Вісники та науково-технічні збірники, журнали

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    Проблеми та переваги впровадження категорійного управління на вітчизняних підприємствах
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2021-02-25) Моторнюк, У. І.; Стельмах, І. В.; Motorniuk, U. I.; Stelmakh, I. V.; Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Категорійне управління починаючи ще із 2000-х років набуває неабиякої популярності в світі. На вітчизняному ринку ажіотаж щодо категорійного менеджменту розпочався лише з 2015 р. Його переваги очевидні, порівняно з традиційною моделлю управління, проте категорійний менеджмент не є універсальним вирішенням усіх проблем. Дані свідчать, що позитивного ефекту від упровадження категорійного управління не спостерігалося лише на 6% підприємств, у решти компаній категорійний менеджмент зумовив: зростання оборотів, маржі, середньостатистичного чека, обігу запасів, збільшення кількості клієнтів та загального прибутку. Все це свідчить про те, що проблемам упровадження категорійного управління на вітчизняних підприємствах потрібно протидіяти та вирішувати їх, адже це допоможе підвищити рівень конкурентоспроможності підприємств.
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    The development of synergistic effect in the diversified company
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019-02-26) Kozyk, V.; Zalutska, Kh.; Zalutsky, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The provision of effective activity of business entities requires a proper arrangement of work of all their structural subdivisions and their interaction, in particular, by making timely and informed strategic decisions. These decisions must include all areas and directions of activity, in particular, the relations with suppliers, consumers, contact audiences, market power in relation to main competitors, implementation of investment development programs, etc. Under such conditions the formation of a strategic set becomes of a particular relevance. Being a set of strategies of all levels, it will allow covering the maximum of each area of business entity activity. The article studies the possibility to make effective interconnections not only between the strategies of different levels but between the strategies of different business units of a diversified enterprise as well, which, taken together, will lead to the formation and use of synergistic effect by the enterprise at all levels of a strategic pyramid. Replacing a strategic set with a synergy strategic set for diversified enterprises, thus, will ensure their economic growth in a long-run period without the attraction of significant additional funds. Such development is caused by the formation and application of optimum (the most efficient) methods for enforcing the activity of one business units with others. The efficiency of a synergy strategic set is confirmed by a significant improvement of “Zakhar Berkut” ski resort activity during several years after its implementation. Such results cannot be achieved in one year, since it takes a certain time to combine and allow for all possibilities of the enforcement of one business units with others.
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    Formation of corporate strategy by the enterprise engaged in foreign economic activity
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-02-26) Mukan, O.; Hanas, L.; Tsyb, Y.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article proves the importance of corporate strategy formation and the significance of considering the current state of the economy by the enterprise engaged in foreign economic activity. The nature of the corporate strategy, as well as stages and principles of its creation are analyzed. Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific developments, the definition of the concept “corporate strategy” is provided. The process of the corporate strategy formation is also considered. The principles of the corporate strategy formation are systematized and their short description is presented. Requirements for the corporate strategy formation are developed.
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    Hybrid development of modern enterprises
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018-02-10) Kozyk, V.; Zalutska, Kh.; Zalutskiy, V.; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Long-term effective development of enterprises in the modern dynamic conditions, as a rule, provides the use of certain variants of integration or diversification growth. However, as research shows, in many cases it is advisable to choose a hybrid variant of such growth due to the formation of business structures by combining concrete business units of several enterprises. At the same time, enterprises whose business units are involved in the formation of hybrid structures can continue their normal functioning with other own business units, using the residual capabilities of business units that are part of the hybrid structure. With the help of comparative analysis, generalization and system approach in the work, variants of hybrid growth are highlighted and one of them is described for the tourist industry. The efficiency of the ski resort with the use of concentric growth strategies, concentric and conglomerate diversification, and hybrid growth are calculated. The results confirmed the effectiveness of hybrid growth for enterprises with insufficient financial resources and strategic opportunities and successful enterprises by integrating certain business units of one enterprise with specialized business units of other enterprises. The difficulties of using hybrid growth variants for enterprises of other industries are determined and recommendations for their solution are given.