The influence of exposure time on changing of the properties of the soda solution of quinhydrone during the quinhydrone catalyst preparation
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Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Методами ЦВА, ІЧ та УФ спектроскопії досліджено содові розчини хінгідрону під час їх
вистоювання (експозиції) за доступу повітря. Показано, що в процесі вистоювання розчину
відбувається олігомеризація хінгідрону і зміна його окисно-відновних властивостей. У часі
вистоювання редокс потенціал розчинів зростає, рН знижується, зменшуються і повністю загасають
струми піків окиснення, що вказує на стабілізацію властивостей олігомера. Встановлено, що за часу
вистоювання понад 8 років у розчині хінгідронного каталізатора присутні окисні форми, і такий
розчин не втрачає окисних властивостей щодо хемосорбованого сірководню.
Change of the properties of soda solution of quinhydrone during their exposure in the presence of air has been investigated by the methods of cyclic voltammetry and spectroscopy (IR and UV). It has been shown that in the process of exposure of the solution occurs the process of quinhydrone oligomerization and changes its redox properties. The redox potential of the solution increases, the pH decreases, the currents of oxidation peaks decrease and completely dampen, indicating the stabilization of the properties of the oligomer. It has been established that the oxidizing forms of the oligomer are still present in the quinhydrone catalyst solution for more than 8 years and the solution does not lose oxidizing properties to chemisorbed hydrogen sulfide.
Change of the properties of soda solution of quinhydrone during their exposure in the presence of air has been investigated by the methods of cyclic voltammetry and spectroscopy (IR and UV). It has been shown that in the process of exposure of the solution occurs the process of quinhydrone oligomerization and changes its redox properties. The redox potential of the solution increases, the pH decreases, the currents of oxidation peaks decrease and completely dampen, indicating the stabilization of the properties of the oligomer. It has been established that the oxidizing forms of the oligomer are still present in the quinhydrone catalyst solution for more than 8 years and the solution does not lose oxidizing properties to chemisorbed hydrogen sulfide.
Slyuzar A. V. The influence of exposure time on changing of the properties of the soda solution of quinhydrone during the quinhydrone catalyst preparation / A. V. Slyuzar, S. V. Khomyak, Ya. A. Kalymon // Chemistry, Technology and Application of Substances. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Том 2. — № 2. — С. 68–72.