Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2016. – №851
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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка".
До збірника науково-прикладних праць “Менеджмент та підприємництво в України: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” увійшли статті, які відображають проблеми менеджменту, підприємництва, інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності, управління національною економікою України тощо. Для працівників підприємств, банків, інвестиційних та інноваційних структур, органів державного управління, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей.
Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка" ; голова редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016. – № 851. – 224 с. : іл.
Item Innovation activity of enterprises in Lviv region(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Tsogla, О. О.The article analyzes the innovative activity of industrial enterprises of Lviv and found that the main factors hampering business in the field of innovation, there is a limited amount, and in some places, and the lack of innovation funding from the state budget, the lack of economic incentives for attracting investment resources in innovation processes, the uncertainty of the institutional environment for the development of innovation infrastructure (technology parks, techno, technology transfer centers, etc.). Determined that the competitiveness of Lviv region depends on the ability to innovate, modernize production processes and to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Проаналізовано інноваційну активність промислових підприємств Львівщини та виявлено, що основні чинники, які гальмують ведення бізнесу у сфері інноваційної діяльності, є обмежений обсяг і відсутність фінансування інноваційної діяльності з Державного бюджету, брак економічних стимулів щодо залучення інвестиційних ресурсів в інноваційні процеси, невизначеність інституційних умов для розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури (технопарків, технополісів, центрів трансферу технологійта ін.). Визначено, що конкурентоспроможність Львівського регіону залежить від здатності впроваджувати інновації, модернізувати виробничі й технологічні процеси, пристосовуючись до змінних умов навколишнього середовища.Item IT-індустрія в Україні як соціальний ліфт та перспективна галузь економіки(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Бублик, М. І.; Карп’як, А. О.; Рибицька, О. М.Вивчено ринок інформаційних технологій, який в Україні демонструє швидкий ріст за усіма показниками. Виявлено стрімкі тенденції розвитку ІТ-сектору України серед відповідних секторів інших держав. Встановлено високі позиції України у рейтингових списках ІТ-спільнот, де аутсорсингові компанії охоплюють широкий сегмент ринку з найрізноманітнішими технологіями інженерних інновацій. Проаналізовано стан ІТ-ринку, його структуру і динаміку росту. Виявлено, що в Україні сформувалась позитивна тенденція до розроблення готового продукту, а також започаткування стартапів (від ідеї – до її повної реалізації). Зростаючі перспективи зумовлені висококваліфікованим освітнім середовищем, природною потребою молодих українців до реалізації своїх інтелектуальних можливостей, невеликими обсягами необхідних інвестицій, а також певною інертністю до впливу зовнішньої та внутрішньої політичної ситуацій в Україні. In XXI century importance of IT sector of economics for globalization processes in the world is invaluable. In last 10-15 years Ukraine entered the Top 5 of world freelance locations, Top 10 countries with most qualified IT specialists, holds eleventh place in Top 100 outsourcing an high-tech countries and have renowned security experts. The main goal of the research was to gather and organize scattered around the Internet information about IT clusters of Lviv, Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnipro and data from State Statistics Service of Ukraine and make predictions about structure of IT sector of market in Ukraine, its size and grow capabilities. The main task of the research was systematization of gathered information and reasoning of grow possibilities of IT sector. The results of research were charts and diagrams, which illustrate state of sector, educational and age image of average employee, dynamic of growth for separate companies and industry in general. Conclusions IT industry is single sector of economics which demonstrate high growth on all parameters in last years. Outsourcing companies propose wide specter of engineering services. Alongside outsourcing companies is growing list of companies which are developing own products and count of small start-up projects is also rising. From research it is clear that this industry has high growth potential. This is thanks to high level of educational institutes, natural necessity of young people in intellectual realization, low requirement for initial investments in case of star-up projects and also high immunity of industry to changes in domestic policies.Item Spółki typu spin jako forma aktywności przedsiębiorczości akademickiej w Polsce(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Hołda-Wydrzyńska, A.; Lichosik, A.W ostatnim czasie trwa ożywiona dyskusja na temat transferu technologii z uniwersytetów oraz innych jednostek badawczo-rozwojowych do sektora gospodarczego. W dobie globalizacji informacji oraz komercjalizacji dóbr intelektualnych budowa platformy komunikacyjnej między przedsiębiorcami a przedstawicielami środowiska naukowego nie może zostać odsunięta na dalszy plan. Odmienne podejście oznacza zaprzepaszczenie szansy rozwoju uczelni wyższych. Toczący się dyskurs poświęcony przedsiębiorczości akademickiej otwiera nowe możliwości praktycznego zastosowania wypracowanego kapitału intelektualnego. W praktyce występują dwa modele transferu technologii. Pierwszym jest uzyskiwanie wyłączności na określone dobra intelektualne przez uniwersytety, a następnie sprzedawanie licencji przedsiębiorcom. Natomiast drugim sposobem komercjalizacji dóbr jest tworzenie przez pracowników naukowych nowych przedsiębiorstw badawczych, których celem jest opracowanie zastosowań dla nowatorskich pomysłów [1]. Firmy wyodrębniające się z uniwersytetów, tzw. firmy odpryskowe typu spin, zakładane przez pracowników naukowych lub studentów, tworzone są w celu rozwijania opracowanego przez założycieli pomysłu. Tworzone podmioty gospodarcze mogą być niezależne, bądź zależne w pewnym stopniu od swojej jednostki macierzystej. Kwestie wzajemnych powiązań określają regulaminy wewnętrzne danej instytucji. Dostrzegając obopólne korzyści płynące z tego typu współpracy, władze uczelni coraz przychylniej odnoszą się do prezentowanego tematu. Zauważono, że poprawa współpracy sektora naukowego z przemysłem w zakresie badań i transferu technologii przyczynić się może do zwiększenia konkurencyjności uniwersytetów na arenie międzynarodowej. Niezbędnym jest jednak określenie jednolitej procedury oraz zasad tworzenia spółek celowych. Niezwykle pomocnym może okazać się przyjmowanie programów pomocowych wspierających idee komercjalizacji dóbr intelektualnych poprzez zapewnienie zaplecza finansowego. Ramy prawne funkcjonowania polskich akademickich spółek typu spin określa ustawa Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym. Zgodnie z prawem polskim uczelnie zostały zobligowane do podejmowania współpracy z otoczeniem społeczno-gospodarczym, w szczególności w zakresie prowadzenia badań naukowych i prac rozwojowych na rzecz podmiotów gospodarczych, w wyodrębnionych formach działalności, w tym w drodze utworzenia spółki celowej, czyli spółki typu spin. Przedsiębiorczość akademicka ma znaczący wpływ na rozwój przedsiębiorstw innowacyjnych, ma wpływ na transfer sfery badawczo-rozwojowej oraz naukowej do praktyki gospodarczej. Akademickie spółki spin-off są narzędziem skutecznego wykorzystania kapitału intelektualnego stworzonego w ramach pracy naukowo-badawczej na uczelniach wyższych. Od pewnego czasu innowacja stała się ekonomicznie opłacalna, gospodarczo uzasadniona i oczekiwana. Szkoda zaprzepaścić zachęcająco kształtującą się politykę w tym zakresie, tym bardziej, że przedsiębiorczość akademicka jest doskonałym łącznikiem między nauką a praktyką gospodarczą, dzięki czemu sprzyja podnoszeniu innowacyjności i konkurencyjności gospodarki. The article to improve scientific collaboration with the industry sector in research and technology transfer had been dedicated. It will increase the competitiveness of universities in the international arena. There are two models of technology transfer. The first is getting exclusive rights to certain intellectual goods by universities, and then selling licenses to entrepreneurs. The second way is to create commercialization of goods by scientific research of new companies whose aim is to develop applications for innovative ideas. The author in more details spin as a form activity academic entrepreneurship in Poland has been researched. Polish academic enterprise is mainly small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the technology sector. In considering the companies in its narrow definition distinguishes between: company's spin-off, these are independent projects and unintended by the parent organization; company's spin-out, they are project dependent, linked by capital or otherwise with the parent. What connects the above mentioned entities is that a spin-off / spin-out stands entity it assumes, may it be a researcher, student or graduate school, and the fact that the use of intellectual property university, which was established in close connection with science or the work of the company's founder in college or scientific institution. The main objective of the company's spin is the commercialization of intellectual property, the knowledge and technology generated at the university or another research institution. As a result, companies of this type may be only those companies whose purpose is to implement already produced intellectual property, in particular in the field of industrial property to protect, among others, inventions, utility models and industrial products, whether in the field of copyright. Academic entrepreneurship has a significant impact on the development of innovative enterprises, it affects the transfer of research and development and science to business practice. Academic spin-off companies are a tool for the effective use of intellectual capital created within the framework of scientific and research work at universities. Academic entrepreneurship is the perfect bridge between science and business practice, so it promotes innovation and economic competitiveness. It is clear that the level of cooperation and links between science and business is still insufficient. Creating spin-offs in the environment of scientific institutions is a new look at the role and place of higher education in the region's economy and the country. In the article the academic entrepreneurship in public institutions in Poland, academic spin-off, the legal basis for the existence of the company's spin in Polish higher education; university of the third generation and Polish examples of spin off (the company PHARMENA and BTT AUTOMATION) had been investigated. The author in necessary to take action towards the elimination of barriers to the creation of mechanisms and the transfer of innovation from the academic sector entities has been focused.Item Аналіз критеріїв, що впливають на вибір автозаправного комплексу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Карпій, О. П.; Васильців, Н. М.; Михайлик, Н. І.Розглянуто основні критерії, які впливають на вибір водієм автозаправної станції. Подано детальну структуру автозаправного ринку України. Проаналізовано залежність якості палива від джерела його походження. Розглянуто ціну палива, зокрема у Львівській області. Подано кількісне розташування автозаправних станцій по усіх областях України та структуру послуг, пропонованих автозаправними комплексами. In the article the basic criteria that influence the driver`s choice of the petrol station are considered. The main criteria, that drivers give maximum evaluation to, are: the quality of fuel, the price of fuel, location of the petrol complex, loyalty programs offered by petrol complexes, offered services, additional services and promotions. The detailed structure of petrol market of Ukraine is presented, where 68 % of fueling market controls ten companies, namely the group of companies Privat, which is represented on the market under such brands as Avias, Ukrtatnafta, ANP, Maveks, Sentosa Oil, Yukon and others, WOG, OKKO, AMIS, BRSM-Nafta, Shell, TNK, SunOil, Market, Tarnett. The second largest participant at the fueling market of Ukraine is a network of Ukrnafta, which belongs to the state company “Naftogaz Ukraine”. Its share is 32 % of all petrol stations` market and it is represented by such brands as: ANP, AVIS, Ukrnafta, Sentora, Maveks and others. The dependence of a petrol quality from the source of origin is analyzed, despite the fact that the fuel at the petrol complexes in Ukraine comes both from Ukraine and abroad. Domestic refineries have high project capacity and optimal territorial location, but the volumes of refining annually fall. This leads to increasing supplies from abroad, namely Russia, Belarus, Greece, Poland, Lithuania, Israel, Romania and Bulgaria. The price of petrol, in particular A-95, in the Lviv region in 2011–2016 is considered, and determined that the maximum rates in UAH equivalent of all grades of petrol were installed in early February 2015. However, given the exchange rate of the euro, there were two peak periods: the first in June and July 2012, when prices were highest at the A-95, A-98 and LPG (gas); second in March 2015 for A-92 and diesel fuel. The quantitative location of petrol stations in all regions of Ukraine as well as their geographic concentration is presented. The structure of the services offered by filling complexes is presented; this structure is formed of four elements: the root of the services – the basic petrol station that offers only refiling, additional paid services, auxiliary paid services and useful free services.Item Боротьба з контрабандою як один із методів забезпечення економічної безпеки держави(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Передало, Х. С.; Стасів, Н. В.Встановлено, що внаслідок нестабільної економічної та політичної ситуації в країні контрабанда набуває розмірів масового негативного явища та становить реальну загрозу економічним інтересам держави. Висвітлено сутність поняття контрабанди та механізм класифікації дій, що підлягають визначенню цього терміна. Сформовано групи товарів, що перевозяться контрабандистами та охарактеризовано основні способи здійснення контрабанди. Визначено основні причини контрабанди в Україні та встановлено шляхи протидії. In the article we explain the essence and the concept of smuggling and which actions to take in order to solve the problem. The purpose of the article is to analyze the characteristics of smuggling and identifying the main ways to combat this phenomenon. We consider 5 main groups of goods transported by smugglers, namely particularly valuable goods, goods that pose a threat to human health, items that pose a threat to personal and public safety, items that pose a threat to public morality, things that threat personal integrity of the person and highlight two main methods of smuggling operations. Physical methods include attempts to hide smuggled goods in another product or not declare all the smuggled items to the authority or hide the goods from customs inspection or threaten the officers for permission to import/export of contraband/transport a large number of goods. Economic methods include bribery, using of diplomatic protection and understatement of customs value of goods. The results of a poll display that the main causes of smuggling into the country are: corruption in customs, border and other regulatory bodies, excise import duty, excise duty and VAT, imperfection of the legislative, regulatory and legal framework for the regulation of imports and to combat smuggling, violations of customs rules, lack of cooperation of law enforcement and controlling bodies in Ukraine with relevant bodies of neighboring states to share information on combating the movement of goods out of customs control or concealed from customs control, prevailing unemployment among residents of border areas, lack of proper control over the sale of goods in the internal market, lack of effectiveness of customs and border control, advantageous geographical position and transport into the state. These polls established that to combat smuggling , we must solve several problems: install tight parliamentary and public control over the actions of customs and border agencies and ensure punishment for corruption; optimize import duty, excise duty and VAT includes ensuring the necessary protection of the domestic market; simplify procedure of customs clearance, strengthen the interaction between the Security Service, Interior Ministry, State Border Service of Ukraine and law enforcement and regulatory authorities of neighboring countries and customs authorities to exchange information; ensure the maintenance of customs with modern means of customs control, establish surveillance systems, electronic scales, devices for scanning and others; promote the development and use of Dog Training service, search for methods to detect drugs based on international experience; issue counterparts narcotics training for dogs, as for training with the use of substitutes that have a smell different from the original; report on the media actions of public authorities relating to the fight against smuggling and customs violations. Gradual implementation of the set of measures to combat smuggling will lead to the protection of economic interests of the country, it will improve the state budget and impact the criminal situation in the country, which together leads to the formation of strong reserves to strengthen the economic security. However, even if the domestic market state will take all necessary measures to overcome the smuggling, do not forget that the problem exists across the border and, unfortunately we can not avoid it on the international market, it's impossible to fight it everywhere, one must start with his country .Item Вплив світової кризи на рівень життя населення України(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Вербицька, Г. Л.Розглянуто поняття “рівень життя” та “бідність” населення, проаналізовано вплив світових кризових процесів на добробут населення держави. Виокремлено основні ключові поняття багатопланової категорії “рівень життя” у контексті соціально- економічних відносин. Проведено дослідження рівня життя населення України. Висвітлено найвагоміші причини поширення бідності в Україні. Визначено важливі пріоритети подальшої соціальної політики, спрямованої на забезпечення належного рівня життя та стабільності суспільства. The article is the development of theoretical, methodological guidelines and practical recommendations on minimization of the global crisis on the living standards of Ukraine. The theoretical and methodological basis of research is fundamental tenets of modern economic theory, scientific works of scientists, regulatory and legislative acts of Ukraine on social protection. The study used the following methods: Economics and Statistics (the study of life in Ukraine); graphic (for visual presentation of research results); analytical and structural logic (in determining the optimum areas of social policy of the Ukrainian government). The article discusses the concept of “standard of living” and “poverty” population, the influence of the world crisis processes in the welfare state. Thesis there is determined basic key concepts multifaceted category “standard of living” in the context of socio-economic relations. A study of living standards in Ukraine. The most significant causes of poverty in Ukraine. Determined further important priorities of social policies to ensure adequate living standards and social stability. The results of research aimed at solving problems of social security. They can be used in the formation of government social policy. The difficult economic situation, burdened by the armed conflict in the east and the annexation of the Crimea, leads to a decline in living standards, growing poverty and social exclusion among the population of Ukraine, especially among vulnerable groups such as persons vnutrishnoperemischeni, large families, people with disabilities, representatives rural communities, orphans, and others. Many people were limited in their access to basic resources of life, so that there are: chronic malnutrition, increased morbidity and mortality, reduced life expectancy, reduced access to education, health care, cultural values and so on. At this stage, quality of life in Ukraine in terms of household income is very low compared to neighboring countries, minimum and average wages much lower. This suggests that the population lives quite poorly. Uncontrolled spread of the effects of the crisis period and the absence of effective steps by the state to fight can result in higher socio-economic risks and threats to the development of both regions and the country as a whole. In order to improve the welfare of life in our country need to: reduce the rate of price growth, improve living wage, minimum wages, reduce income differentiation, prevent unemployment and to reduce its volume. The implementation of the proposed measures will stabilize living standards, to prevent increased social tension in the country and in the future ensure more harmonious development of economic relations at the stage of market transformation of Ukraine. The European orientation of Ukraine requires software to enter the following indicators: the share of wages in GDP of 55–60 %, the ratio of minimum wage to average no lower than 55 % and increase the minimum wage to a level that is at least officially established living wage at least 2 times. All branches of government must focus on creating stable conditions for both economic development and social support and protection from the effects of global shocks, since the state must fulfill the principal regulator and stabilizer of the national economy, which automatically will improve the welfare and living standards of ordinary people.Item До питання державного управління кластеризацією промисловості(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Кузьмін, О. С.; Маслак, О. О.; Удовиченко, Т. В.Розглянуто поняття кластеризації і підкреслена важливість державного управління нею. З метою визначення ключових аспектів, на яких ґрунтується державне управління кластеризацію (фінансове забезпечення, наукова сфера, освіта, інфраструктура (фінансова, інституційна тощо), міжнародна сфера), досліджено типи кластерної політики, її інституційне забезпечення, вивчено зарубіжну практику державного управління кластеризацію. Це окреслило необхідність розвитку нового управлінського підходу, який відповідає сучасним вимогам адміністративних моделей та характеризує те, що ступінь державного регулювання можна посилювати або послаблювати, оперативно заміняти важелі впливу у разі їх негативної дії; застосовувати стимули і пільги тощо. Запропоновано здійснювати у межах гнучкої моделі управління залежно від рівня ключових чинників: етапу кластеризації, наявності ресурсів, рівня розвитку міжнародних економічних відносин, рівня розвитку промисловості, суміжних і підтримувальних галузей, рівень інфраструктурного забезпечення. The article deals with the concept of a clustering as a process of creation of clusters and other networked structures and underlined the importance of state governance. Studied types of cluster policies as a system of relations between government and business entities to improve the competitiveness of a territory on the basis of the formation and development of clusters (depending on the software the level of clusters, according to the method of influence on cluster, depending on the level of centralization), institutional support (cluster development strategies, programs, projects and specific activities), learned foreign practice of government of clustering (Great Britain, Slovenia, Japan, Russia, EU, etc.). On this basis defines the key aspects on which the clustering of state governance: financial support, the scientific sphere, education, infrastructure (financial, institutional, etc.), international area. That shaped the need to develop a new management approach that meets the modern requirements of administrative models and describes what degree of government regulation can strengthen or weaken promptly replaced leverage in case their negative impact; apply incentives and benefits and so on. As one, recommended the flexible governance model of clustering. It is proposed to implement with a flexible management model based on the level of key factors: stage clustering, availability of resources, the level of international economic relations, development of industry, related and supporting industries, the level of infrastructure support. The level of the five signs can choose three basic models of cluster policy and a number of auxiliary.Item Ефективність франчайзингу як форми організації ресторанного бізнесу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Чорій, М. В.Розглянуто чинники та етaпи стaновлення фрaнчaйзингових відносин у сфері ресторaнного бізнесу. Окреслено тенденції розвитку фрaнчайзингу як зовнішньо- економічного партнерства. Сформовано переваги та недоліки франчайзингових мереж на рівні франчайзера та франчайзі. Виділено організаційні форми та види франчайзингу у ресторанному бізнесі України. Згруповано чинники, що стримують розвиток франчайзингу в Україні. Modern trends in the economy and tourism allow us to say that the restaurant services market is quite attractive for investments. One of the methods of investing is franchising, which is not only possible to start a business, but also to raise the class of the restaurant, improve the enterprise management level and improve the quality of services provided. Franchising is a form of cooperation between legally and financially independent entities (companies and/or individuals) in which one party (the franchisor), having a successful business, a well-known trademark, know-how, trade secrets, goodwill and other intangible assets, allows another part (the franchisee) to use this system on agreed terms. Today in the Ukrainian economy for the franchise there are hundreds of Ukrainian and foreign enterprises. One of the three leaders is the restaurant business. Franchising is a very specific method or the way of distribution of goods or services, which offers entrepreneurs a short path to growth, as they get ready. Franchise package for the catering industry is a business structure with a specific concept, product range, services that allow you to organize business activities with minimal risk. Franchisees gets not only the right to sell the goods (services) and the methodology of sales or the provision of services, but also the whole concept of doing business (from the restaurant decoration, personnel uniforms, service delivery methods, customer service, training of the personnel to the recommendations for promotion and marketing). Franchising as a form of business organization is becoming increasingly popular, despite the opposition of negative factors. The latter include the relative political instability, the changing legal framework and shortcomings of the legal framework of franchising. At the level of franchisors a shortage of professional franchisees, who have the necessary knowledge, skills and experience in the restaurant business; the complexity of the strategic management of the network; the risk of damaging the brand , reducing its reputation because of poor quality work of franchisee, violations of standards of quality of service are much concerned. At the level of the franchisee the difficulty in obtaining benefits from franchising is related to the insufficient amount of equity capital; the reluctance of the limitations of actions by the franchisor; with a lack of awareness regarding aspects of franchising; a high level of risk for business creation in the regions of Ukraine, where the level of competition is lower, but the level of incomes is significantly low er than in the capital. The franchisee require the franchisee to more detailed documents and more real help in organization and business development, increase of efficiency of advertising activity. On the other hand, there are factors of positive action. Entrepreneurial activity is characterized by the ability to take risks, to use adverse factors in favor of the case. Therefore, we can state the fact that for the development of franchising, as a form of organization of restaurant business in Ukraine, there are objective conditions. There are also a number of diverse ideas and projects that can be implemented in the framework of franchising. The neutralization, constraint to the active introduction of franchising ,will enhance the benefits of this progressive form of business organization.Item Зменшення інтегрального ризику банкрутства підприємства за рахунок використання переваг ризик-менеджменту(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Нєнно, І. М.Визначення переваг “ризик-менеджменту”, за рахунок яких можна досягти зменшення ймовірності реалізації сукупного (інтегрального) ризику банкрутства. Проведено аналіз сукупного ризику банкрутства морського торговельного порту України. Запропоновано напрямки зменшення вірогідності банкрутства: скорочення податків та трансакійних витрат, покращення якості прийняття інвестиційних рішень, залучення управлінського персоналу, зменшення нестабільності доходів, підвищення акціонерної вартості та захист фінансових інтересів акціонерів. Результати дослідження можуть бути застосовані для впровадження системи управління ризиками у морських торговельних портах. The purpose of the article is to define the “risk-management” advantages, which would allow achieving the probability reduction of enterprise integral bankruptcy risk. As a result, the next range of research tasks was solved: risk-management terminology was analyzed and the author’s understanding concretized; the directions for bankruptcy risk reduction under the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework were formed. Enterprise Risk Management is understandable as a new philosophy of strategic management. It arose as a result of revolutionary change if the risk-management purpose. The change means refuse from the defensive function of risk minimization to adaptation of proactive managing of risks. Integral bankruptcy risk became an object of analysis and management. The quantitative measurement is a volatility of market value of the enterprise, for which the standard deviation is used. Successful introduction of risk-management is possible in the case of four components interaction: organizational provision; methodological support, including qualitative evaluation of the risk-appetite; calculation of the economic effectives (Economic Value Added – EVA); stress-testing and monitoring by risk-map; information analytical systems. It was suggested to use the range-score approach to analyze the financial and economic performance of the port to prevent the overall risk of bankruptcy. It is a financial method, which is based on the comparison of real and normative results of financial coefficients. During the comparison the principle of colored visualizing is used, depending on the distance from the recommended optimal meaning of the coefficients. The coefficients were chosen by orientation of the next criteria: informational availability and simplicity of the evaluation coefficients calculations; avoiding of double-coefficients, i.e. coefficients with linear dependence. As a result, 16 coefficients were chosen, that give the complete observation about the financialeconomic activity of the enterprise. The coefficients were divided to the 5 groups relatively to the most important characteristics of the enterprise. The coefficients calculations and distribution under risk zones gives the primary understanding of solvency. The next step is to unite the coefficients to one resulting parameter. Thus, each side of the enterprise activity is qualified by the overall evaluation. The evaluation results of the state enterprise “Berdyanskiy sea trade port” were presented. Using of the range-score approach for bankruptcy risk evaluation upon the indicators of financial stability, solvency, business effectiveness, balance structure, profitability, bankruptcy probability. The directions for further decreasing of the bankruptcy probability of the sea trade port in the ERM framework are: tax and transaction costs reduction; improvement of the quality of investment decisions; attraction of the managerial staff and support of their career security; mitigation of the earnings instability; amplification of the shareholders’ value and defense of their financial interests. The further research perspectives are to form the business-model of the enterprise development, based on the decomposition of the indicators, oriented on risk optimization.Item Зміст до Вісника “Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” № 851(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016)Item Зовнішня торгівля суб’єктів господарювання Закарпатської області(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Рубіш, М. А.Проаналізовано сучасний стан зовнішньої торгівлі товарами та послугами Закарпатської області, виявлено основні тенденції зовнішньої торгівлі. Здійснено аналіз географічної структури експорту та імпорту товарів та послуг, відповідно до якого були зроблені висновки щодо основних партнерів серед країн–членів ЄС, які межують із Закарпатською областю, та інших країн світу. Визначено основні частки структури експорту та імпорту товарів та послуг Закарпатської області за досліджуваний період. One of the areas of effective cooperation and the development of our country along with its regions is using one of the important forms of international economic relations – foreign trade. The integration of economy of the country (region) in global processes have a positive impact on their development as a whole, provide the use of existing natural resources and competitive advantages, it promotes socio-economic development. On the example of Transcarpathia region there have been made an important analysis on regions’ foreign trade as a whole. Foreign trade of goods and services is an important part of foreign trade activities of Transcarpathia region and requires continuous implementation of measures to stimulate it. The aim of this work is to identify the main trends of international trade in the region on the example of Transcarpathia region, determining geographical structure and analyzing the trade balance. In article author has analyzed value of exports and imports in the years 2010–2014, has ascertained preference of imports over exports, indicating that the region is dependent on imports: comparing 2010 and 2014, we observe their growth, but if you analyze the share of exports and imports in region’s total foreign trade, they remain virtually unchanged. According to the reduced geographical structure, enterprises of Transcarpathia region have been exporting mostly to Europe, due to its geographical location. Most of the enterprises of Transcarpathia region export machinery, equipment, machinery and electrical equipment (63.9 % of total in 2014), and textile materials and products (9.5 %). The largest importers of goods and services to the Transcarpathia region are Europe, CIS and Asia. Regarding the volume of goods’ import, there is a tendency to its growth. The balance of foreign trade for the period of 2010–2014 years – negative, although decreased by half compared with 2013. Over the period the bulk of services imports were from the following countries: Italy, Germany, Poland, Romania and Hungary. In 2014 a decrease of the share services from the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic were observed. The balance of services for the years 2010–2014 is positive in contrast to the net balance of goods. The results obtained during conducted by us studies give reason to believe that Transcarpathia should use its advantage – relevance to the borders and intensify cross-border trade. The border regions play a specific role in implementing the leading trends of global development, namely in foreign economic activity, including foreign trade liberalization and a sharp increase in cross-border trade, intensification of interstate movement of population. In the region continuously carried out work on the study of markets and the search for foreign partners for mutually beneficial cooperation mechanisms with the aim to improve country's exports and overcome the negative trends in foreign trade. The Further research require management tools of economic processes in the region, that ensure the use of foreign trade advantages of the Transcarpathian region after full ratification of the Association Agreement Ukraine and the EU.Item Міжнародна конкурентоспроможність аграрного сектору України: теоретичний базис і проблеми розвитку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Мустафаєва, Л. А.; Босак, А. О.Визначено основні фактори конкурентоспроможності аграрної продукції вітчизняних підприємств на міжнародному ринку. Враховано основні положення класичних і неокласичних теорій міжнародної торгівлі щодо визначення конкурентних переваг аграрного сектору. На основі відкритих статистичних джерел проаналізовано тенденції і динаміку виробництва та експорту сільськогосподарських культур та визначено основні напрямки розвитку галузі з урахуванням чинників внутрішньорегіонального і глобального впливу. Сформовано пропозиції щодо удосконалення системи підготовки спеціалістів аграрного сектору та реформування системи державного управління галуззю. Place in global market and role in international division of labor is important for every national economy. An important element of development of the country is structure of public production sector, through which the economy is gaining new capacities and expanding its operation prospects in the international market. Overall, the national economy is defined as a single integrated system of relationships between economic actors, a set of economic sectors and industries aimed at improving the welfare of the population. Currently, the agricultural sector of Ukraine is the main source of foreign currency earnings through the export of agricultural products. This situation is caused by the drop in production in steel and chemical industries, which traditionally were leaders of exports. The development of agriculture in Ukraine is spontaneous and export growth is based purely on price competition. In order for domestic producers of agricultural products to be competitive in the global market in the long term, new technologies should be developed, but also the conceptual basis of the industry at the state level should be created. The relevance of the study follows from the need to develop the theoretical basis of the strategic concept of agricultural development in Ukraine, and creation of effective tools to protect the domestic market and the expansion of its own agricultural products on the global market. To determine the factors of the international competitiveness of agricultural sector of Ukraine, in the article the following objectives have been achieved: studied international competitiveness theory and international trade theory; studied the factors shaping the international competitiveness of the products of the agricultural sector and evaluated their impact in terms of Ukraine; conducted a statistical analysis of production and export of agricultural products in Ukraine in terms of areas and product groups; formed directions of agricultural sector of Ukraine and identified the strengths and weaknesses of its export potential. Agriculture is the traditional manufacturing sector and, therefore, best meets the laws of classical political economy, a huge contribution to the development of which have been made by Karl Heinrich Marx, David Ricardo, Adam Smith, A. Marshall, John Stuart Mill, William Petty, François Quesnay, and others. They proclaimed the idea of natural order and the effect of economic laws. Important contributions to the formation of theoretical basis of the international competitiveness of the agricultural products also have been made by John Maynard Keynes, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Michael E. Porter, Sir John Richard Hicks, Paul Anthony Samuelson. Although Ukraine is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of agricultural products, agricultural sector may face significant challenges in the further development due to the decline of its own machinery, lack of technical innovation, financial resources and more. The impact of various negative factors on the agricultural sector of Ukraine stimulates the search for alternative solutions aimed at eliminating the problems. For solving the problem of increasing competitiveness of the agricultural products in domestic and foreign markets, it is needed to develop a strategy of balanced development of agricultural enterprises, which will focus on the production of innovative high quality products. In particular: encouraging foreign investors, implementing new production technologies and upgrading material and technical bases, reducing the regulatory pressure on the agricultural sector, preserving tax benefits and monitoring their provision, amalgamating or eliminating inefficient companies, focus on world prices, solving the logistics problem, searching for and developing new markets, improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized farms, improving the system of training specialists and so on.Item Обґрунтування доцільності відновлення лижної траси у Львові(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Панченко, А. В.; Бондаренко, О. C.; Широка, А. О.Визначено доцільність відновлення лижної траси у м. Львові. Досліджено рівень зацікавленості мешканців міста у відновленні лижної траси, зазначено суму коштів, які готові заплатити потенційні споживачі за абонемент та які розваги і послуги для них є важливими. Досліджено вартість та терміни окупності відновлення лижної траси.Зазначено, що у зв’язку з невеликою протяжністю лижної траси, її відновлення доцільно здійснити не як комерційний, а як соціальний проект, в основу якого буде закладена дитяча лижня та круглорічний парк активних розваг. The article is dedicated to the topic of expedient ski track reconstruction in Lviv. There was estimated the level of residents who are interested in recovery of ski track, defined amount of money which people are ready to pay for entrance tickets and what type of entertainment is important for them , investigated the cost and payback period of recovery ski track. The research was divided into two stages: the first stage –to investigate the level of human interest in the reconstruction of ski track and pricing. Second stage- to define payback period of recovery ski track. At the first stage there was conducted the poll among the residents of Lviv city. Accordingly, we have determined that active city residents prefer such types of entertainments as skating rink, swimming pool, rolodrom. The majority of them visit entertainment places with two or three parents or friends. The average sizes of monthly spending on entertainment consist of two bands. The first from 200 to 400 USD (145 persons, at the percent – 36, 25 %), the second from 450 USD to 900 USD (146 persons, at the percent 36,6 %)While 93, 5 % respondents opine advisable to recover ski track. Through the study were identified, that the level of interest residents in the recovery ski track is so high. Therefore, the second research phase was conducted research and determined the investment costs for the recovery ski slopes. Underlying investment costs grouped expenditures required for the installation of ski-210 650 euro’s. It was differentiated revenue and payback period according to the workload of the ski slopes( from 500 to 50 people per hour) and the quantity of skiing hours in season (from 871 hours – 67 days with night skiing; up 350 hours -50 days without night skiing). The results show that the project is attractive to potential investors, because when acceptable to the residents of Lviv daily subscription cost (up to 100 UAH.) Payback period is 2 years. The results show that the project is attractive to potential investors, because when acceptable to the residents of Lviv daily ski pass (up to 100 UAH.) payback period is 2 years. However, due to the small length of the ski slopes, it is advisable to carry out restoration not as a commercial for other as a social project. At the core of which will be children’s ski school and all year round active park for entertainment.Item Обґрунтування та вибір оптимальних схем механізмів фінансування неприбуткових проектів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Панченко, А. В.; Тимчишин, І. Є.Досліджено особливості різних механізмів та схем фінансування неприбуткових проектів, визначено пріоритетні сфери їхнього застосування. Враховуючи запропонований підхід до поділу неприбуткових проектів, розроблено економічну модель, яка використовується для вибору оптимальних схем залучення коштів та механізмів фінансування з орієнтацією на критерій максимуму фінансових та немонетарних вигод бенефіціантів у розрахунку на одиницю витрат, пов’язаних із реалізацією проекту. The article highlights various features of mechanisms and schemes of non-profit projects financing (sponsorships, donation, government support, preferential loans, co-financing, in particular, the participation of beneficiaries) and identifies priority areas of their application. The study of various schemes of non-profit projects financing gives grounds for establishing their best fields of application: public financial support in solving socially important problems is a necessary tool for the realization of state social policy; donation and sponsorship are effective for projects with relatively small scale and projects whose themes coincide with the priority values of the donor whether the strategy of the sponsor; mechanism of preferential loans is used for projects related to providing energy saving, ecology and protection of the environment, improving the high qua life; multi-channel financing is effective for large non-profit projects in various sectors of the economy, governance, environment, health, social security, public safety. Due to the study we proposed our own approach to a wide variety of non-profit projects grouping: projects whose implementation provides an income sufficient for full or partial cost compensation; projects that reduce costs of beneficiaries for the purchase of socially important goods and services; projects that result only in non-monetary benefits. Based on the proposed approach of non-profit projects grouping, there was developed an economic model that helps to select the best fundraising schemes and funding mechanisms with a focus on the criterion of maximum benefits per unit costs associated with the project. The model takes into consideration financial and non-financial benefits and costs of all beneficiaries and participants, using resources from different sources (own funds of the state, business and the “third sector”, the resources involved in non-repayable basis, loans). The application of the model makes it possible to determine the main parameters of multichannel financing schemes: the share of costs of each participant, periods and procedures of expenses and income, the marginal cost of financial resources etc. Practical implementation of the model requires the solution of two problems: monetary evaluation of non-financial benefits and the social discount rate determination.Item Особливості застосування митного режиму “Митний склад” під час імпорту нафтопродуктів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Мельник, О. Г.; Мукан, О. В.; Яцишин, О. І.Розглянуто відмінності між митним складом та складом митниці відповідно до чинного законодавства України, проаналізовано порядок роботи складу митниці та митного складу, досліджено тенденції ринку світлих нафтопродуктів, сформовано пропозиції щодо удосконалення діяльності підприємств, що здійснюють зовнішньоекономічну та митну діяльність, застосовуючи митний режим митного складу під час імпорту світлих нафтопродуктів.Because of high energy dependence of Ukraine, in particular, from imports of oil and oil products, the issues related to moving petroleum derivatives through the customs of Ukraine and their customs clearance remain relevant and important. The volatility of the national currency, challenging conditions in which enterprises of Ukrainian fuel and energy complex operate due to deepening political and economic crisis cause oil traders to diversify customs regimes in their foreign trade operations to avoid the risks associated with foreign trade and customs activities. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the specifics of using the customs regime of customs warehouse during moving oil products to the customs territory of Ukraine and to develop recommendations to improve procedures for placing the imported oil products into this customs regime. Exploring peculiarities of applying the customs regime of customs warehouse, it is first of all necessary to clarify the difference between the terms “ warehouse of customs “ and “customs warehouse”. Premises, tanks, indoor and outdoor grounds, refrigerators or freezers that are owned or used by the customs and that are specially equipped for storing goods or vehicles of commercial use under customs control may be used as warehouses of Ukrainian State Fiscal Service customs having been determined as such by the order of the Customs. The customs warehouses store goods that have not been cleared yet and that are still to be taxed with customs duties but the procedures have been postponed for some time or the goods are stored waiting for the change of the customs regime. The customs warehouse is the customs regime within which foreign or Ukrainian goods are stored under customs control with their conditional full exemption from customs duties and taxes and without applying non-tariff regulation of foreign trade activities. Oil traders can also use the customs regime of customs warehouse in order to delay the payment of customs duties and the fulfillment of obligations concerning non-tariff regulation, to purchase large quantities of goods when the supply on the international market is the most profitable and to sell goods when the demand on the domestic market is the most favorable, to form small consignments of goods, to reduce transportation costs. Light oil products are imported to Ukraine from Belarus, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Poland, Romania and the Russian Federation. To improve the activities of enterprises engaged in foreign trade and, in particular, customs activities using the customs regime of customs warehouse when importing light oil products and to avoid problems of customs clearance of goods (commodity heading UKT ZED 2710 – gasoline, diesel oil, fuel oil, jet fuel etc. ) in the customs regime of customs warehouse it is necessary: 1) to equip customs warehouses with tanks and reservoirs used for storing liquids, oil, in particular; 2) to improve the system of the electronic journals used in customs warehouses; 3) to bring the equipment of the customs warehouses in compliance with the EU norms and standards.Item Особливості та тенденції розвитку мобільного маркетингу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Горбаль, Н. І.; Куян, М. М.; Горбаль, Ю. О.Розкрито сутнісні характеристики, технології та інструменти мобільного марке- тингу, наведено окремі приклади його використання. Проаналізовано витрати на мобільний маркетинг у різних країнах світу та наведені їхні прогнози до 2019 р., що засвідчили високу динамічність розвитку такого маркетингу. Досліджено тенденції використання і перспективи мобільного маркетингу в Україні. Наведено окремі реко- мендації під час застосування мобільного маркетингу. The essential characteristics, technologies and tools of mobile marketing are described, some examples of its use are provided. Mobile marketing expenses in the world are analyzed and their forecasts up to 2019 are presented. It shows highly dynamic development of the mobile marketing. The tendencies and prospects of using mobile marketing in Ukraine are analyzed. Some recommendations for using mobile marketing are given. Mobile marketing is marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a smart phone. Mobile marketing can provide customers with time and location sensitive, personalized information that promotes goods, services and ideas. Most people associate mobile marketing with SMS campaigns. It is the oldest and the most popular form of marketing via mobile phones but it is not the only way to communicate value of products or service to customers. Some of the most popular and effective types of mobile marketing include: 1. Text/SMS Marketing – Short message service (SMS) or sent to potential customers through the mobile phone; 2. Mobile Web – 90 % of mobile handsets are internet ready. This is basically advertising on internet web pages that are supposed to be for mobile technology; 3. Bluetooth Proximity Marketing – utilizes Bluetooth to connect with a marketers broadcasting station and station is programmed to automatically deliver content to the consumers’ phone. It automatically authenticates its make and model and sends the content; 4. MMS (multi-media message service) – these are messages that are sent to customers in the form of video, pictures and audio; 5. Mobile Applications – this form of mobile marketing involves ads inside of an application design. Basically it is a normal mobile application that includes an advert within it; 6. PPC (Pay Per Call) Mobile Marketing – these are usually advertisements that require the customer to perform a certain action like making a phone call usually with the provided number that the ad gives. If the customers make calls to that number they are then billed; 7. Mobile Banner Ads – this is when you see a mobile phone on a website with an advertisement on the screen. So in essence it’s just a standard banner ad but now customized to fit and cater to mobile phone websites; 8. Location-Based Marketing – this type of mobile marketing uses GPS and other software technologies to locate mobile phone users according to their current location and then send adverts and other information to them (usually multi-media); 9. Voice marketing – these are pre-recorded messages that are broadcasted to numbers from a computer managed list. IVR (Interactive voice response) is that automated voice that guides a person through the mobile provider’s customer mobile service section; 10. Mobile Games – games that a user downloads which advertise a company or its services and products and aim to entice the user to respond to the advertisement; 11. Barcodes/QR (quick-response barcodes) – codes that allow mobile users to easily obtain information via the use of their mobile. Mobile marketing is developing rapidly. It is predicted that global mobile marketing expenses will reach 101.37 bill. doll. in 2016, reflecting an increase of 430% compared to 2013. This is caused by the proliferation of mobile devices among consumers. Key players of the world market (USA, China, etc.) spent more and more funds on mobile communication. In Ukraine mobile marketing is also actively developing.Item Оцінка кризового стану підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Мельниченко, О. О.Доведена актуальність оцінки кризового стану підприємства у сучасних умовах господарювання, що характеризуються нестабільністю політичної ситуації та поширенням кризових явищ в економіку України. Завданням такої оцінки повинна бути раннє виявлення кризових явищ з метою їх своєчасного подолання. Розглянуті такі методи оцінки кризових явищ, як коефіцієнтний аналіз, таксономічний аналіз, оцінка вартості підприємства, моделі діагностики банкрутства, методика Д. А. Шеремета, матриця фінансової стратегії Франшона-Романе, оцінка за допомогою інтегральних показників, охарактеризовані їх переваги та недоліки. Запропонована методика оцінки кризового стану підприємства, що враховуватиме виділення елементів економічної системи підприємства за окремими бізнес-процесами, що відповідають стадіям операційного циклу, в яких зародилася криза, та дає змогу визначити ступінь глибини кризових явищ на підприємстві. Особливістю методики є те, що поряд з оцінкою кризових явищ за фінансовими показниками, які є ретроспективними, вона передбачає оцінку кризових явищ, що можуть виникати під час виконання таких бізнес-процесів, як маркетинг, постачання, виробництво, збут та розрахунки. Результатом використання запропонованої методики повинно бути визначення інтегрального показника оцінки кризового стану підприємства. Такий підхід дасть змогу виявити ознаки кризових явищ на ранніх стадіях до того, як вони встигнуть відобразитися на фінансових показниках діяльності підприємства. This paper proves the relevance assessment of the crisis stage of the company in current economic conditions, which are characterized by the instability of the political situation and the spread of the crisis in the Ukrainian economy. The objectives of this assessment should be the early detection of the crisis with a view to timely address. The article discussed such methods for evaluating the crisis as a ratio analysis, taxonomic analysis, valuation of companies, bankruptcy model of diagnosis, method of D. Sheremet, matrix of Franchon-Romane (matrix of financial strategy), evaluation using integral indicators, also their advantages and disadvantages are characterized. The paper proposes a method of estimating the crisis stage of the enterprise, which will take into account the allocation of enterprise economic system elements of individual business processes that meet the operational stages of the cycle, which originated in the crisis, as well as the degree of the depth of the crisis in the company. A feature of the technique is in that, along with the assessment of the crisis by financial indicators, which are retrospective, an assessment of the crisis objects is held, which may arise in the performance of business processes such as marketing, purchasing, production, sales and settlements. The results of using the proposed method should be the definition of the integral index of evaluation of the crisis stage of the enterprise. Such an approach would be a sign of the crisis at an early stage before it has time to be displayed on the financial performance of the company.Item Проблеми імпортозамінної діяльності в Україні у контексті євроінтеграційних процесів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Моторнюк, У. І.; Теребух, М. І.; Ціхановський, А. О.Проаналізовано підходи до трактування понятя “імпортозаміщення”. Досліджено тенденції експортно-імпортної діяльності в Україні у контексті євроінтеграційних процесів, а також динаміку коефіцієнта покриття товарів та послуг. Узагальнено стратегії імпортозаміщення у перерізі окремих галузей та пропозиції щодо напрямів їх реалізації. Проаналізовано переваги та недоліки політики імпортозаміщення. Виокремлено проблеми реалізації моделей імпортозаміщення в Україні. а також особливості реалізації політики імпортозаміщення у контексті стимулювання розвитку малого підприємництва. The approaches to interpretation concepts of “import substitution” were analyzed in this article. The tendencies of export-import activities in Ukraine in the context of European integration, and the dynamics of the absorption factor goods and services. Overview of import substitution strategies in individual sectors and proposals for their іmplementation areas. Advantages and disadvantages of the policy of import substitution were analyzed as well. Thesis there is determined the problem realization import models in Ukraine. and also features import substitution policy іmplementation in the context of stimulating small business development. Іmport substitution should be considered more widely, particularly as management not only trade flows, and all tangible and intangible assets, values that have and have materialized forms, which can be imported on the territory of the state and affect the volume of domestic production, supply, development and, respectively, consumption. The basis for national economic growth is the development of industry, certain activities which may be export-oriented, import-substituting or neutral. Entities engaged in import, contribute to balancing trade flows and economic growth. Implementation in Ukraine classical model of import substitution, based only on their own resources and technologies in the near future is connected with great difficulties due to loss of competitive position of many economic activities. Another model of import substitution can be import-substituting industrialization, for the implementation of which should actively involve international companies and foreign direct investment of transnational corporations. As decisive implementation of industrial import substitution model considered foreign direct investment (FDI), the government must deal with improving Ukraine's image to potential investors. By this time in the international format Ukraine is still a few attractive to potential investors and FDI are characterized by weak capitalization. The main obstacles for FDI, vital for economic modernization in view of the limited financial resources of their own, are inefficient public administration, uncertainty about contract enforcement and corruption. Import substitution aimed at systemic effect obtained by the public or separate economic entity and is appropriate when the process is a prerequisite for the effective functioning of the national economy, giving the possibility of national producers to align its position in the domestic market. The analysis shows that Ukraine has not fulfilled mechanisms to stimulate importsubstituting production. The use of instruments of exchange rate policy was ineffective, including devaluation of the hryvnia not significantly affect the process of import substitution. Tools of monetary policy did not contribute to stimulate import-substituting production. With the right trade policy, as Ukraine could export services at competitive prices. Currently, Ukrainian exports based on agro-commodities that make up two-thirds of exports of goods from the country. However, exports of services belongs to the priorities of Ukraine. Thus, the development of efficient services sector is vital. Implementation of import substitution policy in the context of stimulating small business development should take place, taking into account its level of development, import-substituting strategies, sectoral specialization of small businesses in regions of certain economic activities.Item Провідні ВНЗ у системі науково-технологічних кластерів країн світу у період глобальних трансформацій(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Литвин, І. В.Розглянуто кластерний підхід як один із дієвих механізмів підвищення конкурентоспроможності ВНЗ, регіонів їх розташування та країн загалом в умовах глобалізації. Визначені фактори досягнення ефективної взаємодії у межах інноваційно-технологічних кластерів, роль та значення ВНЗ у їх формуванні. Досліджено провідні глобальні рейтинги країн світу за критеріями конкурентоспроможності їх економік, освіти та науки, розвиненості кластерів та ефективності інноваційної діяльності. Вивчено рейтинги найкращих ВНЗ світу, зроблено висновки за результатами порівняння рейтингових позицій країн світу про наявність істотного зв’язку між наявністю провідних інноваційних ВНЗ, науково-технологічних кластерів у країні та її позиціями у глобальних рейтингах конкурентоспроможності. In the article the cluster approach as one of the most effective mechanisms to improve the competitiveness of universities, regions and countries of their location in the context of globalization is revealed. The factors of effective cooperation achievement interaction within the innovation and technology clusters, the role and importance of universities in their formation are defined. Leading global rankings of the countries in the world according to the criteria of competitiveness of their economies, education and science, development of clusters and innovation activity efficiency, rankings of the best universities in the world are examined. The comparison of ranking position revealed significant connection between the presence of leading innovative universities, scientific and technological clusters in the country and its position in global competitiveness rankings. Globalization promotes that own and sole entities cannot achieve a high and effective results of which become available to them on terms of cooperation and joint efforts to realize the growth potential and increase its competitiveness. In many cases the innovation capacity of companies and organizations is revealed in the possibilities of their participation in clusters in their operation region. Efficient cluster should operate on a “triple helix” – “science-business-community.” It is known that universities are best suited for the role of integrator scientific and technological, operational, managerial knowledge and formation of the basis of the cluster. In addition, the role of institutions in shaping lace organizational structure of the cluster also seems reasonable. Universities have the right to perform educational function for all members of the cluster, including the exchange of knowledge, experience, new methods and successful management models to improve sustainability of cluster formation, increase staff potential participants in the cluster. Global competitiveness of countries deals with the level of its science and higher education. Table 1-3 confirm the relationship between the level of global competitiveness, innovation countries and the presence of their leading universities. In particular, countries such as Switzerland, the USA, UK, Singapore, Canada, with powerful world-class universities, confirm its high level of competitiveness and innovativeness of the economy, show rapid economic growth. Given this,governments should consider such important role of science and universities in formulating and implementing an effective competition policy in the context of globalization. The following research methods: analysis and synthesis, The actuality of the articles and insufficient scientific study of the problem forms the prospects for further scientific research and studies of the author towards improving the management of higher education institutions. Specifically, further research will deal with the key factors of global competitiveness identifying and achieving, the possibility to consider these factors for the development of strategic directions of domestic institutions development in the context of globalization of education.Item Просування товарів на міжнародні ринки(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2016) Горбаль, Н. І.; Гошовська, О. В.; Садловська, Г. І.Розглянуто сутність, інструменти просування товару, рекомендації щодо управління ним, зокрема, формування стратегії просування. Проаналізовано особливості та тенденції розвитку методів просування в Україні та світі. Серед інших методів просування товарів вітчизняним підприємствам рекомендована подальша активізація просування через Інтернет, що сьогодні є дуже перспективним. In the article the essence of product promotion, its tools, recommendations for management, including the promotion strategy formation, are researched. The features and trends of promotion in Ukraine and abroad are analyzed. Among other methods of promotion further activation of promotion via the Internet, which is currently the most promising, is recommended for domestic enterprises. Promotion refers to raising customer awareness of a product or brand, generating sales, and creating brand loyalty. Promotional mix consist of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and publicity. A promotional mix specifies how much attention to pay to each of the five factors, and how much money to budget. The purpose of a promotion and thus its promotional plan can have a wide range, including: sales increases, new product acceptance, creation of brand equity, positioning, competitive retaliations, or creation of a corporate image. In Ukraine in terms of political and economic crisis, stagnation in trade, very low purchasing power, there is a need to enhance the efficiency of products’ promotion in domestic and international markets, taking into account the peculiarities of their development. Effective promotion requires careful planning and budgeting, analyzing specifics, methods of promotion in Ukraine and abroad. To enhance efficiency of promotion a clear strategy and comprehensive use of all elements of marketing communications are required. Trends of marketing communications in Ukraine in 2015 are: 1) overall revitalization of the market; 2) narrowing of the market of classic media; 3) reduction of budgets for external communications while maintaining the costs for internal ones; 4) growth of spending on online promotion, mass advertising, exhibitions and loyalty programs and decrease in PR, branding, upgrading products, direct mail and loyalty of staff; 5) increasing importance of strategic planning of promotion, which indicates increased uncertainty of environment; 6) increase in demand for consulting, crisis communications, GR, projects with opinion leaders; growth in costs and the slump of demand for multimedia content for special events; 7) enhancing of communication activity of major national manufacturers. There are many methods of promotion, and the results of our analysis enable to recommend domestic enterprises further activation of marketing communications through the Internet, which is currently the most promising in terms of efficiency. Ukrainian enterprises should incorporate in their promotion activities the experience of developed countries – systematic management of the promotion, usage of innovative and advanced methods, taking into account the characteristics of the international environment.