Проблема масштабування та персоналізації PR-заходів підприємства
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Обґрунтовано доцільність персоналізованого використання та масштабування
сучасних PR-заходів вітчизняними та зарубіжними підприємствами. Доведено, що реалі-
зація PR-заходів практично неможлива без участі ЗМІ та мережі Інтернет, що оперативно
доносять інформацію до громадськості. На прикладі компаній-гігантів, а також
середнього бізнесу проведено аналіз та виявлено причини неефективного використання
цього механізму та визначено світові тенденції в PR. Визначено, що найефективнішою є
PR-кампанія, в якій застосовується комплексне системне використання всіх PR-
інструментів, що дає змогу персоналізувати вплив PR-заходів на контактні аудиторії для
привернення їхньої уваги або створення власного іміджу підприємства.
It is noted that the relevance of the issue of the using modern marketing tools, which include PR technologies, enhances the fast paced growth of global business and its development, as well as the geometric growth of expenses for marketing activities. On this basis, there is a need of using for entrepreneurship radically new methods of attracting the attention of potential consumers and struggling with competitors. Large monopolistic companies are not allowed to enter the market of new players. That’s why PR is becoming the organic component of the company’s management and skillful use of PR-activities contributes the growing of sales and increasing of company profit. Considering PR as a marketing tool, which contributes the increasing of products profitability, supports and shapes the information environment of the company, it is proposed to focus on the functions aimed at shaping the company’s reputation, its image, brands and etc. It is proved that PR can be viewed as multifunctional connections that can be successfully apply as for consumer and industrial markets. World practice shows that professional PR information maximizes the effect of marketing efforts of the company, and is able to provide return of investment. Today, many companies pay enough attention for PR technologies. However, PR in local entrepreneurs is still too strongly associated with advertising. It often leads to waste of funds, sometimes even leads to results, which are directly opposite to the original objectives. To ensure the cost recovery of PR activities and achieve of the purposes for which they are held, in need is to solve the problem of scalability and personalization of PR-activities. It is clear that this tool mainly needs a lot of time and funds, and therefore, its optimization and settings must meet modern conditions and the needs of the business. The expediency of personalized using and scaling of modern PR–activities by domestic and foreign enterprises is justified. It is proved that the implementation of PR-activities is virtually impossible without the participation of the media and the Internet, which quickly convey information to the public. On the example of the giant companies, as well as medium business, was made the analysis and identified the causes of inefficient use of this mechanism, and identified global trends in PR.It is determined that the most effective is recognized the PR campaign, which use a complex system of using all the PR tools that allows you to personalize the impact of PR activities on the contact of the audience to attract their attention, or create your own company image.
It is noted that the relevance of the issue of the using modern marketing tools, which include PR technologies, enhances the fast paced growth of global business and its development, as well as the geometric growth of expenses for marketing activities. On this basis, there is a need of using for entrepreneurship radically new methods of attracting the attention of potential consumers and struggling with competitors. Large monopolistic companies are not allowed to enter the market of new players. That’s why PR is becoming the organic component of the company’s management and skillful use of PR-activities contributes the growing of sales and increasing of company profit. Considering PR as a marketing tool, which contributes the increasing of products profitability, supports and shapes the information environment of the company, it is proposed to focus on the functions aimed at shaping the company’s reputation, its image, brands and etc. It is proved that PR can be viewed as multifunctional connections that can be successfully apply as for consumer and industrial markets. World practice shows that professional PR information maximizes the effect of marketing efforts of the company, and is able to provide return of investment. Today, many companies pay enough attention for PR technologies. However, PR in local entrepreneurs is still too strongly associated with advertising. It often leads to waste of funds, sometimes even leads to results, which are directly opposite to the original objectives. To ensure the cost recovery of PR activities and achieve of the purposes for which they are held, in need is to solve the problem of scalability and personalization of PR-activities. It is clear that this tool mainly needs a lot of time and funds, and therefore, its optimization and settings must meet modern conditions and the needs of the business. The expediency of personalized using and scaling of modern PR–activities by domestic and foreign enterprises is justified. It is proved that the implementation of PR-activities is virtually impossible without the participation of the media and the Internet, which quickly convey information to the public. On the example of the giant companies, as well as medium business, was made the analysis and identified the causes of inefficient use of this mechanism, and identified global trends in PR.It is determined that the most effective is recognized the PR campaign, which use a complex system of using all the PR tools that allows you to personalize the impact of PR activities on the contact of the audience to attract their attention, or create your own company image.
ринок, маркетингові заходи, public relations, споживач, цільова аудиторія, ефективність, масштабування, персоналізація, market, marketing events, public relations, consumer, target audience, effectiveness, scaling, personalization
Кіндій М. В. Проблема масштабування та персоналізації PR-заходів підприємства / М. В. Кіндій, Н. Т. Гринів, І. О. Білоконний // Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Логістика. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2017. — № 863. — С. 77–81.