Економічно-просторова модель урбанізованих систем майбутнього
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
На прикладі міста Гельсінкі розглянуто можливість перенесення значної частини
життєдіяльності людей під землю. Сьогодні це одне з небагатьох міст у світі, у якому
розроблено чіткий план розвитку підземних просторів. Під землею можна отримувати
енергію буквально з-під ніг, зосереджуючи там також виробництва, в основу яких
покладено кіберфізичні системи, що дає можливість оптимізувати соціальноекономічні трансакції.
Такий підхід до організації економічно-просторової моделі дасть
змогу і надалі не лише вдосконалювати життєвий простір мешканців, але й істотно
знизити вплив цивілізації на навколишнє природне середовище.
There is no doubt about the fact that we are at the edge of fundamental epochs. We are moving towards the digital technologies, processing big volumes of data, robotization of the key industrial processes at a faster speed. The execution of Moore's law about expotential doubling of operation speed of computer processors and interdependence of their value is the confirmation of this. The higher the speed ability of processors is, the lower in expotential interdependence their value is. The supercomputers have already been designed and they compete with human brain when it comes to the number of operations. In fact, nowadays, the value of producing 1 bit of information is being reduced tens of times every minute, what is an unprecedented mega-phenomenon. It only means that the humanity is storming rapidly into the age of total digitalization and robotization, what will unambiguously leave its mark on the lifestyle and space arrangement of an individual and especially on the labour market. Moreover, in conditions when technological processes, such as producing devices will be done without the participation of a person, the need for production facilities with natural lighting and ventilation disappears. If only robots are involved into production process, they do not need the lighting, other sanitary and hygienic demands and all of the activity can be situated underground. The peculiarity of placing the production facilities underground minimizes another factor - heating expenses. Forming underground robotized factories will make it possible to considerably expand overground existing territories of urbanized systems, what is extremely important in the conditions of turbulent natural and climatic changes.
There is no doubt about the fact that we are at the edge of fundamental epochs. We are moving towards the digital technologies, processing big volumes of data, robotization of the key industrial processes at a faster speed. The execution of Moore's law about expotential doubling of operation speed of computer processors and interdependence of their value is the confirmation of this. The higher the speed ability of processors is, the lower in expotential interdependence their value is. The supercomputers have already been designed and they compete with human brain when it comes to the number of operations. In fact, nowadays, the value of producing 1 bit of information is being reduced tens of times every minute, what is an unprecedented mega-phenomenon. It only means that the humanity is storming rapidly into the age of total digitalization and robotization, what will unambiguously leave its mark on the lifestyle and space arrangement of an individual and especially on the labour market. Moreover, in conditions when technological processes, such as producing devices will be done without the participation of a person, the need for production facilities with natural lighting and ventilation disappears. If only robots are involved into production process, they do not need the lighting, other sanitary and hygienic demands and all of the activity can be situated underground. The peculiarity of placing the production facilities underground minimizes another factor - heating expenses. Forming underground robotized factories will make it possible to considerably expand overground existing territories of urbanized systems, what is extremely important in the conditions of turbulent natural and climatic changes.
економіка, урбаністика, майбутнє, economy, urbanism, future
Фітьо А. Є. Економічно-просторова модель урбанізованих систем майбутнього / А. Є. Фітьо // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — Том 1. — № 2s. — С. 97–101.