Архітектура. – 2016. – №856

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

У збірнику наукових праць опубліковано результати науково-дослідних робіт професорсько-викладацького складу Інституту архітектури Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, а також архітектурних шкіл інших вищих навчальних закладів. У публікаціях розглянуто актуальні проблеми теорії та практики у галузі архітектури, містобудування і дизайну. Для студентів, аспірантів, докторантів, наукових, науково-педагогічних працівників та спеціалістів, які працюють у галузі архітектури.

Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Архітектура : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка ; голова редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – № 856. – 243 с. : іл.


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    Зміст до Вісника Серія: Архітектура № 856
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016)
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    In memoriam Ігоря Івановича Середюка
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Проскуряков, В. І.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Робота присвячена пам’яті одного з яскравих представників Львівської архітектурно школи професора І. І. Середюка. The article is dedicated to the memory of one of the brightest representatives of the Lviv School of Architecture Professor I. I. Seredyuk.
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    У міському просторі: життя і діяльність професора Б. С. Посацького
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Петришин, Г. П.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Окреслено основні життєві віхи професора Б. С. Посацького та становлення його як видатної науково-педагогічної особистості. Оцінено його внесок у розвиток урбаністичної наукової теорії та науково-методичний доробок. Вказано роль професора Б. С. Посацького у формуванні наукової думки та практичної діяльності на розвиток міського простору. Bogdan Posatskyy was born in Rzeszów on June 19, 1942. In June, 1946, after the World War II, he and his family moved to the Lviv city. In 1959 Bogdan Posatskyy finished the high school № 8 and entered the Lviv Polytechnic Institute. In 1961 in Lviv Polytechnic Institute the full-time education and specialty “architecture” at the department of architectural design (then still a part of Engineering and Building Department) was restored. Architecture students were involved in the design of the new Polytechnic objects at Student Design Bureau (SDB). At this time the first educational building and new generation of student dormitories were intensively designed under the guidance of Professor O. I. Selastelnikov and Ptof. V. D. Sydorenko. In September, 1965, after graduation from Lviv Polytechnic Institute, Bogdan Posatskyy started to work as an architect in Lviv’s affiliate of the Ukrainian Research and Design Institute of Agriculture under the guidance of an experienced architect A. I. Bahmatova, who was the graduate of Leningrad Academy of Arts. They were engaged in design of objects which had to supplement preferable the existing historically formed urban fabric of the city. In 1967 he entered the graduate school of Lviv Polytechnic Institute and defended his PhD thesis titled “Historical and architectural complexex in ensemble solving of modern cities (on example of the socialistic reconstruction of small and medium sized cities in the western regions of the USSR)”, under the guidance of PhD. A. M. Rudnuckyy. In 1972 he defended his PhD thesis in Vilnius Civil Engineering Institute. From 1970 Bogdan Posatskyy began his scientific and pedagogical work as assistant of architectural design department, which was the part of EBD. The Architectural Department at Lviv Polytechnic Institute was renewed in 1971, at the same time with Urban Planning Department. At the Urban Planning Department Posatskyy Bogdan went from assistant (1971–1975 years.), senior lecturer (1975–1978 years), associate professor (1978–1993 years.) to professor in 1993. In 2003 he was awarded the academic status: the professor of urban planning department. In 1972 Bogdan Posatskyy was admitted to the National Union of Architects of Ukraine. While working at the Urban Planning Department, Bogdan Posatskyy is constantly engaged in the scientific study of the problems of historical cities urban planning reconstruction of the western region, and highlights his vision in numerous articles and presentations at scientific conferences. In 1982 the associate professor Bogdan Posatskyy was elected as the Chair of Urban Planning Department and re-elected to this post in 1987. During the 1980 and early 1990s, the department staff was working on the state budget scientific theme “The problems of integrated management of the urban environment, the formation of urban development, planning and construction of residential and industrial areas.” At the same time in the 1986-1990 under the leadership of Bogdan Posatskyy the department had performed a complex target program of Ministry of Education of the USSR “Integrated development planning, development and improvement of the city”. The Department intensified its efforts with scientific personnel training. Under the direction of Bogdan Posatskyy the following PhD thesises were defended: I. Ya. Chernyak – “Architectural and planning organization of rural agricultural enterprises (on the example of the western region of the USSR)", graduate student from Syria M. Z. Malla – “Architecture and planning reconstruction of historical destricts of the largest Syria’s cities.”, in 2005 H. R. Kharchuk defended her thesis titled: “Formation of Truskavets architecture in the XIX – early XX century (on the example of resort buildings)”. From 1983–1989 at the Urban Planning Department the Research laboratory № 17 was acting under the scientific and methodological guidance of Bogdan Posatskyy. It performed the economic-contractual scientific themes commissioned by institutions and organizations. Bogdan Posatskyy understood the traditions of Lviv architectural school, which has always been known for advanced methods of teaching and he also was aware of the need to teach students in their native language. At the end of 1970 Bogdan Posatskyy begins to write and publicate the methodological literature, the most important one is tutorial “Urban Bases” wich was republished few times and won the recognition of educators and architects of ukrainian universities. The recognition of his outstanding contributions to Ukrainian architectural architectural education and science has been reflected in his election in 1994 as corresponding member of the Ukrainian Academy of Architecture. During the last decades he is considering a scientific problem of the mutual influence and the overall development of culture and urban structures of the second half of XX century in Western Ukraine. Certain steps of his work were published, particularly, in the Notes of the Shevchenko Scientific Society. The theoretical understanding of problem of the urban space and cultural phenomena interaction was highligheted in the following book: “The City Space and Urban Culture (at the turn of XX–XXI century), Lviv, 2007 and the fundamental collective monograph: “The architecture of Lviv city. “Time and style XIII–XXI c.”, Lviv, 2008. In 2011 Bogdan Posatskyy was honored by his election as a Fellow of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Architecture and Urban Planning Commission, because of his important and multifaceted contributions into the development of Ukrainian architectural science. After the proclamation of the Ukrainian independence, Bogdan Posatskyy was one of the first who started to cooperate with colleagues from architectural schools of Poland. From 1995 he is a member of the International Society of urban planning (UK). Since student years Bohdan Posatskyy has been involved in the architecture and landscape photography. Numerous official delegations and guests who have been visiting Lviv Polytechnic have been getting acquainted with the architecture of the main building of historical and architectural heritage and modernity of the city through the lectures and excursions of Bogdan Posatskyy. In 2016 for significant personal achievements in the development of independent Ukraine, Posatskyy Bogdan Stepanovych – Professor of Urban Planning Department of the Institute of Architecture of the Lviv Polytechnic National University was awarded by the President of Ukraine – with the anniversary medal “25 years of independence of Ukraine”.
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    Проблеми та перспективи зовнішньої реклами в історичному Львові
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Швед, О.; Попович, О.; Лотошинська, Н.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Розробити концепцію творення зовнішнього рекламного оформлення історичної частини міста, яке б відповідало сучасним вимогам дизайну, ергономіки, урбаністики та естетики міського простору. На основі досліджень спроектовано та запропоновано альтернативні варіанти існуючих рекламних вивісок з візуалізацією на архітектурному об’єкті у межах історико-архітектурного заповідника Львова. In conditions of overwhelming information space by various advertising carriers in huge number and size of outdoor advertising media in Ukraine especially in large cities usually exceeds the appropriate amount creating additional information pressure. The concept of creation urban outdoor advertising design must comply with the modern requirements of design, ergonomics, urbanism and aesthetics of city space, where outdoor advertising, visual information and urban environment form the unified harmonious ensemble. Each element of the advertising carrier should be an integral part of the aesthetic design of advertising information and be on a high level of design decisions. Furthermore, there are normative acts provided by the laws of Ukraine, which regulates principles and rules for outdoor advertising in the city. Moreover, it is important to understand that the task of designers involved in the creation of advertising in the historic environment or building, is to avoid of creating visual time dissonance. At the current stage of research and development of advertising for the historic city center raises the question of professional approach and consideration of European experience in setting up the historic area of the city, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Generally, the information concerning the study of specific placement of advertising signs or constructions are mainly artistic or architectural, while informational advertising component, which would include iconographic, analytical and stylistic analysis to create advertising that would harmoniously combined form, content and style with the historic atmosphere of the city are either superficial or generally ignored. Actually, this is the scientific novelty of the chosen subject. The purpose of this research is to develop an algorithm of creating outdoor advertising for the historical city center on the example of designing alternative advertising signs that meet with the modern design principles, municipal advertising laws and respect for their historic context. While designing the outdoor advertising on a historic building the developers’ priority of design solution should be the examples of first advertising, which was installed at the site of the future of design. In order to determine this, it is necessary to explore the history of advertising on the site. For this purpose could be used any source: archives, libraries, internet-museums, etc. The investigation of architectural analogues enables to compensate the absence or lack of photographic materials that would allow to thoroughly study the history of advertising on the studied architectural heritage and, in the absence of earlier advertising on it. Analysis of advertising typographic graphics samples of ХІХ–ХХ century allows to determine the characteristics and aspects of its use in modern design advertising in the historic environment. The study of color advertising is also one of the main priorities in the design in historical city. Considering that the above presented studies due to technology state at the time did not convey full information about historical advertising, such as color and shades of advertising, there is an urgent need to appeal to the iconographic research. Having investigated and evaluated the problem, conducted research summarized in the developed algorithm of creating an urban outdoor advertising design.Structuring the necessary material for making advertising signs that implemented by developed algorithm and its visualization in an assembled catalogue allowing to lay the foundation of outdoor advertising considering the status of the city as a World Heritage property.
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    Флоральні мотиви в архітектурі модерну Харкова
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Коровкіна, Г. А.; Харківський національний університет міського господарства ім. О. М. Бекетова
    Розглянуто флоральні мотиви декоративного оздоблення в архітектурі модерну Харкова. This article examines floral motifs within the decorative elements of Art Nouveau architecture in Kharkiv. Stages in the formation of the Art Nouveau style are examined, as well as its interrelationship with the other arts. Of significant influence on the architecture of this period are the fine arts, theatrical performances and poetry. Art Nouveau architecture not only consolidates the achievements of these arts, but also those of manufacturing, and even the chemical industries. The author draws attention to the lack of existing research regarding the natural decorative motifs in the artistic conception of Kharkiv’s Art Nouveau architecture. Particular attention is drawn to several species of flora, whose prevalence in decorative motifs unites buildings of this style. Façades featuring chamomile flowers and daisies, executed in a number of techniques, are examined in detail. The inclusion of the sunflower, as a generalised representation of the flower head, is also reviewed. The chamomile flower, in this case, is taken to include all types of this plant, ranging from its medicinal species to its more common meadow variant. Imagery of the chamomile attracted a large number of artists and poets, as well as architects. The daisy, which may be viewed as a variety of the chamomile, has the Latin name bellus, meaning beautiful or fair. Depictions of this plant, with its elegant flower heads, symbolised peace and well-being. Images of the sunflower were likely used in reference to its abundance in producing of a large number of seeds, and thus represented prosperity and the improvement of living standards. As a result of the research undertaken, the author finds a significant number of buildings which depict the laurel, which, unlike the chamomile, is not native to Kharkiv. However, by drawing a historical analogy, the laurel wreath can be understood to symbolise victory and triumph. Its image is preserved in numerous monuments, where it crowns the temples of triumphant warriors, emperors and military leaders. In these cases, this symbol was used to represent grandeur, prominence and solemnity. Laurel wreaths were similarly presented to successful sportsmen, to singers and to poets. As a decorative element, the laurel is used in wreaths, garlands, ironwork and other architectural features. Other decorative floral elements in Kharkiv’s Art Nouveau architecture are also reviewed, among them roses, irises, bouquets and garlands. The author examines the floral themes in the Art Nouveau architecture of Kharkiv as an idiosyncratic regional feature, presenting and analysing particular characteristics of decorative floral motifs, and commenting upon the commitment of certain architects to particular botanic elements. As a result of this research, the author offers a classification of floral elements in the appearance of Art Nouveau buildings, presenting the interrelationship between their conceptual content and the objective of the building.
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    Міські герби в оздобленні фасадів будівель міста Львова
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Цюпа, М. С.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Проаналізовано геральдичний декор, що зображає герб міста на фасадах будівель Львова. На основі власних емпіричних досліджень та фотофіксації збережених у Львові зразків геральдичного декору проаналізовано історичний аспект формування та застосування гербів в архітектурі. Описано стильові особливості розвитку геральдичного декору та проведено класифікацію геральдичного декору. In the article analyzed heraldic decoration depicting a coat of arms on the facades of Lviv’s buildings. We describe stylistic features of heraldic decoration, described the classification of materials and classification heraldic decoration. Works of heraldic décor historically and artistically represent the epoch of their creation. Heraldric compositions is the symbols of the city or the founders of various buildings and facilities constitute an integral part of Lviv architecture. Lviv emblem is one of the oldest Ukrainian city signs. The emblem depicts a lion which is a major figure and a symbol of the city. The coat of arms of the city of Lviv features a golden lion beneath a city gate in a blue field. The lion was a traditional symbol of the city throughout the ages. Initially it was used as a seal in the court. The first such depictions occurred on 13th-century seals. The earliest known emblem of the city features a lion passant through a city gate pointed with three towers. It was featured on a city council seals, used by the magistrate in 1359 and later. In 1526 Polish king Sigismund the Old of Poland formally accepted the coat of arms. After the capture of the Kingdom of Poland Lviv city began to use the mark on flags, facades of the buildings, books, in trade and so on. In 1586 bishop Jan Dymitr Sulikowski,royal diplomat and a bishop of Lwów, as the city was called back then, was accepted on an audience by the Pope Sixtus V. The emblem of the city has changed over the years, new pieces were added, but in the center of the composition there always was a lion at the gate. In this form it was preserved till our times. At present a great deal of works of heraldic décor on the facades of Lviv buildings need restoration. Restoration of the old city sign gave rise to a new stage of Ukrainian municipal heraldry. Analyzing saved emblems can be divided into three groups: The first group includes heraldic composition XVII. This signs are made of stone and placed in homes and other buildings; the second is the heraldic composition placed on educational institutions, mainly schools and gymnasiums, made in the XIX century. third heraldic composition is placed on the administrative and public buildings XVIII–XX centuries. Based on field research revealed that the heraldic composition belonging to the first group are made of stone, the herb are placed on a round disk with Latin inscriptions or laurel wreath. Stone emblems placed on the walls of apartment buildings on the 13 Serbian St., and 28, 36 Staroevreyska St. Heraldic composition belonging to the second group, placed on the facade of the Gothic schools on boards or cartouche with curls. They include former female school of Queen Jadwiga on 10 Shevchenko Pr., School St. Anne on 2 Leontovych. St., former school of A. Mickiewicz on 15 Theatralna St., former City School of Tadeusz Chatsky on 10 Tamanska St., School of Bartholomew Zimorovycha on 171 Lychakivska St., formerly School of Nicholas Ray on 6 Chornovola Pr., a former female professional school on the 8–10 Zelena St., the former Industrial School on 47 Snopkivska St., a former school of Piramovych on 17 Pidvalna st., school of Stashytsya on the 45 Lesya Ukrayinka st. The herbs belonging to the third group placed on administrative and public buildings, it is a Town Hall of Lviv on 1 Runok Sq., Fire Strantion on 6 Pidvalna st., the National Museum on 10 Liberty Pr., Central Station house on 1 Dvirceva Sq., the former home of the Chamber of Commerce in 17–19 Shevchenko Pr., Lviv department of civil registration on 157 Franko St. Heraldic compositions located on the pediments, walls or above the main entrance. Some heraldic composition of this group are decorated with sculptural design. After analyzing the principles of conservation of architecture and heraldic decoration in Europe and Lviv, we can say that the heradicl decoration is an integral part of the buildings, historical monuments and the art. Preservation of monuments is an important task because today a lot of buildings, areas and samples of decoration on the facades of Lviv buildings need restoration.
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    Чинники формування оборонних споруд монастирів Західної України у XVII–XVIII ст.
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Рибчинський, О. В.; Хохонь, М. П.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Опрацьовано чинники, що впливали на розвиток та формування укріплень монастирів у XVII–XVIII ст. Монастирі та їхні захисні редути завжди відігравали роль активних домінант у просторі. Проте з плином часу сформований архітектурний образ руйнується. Фахове вивчення цієї проблематики розкриває раніше не відомі аспекти існування та окреслює перспективи функціонування монастирських комплексів. In seventeenth and eighteenth centuries monastic complexes had reliable fortifications, which were developed according to the newest requisites of the times. Most of the monasteries lost their ecclesiastical, religional, scientifical, cultural, and artistic roles during the twentieth century; this became the reason of their decline and gradual decay. Today, many monasteries gradually restore their original roles of spiritual havens. However, the fortifications which are essential parts of their architectural image are not protected and are in decay. In this article we present monasteries of seventeenth and eighteenth centuries which were founded both inside city walls and included in the city fortification systems, and outside cities and constructed on highlands or lowlands. As a result of the analysis it was possible do discern that the monasteries located on plains or lowlands had regular fortifications, while the ones on highlands had irregular fortifications. In some monastic complexes due to development of architectural and engineering thought, and also due to political and administrative factors, developed fortification systems arose. Correctly chosen location for a monastery was a helpful factor for defence. Hills, rivers, and swampy territories were natural defensive elements. In seventeenth and eighteenth centuries three categories of monastic complexes evolved: 1) monasteries on highlands, 2) monasteries on plains, 3) monasteries on lowlands. Monasteries on highlands were the most common. Such complexes are present in Pidkamin, Pochaiv, Yazlivets, Berezhany, Lviv (Discalced Carmelites, Benedictine Nuns, Missionaries, Reformats Orders), Monastyrok. Monasteries on plain territories had regular layout and were located inside city walls (in Bohorodchany, Variazh, Husiatyn, Zhovkva, Zbarazh, Leshniv, Rohatyn, Sambir (both Bernardine and Dominican). The least common were the ones located on lowlands. Among these are the abodes in Yezupil, Mariampil, Lviv (Bernardine), Terebovlia, Univ, Lavriv, Krekhiv, Maniava, the ones in Chernyliawa and Shchyplotiv do not exist today. As a rule, monasteries were located near main roads: either inside or outside city walls. Among the complexes located outside of the urban structures, and near local roads, are the ones in Dobromyl, Zavaliv, Lviv (Benedictine Nuns, Reformats), the Maniavskyi Skyt, Vitsyn, Lavriv, Krekhiv, Sokal (Bernardine). Among the monasteries located near the main road inside city walls or right next to city fortifications, are the abodes in Berezhany, Belz, Bohorodchany, Zhovkva (Dominican), Zbarazh, Leshniv, Mariampil, Rohatyn, Lviv (Bernardine). Such monasteries were included in the city fortification systems and were located next to the city gates. Monastic complexes located near main roads next to the city walls, usually played the role of outposts, so they had to be placed on hills. These are Pidkamin monastery, Pochaiv, Peremyshliany, Yazlivets, Lviv (Basilian, Carmelite), Sambir (Jesuit, Bridgettine), and Sokal (Bridgettine). During the history, the monasteries played an active and important role in the spread of the Holy Scripture, in the development of education, and in the defence of the borders of the state. In seventeenth and eighteenth centuries monasteries on plains were founded inside city walls and were included into the cities’ defensive systems. Monasteries outside city limits were constructed on hills or on lowlands. Monasteries located on plain territories or on lowlands, had regular fortification systems. The ones on hills got irregular fortifications that depended much on the present landscape. Monasteries with developed fortifications were extraordinary; they had significant political and administrative factors influence them, as well as the architectural and engineering achievements of the time.
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    Принципи ревалоризації архітектурного ансамблю Василіанського монастиря Преображення Господнього під Бучачем Тернопільської області
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Ремешило-Рибчинська, О. І.; Знак, І. Б.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Визначено основні принципи ревалоризації архітектурних ансамблів монастирів Чину Святого Василія Великого (ЧСВВ) та показано їх використання у процесі розроблення проекту відновлення монастирського ансамблю Преображення Господнього під Бучачем Тернопільської області. At its core, the monastery of St. Basil the Great – is the main form of monasticism. Architecturally they are the complete ensembles of historic, cultural, architectural and artistic value and belong to the historical and architectural heritage of the Ukrainian people. To this day in western Ukraine more than 100 ensembles of monasteries of St. Basil the Great have reached with partially preserved churches, monastery buildings, gardens and parks. However, over the centuries, due to the different historical and political factors, most of these bands were subjected to destruction, and compositional integrity affected by major changes undergone some partial and total destruction and as a result they lost their value in modern society. Unfortunately, they are as objects of study, are still out of sight of restoration science, but they have historical artistic and cultural value. In order to save these architectural monuments back to life, it is necessary to continue to use them, which, of course, involves some modernization and adaptation processing of individual elements with a focus on the needs of modern society. Nowadays it is the actual definition of the basic principles of revalorization of monastic ensembles of St. Basil the Great for processing based on the means of implementation. This will be the basis of their application to restore spatial content of monastic ensembles, which in their turn contribute to the socioeconomic development of the territory and increase their value in modern society. If we want to breathe new life into the building, the only one of the restoration will not be enough, because the monastery ensemble - a harmonious unification residential buildings, commercial and sacred purpose of landscape areas that are formed on the basis of the Order of St. Basil the Great that aesthetically inscribed in landscape. They need the new approaches to their current use. Revalorization (from the French. Revalorisation – the return of the lost value) - an activity designed to bring the real monument to the state in which it is possible to complete perception memorial values. The afdaptation, on the other hand, is an important point, defined the concept of “valorization” close period “revalorization”. This term means “to confer value” or “provide value”. Revalorization of architectural ensembles involves a set of scientifically based measures to identify: the potential of their cultural, social, historical, material value within the region, in order to obtain economic benefits from their recovery and creation of tourism infrastructure; degree of preservation and reproduction of their desired weight authentic functional structure, architectural and artistic image of the historic landscape. For example the project design of reconstruction defense of monastery complex of Transfiguration in Buchach in Ternopil region with usageof it as pilgrimage center, formed new approaches to the use of modern monastery of St. Basil the Great. We also determined the main principles such as the principle of preserving the integrity of borders, preserving the principle of the historical landscape, preservation of stylistic unity principle, the principle of providing new features or interpreting the principle and the principle of rational use will contribute to the sustained movement towards giving them new life. This will be the basis of their application to restore spatial content of monastic ensembles of St. Basil the Great, which in their turn contribute to the socioeconomic development of the territory and increase their value in modern society.
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    Палацовий комплекс у с. Самчиках Хмельницької обл. – приклад класицистичної європейської архітектури кінця XVIII – початку XIX ст.
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Погранична, І. І.; Palace and park complex in Samchiki village, Khmelnitsky regione – example of classic european architecture in the end of XVIII – the first half of XIX century
    Охарактеризовано архітектурні особливості та етапи розвитку палацового комплексу у с. Самчики Хмельницької обл. Встановлено, що палацові комплекси були центральною композиційною домінантою у структурі села. Проте з розвитком поселення та недоцільним функціональним використанням палацового комплексу руйнується архітектурний образ пам’ятки та поселення загалом. Науково обґрунтовані рекомендації щодо збереження та реставрації історичної забудови класицистичних резиденцій допоможуть зберегти унікальні складові історико-культурної спадщини України. The article describes the architectural characteristics and stages of development of palace complex in the Samchiki village Khmelnitsky region. Stated, that palace complexes were central composition in the village’s structure. The high architectural and artistic level of buildings – elements of ensembles was reached through participation in their designing and decorating the most recognized and talented architects and painters of this time. One of them is the famous Polish architect Jakub Kubicky, who built a palace for Tadeusz Chatsky in Kremenets in 1805, for Peter Chechel in Samchiki during 1795–1805, for Marcin Tarnavski in Berezhtsi and others. The palace complex in the Samchiki village is very interesting. One of the characteristic features of the classic art of palace building, which is clearly reflected in the Samchiki farmstead is complexity and stylistic integrity of the entire area as a whole, when the main building is in harmony with annexes, outhouses and park surroundings. The palace complex has experienced several stages of formation and development, including: First period: beginning of the XVIII century – laying of the first buildings and a small park; Second period: XVIII - the beginning of XIX century – construction of classic architectural ensemble (architect Jakub Kubicky) and planning of the landscape of the park and gardens; Third period: the XIX century – adding a thorn hedge and laying regular park. Over the years, there were numerous alterations and extensions. However, if in the pre-revolutionary times, restructuring and redevelopment of the estate were made with the needs of owners, from the second part of the XX century all buildings without exception stylistic features and formed plan of the park, and sometimes with destruction of historic buildings, which was because of change their functionality. It happened with existing greenhouses and “garden in the walls.” Greenhouses were destroyed in their place were built a greenhouses, garages and research station. So-called “Garden in walls” was turned into a warehouse of building materials. On the territory of estate the kindergarten, research station, boiler, houses and hospital were built. The architecture not only meets the historic environment, but in general has no sign of style. Those buildings classified as dissonant buildings. Thus, the palace and park complex is part of a unique historical and architectural heritage of settlements and their stylistic and aesthetic characteristics help to preserve the authentic image of the settlements of regional and international tourism. This indicates that it is necessary to identify, consider and value popularization palace complexes in the formation of settlements. Now, there are not the best days of palace and park complex. Palace, gate, fencing and ancillary buildings need restoration and park - a radical upgrade, possibly laying the new. Nowadays, it is necessary to carry out not only restoration work, but also the reconstruction of three-dimensional structure of the palace and park complex, which is aimed to restore the whole image.
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    Історична фортеця “Окопи Святої трійці” на Тернопільщині
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Лукомська, З. В.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    У дослідженні представлено маловідомий фортифікаційний об’єкт “Окопи Святої Трійці”, який був зведений у XVII ст. на території сучасного с. Окопи, Борщівського району, Тернопільської області. Унікальність об’єкта полягає у його розташуванні на вузькому перешийку із стрімкими скелястими берегами, у межиріччі, недалеко від впадіння р. Збруч у р. Дністер. Розкрито особливості колишнього стратегічного військового об’єкта, представлено його етапи розвитку від періоду закладення до сучасного стану. Проведено ідентифікацію збережених цінних елементів колишньої фортеці та виконано теоретичну реконструкцію її первісної планувальної структури. Запропоновано ідеї щодо представлення, охорони та збереження існуючих фрагментів історичної фортеці. In this article one of the little-known fortificated objects, called Okopy of the Holy Trinity, is represented. This fortress was erected in the XVII century on the territory of modern village Okopy, situated near town Borshchiv in Ternopil region. Stanisław Jan Jabłonowski (crown hetman of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth) and Marcin Kazimierz Kątski (voivode of Kyiv) - are known as the founders of this stronghold. The authorship of the project is ascribed to the famous Dutch architect Tylman van Gameren. The uniqueness of this object is hidden in its location on a narrow isthmus surrounded by a rapid rocky shores, between two rivers - Zbruch and Dnister. The fortress consisted of two lines of defense. The structure of the eastern line of defense consisted of: two demi-bastions, one bastion, ravelin and the gate (called “Kamjanetska”). The structure of the western line includes: two demi-bastions, ravelin and the gate (called “Lvivska”). The features of the former strategic military object and stages of its development are also presented in this article. Castle reached its greatest prosperity in the beginning of XVIII century - after receiving the status of the “city”, but after arriving of Austrian Empire the fortress finally collapsed. In this article we defined that fortification system Okopy of the Holy Trinity belongs to old Dutch military engineering school. We can find using of such type of fortification in famous objects dated XVII - XVIII centuries, we are talking about Stanislaviv, Brody, Czestochowa. The most interesting of analogous objects is fortress Mariampil situated in Galician district of Ivano-Frankivsk region, which was built in the late XVIIc. by Jan Jabłonowski. The most interesting related features, that assimilated these two objects, are unique natural local conditions combined with bastion fortifications, that were used both in Okopy and in Mariampil as a major defense measures. At this stage of development, we have partially preserved fragments of two entrance gates, fully preserved fragment of guard tower, fragments of bastions and curtain walls are saved in the form of significant differences of relief. Nowadays, the former valuable historical fortress has no conservation status, for this reason, all preserved fragments are going to ruin. While our research work we made an identification of the surviving elements of the former fortress and implemented theoretical reconstruction of its original planning structure. We also presented ideas concerning protection and preservation of existing historical fragments of the fortress. Also we considered examples of successful marking, museumification and exhibiting of the former defense complexes in Europe. An important aspect of the protection, conservation and adaptation of valuable historic fortification complex involves in joining them to the existing popular tourist ways and programs. Given the fact that a former fortress Okopy of the Holy Trinity is located nearby the famous tourist attractions: the castle in Khotyn and the fortress in Kamjanets-Podilsky, for this reason the inclusion of the object to the tourism program of the region enables to promote this historical complex and helps in its protection and preservation.