Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації. – 2013. – №766
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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"
У віснику відображено результати досліджень з теорії і проектування радіо-електронних кіл та пристроїв, антен і пристроїв НВЧ-діапазону, систем телекомунікації та інформаційних мереж, а також математичного моделювання та конструювання радіо-електронних схем і радіоапаратури. Для наукових працівників, інженерів та студентів старших курсів, фахівців з радіотехніки, інформаційних технологій та телекомунікаційних систем, матеріалознавства, інформатики, вимірювання і контролю якості.
Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка» : [збірник наукових праць] / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – № 766 : Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації / відповідальний редактор Б. А. Мандзій. – 212 с. : іл.
Item Оцінка параметрів мережі на етапі проектування оптичної транспортної системи(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Красько, О. В.Since the primary network is nothing more than a set of channels, behavior and standards do not go beyond the network layer protocols, which includes a description of channels and methods of switching. Emerging of new solutions for access network FFTx and wideband mobile access network brings on a rapid growing of packet traffic, transmitted over transport network. For successful interaction between different access networks, the channels of the backbone network should be standardize according to the PDH and SDH hierarchy. Initially, the development of transport networks assumed that there are only primary channels data. The backbone network considered as a set of channels. Further separation of network traffic segments and segments greatly enhanced the access network scalability. Solutions for transport networks and access networks have become less formal and less standardized, compared with the solutions for the primary and secondary networks. The main problem that arises when transmitting packet traffic over SDH network is inconsistency throughputs of Gigabit Ethernet networks with a capacity of payload that can be transport by STM. This mismatch significantly reduce the efficiency of channel resources while packet traffic transmitted. One of the possible mechanisms of solving this problem is to use virtual concatenation (VCAT) in conjunction with general framing procedure (GFP) and link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS). The concatenation principle leads in combining of multiple virtual containers. As result, their combined capacity used as a block for transmission of data, which size exceeds the size of single container. There are two types of concatenation – contiguous and virtual. Concatenation of both types forms a path of bandwidth is n times greater than the rate of a single container CVC, but with different principle of transmission between two nodes. The set of containers that deliver IP-traffic between two nodes A and B called contiguous concatenation (CCG) or virtual concatenation (VCG) group. The disadvantage of contiguous concatenation is that permissible speed transmission is strictly defined standard SDH hierarchy. The virtual concatenation utilizing channel resources more flexible by non-hierarchical speeds. The paper presents a hybrid mechanism for virtual concatenation (H-VCAT), which allows increasing channel utilizing by 10% compared with virtual concatenation and by 50–70% in comparison with contiguous concatenation. The evaluation of network parameters at the stage of optical transport system designing provided. The optimum set of containers for transferring traffic from FTTx access networks with 99.7% channel utilizing was proposed. Запропоновано механізм гібридної віртуальної конкатенації, який дозволяє підвищити ефективність використання каналу на 10% порівняно зі звичайною віртуальною конкатенацією та на 50–70% порівняно із суміжною конкатенацією. Оцінено параметри мережі на етапі проектування транспортної системи. Визначено оптимальні набори конкатенованих контейнерів для передавання трафіку від мереж доступу FTTx з швидкостями 1 Гбіт/с та 10 Гбіт/с.Item Підвищення ефективності використання частотно-часових ресурсів в мережах GSM(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Климаш, М. М.; Максимюк, Т. А.; Шеремета, М. Я.; Козловський, Р. З.This article introduces the methods and techniques for improving of the spectral resources utilization effectiveness for GSM mobile network. We suggest the combined use of orthogonal multiplexing and dynamic frequency and channel allocation as an optimal solution for radio access network. Speech quality is an important measurement for the performance evaluation in a wireless mobile communication system since voice is still the most used service. The speech quality evaluation considered in this paper for GSM system employing narrowband and wideband AMR codecs with Orthogonal Sub Channel (OSC) technique. OSC feature proposes the way to double circuit switched capacity for GSM networks. It has introduced two new channel modes, namely Double Full-rate (DFR), and Double Half-rate (DHR), which have doubled capacity in comparison to legacy AMR channel modes. Many of the efforts in standardization are concentrated on studying hardware improvements lead by AMR DHR usage over AMR HR channel mode. Although AMR DFR has not brought hardware efficiency improvements over legacy channel modes, in this paper it is shown that speech quality is improved over AMR HR with the same blocking capacity. Therefore, it is a good solution for some interference-limited networks. Furthermore, we also investigate the speech quality of wideband AMR DFR codecs, which provides a substantial improvement when compared with narrowband AMR. As GSM uses the combination of frequency division multiple access and time division multiple access, the radio channel determines by the frequency slot and the timeslot. When a channel assignment needs to perform because of a newly initiated connection or handover, DFCA will evaluate all the possible channels and then choose the most suitable one in terms of CIR for the assignment. For this reason, an estimate of the CIR is determined for each available radio channel. The pairing of two users in the same radio channel is one of the most critical of all the aspects of radio resource management. The BSC can take advantage of the software-based pairing capability of DFCA to search for the best pair among several candidates. Although the BSC uses part of the DFCA algorithm for pairing, it is not necessary to synchronize BSS, as is usually the case when introducing DFCA. In standard mode, each GSM frequency channel can handle 8 or 16 users when using the FRand HR-channel mode. Accordingly, the application of OSC to FR and HR calls, the 16 and 32 persons can occupy one frequency channel by double-FR (DFR) and double-HR (DHR), respectively. To maintain QoS parameters, there were introduced the restrictions for a range of using orthogonal subchannel. With use of OSC technique, we propose to distribute the subscribers to three service quality classes. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of proposed methods, in terms of calls lost probability. Проаналізовано методи та технології підвищення ефективності використання спектральних ресурсів мережі мобільного зв’язку GSM. Запропоновано сумісне застосовування ортогонального об’єднання каналів та динамічної перебудови частотно-часових ресурсів. Для збереження параметрів QoS введено обмеження за дальністю дії ортогонального об’єднання. У зоні дії OSC запропоновано розподіл абонентів лише на три класи за якістю надання сервісу. Результати моделювання підтверджують ефективність використання методів ущільнення зменшенням імовірності втрати викликів.Item Порівняння результатів детектування як методами неперервного та імпульсного спостереження(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Хандожко, В. О.; Саміла, А. П.; Політанський, Л. Ф.Traditional continuous wave methods of observation of NMR and NQR is now almost completely superseded by pulse Fourier transform spectroscopy. Compared with the method of continuous frequency scanning, pulse Fourier transform spectroscopy has advantages, which consists in a high sensitivity, increased spectrum resolution, much less distortion of the lines shape. In addition, pulse spectroscopy provides a reduction in the time of observation compared with stationary methods. The aim of the paper is to determine the effectiveness of assessment of output materials for photoelectronics by NQR hardware methods. The comparison of the NQR spectra obtained by the method of continuous passage of the resonance lines and the pulse method with a fast Fourier transformation are performed in this paper. Research was done both on the nitrogen containing substance and the annealed GaSe and InSe crystals important for heterostructures production. Resonance of nitrogen 14N nuclei is in the low-frequency region (100 kHz – 5 MHz) and has a weak intensity, caused by small value of the quantum transitions energy. Obtained results indicate a higher resolution of NQR pulse spectroscopy in comparison with continuous spectroscopy. Based on these experimental results it can be concluded that the same signal / noise ratio, methods of continuous frequency scanning and pulsed excitation provide identical results, but the shapes of resonance lines obtained using these methods are different. In the pulse method there is a simultaneous response of all resonant transitions, i.e. it is recorded that response of nuclear induction over which the Fourier transform is made. In case of stationary technique – slow passage of resonance while maintaining a quasi-equilibrium nuclear spin excitation conditions is made at a single frequency. This leads to a decrease in the spectrometer sensitivity, so that the registration process is much longer. Application of NQR pulse method of fast Fourier transform for the study of layered semiconductors is more appropriate than the stationary method based on continuous frequency scanning in resonance area. Pulse method provides better spectra resolution, and also enables to determine a time of nuclear spin relaxation. It was found that in both cases the spectra with the same values of the signal / noise ratio can be obtained, while in the pulse method the time of spectra determination is for an order of magnitude smaller compared with the method of continuous passage. Порівняно спектри ЯКР, отримані методами неперервного проходження резонансних ліній та імпульсного зі швидким Фур’є-перетворенням. Встановлено, що в обох випадках можна отримати спектри з однаковими значеннями сигнал / шум, при цьому в імпульсному методі час реєстрації спектрів є на порядок меншим порівняно з методом неперервного проходження. Крім того, застосування імпульсного методу забезпечує кращу роздільну здатність в спектрі у разі неспотвореної форми резонансних ліній, що є важливим під час дослідження шаруватих напівпровідникових матеріалів, резонансні спектри яких є складними і займають широкий частотний діапазон.Item Метод флікер-шумової спектроскопії(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Мандзій, Б. А.; Колодій, З. О.; Яцишин, С. П.; Колодій, А. З.Method of determining the processes that take place inside the investigated system is presented here. Method is based on the analysis of energy spectrum of investigated system own noises. Using energy spectrum of own noises that is experimentally found it is calculated the constant of system relaxation time τ. Processes that take place inside the system affect the value of τ. Analysis of values of the constant of relaxation time gives the possibility to obtain the information about the character of inner processes. Energy spectrum of own noises of real systems including semiconductors is not the same in the whole range of frequencies. On the middle and high frequencies energy spectrum value S(f) is the same but on the low frequencies (f→0) it is observed the inverse proportion of spectrum from the frequency. Such irregularity of energy spectrum is explained by unbalanced state of real system. Without external influences on the system (the condition of measurement) the system moves to balanced state through relaxation processes. Depending on the peculiarities of system structure defects the probability of one of all possible relaxation mechanisms with time τ is the highest. Analysis of times of relaxation spectrum gives the possibility to reveal almost all main characteristics of structure of solid solutions but empirical estimate of parameter τ is connected with some methodical difficulties and does not provide necessary precision of valuations. Energy spectrum of own noises of investigated system S(f) depends on the value τ thus the constant of system relaxation time can be found using experimentally calculated S(f). Value τ found in such way can be compared with theoretically calculated value τ during predicted the biggest probability the one of possible relaxation mechanisms. If experimental and theoretical τ value are close it is possible to find the relaxation mechanisms that take place in the investigated system. The authors performed experimental investigations of energy spectrum of own noises of electronic elements based on resistors and also on silicon epitaxial planar diodes. In investigated resistors the relaxation processes are connected with appearing and disappearing of quasi-equilibrium vacancies. In semiconducting diode generating-recombination processes happen faster than appearing and disappearing of quasi-equilibrium vacancies, thus the relaxation constant for diode is smaller than for resistors. It was conducted the investigation of parameters of resistor own noises with conducted film of metal oxide on the surface and with mechanical damages of film. Based on the obtained energy spectrums of their noises it was calculated the relaxation constants of examples of investigated resistors. In the structure of conducted film of investigated resistors besides quasi-equilibrium vacancies other defects appeared, for example micro-cracks. Appearing of such defects accelerate the relaxation processes that can be seen in the reduction of relaxation constants of investigated examples. Запропоновано метод визначення процесів, що відбуваються всередині досліджуваної системи. Метод ґрунтується на аналізі енергетичного спектра власних шумів досліджуваної системи. За експериментально визначеним енергетичним спектром власних шумів визначається постійна часу релаксації системи τ. Процеси, що відбуваються всередині системи, впливають на значення τ. Аналіз значень постійної часу релаксації дає змогу отримати інформацію про характер внутрішніх процесів.Item Моделювання передавача SOQPSK-TG сигналів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Янкевич, Р. В.; Мартюгов, С. О.; Токарчук, П. А.; Міськів, М. В.; Огородник, А. В.This paper is devoted to the practical side of the SOQPSK transmitter realization. It describes detailed model of one of possible variants of transmitter realization. The model is made in such a way that any part of it can be easily changed or any parameter can be tuned to achieve best efficiency of the system. The biggest problem to be solved when realizing transmitter is practical realization of ternary encoder. This paper also presents our solution of this problem using elemental discrete blocks that could be easily realized in practice either using discrete elements or included as part of system realized on FPGA. The paper itself is divided on four sections: 1. Introduction. This part contains the information about the development of telemetry systems, standard types of modulations and references links to the papers devoted to the problems of telemetry signals. 2. SOQPSK modulation and its kinds. This section contains theoretical statements and formulas of the SOQPSK type modulation. Also different parameters that define types of SOPQSK modulation (SOQPSK-A, SOQPSK-B, SOQPSK-TG) are presented. 3. Transmitter model. In this section the problem of telemetry SOQPSK-TG transmitter modeling is described. Next the step by step explanation of the model, its blocks and their operation is shown. Explanation is organized in the way how the input signal propagates from input to output. Also the problem of transmitter filter is described. Two possible solutions of this issue are shown in this section too. 4. Conclusions. Some short conclusions to this paper are given in this section. In general we can say that the necessity of new telemetry systems creation force the search for new, more effective modulations. Created standards describe some of the signals types and their parameters. But these stands do not fully describe methods of these signals generation. Within the work on creation of detailed model of SOQPSK transmitter the scheme of binary sequences of {-1, +1} alphabet to ternary sequences of {-1, 0, +1} alphabet was created. The created model allows to investigate the influence of its separate blocks’ parameters change on the whole system, but also easily make these changes. Also, it is necessary to point out that such model detail allows to make relatively easy practical realization just by transferring it to FPGA, which in now a days have big enough library of standard blocks and systems. Описано процес моделювання, а також результати моделювання передавального пристрою SOQPSK-TG сигналів. Представлено реалізацію двійково-трійкового перетворювача.Item Мінімізація системи логікових функцій методом паралельного розчеплення кон'юнктермів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Рицар, Б. Є.A new heuristic minimization method of logic functions of n variables has been suggested. It is based on the parallel splitting of conjuncterms and differs from the known methods for it is simpler in implementation due to less computational complexity. One disadvantage of the classical method of minimization by Quine-McCluskey method and its modifications is the formation at the stage of finding prime conjuncterms some set equal conjuncterms of different ranks, whose number increases rapidly with n increasing. Such negative phenomenon as tautology of conjuncterms mainly occurs in the methods that employ adjacency and absorption laws for the formation conjuncterms lower ranks with the pairs of adjacent conjuncterms. Accordingly, to obtain the reduced SOP of a given function, it is necessary to identify and reduce excessive conjuncterms and that requires certain procedural means and time-consuming. Heuristic minimization method, based on the parallel splitting conjuncterms of a given function is devoid of tautology problem. However, this method despite its other advantages, including the formalization of simple operations and procedures that enable them to automate your computer, requires a certain time for the procedure of stepwise (sequential) splitting. In addition, this paper considers only the case of minimization of one complete (fully defined) function, which limits the scope of its practical application. This work is devoted to the development of the mentioned minimization method of logic functions and is based on a new approach – parallel splitting of conjuncterms with just one matrix splitting of conjuncterms and performance in this matrix covering procedure as one function and of full and partial (incomplete specified) functions system. The theorem on the formation in a matrix of parallel splitting with not more than 2n-1 of conjuncterms 1-rank, no more than 2n-2 of conjuncterms 2-rank, ..., not more than two of conjuncterms (n-1)-rank has been proved. The time for obtaining the searched result is reduced and the way of procedure implementation is simplified due to the suggested approach. Advantages of the method are shown by the examples taken from publications of well-known authors which illustrate their methods of minimization of full and partial (incomplete specified) logic functions system. Запропоновано новий євристичний метод мінімізації логікових функцій від n змінних на основі паралельного розчеплення кон’юнктермів, що відрізняється від відомих методів простішою реалізацією за рахунок меншої обчислювальної складності. Переваги методу проілюстровано на прикладах мінімізації системи повних і неповних (недовизначених) функцій.Item Дослідження властивостей розв’язків задачі електромагнітного розсіяння на сукупності включень малого розміру(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Андрійчук, М. І.The problem of scattering of the electromagnetic (EM) waves by many small impedance bodies (particles), embedded in a homogeneous medium is studied. Physical properties of the particles are described by their boundary impedance. The boundary integral equation is obtained for the effective EM field in the limiting medium for the case if radius of particles tends to zero and number of particles tends to infinity by suitable rate. The medium, created by the embedding of the small particles, has new physical properties. Although scattering of EM waves by small bodies has a long history, the obtained results are new and useful in applications because EM wave scattering in nanostructures and small dust particles in the air are examples of the problem to which our approach can be applied. The developed previously Mie theory deals with scattering by a sphere, not necessarily small, and gives the solution to scattering problem in terms of the series in spherical harmonics. If the sphere is small, then the first term in the Mie series yields the main part of solution. The proposed approach is applicable only to small particles; it is development of ideas proposed earlier for the scattering of acoustic waves. However, the scattering of EM waves brought new technical difficulties. These difficulties come from the vector nature of boundary condition. The particles in our approach can be of arbitrary shape. The solution of initial EM wave scattering problem is reduced to solving a linear algebraic system. This system is not obtained by a discretization of some boundary integral equation, and it has a clear physical meaning. Its limiting form yields an integro-differential equation for the limiting effective field in the medium where the small particles are embedded. The new analytical-numerical method for solving the scattering problem of electromagnetic waves on the set of small particles has been developed. Investigation of properties of the solutions to problem depending on the parameters of medium, size of particles and their impedance has been carried out. The numerical results allowed to establish the correctness of assumption about property of divergence of the tangential component of electric field on the particle’s surface, which was used essentially for obtaining the asymptotic solution. The numerical results testify that the relative error of the obtained numerical solution, while compare it with the similar solution obtained by some complicate procedure, does not exceed of several percents. Розглянуто задачу розсіяння електромагнітних хвиль малими імпедансними тілами (включеннями) у однорідному середовищі. Фізичні властивості включень описуються їх поверхневим імпедансом. Отримано граничне інтегральне рівняння для ефективного електромагнітного поля при a→0 , де a – характерний розмір включень, а M(a) – кількість включень. Проведено дослідження властивостей розв’язків задачі залежно від параметрів середовища, розміру включень та їх поверхневого імпедансу. Наведено результати числового моделювання.Item Визначення часу встановлення струму в індуктивному навантаженні перетворювача напруга-струм при негармонічній дії(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Василюк, В. Я.; Шклярський., В. І.The paper presents analysis of problems dealing with the determination of the current setting time in the inductive component of the complex load of Voltage-to-current (VTC) converter under non-harmonic input influence. There is showed the change in the transient response and in the current setting time of the inductor on changing the VTC converter and complex load parameters. Expression to determine the current setting time of complex load of VTC converter at given level of dynamic error is presented. The estimation of dynamic error in determining the current setting time is presented in accordance with the time dependencies of transient responses of current setting in inductive load of VTC converter with complex load’s and VTС’s converters different parameters. The mathematical model of precision VTC converter [1] with deflection system (DS) of cathode-ray tube (CRT) of television scanning optical microscope connected to its output has been designed and is presented as a complete equivalent circuit taking into account the resistance and parasitic capacitance of load. In accordance with the set conditions of raster formation on screen of such CRT, the control of converter is carried out by non-harmonic signal with variable shape, frequency, amplitude and displacement [2]. Precision VTC converter built as parallel circuit with a deep DS’s current feedback, the signal of which is formed on the feedback resistor, which is connected in series with the load, has been studied. To ensure the aperiodic current setting the bypass resistor is connected to the load in parallel. While analyzing this circuit we’re considering that: the static error due to instability of comparison resistors and feedback resistor is equal to zero, the cutoff frequency of VTC converter is higher than the resonant frequency of the load, and the error due to resistance of DS is compensated. The mathematical model allows to carry out a complete theoretical study of precision VTC converter and to get expressions to determine the parameters upon certain conditions: 1) supply voltage of VTC converter is higher than the maximum voltage on the DS during the transition process; 2) amplifier is presented as one inertial circuit with real parameters: unity gain frequency fВ , gain amplifier K0 ; 3) the resistance of DS rL and parasitic capacitance CL are taken into account at analysis; 4) considered that the feedback resistor RЗЗ is non-inductive; 5) the current flowing through the resistor R2 relative to current of feedback resistor is very small and it is neglected. Розроблено математичну модель прецизійного перетворювача напруга-струм (ПНС), навантаженого відхилювальною системою (ВС), яка забезпечує визначення часу встановлення струму у індуктивній складовій навантаження з необхідною точністю при заданій динамічній похибці. Наведені часові залежності встановлення струму у індуктивній складовій при зміні параметрів ПНС та комплексного навантаження.Item Дослідження методів частотного планування коміркових мереж на основі технологій LTE та GSM(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Кузь, І. М.; Хархаліс, З. М.; Гуськов, П. О.; Лаврів, О. А.Modern researches in field of mobile network depend on network infrastructure in a specific region. Nowadays, the actual issue is reforming of the existing frequency range for LTE deployment. The most common band is 900/1800 MHz, which in usual licensed for the GSM networks. It known that LTE net-work core can be easily integrated with the existing GSM infrastructure. The convergent base stations had been already known which can operate with GSM/LTE/WCDMA simultaneously. Therefore, the urgent task is implementation of radio interface based on spectrum sensing between different technologies in the same band. This work is devoted to building effective frequency planning networks for LTE technology on the existing GSM band. While making frequency planning of LTE technology, we take into account the presence coverage of existing GSM network. Thus, we consider two different methods of frequency planning: soft and fractional. Both of these methods of frequency reuse well described in LTE. In both cases, the whole frequency band divided into two groups. One of them used by the subscribers located inside the cell as well as on it edges, the other – only in-side the cell. Deploying LTE coverage on GSM spectrum may arise the situation when operating frequencies of GSM base station can fully interfere with one of the LTE bands.We propose modified method of soft frequency re-use, which lies in exception of conflict bands from an inside-cell frequency band. At the border of the cell, we propose to use coordinated service that is providing service to the subscriber by multiple base stations, in order to achieve higher throughput. This technology lies in synchronizing multiple base stations in time and frequency in their interaction via optical channel. Using a joint processing method, we obtain a significant increase in throughput at the border of the cell, which compensates some drawbacks of the soft frequency reuse method. One of the options for deploying LTE network is construction of a common network between several operators. It is a widespread practice these days and leads to the solution for a number of problems, which are connected, in particular, to the lack of spectrum for 3rd and 4th generation networks deployment. Given the global experience, we consider the following model of cooperation between operators: two or more operators carry out reforming of their own bands to release continuous frequency band, merging of which forms a common frequency band. From the set of architectural solutions, we chose two models in which we will be interested. Gateway Core Network – main principal of which lies in closer interaction in a network control segment and allows to install shared mobility management entities as well as common radio access network. Multi Operator Core Network – uses separate MME modules, which, in comparison to GWCN, allows to de-crease amount of service traffic in transport network and to simplify the setup of each core network. According to Ukrainian circumstances and the need of CAPEX reducing in the initial stage we propose to use a GWCN model. Проаналізовано використання нових методів повторного використання частот. Запропоновано модель ефективного частотного розподілу на основі уникнення конфліктних смуг з технологією GSM. Розглянуто алгоритм координованого обслуговування для зменшення міжкоміркової інтерференції. Проаналізовано необхідність перерозподілу частотних ресурсів між операторами зв’язку з метою отримання неперервної смуги для впровадження технології LTE. З метою отримання великої кількості частотних ресурсів запропоновано здійснювати спільну експлуатацію мережі LTE. Для оптимальної побудови мультиоператорної мережі є запропоновано використання архітектури GWCN.Item Сумісне виявлення і оцінка інтенсивності нестаціонарного потоку викликів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Теплицька, С. М.; Овчинников, К. А.; Скибін, В. П.The problem of joint detection and rating intensity of а stream applications in telecommunication system is examined. A mathematical model, which includes a flow model, procedure of estimation of parameters and threshold device, which finds that or other critical level which determines the level of traffic intensity, is offered in the article. In algorithms which describe functioning of this mathematical model, key moments is an exposure of critical level of loading, which consists in the evaluation of trend of unstationarity and determination of achievement of critical level. During the decision of solving problem of critical loading level two possible states of loading are determined, which are described by possibility hypotheses: H0 – intensity of entry calls on the interval supervision [0,T ] keeps a value which does not exceed some known value intensity of input stream 0 l , 1 H – intensity of entry calls on the interval of supervision [0,T ] exceeds a level 0 l . A method which determines the rules of exposure is based on the criterion of a minimum of probability error of admission at the set level of probability false detection. For the estimation of parameters the method of maximal plausibility is used. Call distribution corresponds to the Poisson model. For estimation of traffic unstationary trend the smoothed recursive algorithm based on Robins-Monro procedure is suggested. With the use of simulation techniques, influence of different algorithm parameters on quality of critical level of intensity stream detection is analyzed. It is shown that smoothing results in decrease of fluctuation level of estimated components; the level of estimated components goes down and a shift of maximum of unstationary estimation appears. Recommendations on the use of procedure in different mechanisms of overload prevention like RED, SPD, ECN and other are given. The optimum rule of detection of threshold excesses was obtained. Розглядається задача сумісного виявлення і оцінки інтенсивності потоку заявок у телекомунікаційній системі. Для оцінки тренда нестаціонарності трафіку запропоновано використовувати згладжуючий рекурсивний алгоритм Робінса-Монро. З використанням методів імітаційного моделювання проаналізовано вплив різних параметрів алгоритму на якість виявлення критичного рівня інтенсивності потоку. Надано рекомендації щодо використання процедури в різних механізмах запобігання перевантаженню: RED, SPD, ECN та ін. Одержано оптимальне правило виявлення перевищення заданого порогу.Item Метод балансування абонентського навантаження мережі коміркового зв'язку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Бак, Р. І.; Чайковський, І. Б.; Бурачок, Р. А.This paper is devoted to the solving the problem which occurs in cellular networks at times of peak busy hour when the radio resources are ended in one or more cells. Proposed method increases the availability of radio resources of mobile network through radio resources forced redistribution. Radio resources forced redistribution is transfer of a part of network load from congested sector to lower loaded sector. This is done by transferring subscriber load (forced handover) between closely-spaced sectors within the common coverage area. To perform a forced handover is necessary to the power of the signal that the user receives from a base station of destination sector was equal to or above the minimum operating value and the movement of the user was negligible relative to the radius of the cell during the average duration of a communication session. Classification of active subscribers at speeds of movement (the lower the speed, the higher the priority for forced handover) and class of service (the lower the rating, the higher the priority for forced handover) is made to limit the dimension of the problem of radio resource forced redistribution. The set of mobile network sectors is represented by a network graph. In this graph each node is a sector of the cell. Connecting nodes indicate the existence of a common coverage area for the relevant sectors. This connection is a prerequisite for the forced redistribution of network radio resource. Edge weighting coefficients indicate the value of bandwidth used by subscribers of one sector, when the signal power level from second sector is equal to or greater than the minimum operating value for these subscribers. Subscriber load balancing algorithm in a mobile network consists of five steps. Scanning the sector i with the highest factor loading Ki. Finding routes set H from node i to node j, in which the paths bandwidth is not less than Cimin, and the load factor the sector j would not exceed Kдоп value after transferring to it the loads Cimin. Searching in the set H the path hij with the minimum rank R(hij). Selecting subscribers in each node of the way hij (except the sector j), which will change the service sector. Transferring the user’s load from the sector i to the sector j is a forced handover of the subscribers on the hij way, starting from the penultimate node in j, and ending from the i to the second node. For systems with more computing power complicated graph is offered, which allows to perform load balancing of mobile network more effectively. Запропоновано алгоритм балансування абонентського навантаження у мережі мобільного зв’язку з метою зменшення коефіцієнта завантаження сектору. Цей метод підвищує доступність радіоресурсів мережі мобільного зв’язку за допомогою вимушеного перерозподілу радіоресурсу. Запропоновано класифікацію активних абонентів за швидкістю переміщення та класом використовуваних послуг на основі моніторингу стану абонентських терміналів.Item Дисперсійне рівняння для визначення модового спектру хвиль у відкритих багатошарових циліндричних діелектричних хвилеводах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Павликевич, М. Й.Paper depicts that one of the main challenges in wireless networks WiMAX is the task of ensuring the required service quality, which involves the separation of user stations network of guaranteed rate in the downlink. Providing guaranteed transmission rate in the WiMAX technology can be achieved by solving bandwidth allocation downlink. Therefore, existing approaches to analyze the distribution of bandwidth downlink wireless WiMAX technology whereby determined that they use the principle of Best Effort. The quality of service is not guaranteed, and between user stations distributed all of the available bandwidth. The result is a mathematical model, the novelty of which is the possibility of pre-emptive rate limiting, a dedicated service flows user stations in the downlink WiMAX technology by using a linearquadratic objective function that organizes the fair management of requests based on the relative priorities. In the course of solving the problem of scheduling data packets for transmission service flows of all user stations in the downlink of the proposed model it is necessary to perform a number of important constraint equations: the condition securing a sub-channel for the transmission of one slot for no more than one user station, the condition of adopting a one user station the number of slots, providing the required transmission rate used by the system modulation and coding, the condition of formation of a single packet of data for each user station, the condition of the formation of the packages “rectangular”, terms and conditions for the required number of slots for the transmission of official information. The model proposed is directed to the allocation of each user station guaranteed bit rate in the absence of overload downlink as well as the preventive rate limiting allocated for user station overload conditions. Furthermore the proposed mathematical model addresses the problem of distribution slots between data packets as problems balancing the available bandwidth of WiMAX downlink channel for transmitting payload towards subscriber stations, taking account of the form of modulation and coding. As a result, decision analysis found that the service requests from the service flows user stations is realized on the basis of so-called absolute priority. Thus, in the case where the programming service flow requests from subscriber stations exceed bandwidth downlink preventive restriction mostly experienced service request from a low priority flow. Request transmission rate of the service stream with a higher priority on preventive ogrnaichenie rate experienced in a lesser degree. When using a linear objective function restriction preventive tests first service request from a low priority flow until the complete denial of access. When using a linear-quadratic objective function in the case of overload failures relate to maintain all service flows with high priority to a lesser extent, and in higher concentrations - low priority. Запропоновано математичну модель розподілу пропускної здатності низхідного каналу зв’язку технології WiMAX. Новизна запропонованої моделі полягає в можливості превентивного обмеження швидкості передачі, виділеної сервісним потокам користувацьких станцій в низхідному каналі зв’язку технології WiMAX шляхом використання лінійно-квадратичної цільової функції, організуючою справедливе управління запитами на основі відносних пріоритетів. Запропонована модель спрямована на виділення кожній користувацькій станції гарантованої швидкості передачі в умовах відсутності перевантаження низхідного каналу зв’язку, а також на превентивне обмеження швидкості передачі, виділеної для користувацької станції в умовах перевантаження. Проаналізовано вплив пріоритетів запитів швидкості передачі, що використовуються в моделі, на характер можливих відмов.Item Моделі та алгоритми підвищення ефективності комутації інформаційних потоків у повністю оптичних телекомунікаційних системах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Корецький, О. В.; Думич, С. С.Modern optical networks still in development to AON (All-Optical Networks). The main goal of all related works is providing the state-of-the-art optical switching techniques, designing of new solutions and applications. The first stage in this development was circuitswitched optical networks. In those types of networks the incoming request would dropped in case of channel blocking. Another case – packed-switched optical networks. In those networks, the data flows divided onto many independent packets. Nowadays, this technique is the most famous. The main advantage of this technique is possibilities of queues. In case of channel blocking, the packet stills in buffer, until it will sent or dropped. The next generation of optical switching is Optical Burst Switching technology. Optical burst switching (OBS) is a promising solution for all-optical wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) networks. It offers to some extent the flexibility and efficient bandwidth usage of optical packet switching networks, while taking into account the limitations of the current all-optical technology. For this reason, it could seen as an intermediate technique between all-optical wavelength routing networks and optical packet switching networks. The OBS technology allows satisfying requirements of IPoDWDM conceptions, because of full compatibility with IP/Ethernet networks. The ingress edge node assembles incoming packets from the client terminals into bursts. The assembled bursts transmitted all-optically over OBS core routers, without any storage at intermediate nodes within the core. The signaling scheme in an optical burst-switched network is typically implemented using out-of-band burst header packets. In an out-of-band signaling scheme, the header associated with a burst transmitting on a different wavelength from the burst itself. The out-of-band header packet travels along the same route as the burst, informing each node along the route to configure its optical cross connect to open the necessary virtual channel for transmitting the burst with variable size. The mathematical model of the core node in the network with switching units, which describes the sequence of signaling packet processing, proposed in this paper. This model based on the matrix calculation, and able to implement on field programmable gate arrays. Furthermore, the model of IP-packet aggregation in the ingress node network that takes into account probability distribution of IP-traffic proposed. Simulation results determined that proposed algorithm 10 times reduces the IP-packet losses, providing the same bandwidth. We provide the simulation of optical burst switching network for different signaling schemes. Our experiment shows that the INI scheme is more flexible, and able to reconfiguration in dependence of traffic requirements. INI is able to combine advantages of both JET and TAW schemes. Using the INI signaling technique allows to increase the efficiency of wavelength routed networks taking into account properties of traffic. Розроблено математичну модель функціонування проміжного вузла в мережі з комутацією блоків, яка описує послідовність оброблення сигналізаційного пакета. Ця модель адаптована під матричні обчислення, що дає змогу реалізувати її на основі програмованих логічних інтегральних схем. Крім того, запропоновано модель агрегації IP-пакетів у крайовому вузлі мережі, яка враховує ймовірнісний розподіл IP-трафіку, та дозволяє оцінити ймовірнісні характеристики блоків. В результаті моделювання було визначено, що при Пуассонівському розподілі вхідного IP-трафіку, розподіл розмірів блоків прямує до Гауссівського, за умови достатньої кількості пакетів у блоці. Запропонований алгоритм формування дозволяє знизити втрати IP-пакетів у 10 разів, при збереженні пропускної здатності каналу.Item Моделювання криволінійних ниткоподібних структур у хвилеводах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Захарія, Й. А.Well known current filament modeling method is frequently for electrodynamic structures analysis in free space and in waveguide used. In both cases the electrodynamic analyse principles are the same. The current filament method is often for analysis of closed waveguide exciter, or analogous passive elements in waveguide used. For sufficient small area of closed filament structure and corresponding great field point distance in analysis the dipole model is valid. The form of structure contour is then not essential. Therefore the codition of structure momentum (electrical or magnetic) we use an polygonal modeling. The contour of filament closed structure may be analytically described. But often the contour form is arbitrary and can not be mathematical expressed. In last case it is possible the considered in this paper polygonal modeling to apply. For example in the paper the magnetic current is taken. Such example is useful in analysis of waveguide aperture exciting. It is known, that necessary Green functions are by form of waveguide cross section defined, and usually given by infinite series. The known modified Green functions often are particularly simplified. Therefore we are forced the numerical analysis method to apply. But necessary analytical expressions we must get by electrodynamic mehods. The coresponding formulas for lineare coordinate sections of polygonal model contour are the simplest. The sloped sections of filament current model in general radiate three vector-potential components. Correspondingly, the field analysis is more complicated. It is possible to use the analogous analytical method without modeling, if filament structure contour can be mathematically expressed. Algorithm for analytical expressions in last case coincide with algorithm for sloped lineare section of magnetic current filament given in the paper But mathematical difficulties can cause, that it is impossible analytically to realize. Then we may the polygonal modeling to apply. The algorithm for analytical expressions of radiated by magnetic current electrical field tension is also given in the paper. Use the circular filament coil with magnetic current for numerical example, the comparison of radiated by various coil polygonal model field tension, is realized in this work. It is established, that in the near zone of coil area the radiated electrical field for N=4 and N=12 is practical the same. A little difference has an order of tenth part from one per cent. We should to remind, that in the quadratic model (N=4) the sloped filament sections absent, and the calculations are simplified. In order to detect of the named above differences, the electrical field is in separate points of a current coil circle radius calculated. So it is found, that only near of quadratic model current filament the result difference icrease to one percent. Such almost on ¾ of quadratic model area the accuracy of modeling is high. In the paper is an information about simplified modeling of sloped current filament section in waveguide by his coordinate projections given. However the difference of calculated results relative to quadratic modeling increase to three percent. Пропонуємо здійснювати аналіз криволінійних ниткоподібних структур у хвилеводах аналітичним методом або за допомогою багатокутникових моделей структури. Тоді аналітично описуються лінійні аспекти моделі. На основі прикладу моделювання колового витка магнітного струму у хвилеводі встановлено, що з незначною похибкою можна використовувати квадратну модель.Item Життя, сповнене багатогранною працею: до 80-річчя від дня народження відповідального редактора Вісника "Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації" д-ра техн. наук, проф. Б. А. Мандзія(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Прудиус, ІванItem Особливості визначення чутливості лінійних параметричних кіл у частотній області(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Шаповалов, Ю. І.In software which are dedicated for the design of electronic circuits with constant parameters is widely used function of sensitivity, which allows you to focused solve the tasks of multivariate analysis and optimization of such circuits. The function of sensitivity of linear parametric circuits not used widely because there was no reliable methods of symbolic computation of parametric transfer functions. We proposed such method (frequency symbol method [3]), so, filling the existing gap in article discusses the possibility of forming functions of sensitivity of linear parametric circuits and is given account the peculiarities of their determination. For a basis of definition the concept of sensitivity of linear parametric circuit was taken definition of the concept of sensitivity of linear circuits with constant parameters. This feature of sensitivity of linear parametric circuit which consists in the fact that this sensitivity: a) is a function of two variables – complex variable and time; b) by the frequency symbolic method is determined based on approximated parametric transfer functions. It is shown that, typically, the sensitivity of parametric linear circuit varies periodically in time with period T, which is chosen in presentation the transfer function by trigonometric polynomial of Fourier. It was emphasized that the sensitivity of some parameters of parametric circuit in time can grow infinitely. This applies to the parameters that define the period T. We considered the example of elementary parametric linear circle, consisting of a single parametric capacity. The example illustrates the change the different functions of sensitivity of such circuit in time. It is shown that at sufficient accuracy of approximation of parametric transfer function by trigonometric polynomial of Fourier, derivatives on parameters of elements of circuit obtained from approximated parametric transfer functions enough to accurately reproduce derivatives on parameters of elements of circuit the original parametric transfer functions and, therefore, can be used to form the functions of sensitivity, as well as in solution of tasks multivariate analysis and optimization of linear parametric circuits. This conclusion shows a perspective application of frequency symbolic method to the mentioned problems. For illustration of material relating to the correctness of the definition of derivatives of parametric transfer functions on parameters of elements of parametric circuit is selected single-circuit parametric amplifier, in oscillatory contour, which the capacity varies with a period T. It is shown when the number of harmonic components in the approximated parametric transfer function k³ 4 then results in the calculation of the derivative of this function on the parameter does not change. Therefore, the value of derivatives that were obtained when k=4 were taken as a basis in these calculations. Obviously, the calculation for the selected k<4 will be inaccurate, and if k>4 it takes unjustified big time. It is shown the dependence the sensitivity of module of transfer coefficient of the input current to the output voltage from the depth of modulation of parametric capacity and time. Розглянуто особливості визначення чутливості лінійних параметричних кіл за апроксимації передавальних функцій тригонометричними поліномами Фур’є.Item Cистема MAOPCS для багатоваріантного аналізу та оптимізації лінійних параметричних кіл у середовищі matlab(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Шаповалов, Ю. І.; Бачик, Д. Р.; Маньковський, С. В.This paper considers the software realization the system of functions MAOPCs (Multivariate Analysis and Optimization of the Parametric Circuits) for multivariate analysis and optimization of linear parametric circuits based on frequency symbolic method. This method is based on the formation of the approximated transfer functions of linear parametric circuits in the form of Fourier trigonometric polynomials. The use of symbolic transfer functions allowed to form functions of sensitivity of linear parametric circuits, which, in turn, allowed to calculate the relative deviations of functions of linear parametric circuits at change of their parameters. The further development of frequency symbolic methods allowed to solve the task of multivariate analysis and optimization. The system of functions MAOPCs realized in the environment of MATLAB. The presence of powerful mathematical symbolic apparatus in MATLAB allowed to realize this system. The system MAOPCs represents a 17 functions, each of which has parameters (input data) and arguments and performs over them defined the conversions. The results obtained during the execution of one function (in some cases of several functions) can be parameters to other functions. Thus, based on of the developed system of functions the user can create algorithms and programs of computer computational experiments for multivariate analysis and optimization of parametric circuit, which we investigate. For research of linear parametric circuits in the environment ofMATLAB, using a system MAOPCs, need perform the system requirements. They are consist in the fact that, necessary to create the file with text of programof research of circuit , where indicate: parameters that carry information about the circuit, accuracy of calculations, location to save the results, the parameters of functions, functions MAOPCs in the sequence that corresponds to the algorithm of carrying out of investigation. After it is necessary execute the file in the environment of MATLAB. Research results are saved in another file. These results together with the intermediate data we can view using MATLAB, which will be displayed in working window. The example of research of single-circuit parametric amplifier using the system of functions MAOPCs is presented. In the task on research are described an algorithm of carrying out of experiment. The fragments (screenshots) of file, where describes the parameters and algorithm research are presented and fragment (screenshot) with reflection of results in working window ofMATLAB also is presented. Conclusions are drawn about what system functions MAOPCs allows you to: – compose an algorithm and a program of carrying out of computational experiments of research of linear parametric circuits without delving into the depths of mathematical apparatus of the realized methods and using the powerful symbolic apparatus and other internal functions in MATLAB in full; – locate functions in any order and replenish her new functions. Розглянуто програмну реалізацію системи функцій MAOPCs для багатоваріантного аналізу та оптимізації лінійних параметричних кіл на основі частотного символьного методу.Item Методика оцінки показників ефективності радіоелектронного комплексу моніторингу повітряного простору(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Волочій, Б. Ю.; Озірковський, Л. Д.; Шкілюк, О. П.; Мащак, А. В.In this paper a method for estimation efficiency indexes for algorithm behavior of radioelectronic complex system of airspace monitoring is developed. This method takes into account the structure of adioelectronic complex system of airspace monitoring, technical and tactical characteristics of the reliability of hardware and qualifications of the human operator. Method involves the following stages. Forming of equivalent algorithm behavior is the first stage. Equivalent algorithm behavior is composed of operating and verifying blocks which reflect the functions of the radioelectronic complex system and the actions of human operator. For equivalent algorithm behavior forming is required to add two types of operating blocks that will characterize the reliability of hardware and software. Developing structural-automatic model is the second stage. Structural-automatic model is formalized representation of structure and behavior of radioelectronic complex system. Developing of structural-automatic model involves solving the following tasks: select a set of parameters of radioelectronic complex system that must be included in its model. The components of the vector state and basic events are defined. Modificational component rules tree of the state vector based on the components of the vector state and basic events is formed. The model of the algorithm behavior radioelectronic complex system is developed as a graph and state transitions. Developing of this model is the third stage of method. This task is performed using the software module ASNA-1. The system of linear differential equations of Kolmogorov - Chapman is formed and solved by program module ASNA-1. Solution of linear differential equations is obtained in the form of probability distribution being in the states. The fourth stage provides for forming and investigation of the efficiency indexes for algorithm behavior of radioelectronic complex system of airspace monitoring based on probability distribution being in the state. This method is the further development of modeling technology of discreet-continuous stochastic systems and multiple analysis for efficiency indexes of complex information systems. The example of the application of this method for resolving tasks of the system-technical designing radioelectronic complex sytem of airspace monitoring is represented. Розроблено методику оцінки показників ефективності алгоритму поведінки радіоелектронного комплексу моніторингу повітряного простору з урахуванням його структури, техніко-тактичних характеристик, показників надійності апаратних засобів та кваліфікації людини-оператора. Розроблена методика є подальшим розвитком технології моделювання та проведення багатоваріантного аналізу показників ефективності складних інформаційних систем.Item Методи оптимізації фізичної та логічної структур телекомунікаційних мереж(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Бугиль, Б. А.; Лаврів, О. А.; Бешлей, М. І.; Червенець, В. В.The article deals with reasons why the planned network resource is not used completely. The main attention is paid to the dynamic routing protocol, which does not consider the current load of local network segments according to the principle of its functioning. In the paper local segments loading considers with existence of a constant flow to reduce the computational complexity of the proposed method. The method is proposed in the work to maximize the use of network resources and resource allocation improving based on alternative routes variation through less loaded local segment. The proposed method implemented as a simulation model in Matlab. It allows making decision on routes variation based on introduced efficiency index for resource allocation. The article shows results of two experiments on the proposed method to determine its adequacy. The task of the first experiment is to determine the effectiveness of the method to vary the network resources allocation for simple network structure. The second experiment compares the value of efficiency index for resource allocation with load balancing according to the protocol EIGRP and the one with route replacement. The proposed method replaces dynamically defined routes to alternative that maximizes the efficient use of shared network resource. The major factors influencing the effectiveness of a network resource handling is a network physical or logical structure. It depends on the number of edges in the network topology. Physical structure forms when designing the network in the future does not undergo significant modifications, so the paper proposes a method of physical structure selecting that will provide the highest flows service quality for a given number of nodes and edges. Physical structure redundancy increases with connectivity increasing, leading to a set of possible logical structures. Formation of these logical structures provides routing policies in the network. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive method of physical and logical structures selection, which provides the most effective use of network resources to ensure a high level of flows service quality. Routing protocols operation depends on the network physical structure, because it has to form the best logical structure. The criterions of logical structure effectiveness are the QoS parameters for transmitting flows. The main disadvantage of dynamic routing protocols is that the selection of the optimal route bases on mono-criterion metric does not considers all the network features and causes an ineffective use of network resources. At present, the only way to control the network resources allocation during the routing process is traffic balancing. It means that all equivalent routes are uses, through which you can reach the recipient. Проведено аналіз та обґрунтування чинників, що впливають на особливості використання мережевого ресурсу, закладеного у процесі проектування телекомунікаційної мережі. Кількість ребер у топології мережі є основним фактором, що характеризує вплив фізичної та логічної структур на ефективність використання мережевого ресурсу. Запропоновано метод вибору фізичної структури, яка забезпечить максимальну якість сервісу потокам при заданій кількості вузлів і ребер. Для забезпечення балансу потоків розроблено метод модифікації логічної структури, що ґрунтується на пошуку альтернативних шляхів через найменш завантажені локальні сегменти телекомунікаційної мережі.Item Титульний аркуш до Вісника "Радіоелектроніка та телекомунікації"(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)