Взаємодія е-логістики та маркетингових комунікацій високотехнологічних підприємств у площині дистрибуції цінностей до споживачів
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Поглиблено аналізування взаємодії е-логістики та маркетингових комунікацій
високотехнологічних підприємств у площині дистрибуції цінностей. Описано взаємодію
корпоративних стратегій з прогресивним функціонуванням логістичних систем.
Встановлено сутність логістики переміщень ресурсних потоків у контексті безпечного
вектора взаємодії з довкіллям. Висвітлено споживання у площині організації
комунікації агентів у соціокультурному середовищі, типологію логістичних послуг,
географію логістики дистрибуції автомобілів. Удосконалено механізм маркетингового
комунікаційного роз’яснення доцільності заощадження ресурсів, екологічно безпечного
логістичного постачання і розподілу в Україні.
Achievement of innovative development of the high-tech enterprises of Ukraine on the principles of introduction of virtual communication and logistic technologies in general promotes launching of cooperation with the EU in the sphere of distribution of innovative technologies on the basis of complex use of the modern technology solutions. In an article analysis of interaction of e-logistics and marketing communications of the high-tech enterprises in the plane of system distribution of market values for modern educated consumers is deepened. Object of scientific work is process of marketing and logistic activity of the high-tech enterprises. A subject of an article is the theoretical and methodological research and scientific, practical recommendations concerning interaction of e-logistics and marketing communications of the high-tech enterprises in the plane of effective distribution of market values. Regulation of macroeconomic processes in Ukraine, interaction of corporate strategy with progressive functioning of logistic systems is described. Specifics of interaction of the high-tech enterprises in the marketing environment are established, the essence of movements logistics of resource flows in the context of a safe ecological vector of interaction with the environment is defined. Consumption in the plane of the organization of communication of economic and social agents in the modern sociocultural environment, a typology and properties of logistic services, geography of the international logistics of distribution of cars, partner interaction at the international logistic distribution of cars is displayed. It is improved the mechanism of a marketing communication explanation of expediency of saving of resources, ecologically safe logistic supply and distribution in Ukraine. The notification of consumers about new offers of logistic services should be carried out on the basis of development of the corresponding marketing strategy of brand management of the modern high-tech enterprises. Establishment of good social and psychological climate at the enterprise leads to achievement of positive internal image. It is expedient to create positive image of the modern high-tech enterprise on the basis of means of communicative management and marketing. As logistic services accelerate promotion of the commodity offer, broaden the sphere of comfort of marketing business interaction, it is necessary to use in Ukraine “good practices” of logistic service who during the last time surely were fixed and develop in Poland and in all EU Member States. In the conditions of modern interactive marketing business interaction in high-tech sectors of electronic business the optimum organization of process of logistic strategic planning when the appropriate focus is shifted towards strengthening of communication and service vectors of ensuring effective movement of logistic flows is especially important. Strategic competitive advantages of the enterprises in the conditions of a rise in price of energy resources and an intensification of marketing business interaction is development and launching of marketing logistic mechanisms of distribution in the markets of modern information and innovative technologies. Achievement of methodical components of the mechanism leads to continuous awareness of need of saving of resources by consumers, cares of the environment that gives the chance to create considerable flows of the integrated marketing values.
Achievement of innovative development of the high-tech enterprises of Ukraine on the principles of introduction of virtual communication and logistic technologies in general promotes launching of cooperation with the EU in the sphere of distribution of innovative technologies on the basis of complex use of the modern technology solutions. In an article analysis of interaction of e-logistics and marketing communications of the high-tech enterprises in the plane of system distribution of market values for modern educated consumers is deepened. Object of scientific work is process of marketing and logistic activity of the high-tech enterprises. A subject of an article is the theoretical and methodological research and scientific, practical recommendations concerning interaction of e-logistics and marketing communications of the high-tech enterprises in the plane of effective distribution of market values. Regulation of macroeconomic processes in Ukraine, interaction of corporate strategy with progressive functioning of logistic systems is described. Specifics of interaction of the high-tech enterprises in the marketing environment are established, the essence of movements logistics of resource flows in the context of a safe ecological vector of interaction with the environment is defined. Consumption in the plane of the organization of communication of economic and social agents in the modern sociocultural environment, a typology and properties of logistic services, geography of the international logistics of distribution of cars, partner interaction at the international logistic distribution of cars is displayed. It is improved the mechanism of a marketing communication explanation of expediency of saving of resources, ecologically safe logistic supply and distribution in Ukraine. The notification of consumers about new offers of logistic services should be carried out on the basis of development of the corresponding marketing strategy of brand management of the modern high-tech enterprises. Establishment of good social and psychological climate at the enterprise leads to achievement of positive internal image. It is expedient to create positive image of the modern high-tech enterprise on the basis of means of communicative management and marketing. As logistic services accelerate promotion of the commodity offer, broaden the sphere of comfort of marketing business interaction, it is necessary to use in Ukraine “good practices” of logistic service who during the last time surely were fixed and develop in Poland and in all EU Member States. In the conditions of modern interactive marketing business interaction in high-tech sectors of electronic business the optimum organization of process of logistic strategic planning when the appropriate focus is shifted towards strengthening of communication and service vectors of ensuring effective movement of logistic flows is especially important. Strategic competitive advantages of the enterprises in the conditions of a rise in price of energy resources and an intensification of marketing business interaction is development and launching of marketing logistic mechanisms of distribution in the markets of modern information and innovative technologies. Achievement of methodical components of the mechanism leads to continuous awareness of need of saving of resources by consumers, cares of the environment that gives the chance to create considerable flows of the integrated marketing values.
логістичні системи, високотехнологічні підприємства, е-логістика, маркетингові комунікації, маркетингові цінності, взаємодія, logistic systems, high-tech enterprises, e-logistics, marketing communications, marketing values, interaction
Касян С. Я. Взаємодія е-логістики та маркетингових комунікацій високотехнологічних підприємств у площині дистрибуції цінностей до споживачів / С. Я. Касян // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 863. — С. 68–76.