Relational patterns in atlas cartography: educational-practical system of choropleth map

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


This article describes the relational concepts of modern “choropleth map relational pattern of atlas cartography”, presented as Educational-practical system of choropleth map (EPSCM). Such patterns and systems are needed to provide practically useful knowledge about thematic maps for the user groups such as: practical cartographers, students of cartographic specialties, developers of modern atlas systems and (maybe) unskilled users. In the work two kinds of choropleth map pattern relations are described. The epistemological (vertical) relations are defining repetitive relations between representations of choropleth map that exist in the three phases of choropleth map life cycle: research, development and operation. These phases correspond to the conceptual, application, and operational strata of choropleth map existence defined in work. Transformational (horizontal) relations describe repetitive relations that exist between the product (choropleth map) and the process of its creation on some specific Stratum. It is proved that necessary to deal with the socalled main triad of choropleth map solutions framework to achieve educational and practical purposes: products-processes of the current strata (eg, application) and their counterparts in the more highly organized strata (eg, conceptual). To prove the main results the reduction and abduction are used. The reduction is applied to obtain the structure of the solution from the more common solutions of atlas systems. Abduction is applied to (re)prove the validity of vertical and horizontal relations for practically useful choropleth map. As additional evidence is used induction: proposed analogy between the concepts of the choropleth map strata and levels of van Gigch’s general systems theory and Bunge’s metacartography



Chabaniuk V. Relational patterns in atlas cartography: educational-practical system of choropleth map / V. Chabaniuk, O. Dyshlyk // Modern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2021. — Vol 1(41). — P. 123–131.



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