Lessons of DRDSI pilot projects in Ukraine

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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House


The work considers practical examples of processes realization of product-process model of the National (N) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI, together – NSDI) of Ukraine [Chabaniuk, Dyshlyk, 2021], which meet two of the four dynamic principles of the latter building [Chabaniuk, 2018]. They were obtained in 2016 as part of pilot projects (pilots) of the regional European project to create the so-called Danube Reference Data and Services Infrastructure [DRDSI, Dusart, et al., 2016]. Pilots were implemented for the territory of 3 districts of Odessa region of Ukraine adjacent to Moldova. Despite the 6 years that have passed since then, these results not only remain, but become even more actual. The growing actuality is explained by several reasons, among which the most important are three: 1) [Law of Ukraine “About NGDI”, 2020] noncompliance with the recommendations (requirements) of INSPIRE; 2) inconsistency of the SDI (Spatial Data Infrustructure) model enshrined in the said Law with the Ukrainian reality; 3) the needs of practice. The results of the work are useful for determining [Law of Ukraine “About NGDI”, 2020] changes, the model of which must be changed to “correct” and “feasible” [Chabaniuk, Dyshlyk, 2021]. Due to the use of open technologies in pilots, the latter can be used in practical projects without the cost of purchasing commercial software.



Chabaniuk V. Lessons of DRDSI pilot projects in Ukraine / V. Chabaniuk, O. Dyshlyk, A. Tarnopolskiy // Modern Achievements of Geodesic Science and Industry. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2022. — Vol II (44). — P. 69–81.



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