Carbon monoxide oxidation on the Pt-catalyst: modelling and stability
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Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Дослiджено двовимiрну математичну модель оксидацiї чадного газу (СО) для механi-
зму Лангмюра–Гiншелвуда на поверхнi платинового каталiзатора (Pt) з урахуванням
перебудови поверхнi каталiзатора пiд впливом процесiв адсорбцiї-десорбцiї. Проана-
лiзовано стiйкiсть розв’язкiв моделi. Виявлено просторово-часовi перiодичнi хiмiчнi
коливання покриттiв СО, кисню (О) та частки поверхнi неперебудованої структури
(1 × 1). Дослiджено умови виникнення бiфуркацiй Хопфа та Тюрiнга.
A two-dimensional mathematical model of carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation is investigated for the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism on the surface of a Platinum (Pt) catalyst. The adsorbate-driven structural phase transition of catalytic surface is taken into account. The stability analysis of the model solutions is carried out. It is shown that the spatio-temporal periodic chemical oscillations of CO and oxygen (O) surface coverages and a fraction of the surface in the non-reconstructed (1 × 1)-structure occur. Conditions for Hopf and Turing bifurcation to arise are investigated.
A two-dimensional mathematical model of carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation is investigated for the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism on the surface of a Platinum (Pt) catalyst. The adsorbate-driven structural phase transition of catalytic surface is taken into account. The stability analysis of the model solutions is carried out. It is shown that the spatio-temporal periodic chemical oscillations of CO and oxygen (O) surface coverages and a fraction of the surface in the non-reconstructed (1 × 1)-structure occur. Conditions for Hopf and Turing bifurcation to arise are investigated.
каталітична реакція окислення, реакційно-дифузійна модель, біфуркація Хопфа, біфуркація Тюрінга, reaction of catalytic oxidation, reaction-diffusion model, Hopf bifurcation, Turing bifurcation
Ryzha I. Carbon monoxide oxidation on the Pt-catalyst: modelling and stability / I. Ryzha, M. Matseliukh // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017. — Vol 4. — No 1. — P. 96–106.