Technological Features of High-Sulfur Heavy Crude Oils Processing
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Проведені дослідження нафт Яблунівського
родовища (Полтавська обл., Україна) для вибору подальших
шляхів їх перероблення. За допомогою методу імітованої дистиляції досліджено фракційний склад. Визначені структурно-механічні властивості нафтопродуктів, вміст металів та
елементний склад. Встановлено, що нафти є важкими з
високим вмістом сірки, не містять світлих дистилятів,
мають високу густину та в’язкість, велику кількість металів.
Запропоновано блок-схему переробки таких нафт.
Crude oils of the Yablunivsky deposit (Poltava region, Ukraine) have been studied in order to choose further ways of their processing. The fractional composition was studied by the method of simulated distillation. The structural and mechanical properties of petroleum products, the content of metals and the elemental composition were determined. Studies have shown that oils are of high-sulfur heavy grade, without light distillates; they have high density, viscosity, and large amounts of metals. A flow chart for the processing of such oils has been proposed.
Crude oils of the Yablunivsky deposit (Poltava region, Ukraine) have been studied in order to choose further ways of their processing. The fractional composition was studied by the method of simulated distillation. The structural and mechanical properties of petroleum products, the content of metals and the elemental composition were determined. Studies have shown that oils are of high-sulfur heavy grade, without light distillates; they have high density, viscosity, and large amounts of metals. A flow chart for the processing of such oils has been proposed.
Technological Features of High-Sulfur Heavy Crude Oils Processing / Petro Topilnytskyy, Sergii Paiuk, Halyna Stebelska, Viktoria Romanchuk, Tetiana Yarmola // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2019. — Vol 13. — No 4. — P. 503–509.