Архітектура. – 2016. – №856

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

У збірнику наукових праць опубліковано результати науково-дослідних робіт професорсько-викладацького складу Інституту архітектури Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”, а також архітектурних шкіл інших вищих навчальних закладів. У публікаціях розглянуто актуальні проблеми теорії та практики у галузі архітектури, містобудування і дизайну. Для студентів, аспірантів, докторантів, наукових, науково-педагогічних працівників та спеціалістів, які працюють у галузі архітектури.

Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Архітектура : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка ; голова редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – № 856. – 243 с. : іл.


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    Принципи ревалоризації архітектурного ансамблю Василіанського монастиря Преображення Господнього під Бучачем Тернопільської області
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Ремешило-Рибчинська, О. І.; Знак, І. Б.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Визначено основні принципи ревалоризації архітектурних ансамблів монастирів Чину Святого Василія Великого (ЧСВВ) та показано їх використання у процесі розроблення проекту відновлення монастирського ансамблю Преображення Господнього під Бучачем Тернопільської області. At its core, the monastery of St. Basil the Great – is the main form of monasticism. Architecturally they are the complete ensembles of historic, cultural, architectural and artistic value and belong to the historical and architectural heritage of the Ukrainian people. To this day in western Ukraine more than 100 ensembles of monasteries of St. Basil the Great have reached with partially preserved churches, monastery buildings, gardens and parks. However, over the centuries, due to the different historical and political factors, most of these bands were subjected to destruction, and compositional integrity affected by major changes undergone some partial and total destruction and as a result they lost their value in modern society. Unfortunately, they are as objects of study, are still out of sight of restoration science, but they have historical artistic and cultural value. In order to save these architectural monuments back to life, it is necessary to continue to use them, which, of course, involves some modernization and adaptation processing of individual elements with a focus on the needs of modern society. Nowadays it is the actual definition of the basic principles of revalorization of monastic ensembles of St. Basil the Great for processing based on the means of implementation. This will be the basis of their application to restore spatial content of monastic ensembles, which in their turn contribute to the socioeconomic development of the territory and increase their value in modern society. If we want to breathe new life into the building, the only one of the restoration will not be enough, because the monastery ensemble - a harmonious unification residential buildings, commercial and sacred purpose of landscape areas that are formed on the basis of the Order of St. Basil the Great that aesthetically inscribed in landscape. They need the new approaches to their current use. Revalorization (from the French. Revalorisation – the return of the lost value) - an activity designed to bring the real monument to the state in which it is possible to complete perception memorial values. The afdaptation, on the other hand, is an important point, defined the concept of “valorization” close period “revalorization”. This term means “to confer value” or “provide value”. Revalorization of architectural ensembles involves a set of scientifically based measures to identify: the potential of their cultural, social, historical, material value within the region, in order to obtain economic benefits from their recovery and creation of tourism infrastructure; degree of preservation and reproduction of their desired weight authentic functional structure, architectural and artistic image of the historic landscape. For example the project design of reconstruction defense of monastery complex of Transfiguration in Buchach in Ternopil region with usageof it as pilgrimage center, formed new approaches to the use of modern monastery of St. Basil the Great. We also determined the main principles such as the principle of preserving the integrity of borders, preserving the principle of the historical landscape, preservation of stylistic unity principle, the principle of providing new features or interpreting the principle and the principle of rational use will contribute to the sustained movement towards giving them new life. This will be the basis of their application to restore spatial content of monastic ensembles of St. Basil the Great, which in their turn contribute to the socioeconomic development of the territory and increase their value in modern society.
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    Середовищні музеї як засіб музеєфікації містобудівної спадщини
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Ремешило-Рибчинська, О. І.; Брич, М. Т.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”
    Проаналізовано проблеми охорони історико-культурних пам’яток містобудівної спадщини, їх поєднання з регіоном, суспільством і оточенням. Запропоновано метод збереження пам’яток шляхом музеєфікації і створення на їх основі середовищних музеїв з метою максимального збереження та виявлення їхньої історико-культурної, наукової, художньої цінності. Здійснено спробу класифікації середовищних музеїв. In this article problems of historical and cultural monuments and urban planning heritage protection, their connection with the region, society and environment are analysed. The method of their preservation by way of museumfication and creation of environmental museums on their basis with the aim of preserving and revealing their historical, cultural, scientific and artistic value is proposed. The author attempts to classify environmental museums. Due to the rapid changes in the modern world, the acute question of monument conservation arises. Using historical and cultural heritage is the object of attention of the international community, and conservation is one of the most important factors in the harmonious development of society, all its systems and subsystems. The need to preserve cultural heritage of humanity entails the intensification of modern museum functioning. Museums now refer to new forms of urban heritage conservation. The proposed research is devoted to the environmental museums, where attractions of urban development, most revealing elements of culture, are the main exhibits. Since the architecture is directly linked with the complex synthesis of culture and customs, the monument should not be shown by themselves, but in combination with other related works of material and spiritual culture. Such complexes and ensembles are impossible to perceive, taking each individual object. It is important to consider them in the context of their original appearance and existence. The whole region, where there are several nearby monuments of architecture or town planning, needed to be seen as the holistic museum. Today the trend is a combination of architectural, archaeological and landscape monuments within the protected zones. This means a shift from preservation of individual monuments to museumfication of entire urban complexes, restoration of cultural and historical environment of the past. It is much easier and more efficient to create historical, cultural and architectural reservation, organize museum-reserves based on monuments of architectural and urban planning. The number of newly established environmental museums significantly surpasses the number of traditional museums. Undoubtedly, in the next decade, this tendency will only increase. Creating environmental museums today is an effective means of preserving the material and spiritual values, which helps to represent cultural heritage to the public and properly interpret it. The environmental museum today is the best form to store different types of historical and cultural heritage of architectural and urban planning, as well as to attempt to classify museumficated objects, most of which are very different types of environmental museums. Unfortunately, the current socio-cultural situation in Ukraine is not conducive to the development of the museum network. The problem of inclusion of fallen monuments of architecture and urban planning to modern life remains unresolved.