Вплив ідей архітектора Кізлера на футуристичне проектування студентів кафедри дизайну архітектурного середовища (ДАС) Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” (на прикладі ескіз-проекту представництва Ватикану У Львові)


У статті висвітлено вплив ідей архітектора Фрідріха Кізлера на проектування Представництва Ватикану у Львові. Ці ідеї були досліджені та розвинені в наступних футуристичних проектах Кізлера: Проект хмарочоса, 1930, Музей сучасного мистецтва, 1931, Проект дубль-театру, Бруклін, Нью-Йорк, 1925–1927 та ін
One of the most interesting educational futuristic projects that appeared at the Department of Architectural Environment Design in 2020 was a sketch project of the Vatican representative office in Lviv, which was carried out by a 3rd-year student of the Department of Architectural Environment Design Yuriy Cholavyn under the guidance of professor Viktor Ivanovych Proskuryakov. The spatial structure of the Vatican representative office was formed by two objects: the completion of the South Tower of the Arch-Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Katedralna Square and the office building on Teatralna Street. The function of the "New Tower" provided for the accumulation, restoration, storage and demonstration by all possible means of information, materials, documents, rarities related to the genesis and development of ideas of the Christian faith (not only the Catholic denomination but also all others) in Lviv and the Western region of Ukraine. The material for the structures of the “New Tower” according to the project should be aluminium and glass, which would allow you to see the silhouette of the city on certain days, and on others – to dissolve in the sky over Lviv. According to the project, the walls of the South Tower should be decorated with decorative panels with a cross-like pattern. According to the project, a monumental statue of Jesus Christ should complete the “New Tower”. The overall shape of the South Tower will repeat the original baroque North Tower of the Arch-Cathedral Basilica. The Office of the Papal Nuncio received the appearance of a cube (a shape symbolizing eternity) with a courtyard that would allow light to enter the interior of the building, asymmetric risalites that add dynamics to the composition of the office, and facades along the streets of Teatralna, Staroyevreiska and Brativ Rogatyntsiv in the form of translucent mirrors that let in the thoughts, dreams, problems of believers that accumulate on the external walls. When creating the architecture of the Vatican's official representative office complex in Lviv, the experience and ideas of Ukrainian and foreign architectural schools and, of course, the work of the world-famous architect Friedrich Kiesler were taken into account.



Проскуряков В. Вплив ідей архітектора Кізлера на футуристичне проектування студентів кафедри дизайну архітектурного середовища (ДАС) Національного університету “Львівська політехніка” (на прикладі ескіз-проекту представництва Ватикану У Львові) / Віктор Проскуряков, Юрій Чолавин // Вісник Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”. Серія: Архітектура. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2020. — Том 2. — № 4. — С. 164–169.



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