Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації. – 2013. – №766

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"

У віснику відображено результати досліджень з теорії і проектування радіо-електронних кіл та пристроїв, антен і пристроїв НВЧ-діапазону, систем телекомунікації та інформаційних мереж, а також математичного моделювання та конструювання радіо-електронних схем і радіоапаратури. Для наукових працівників, інженерів та студентів старших курсів, фахівців з радіотехніки, інформаційних технологій та телекомунікаційних систем, матеріалознавства, інформатики, вимірювання і контролю якості.

Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» : [збірник наукових праць] / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – № 766 : Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації / відповідальний редактор Б. А. Мандзій. – 212 с. : іл.


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    Выбор оптимальной топологии транспортной сети мобильной связи с учетом противоречивых показателей качества
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Чеботарёва, Д. В.
    To meet the put forward contradictory technical and economic demands to the structure of transmission networks it is necessary to use multi-criteria optimization methods when planning them. During our planning of a transmission network we design such a topology that has to provide high quality and sufficient reserve capacity at least costs. In practice it means that the designer must balance three transmission network quality factors, which characterize the cost, the quality and the capacity. In this paper we are going to discuss mostly the features of performing the nominal stage of the transmission network planning with the aid of multi-criteria optimization methods. We substantiate our choice of the set of quality factors which can be used to find the optimal topology of a transmission network with respect to them. The optimization procedure includes the next steps: 1) forming a set of valid network topology variants; 2) extracting from the obtained set the Pareto-optimal variants followed by selection of a single variant. The main method to protect against unavailability factor increase is to build a ring topology. However this strategy requires the use of additional equipment and trunks which will lead to a considerable increase in the cost of our network. The cost of the network should be calculated in accordance with the required number of connections and of cross-connectors. That is why it is advisable to carry out the optimization of a mobile communications transmission network with respect to these two conflicting parameters, namely, unavailability factor and cost. Analysis of stages and tasks of mobile communication transmission networks has been done. Initial data, technical characteristics and quality factors that are taken into account during transmission networks planning have been determined. A feature of such networks is that their quality factors are not only related and contradictory to each other, but the values of them depend on the selected specific network topology. That is why to select optimal topologies of a transmission network taking into account the set of quality factors we have to use general provisions of multi-criteria optimization. The paper presents results of solution to the problem of discrete choice of transmission network optimal topologies. The choice takes into account the set of quality factors, namely, unavailability factor and network cost. The set of valid topologies is constructed. The values of contradictory quality factors are estimated and the subset of Paretooptimal variants of network topology over the criterion space of estimates of quality factors is found. By using the conditional preference criterion we extracted a single variant of transmission network topology from the Pareto subset. Рассмотрены особенности оптимизации транспортной сети и приведены результаты решения задачи выбора оптимальной топологии транспортной сети с учетом совокупности показателей качества на основе методов многокритериальной оптимизации.
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    Зміст до Вісника "Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації"
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)
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    Титульний аркуш до Вісника "Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації"
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)
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    Динаміка формування пульсових сигналів дистальних відділів променевих артерій
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Сторчун, Є. В.; Климух, А. Р.
    In last time new methods and hardware-software system, which combine eastern medicine traditions and western technologies are commonly used in diagnostic practice. Pulse diagnostics is one of the ancient methods for disease state identification. For diagnostic purposes different kind of arteries zones can be observed, but most popular is pulse diagnostics of wrist joints radial arteries. It is based on recording of signal from three zones, lied closely along the radial arteries of left and right hands. For the purpose of pulse diagnostics special kinds of sensing devices are used. Preliminary model with schema included acoustic impedances of artery part, soft tissues of registration zone and sensing device was proposed. In this model was assumed, that sensor occlusion force distributed between the model elements and other object structures is constant. Acoustic impedances of artery part and soft tissues were modeled by elastic component taking into consideration pulse signals spectrum. In this work modeling and experimental results of pulse signal forming by distal zone of radial artery depending on sensor occlusion force were presented. Artery stiffness was defined from the curve showing dependency between the transmural pressure and the relative change of artery volume. Stiffness evaluation results were approximated by second order polynom relative to force conformed to diastolic pressure of patient. Experimental verification of new model for vessels with small tensibility was carried out. Data were obtained for artery zone length 5 mm and pulse pressure mmHg. Artery stiffness polynomial model took into consideration fraction of occlusion force fitted the artery and soft tissues .Initial data for modeling were diastolic and pulse pressure of patient, artery diameter and length, and coefficient defining the increment of soft tissues impedance component depending on occlusive force. All dependencies were evaluated for each patient in dependency of arterial blood pressure, artery diameter and elastic response. During the simulation study artery diameter was changed in range (1,9 – 3,8) mm in compliance with measuring results obtained by another authors. Length of artery registration zone was changed until the matching of computation and experimental results. Experiment was done using the device with piezoelectric and tensoresistive sensors joined mechanical sequentially. Investigations for pulse signals from seven zones accordingly to eastern medicine canons were done for 4 patients in age 18-25 years old. Their results showed the adequacy of calculated meanings of pulse signal for different artery zone length in range of small values of occlusion forces. This fact can be explained by model affixment to the object exactly in this range. It can be suggested, that there is no interference of different zones during the pulse signal forming, when occlusive forces of sensors have value from range 0 – 2.0 N. In case of higher occlusive force values deformation of artery is starting. Consequences of deformation are that the elastic properties and pulse wave propagation process are changing. In such conditions process of pulse signal forming could not be described by elaborated model. Наведено результати моделювання та експериментальних досліджень динаміки формування пульсових сигналів дистальних відділів променевих артерій людини залежно від сили притискання перетворювача до зон їх реєстрації.
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    Методика оцінки показників ефективності радіоелектронного комплексу моніторингу повітряного простору
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Волочій, Б. Ю.; Озірковський, Л. Д.; Шкілюк, О. П.; Мащак, А. В.
    In this paper a method for estimation efficiency indexes for algorithm behavior of radioelectronic complex system of airspace monitoring is developed. This method takes into account the structure of adioelectronic complex system of airspace monitoring, technical and tactical characteristics of the reliability of hardware and qualifications of the human operator. Method involves the following stages. Forming of equivalent algorithm behavior is the first stage. Equivalent algorithm behavior is composed of operating and verifying blocks which reflect the functions of the radioelectronic complex system and the actions of human operator. For equivalent algorithm behavior forming is required to add two types of operating blocks that will characterize the reliability of hardware and software. Developing structural-automatic model is the second stage. Structural-automatic model is formalized representation of structure and behavior of radioelectronic complex system. Developing of structural-automatic model involves solving the following tasks: select a set of parameters of radioelectronic complex system that must be included in its model. The components of the vector state and basic events are defined. Modificational component rules tree of the state vector based on the components of the vector state and basic events is formed. The model of the algorithm behavior radioelectronic complex system is developed as a graph and state transitions. Developing of this model is the third stage of method. This task is performed using the software module ASNA-1. The system of linear differential equations of Kolmogorov - Chapman is formed and solved by program module ASNA-1. Solution of linear differential equations is obtained in the form of probability distribution being in the states. The fourth stage provides for forming and investigation of the efficiency indexes for algorithm behavior of radioelectronic complex system of airspace monitoring based on probability distribution being in the state. This method is the further development of modeling technology of discreet-continuous stochastic systems and multiple analysis for efficiency indexes of complex information systems. The example of the application of this method for resolving tasks of the system-technical designing radioelectronic complex sytem of airspace monitoring is represented. Розроблено методику оцінки показників ефективності алгоритму поведінки радіоелектронного комплексу моніторингу повітряного простору з урахуванням його структури, техніко-тактичних характеристик, показників надійності апаратних засобів та кваліфікації людини-оператора. Розроблена методика є подальшим розвитком технології моделювання та проведення багатоваріантного аналізу показників ефективності складних інформаційних систем.
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    Розробка методу оптимізації процесів виготовлення радіоелектронної апаратури з використанням оптимізаційних парето-областей
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Тарадаха, П. В.; Надобко, О. В.; Кіселичник, М. Д.; Недоступ, Л. А.
    At the department of theoretical radioengineering and radiomeasurements of Lviv Polytechnic National university the theory and methods of modeling and a process optimization the quality assurance processes of the radio-electronic equipment (REE) at a manufacture stage have been developed. As part of this common problem tasks of modeling аnd optimization the production and technological processes as the main stages with the formation of given (desired) properties REE are also considered. The last task solution reduces to the parameter optimization of control procedures by optimizing the depth control, compliance of them guarantees the set quality level REE at the lowest total production and maintenance costs. For such tasks realization methods of modeling procedure, optimization techniques have been proposed. Appropriate software, which has been used for solving a number of practical problems has been developed. One of the mentioned approach deficiency is the fact that received optimal values of depth control can not always use in practice. In most cases, these values have been found as a result of a purely mathematical solution of optimization task and thus received optimal values of depth control is not always possible to implement in conditions of real production. The aim of this work is the development of a universal method of optimization that uses the principles of Pareto optimization and is as close to the real production conditions, including taking into account the possible configurations of used technological and control equipment, requirements for quality and reliability of products in general. Proposed method involves the use of optimization Pareto-regions for solving problems of optimization processes (TP) which can be considered as modification of Pareto. Idea of the method is as follows: for creation Pareto-region a detailed analysis of all possible variants of TP with the fixation sets of technologies and control equipment and calculation of depth control values for all these variants of TP has been performed. Based on this, the research protocol of TP’s selected values in the form of depth control parameter sets. Next, using the developed methods and software, the evaluation of integral index of products quality in the form of the probability of formation output defectiveness and total costs, that are further displayed on the corresponding Pareto-region as a point has been estimated. By asking permitted defectiveness levels and total costs you can select those options of TP implementation, which guarantee the specified quality level of REE at acceptable cost levels. The typical optimization problems which take place in a real production has been examined in details. Пропонується метод оптимізації технологічних процесів виготовлення радіоелектронної апаратури, який базується на використанні оптимізаційних Паретообластей. Метод є універсальний, не містить обмежень на складність процесів і дозволяє встановлювати варіанти технологічних процесів, які відповідають умовам забезпечення заданого рівня дефектності виробів при допустимих витратах.
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    Дослідження і моделювання механізмів формування та обслуговування черг у мережевих пристроях
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Кирик, М. І.; Плесканка, Н. М.; Кожуров, Д. В.
    The investigation has covered buffer resource and queue management as main and the most important network traffic parameter and access control and overload mechanism. Network devices interaction model can performed by three levels: - physical layer; - protocols layer; - queues consolidating two previous levels. The basic mechanisms of processing queues have been examined. The rules, that packages in queue are processed according to, are called queues management algorithms. The requirements for processing queues mechanisms have been defined. The formation and processing network queues analysis and modeling mechanisms have been presented. After reading the main points of the mechanisms of formation and queuing, simulation model of queuing in multiservice network using data prioritization has been developed. The model has been implemented in a Matlab software environment. The number of packages in the buffer has been calculated according to Norros formula. Every algorithm evaluation creterion is the ability to best quality service for each service providing the best parameters QoS. Simulation results comparative analysis has been carried out. For more detailed analysis of the service parameters quality, the results of different types algorithms for multiservice network are resented. QoS parameters, such as the probability of packet loss, delay and jitter, were determined for different flows with appropriate algorithm. It was determined that the FIFO algorithm is unacceptable for service data. PQ algorithm was designed to process high priority flows. The best simulations results showed WFQ algorithm, which can satisfy acceptable service quality according to all parameters. The presented model makes it possible to choose the optimal queues algorithms for different services. This approach can be used on design stage, and also on increasing the network efficiency stage. Наведено мережеву модель взаємодії між вузлами обслуговування. Проведено огляд основних механізмів обробки черг. Детальніше розглянуто алгоритм зважених черг, що настроюються. Подано імітаційну модель роботи різних алгоритмів формування та обслуговування черг. Проведено порівняльний аналіз результатів моделювання.
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    Розв’язання задач комбінаторної оптимізації радіоелектронних систем у середовищі MS EXCEL SOLVER
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Гліненко, Л. К.; Фаст, В. М.
    Possibilities of modelling optimization design problems as the extreme combinatorial graph problems and solving them in MS Excel Solver are studied. Drawbacks of existing models from considering their realization in MS Excel Solver are analyzed. As a result it is concluded that for forming a mathematical model of the optimization problem, suitable for realization in the environment of MS Excel Solver it is necessary to develop analytical presentation of an initial graph and minimum path between its arbitrary nodes, which, on the one hand, would adequately reflect the structure of initial graph and its minimum path, and, on the other hand, would satisfy the demands of problem presentation in the environment ofMS Excel Solver of all versions, what requires to refuse the utilizing of function IF as well as other discontinuous functions. As a result, problem model based on graph incidence matrix is proposed. These model is in fact the graph enhanced incidence matrix, extension of which consists in including to the matrix a row corresponding to a base node. It is proved that in case of reflecting in this matrix a structure of any graph path the matrix content has to meet several conditions, namely: the sum of the modules of values for every matrix column, corresponding graph ribs included in a path, amounts 2; the sum of the modules of values for every matrix column, corresponding graph ribs out of a path, amounts 0; a sum of the modules of values in any matrix row equals to the degree of the node corresponding the row, and will take a value of 1 for initial and terminal vertexes, 2 – for the intermediate vertexes of the path and 0 for vertexes which don’t belong to the path. These features enable to set the objective function and constraints as sums of products of certain matrix cell values and sums of values in the rows or columns. Conversion of the absolute values of matrix cell values to real values of incidence matrix cells by multiplying the table of changing cells by incidence matrix as well as conversion of real values of incidence matrix cell to absolute one by squaring them allows to apply the constraint of Boolean variable to changing cells without exploiting the discontinuous function ABS. The objective function and all constraints are presented by linear functions what makes the problem model extremely simple for solving by MS Excel Solver. The incidence matrix properties make it easy to set the technological constraint for number of wires (represented by graph ribs) to any lead (represented by graph vertex) by imposing the constraints on maximum value of corresponding node degree. Offered problem models based on graph incidence matrix enable to find extreme paths, either minimal or maximal, for directed and undirected graphs of any complexity. Розглянуті можливості моделювання оптимізаційних задач проектування як екстремальних комбінаторних задач на графах та їх розв’язання у MS Excel Solver. Запропоновані моделі задач на основі аналітичного представлення графа його матрицею інциденцій, які забезпечують знаходження за допомогою MS Excel Solver екстремальних шляхів для орієнтованих та неорієнтованих графів довільної складності.
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    Моделювання передавача SOQPSK-TG сигналів
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Янкевич, Р. В.; Мартюгов, С. О.; Токарчук, П. А.; Міськів, М. В.; Огородник, А. В.
    This paper is devoted to the practical side of the SOQPSK transmitter realization. It describes detailed model of one of possible variants of transmitter realization. The model is made in such a way that any part of it can be easily changed or any parameter can be tuned to achieve best efficiency of the system. The biggest problem to be solved when realizing transmitter is practical realization of ternary encoder. This paper also presents our solution of this problem using elemental discrete blocks that could be easily realized in practice either using discrete elements or included as part of system realized on FPGA. The paper itself is divided on four sections: 1. Introduction. This part contains the information about the development of telemetry systems, standard types of modulations and references links to the papers devoted to the problems of telemetry signals. 2. SOQPSK modulation and its kinds. This section contains theoretical statements and formulas of the SOQPSK type modulation. Also different parameters that define types of SOPQSK modulation (SOQPSK-A, SOQPSK-B, SOQPSK-TG) are presented. 3. Transmitter model. In this section the problem of telemetry SOQPSK-TG transmitter modeling is described. Next the step by step explanation of the model, its blocks and their operation is shown. Explanation is organized in the way how the input signal propagates from input to output. Also the problem of transmitter filter is described. Two possible solutions of this issue are shown in this section too. 4. Conclusions. Some short conclusions to this paper are given in this section. In general we can say that the necessity of new telemetry systems creation force the search for new, more effective modulations. Created standards describe some of the signals types and their parameters. But these stands do not fully describe methods of these signals generation. Within the work on creation of detailed model of SOQPSK transmitter the scheme of binary sequences of {-1, +1} alphabet to ternary sequences of {-1, 0, +1} alphabet was created. The created model allows to investigate the influence of its separate blocks’ parameters change on the whole system, but also easily make these changes. Also, it is necessary to point out that such model detail allows to make relatively easy practical realization just by transferring it to FPGA, which in now a days have big enough library of standard blocks and systems. Описано процес моделювання, а також результати моделювання передавального пристрою SOQPSK-TG сигналів. Представлено реалізацію двійково-трійкового перетворювача.
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    Модель акустооптичного комутатора для повністю оптичних телекомунікаційних систем
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Стрихалюк, Б. М.; Кайдан, М. В.; Максимюк, Т. А.; Пашкевич, В. З.
    Optical communication using semiconductor lasers as sources and optical fiber as the transmission medium is the only solution to handle the massive growth of network traffic. A single strand of fiber offers a bandwidth of 25 000 GHz, and a cable containing about 1000 optical fibers can carry six billion simultaneous full-screen videophone conversations – one for every person on earth. To utilize the potential bandwidth available on these optical fibers, other components of the optical network system have to be developed, ranging from detectors to multiplexers, buffers and switches. This paper addresses to acoustooptical technique, which could applied to switching optical signals. In general, a switch is concerned with the routing of message information in response to supervisory control signals. The message information could be large blocks of multiplexed traffic in the optical core network or a large number of lower bit channels delivered to the users in the optical access network. However, the application of an optical switch may not just be limited to the communication networks but also will incorporated in the communication cores of a large multi-processor computer where the data rates may exceed 100 Gbit/s. With new schemes being experimented for secure communication and for computing using quantum phenomena, new architecture will be required for switches that do not interrupt the phase information of the quantum packets. The mathematical model of optical cross-connect switch (OXC) have been presented. Given model, represent the input data stream as a matrix, each rows of which represents the incoming data stream in the form of a matrix whose rows correspond DWDM channels, and columns – wavelengths, respectively. The method of optical switching without blocking in the node, based on the binary switching matrix for all switching elements have presented. The advantage of our model is the simplicity of matrix computations based on Boolean algebra methods, which is not strongly dependent on the number of elements in the matrix and able to scale switching node switching algorithm without cumbersome calculations. We propose the model of optical switch based on acousto-optic cell. Unlike previous implementations, it is able for two-dimensional signals switching, by using mutually orthogonal acousto-optical cells. Thus, the proposed structure of the switching node is fully connected, and allows to switching information signal with an arbitrary carrier frequency from any input channel to any output channel, with the possibility of wavelength conversion. Furthermore, we design an improved model of wavelength adjustment device. The novelty of the proposed device lies in using a single converter, instead of wavelength converters array. Our device based on the four-wave mixing effect and adaptable for any combination of input/output wavelengths by the reference signal generator Implementation of this device allows will improve the scalability of optical transport network structure. Запропоновано математичну модель оптичного комутаційного вузла на прикладі крос-комутатора, яка зображає вхідний інформаційний потік у вигляді матриці, рядки якої відповідають DWDM каналам, а стовпці – довжинам хвиль, відповідно. Запропоновано спосіб забезпечення оптичної комутації без блокування у вузлі на основі формування бінарних матриць переходів для всіх комутаційних елементів. Представлена структурна схема оптичного комутатора на основі акустооптичної комірки. На відміну від попередніх реалізацій, цей комутатор дозволяє комутувати сигнал у двох площинах за рахунок використання двох взаємно ортогональних акустооптичних комірок. Запропоновано удосконалену модель пристрою узгодження довжин хвиль, яка працює на основі ефекту чотирихвилевого змішування. Ця модель є адаптивною для будь-якої комбінації вхідних/вихідних довжин хвиль, за рахунок генератора опорного сигналу, керованого контролером.