Архітектура. – 2016. – №856

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

У збірнику наукових праць опубліковано результати науково-дослідних робіт професорсько-викладацького складу Інституту архітектури Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, а також архітектурних шкіл інших вищих навчальних закладів. У публікаціях розглянуто актуальні проблеми теорії та практики у галузі архітектури, містобудування і дизайну. Для студентів, аспірантів, докторантів, наукових, науково-педагогічних працівників та спеціалістів, які працюють у галузі архітектури.

Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Архітектура : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка ; голова редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – № 856. – 243 с. : іл.


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    Об’єкти культури як містоутворювальний чинник у розвитку великого міста (зарубіжний досвід)
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Посацький, Б. С.; Грицак, М. М.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Розглянуто об’єкти культури у зарубіжних великих містах, побудовані у 2006–2014 рр., з погляду їх містоутворювального значення, запропоновано їхню класифікацію за багатьма ознаками. Подано основні терміни та поняття. Досліджено функціональне наповнення об’єктів культури (нових бібліотек і музеїв) та їхнє розташування у структурі міста. The cultural function in the modern post-industrial society, where the leading role played by education and science, can have a significant impact on the city or its individual territories, thus acquiring city-forming importance. Today in foreign countries, implemented, designed and is under construction many institutions and cultural objects. In addition to individual cultural buildings, acquire large distribution centers with a developed infrastructure through which cultural activity is important and even dominant in the functional filling of the urban space. The aim of the article is in classification of cultural objects in a number of features that are important from the perspective of urban planning: location in the city; linking with nodes of the town planning structure (functional,transport); linking with the landscape of the city; functional filling; the estimated number of visitors. This will allow to assess the impact of cultural complexes on urban situation and to determine their role in city life. In this article offers an overview of objects that were recently built or those that are under construction in greater cities for a better acquaintance with contemporary global trends. Based on consideration of the characteristics of new museum buildings we can note certain trends. Placing the museum in the structure of the city has no clear patterns as they can be located both in the central part and in the periphery of the city. We have examples when the museum is included in the structure of the existing historical buildings or located in the former industrial area on the outskirts of town. Museums are polyfunctional objects. In addition to storage and exhibition of cultural heritage, they offer visitors a wide range of additional functions: trade, offices, an auditorium for events, training and more. Volumetric composition of the building must motivate visitors to emphasize the individuality of the building. For example, the MAXXI Museum in Rome – the first national museum of modern art in Italy, designed by architects ZahaHadid. The need to provide leisure and cultural development of society was and is relevant,that is why the the cultural objects rapidly developing and starting to play a significant role in the life of a modern city. There is the practice of combining different functions in one building or urban complexes, contributing use these objects for various needs in any time.An example of continuous use the space of cultural objects is a Museum Quarter in Vienna – during the day in museums proceed the exhibition on the territory and various events, and in the evening – a resting place for students and youth.Based on consideration of new buildings of cultural objects – namely libraries and museums, we can note the following conclusions: 1. When designing cultural objects mortgaged an advanced feature set to provide a wide range of community needs. 2. Cultural objects are projected as new intellectual and cultural center of the city, district or quarter. 3. New cultural facilities are a dominant position in space of the city. Libraries and museums are forming on the dominant areas, streets, quarters.
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    Формування міського культурного ландшафту (на прикладі міст Західної України на зламі ХХ–ХХІ ст.)
    (2016) Посацький, Б. С.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Описано основні етапи формування міського культурного ландшафту міст західноукраїнського регіону впродовж другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ ст. Впродовж цього періоду можна виділити три характерні періоди, пов’язані із загальними напрямками розвитку архітектури і містобудування: І – 1945–1955, освоєння класичної спадщини у містобудуванні і архітектурі; ІІ – 1956–1990, спрощення містобудівних і архітектурних форм, вузькоутилітарне розуміння ландшафту; ІІІ – 1991 – початок ХХІ ст., плюралізм просторових форм, ущільнення забудови, зменшення природних просторів у містах. Time factor is associated with the formation of the urban landscape. Also it is directed not only to the past but to the future, because the prospect of development should always be taken into consideration in today's decision making process. Aesthetics of urban space clearly reflects the current state of the overall economic development of the city, and in a more general sense of the country as a whole. Formation of the urban cultural landscape in towns of the western region of Ukraine during the second half of ХХ century and at the beginning ofХХІcentury was in line with general trends of architecture and urban planning in Ukraine. During the above mentioned period there were three characteristic periods related to the general trends of architecture and urban planning: 1 – 1945–1955, the development of the classical heritage in urban planning and architecture. In the post-war decade in Soviet architecture there was the defining aspiration to create a complete urban ensembles in classicforms, where the organic component of such ensembles were natural spaces – green areas and elements of water. In Ternopil, Lutsk, Rivne post-war reconstruction and rehabilitat on, taking into account existing spatial situation, led to the formation of new city landscape, which was close to the historical one, especially in the centers of these cities. Instead, in Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Uzhhorod, Chernivtsithe existing cultural heritage led to the preservation of historical urban landscape. 2 – 1956–1990, simplification of urban and architectural forms, narrowly utilitarian understanding of the landscape. This period is characterized by large volumes of industrial and multi-residential building in all regional centers of the Western region. There was a kind of division of the urban landscape into two components in large cities: a –landscape of historic center with architecture and landscape monuments; b – new industrial landscape areas and mass-rise residential buildings. This situation was in Lviv, Ivano- Frankivsk, Lutsk, Rivne, Ternopil, Uzhgorod, Chernivtsi, Drohobych. In some small towns historic urban landscapes have been supplemented with new objects, as was in Gorodok, Zolochiv, Mostys'ka, Sambir, Sokal, Hust.Instead in other towns historic landscapes have been affected by new small-scale buildings, for example in Busk, Volodymyr-Volynskyi, Galych, Brody, Ostroh, Radekhiv, Rava-Ruska, Skole. 3 – 1991 – the beginning of XXI century, pluralism of spatial forms, urban compaction, reducing of natural areas in towns. Changes the political system and the introduction of market relations in the economy of Ukraine led to radical changes in urban planning. The state and local authorities as a whole were not ready to harmonize the general public interests with those of many private investors. This led to chaotic different-story building, distortions of cultural urban landscape in many cities in the region and a noticeable reduction of green areas of common use. Apart these features the role of the elements of advertises and urban design has significantly increased in the urban landscape.