, which are presented in social networks, are studied. The increasing of the social network’s role as a source of historical information during events of Eurorevolution in Ukraine in 2013–14 are proved based on the specific facts. The main advantages of social networking are commented, it is as follows: ability to quickly consolidate the interested users, conduct surveys, share of ideas and organize the actions of users; the ability to unite Ukrainian citizens at many levels (at the level of families, communities, organizations, cities, regions, countries and the world). The social network’s key role in the beginning and development of the revolution as the mobilization and organization of forces took place via Facebook, Vkontakte and Twitter are played. The phenomenon of community “EuroMaidan” is commented. Community “EuroMaidan” in March by means of Facebook is established. This community over 279,000 users is quickly increasing and is taken: the first place by popularity among Ukrainian pages on Facebook, the first place among Ukrainian pages by the growth rate of adherents for one month, the sixth place in the world by number of adherents in Ukraine. The two groups of the most important historical sources are separate based on analysis of the social network content. There are sources of text, photo and video documentation. The specificity of eyewitness accounts (public activists, political leaders and local residents) of the revolutionary events is substantiated. Testimony from political leaders the information on the epicenter of the revolutionary events that are the most informative for a historian is contained. Interactive communication with eyewitnesses of events due to the modern Internet technologies is defined as a new tool of modern historical investigations. The part of content on social networks, which publishes the records manager’s documentation, is analyzed. Acts, in which construed or confirmed facts and events, which related to the activities of establishments or their structural subdivisions, actions of officers, are selected among the total number of documents. The importance of photos and video documents using for research of Contemporary history of Ukraine are defined. Among the specific features of video documents about Eurorevolution in Ukraine in 2013–14 are selected their dynamics and complexity. In summary, it can be concluded that: 1. The events of Eurorevolution in 2013–2014 became the subject of special interest of users of social networking; 2. Information that represented in the social networks as Facebook, Vkontakte andTwitter covers a wide range of problems related to the study of history protest movement in Ukraine during the events of Eurorevolution in 2013–14; 3. The World Wide Web offers various information portals with different capabilities. They satisfy the needs of history researchers of various levels – from amateurs to professional scientists; 4. Information potential of social networks, as Facebook, Vkontakte, Twitter, concerning the scientific study of Eurorevolution in 2013–14, text, photos, and video information, which is the primary historical source for the researcher, are suggested; 5. Since the content of all social networking is personified, the researcher can apply to witnesses and update all details. Thus, in the ХХІ century the historian who studies of modern events, a new research tool – a social network with its multichannel and feedback communication – is used for their investigations; 6. The effective online-search work of the historian in social networks depends on its information and communication competencies and skills; 7. Internet-content, which includes historical information, can to be removed or temporarily closed to unauthorized users. Therefore, the researcher faced with the task of operational monitoring of information content, copying and archiving of historical sources. 8. Social networks become the universal encyclopedias of social and political events that combine text, photo, audio and video information about events of Eurorevolution in 2013-–2014 in Ukraine.Item Формування наукових уявлень про козацьку клинкову зброю: від др. пол. XIX ст. до сучасності(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Тоїчкін, Д. В.У статті розглянуто історію розвитку наукових уявлень про козацьку зброю від кінця ХІХ ст. до нашого часу. Проаналізовано українську, російську та європейську наукову історіографію. Вивчається шабля, відома як особиста зброя “можливо самого” гетьмана Юрія Хмельницького. Проаналізувавши характеристики шаблі, автор доходить висновку, що у цьому предметі поєднано риси різних історичних перідодів. Цей зразок, сумлінно виконаний “за історичними мотивами”, створює справжній прецедент, розширюючи поле для наукової дискусії щодо вигляду української карабелі, оправленої центрально- чи східноукраїнськими золотарями у другій половині XVIII ст. The article deals with the history of scientific concepts about Cossack cold steel from the late nineteenth century to the present. Author analyses Ukrainian, Russian and European scientific historiography. For now in Ukraine have already been created sufficient theoretical, methodological and technical base, and also have been taken the first practical steps towards a comprehensive solution of weaponology problems with contemporary scientific level. The identification of Ukrainian weapons is the actual problem now. This fact evidenced not only by increasing in quantity and quality polemical articles, but the appearance on the antiques market of artifacts, that form misconceptions about the original Cossack weapons in collector and even scholar community. In this regard, the appearance on the Ukrainian market of antique saber, known as a personal weapon “perhaps of Hetman Yurii Khmelnytsky itself” was an important event. After studying of characteristics of saber, the author concludes that style of sample combines the features of different historical periods. If the saber is a fake, it could be produced only in modern times, when the serious scientific research on Ukrainian arts, crafts and morphology of Eastern European bladed weapons have been published. One should note that the appearance of such creation must speed up scientific studies of antique Ukrainian cold steel. This pattern, made in “faithful historical style”, creates a real precedent for expanding the field of scientific discussions about the morphology of Ukrainian karabela, made by craftsmen of Central or Eastern Ukraine in the second half of the 18th century. Thus in the late 19th century, the heyday of the industry of fakes, none of the famous Ukrainian collectors or respected scientists already could not clearly explain how specifically would look like authentic Ukrainian sabre. The name “Cossack” is usually referred to the samples of Ottoman, Persian, Central Asian and Eastern European bladed weapons dating from 18 to 19th centuries. The similar concept accepted in contemporary museum collections of Ukraine. At present the problem of identifying of Ukrainian cold steel of the early modern time is more relevant than ever. Many questions regarding the origin, development and distribution of Cossack armament are still unresolved.Item Теоретичні основи матеріально-технічного забезпечення Збройних сил в українській військовій літературі 20–30-х років ХХ ст.(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Мельник, Р. П.На підставі нових архівних документів розкрито проблему матеріально-технічного забезпечення Збройних сил в працях військовиків інтернованої армії Української Народної Республіки. Показано основні спроби військових інтернованої армії УНР спроектувати єдиний напрямок побудови регулярної армії національного зразка. Це питання тісно пов’язане із розробкою воєнної доктрини, яка в основі закладалась із положеннями матеріального і технічного забезпечення армії, у військовий і в мирний час. The thesis is devoted to complex research of Ukrainian military theoretical thought of the interwar period. Based on the deep analysis and systematization of a wade range of sources, it highlights the main stages of the conceptual approaches as to the principles of military engineering in the period of liberation competitions of 1917–1921 in the studies of military historians. It elucidates the role the Ukrainian military authors played in the exploration of the theoretical regulations of the military doctrine in the scientific papers as regards the national construction of the armed forces. The research examines the organization, areas and achievements of the scientific-historical and military-theoretical work of the military researchers of the diaspora. The author analyses historical experience of military engineering in the days of the national revolution 1917–1921 in scientific and memoirs-analytical works of military historians in the period of the Central Rada, Hetmanate, Directory and Western Ukrainian People’s Republic. It is emphasized that the dominant issue of the studies being analyzed and of the memoirs-analytical works of military historians was the history of the Ukrainian Revolution 1917–1921 and the analysis of the military engineering of that time. Deep comprehension and examination of the armed forces formation in the time of the liberation competitions allowed the military experts to start scientific theoretical work aimed at studying the military doctrine and therewith lay the foundation for building a regular military force with all its components.Item Кістень у Галицькому та Волинському князівствах (X–XIV ст.)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Терський, С. В.Проаналізовано тапологічні особливості ударної зброї X–XVI ст. – кістенів, знайдених на землях Волинського та Галицького князівств. Обгрунтовується висновок про місцеві особливості видовго складу кістенів. War-flails belongs to the axe type of weapon and consists of a weigh fastened to the handle with a flexible gążwa (eg. a thong). Flail fight was based on quick circular movements of the thong and weighs and hitting. As early as 3000 BC this type of weapon originated from the mace-like objects with holes containg thong fragments. The alleged exemplars of this type of weapon are associated with the 3rd – 4th cent. Sarmatian tombs. The earliest flails in the early medieval Europe appeared among the Avars (7th – 8th cent.) later (second half of the 8th – 10th cent.) they became popular among the Khazars. This type of weapon was astonishingly popular in Ruthenia, where it appeared probably thanks to the Khazars, beaten in 965 AD by the Duke Svyatoslav. In the next centuries (to be more precise – till the 16th century) flails became one of the most distinctive features of the Old Ukrainian culture.The current collection of flails found in Halych and Volynian land consists of more than 50 artefacts and their parts. Nine of them were made of bones and horns (pict. 1), others – of iron, lead and bronze (pict. 2).Type I (Kirpičnikov classification) is represented by the artefacts made of bones and horns. The earlier artefacts of the Avar and Khazar stands in Ruthenia are dated on the second half of the 10 th to the 13 th cent. Flails from Halych, Plisnesk, Stupnycia, Cherven, Zvenygorod, castle near Shepetivka and castle Bozok are included in this type. There are some images associated with the Rurykowicze symbols which are placed on the artefacts from Zvenygorod; they can be dated on the 11 th-13 th cent. The flail from Cherven case looks similar. This unique exemplar has two relief images of the Ukrainian dignitary – Boyar as well as the image of half-woman and half-bird with a fish-like tail. The artefacts from Zvenygorod and castle Bozok is dated on the first half of the 12 th–13 th cent. and has a haracteristic iron mandrel used for the thong fastening. The last one belonging to this type of flails is the one from Zvenygorod; due to its form has no direct analogies in the published material. It is dated on the second half of the 10 th – 13 th cent. which is proved by the artefacts accompanying it. Iron flails represent type II (Dorogobuzh, Zelenche, Cherven, castle near Shepetivka) and type IV (Peremyl). Due to the unclear character of the finding, the first one can be dated on the second half of the 10 th-13 th cent. Among bronze flails we can distinguish type IIA (Peresopnycia) and IIIA (Halychyna) which are examples of the greatest Old Ukrainian craftsmen artistry. These flails, primarily cast in copper forms mainly by the southern Ruthenian craftsmen are richly decorated in the manner characteristic for the 12 th-13 th cent. Because of that they were probably more a warrior status symbol than a real weapon. It is worth mentioning that the artefact from Gorodok due to its small size is treated like a toy. The presence of flails on the western Ukrainian borders, belonging in the past to the Halych-Volynian kingdom cannot be surprising. They constituted an inseparable element of the old Ukrainian culture. Their splendid character indicates their value, certifying the high social and political status of the owners. Some of them were probably produced in that locatio.Item Археологічне обстеження городища XIV ст. в с. Біла біля м. Чорткова Тернопільської області(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Добрянський, В. К.Статтю присвячено археологічному обстеженню городища XIV ст. в с. Біла Чортківського району Тернопільської області, що має ознаки пізньосередньовічного замку. Archaeological survey settlement XIV century in village Bila near the Chertkov city of Ternopil region. This article is about the archaeological survey settlement XIV. With. White Chortkiv district, Ternopil region, which has features of late Middle-Ages the castle.Item Антибританська політична карикатура у Німеччині як засіб пропаганди у період Першої світової війни(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Питльована, Л. Ю.Проаналізовано антибританську політичну карикатуру у Німеччині як засіб пропаганди у період Першої світової війни. Досліджено особливості політичної карикатури як історичного джерела: система організації пропаганди у кайзерівській Німеччині. Розглядаються образи, сюжети та персонажі карикатур, їх семантичне значення. Аналізується вплив антибританської карикатури на формування негативних стереотипів у німецькому суспільстві. The article is devoted to analyzing of anti-British political cartoons in Germany as propaganda methods during World War I. The features of political cartoons as a historical source; the system of propaganda in Imperial Germany are investigated. The images, the plots and the cartoons characters, their semantic meaning are considered. Influence of anti-British cartoons on formation of negative stereotypes in German society is analyzed.Item Передумови становлення броньованих частин українських армій: бронеавтомобільні формування Першої світової війни та досвід їх застосування(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Моргун, М. В.; Лушкавнюк, Т. С.Розглянуто бронеавтомобільні формування Першої світової війни та досвід їх застосування. Вивчено передумови становлення бронеавтомобільних підрозділів українських армій. Formation armor pieces Ukrainian army carried out taking into account the experience of combat use similar intended parts of the former Russian army and, to a large extent, using techniques inherited after the collapse of the Russian army. Therefore, it is reasonable to analyze the organizational principles armor and weapon parts of the Russian army during the First World War. During the First World War, when fighting over a substantial period of time had maneuverable character in the Russian army have developed mobile units equipped with armored vehicles. Most of them, belonging to the South-West and the Romanian Front, was based on the territory of Ukraine or the adjoining areas. Thus it can be argued that Ukraine in late 1917 had some starting conditions for the formation of their own armor parts. There were quite numerous broneavtomobilni combat units that were part of the Southwestern and Romanian fronts. There was also some technical base for their activities. Existing personnel was prepared as a soldier and officer. Finally, it has gained significant experience in combat use broneavtomobilnyh parts. In order to realize these opportunities and create their own full armor parts, the political and military leadership of Ukraine had to solve several priority objectives, namely to keep these units property from looting and export from Ukraine, to prevent the destruction of repair facilities, especially - railway workshops, preserve human potential broneavtomobilnyh parts. Finally, it was necessary to determine the place of armor units in the structure of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.Item Укладення та реалізація домовленостей між Австро-Угорщиною та УНР у Брест-Литовському 1918 р.: уроки дипломатичної боротьби(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Уська, У. Р.На основі архівних матеріалів та мемуарів здійнено спробу дослідити політичне значення на наслідки домовленостей між Автро-Угорщиною та УНР 1918 р. у рамках колективного Берестейського мирного договору, розкрити причини ліквідаці Таємного протоколу та зволікання Автро-Угорщини ратифікувати договір, висвітлии позицію української сторони стосовно спірних питань. On the basis of the archived materials and memoirs an attempt to investigate a political value on the consequences of agreements between Austria-Hungary and UNR in 1918 within the framework of the collective Treaty of Brest-Litovsk is carried out in the article, to expose reasons of liquidation of the Secret protocol and delay of Austria-Hungary to ratify an agreement, light up position of the Ukrainian side in relation to the vexed questions. The analysis of tactics of delegation of UNR on negotiations in Brest-Litovsk allows to assert that the young Ukrainian diplomats at first skillfully took advantage of foreign-policy and socio-economic difficulties of the Central Powers with the aim of providing of national interests. They succeeded to fasten in Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and Secret protocol the strategic requirements: confession of UNR by the countries of the Central Powers, transmission of UNR of part of the Province of Cholm and Podljaska, creation in the Cisleitania of the Ukrainian autonomy from the East Galicia and North Bukovina. However delegation of UNR it admits a few serious tactical miscalculations, that leveled the above-mentioned achievements afterwards. In particular, Ukrainians agreed to the conclusion of secret treaty and on the unrealistic volumes of supplying with bread in short spaces, and except it, allowed to delegation of Austria-Hungary to subordinate implementation of these agreements one from other. Reasons of miscalculations were excessive propensity of the Ukrainian diplomats to political hazardous activity, groundless maximalism in requirements and absence of diplomatic experience. Leaning on non-fulfillment by Ukraine of obligation about delivery to the Central Powers of bread by a volume in 1 million ton 31.07.1918 to, Austria-Hungary gave not only up realization of terms of Secret protocol but also from ratification of Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. And this fact put under a doubt completion of World War I at the East front, confession of UNR, as the independent state, and also existence of any state boundaries. After a general consent Germany and Austria-Hungary violated the terms of deposit storage of Secret protocol and his returning the Ukrainian side. Also the Empire resorted to the unprecedented in history of diplomacy step: on the consent of the ally of Germany liquidated the Ukrainian copy of Secret protocol from 8.02.1918, by such method to barrier itself from contingent claims of Ukrainian. Reason of consent of hetman on non-fulfillment it is needed to see Austria-Hungary of terms of protocol in strengthening of military-political dependence of Ukraine from the Central Powers, by absence in international practice of mechanism for realization of collusions. At these terms any public requirement of hetman to Austria-Hungary about fulfilling commitment in relation to creation of the Ukrainian province could not only cause international scandal and blowup and so shaky foreign-policy positions of the Ukrainian state, but also negatively to influence on of home policy.Item Українське питання в політиці провідних держав напередодні великої війни (1914–1918 рр.)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Мазур, О. Я.; Баран, І. В.Розглянуто значення українських земель для країн-учасниць Першої світової війни. Проаналізовано плани та цілі кожної з держав, які входили до складу різних воюючих блоків, відносно загарбання українських земель. The Entente and Triple Alliance – the two military-political alliances which had the relation to the beginning of the First World War, planned to lead the would-be war with the aim of enlarging their economical and political influences and for new outlet while redividing of the previously had already divided world. In this war Ukraine, as the largest European country of those without its own government, and having numerous labor and material resources and very convenient geographical location – had become a target of the comparative rival countries. Ukraine had become a center of a particular international attention. The matter of “Ukrainian question” which appeared in those days international politics could be explained by the absence of any kind of the independent state, territorial division of Ukraine, unsatisfied material, national and cultural conditions of Ukrainian people. The “Ukrainian question” became one of the most important reasons of European destabilization of the international relations in Europe, which in its own way provoked two military-political alliances to the conflict. The Russian Empire, from one side and Germany and the Austria-Hungary from the other one treated the question of the conquest of the Ukrainian lands as one with the most important priority. Besides, while eastern part of Ukraine, so called –Naddniprianska Ukraine - stayed a part of the Russian Empire, the last one wanted to conquer western Ukraine. On the other hand, as Austria-Hungary ruling western Ukrainian lands, claimed its rights to eastern Ukraine. Having started the war, the Russian Empire planned to conquer lands of Eastern Galicia, Northern Bukovina and Transcarpatia. It would let them solve two tasks: at first – to broaden the border of the Russian Empire and, at the same time, weaken or even destroy their western opponent; at second – to completely squelch the organising centres of Ukrainian liberation movements in Galicia, which not occasionally was called “Ukrainian Piemont”. The burglarious character of its intentions, Russian propaganda managed to hide by the will to unite the all Russian lands, of which, of course, Ukrainian lands were a part of. During the war, the Austria-Hungary Empire, aimed to strengthen their positions in Western Ukraine and unite to its lands the other inhabited by Ukrainians territories, in particular, Volyn and Podillia. It would let them enhance their influence on Slavic nations of the Empire (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks), and tend to be the most influential country in the Slavic world. The German Empire struggled for the expanding of its lands by conquering eastern and southern Ukraine – the most economically developed Ukrainian regions. Among German politicians the question of Ukraine was thought as essential, needed to defeat the Russian Empire. The German authority paid much attention to military actions held on Ukrainian lands, finding it as one of the most important scenes of the World War. Germans didn’t exclude the creation of formally separate Ukrainian state formed on the reclaimed from the Russian Empire lands.Item Колективне суспільне документування історичних процесів збройних формувань України періоду національно-визвольної революції 1917–1921 рр. в українській Вікіпедії(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Мина, Ж. В.; Пелещишин, А. М.Досліджуються особливості колективного суспільного документування історичних процесів збройних формувань України періоду національно-визвольної революції 1917– 1921 рр. в українській Вікіпедії. Моніторинг матеріалів української Вікіпедії свідчить про те, що інформація щодо Збройних сил зазначеного періоду потрібна і цікава як для наукового співтовариства, так і для широкого загалу громадськості. This article considers the current problem of investigation of the collective public documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia. Today Ukrainian Wikipedia has insufficient number of articles about the Armed Forces formation in the time of Ukrainian national liberation revolution of 1917–1921. The first wiki-article in this issue in the November 2007 is published. It was a brief article that a summary is contained. Gradually it is complemented and intensified of sources. Thus, in the first wiki-article “Army of Ukrainian National Republic” the just one reference to the “Small Dictionary of History of Ukraine” (edited by Valeriy Smoliy) is contained and the next wiki-article references to authors-memoirists are contained. The text in further version of wiki-article is structured. Appearing the following sections of wiki-article: 1) Precondition; 2) Structure; 3) Hostilities; 4) The end of existence of Army of Ukrainian National Republic. The beginning of the article is the definition which is as follows: “The Army of Ukrainian National Republic (The Ukrainian People’s Army, also known as the UNA, Naddnipryanska Army, Effective Army) – The armed forces of the UNA during the Ukrainian national liberation movement in 1917–21 years; formation that established on the basis the ukrainian parts of Russian Imperial Army, volunteer detachments, “Ukrainian Sich Riflemen", “Free Cossacks” and galicians which are prisoners of war.” In 26 January 2008, the first archival photograph of soldiers of the Ukrainian People’s Republic is appeared in an article. It is quite understandable that the article required the editing, refining, expanding of information. The expansion of content that is added to sections and received clarification in item by item is resulted. However, the source base is not expanded, and basic information gathered from the afore-cited sources. In 2 August, 2009 a significant addition – chapter 10 that titled as “See also” is appeared. A new article “Awards of UNR” is written, which starts its own history as collective document. Nowadays this article is meaningful and it contains tables, photo documents and video archive. The Russian version of article “Army of Ukrainian National Republic” is in a condensed form than Ukrainian version of this article. There are no references in two variants of article. It is a common drawback of most wiki-articles that giving specific data without references to primary source. English version is also different from the Ukrainian version. The some sections are separated. These sections in the previous version are distributed. For example, section “Ranks and insignia”. It presents the military ranks of the end of 1917: Otaman Frontu, Otaman Armii, Otaman Korpusu, Otaman Divizii, Otaman Brihady (Brigadier general). Thus, at present there are many documents and sources available to scientists on the Internet with the exception of the traditional system of libraries and archives. Their successful use of requires from users the knowledge of the general structure and mechanisms of work in global information network, the successful compilation of requests to search engines and databases and skills of critical estimate of resources of historic thematic. Nowadays the collective public documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia is not completely considered. There are a number of difficulties. The solution of these difficulties a unified strategy of research is required. The real influence and participation of historians to create pages with using the reliable sources are needed. A lot of unresolved issues concerning documentation of the historical process of Ukrainian armed formation in the period of national liberation revolution of 1917–1921 in Ukrainian Wikipedia are arisen before historians.Item Військово-політичні аспекти передісторії Галицького князівства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Омельчук, Б. А.Із залученням письмових та археологічних джерел проаналізовано боротьбу київських князів за утвердження своєї влади на Прикарпатті до кінця XI ст. Зроблено спробу переглянути існуючі погляди на етапи утвердження великокнязівської влади на цій території. Розглянуто особливості територіального розвитку Прикарпаття та Подністров’я у другій половині X–XI ст. The article involving written and archaeological sources the Kievan princes fight to uphold its authority in the Carpathian region by the end of XI century. An attempt to revise the existing views on the steps of the Grand approval authorities in the area. The features of territorial development Carpathians and the Dniester in the second half of the X-XI centuries. Analyzed tibal dukes activity as war-lords and military organizers against Great Kievan Princes. The appearance of the tribal union of the ancient Slavs in the Carpathian region who took afterwards the name of Croats, could be dated back to the last quarter of the 8th – middle of the 9th cc. The Upper Dniester region together with the nearby territories between the Dniester and the Pruth are considered to be the primary territory the ancient Slavic tribal formation appeared at. Afterwards it gradually extended and covered both sides of the Carpathians. For example the Croats inhabited the upper current of the Tyssa river behind the Carpathians.Item Скляні знахідки з поля битви під Берестечком у питаннях реконструкції гутництва(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014) Курдина, Ю. М.Описано гутництво як складний багатоаспектний процес. Розглядаються такі його складові, як: конструкція склоробних печей, організація праці у гутах, процес виготовлення скляних виробів та їх асортимент. Увага приділяється знахідкам з поля битви під Берестечком та їх значенню для вивчення асортименту продукції гут. The article deals with Hutta as a complex multidimensional process. Here it considers its components such as: design of glass furnaces, the organization of work in Hutta, the process of manufacturing glass products and their range. The attention is paid to the findings from the battlefield near Berestechko and their value for the study of products Hutta range.Item Титульний аркуш до Вісника "Держава та армія" № 784(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2014)
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