Peculiarities of electrical discharge in the Penning’s cell with sectional anode

dc.citation.journalTitleЕлементи теорії та прилади твердотілої електроніки
dc.contributor.affiliationLviv Polytechnic National Universityuk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationTomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronicsuk_UA
dc.contributor.authorShandra, Zenon
dc.contributor.authorDanilina, Tamara
dc.description.abstractIon sputtering can be used for receiving of thin films of high temperature superconductors specifically on the base of YBaCuO ceramics [1]. But there is considerable influence of substrate placement relatively target erosion zone on the properties of films at usage of magnetron discharge of direct current. It can be explained by bombardment of substrate by ions, which appear at target material sputtering [2]. From the target erosion zone the ion stream on the substrate is maximum. To improve the properties of films the substrate is placed from one side of erosion zone but the stochiometric structure and uniformity of the film thickness on the substrate become worse [3]. To eliminate bombardment of substrate by ions, Penning’s discharge can be used. In this case two cathodes (targets) are parallel and ion streams from cathodes are moving towards. The substrate is outside discharge what allows to eliminate ion component of stream on the substrate [4].uk_UA
dc.identifier.citationShandra Z. Peculiarities of electrical discharge in the Penning’s cell with sectional anode / Z. Shandra, T. Danilina // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2002. – № 458 : Елементи теорії та прилади твердотілої електроніки. – С. 262–266. – Bibliography: 7 titles.uk_UA
dc.publisherPublished by Lviv Polytechnic National Universityuk_UA
dc.relation.references1. В.А. Лабунов, В.Е. Борисенко, Ю.Э. Воеводин, В.В. Грибковский. Зарубежная электронная техника, 3, 1989, с.3-57. 2. Е.В.Агафонникова, З.А.Шандра. Физика окисних пленок. Тезисы докладов III Всесоюзной научной конференции. 4.1 - Петрозаводск, 1991, с.5-6. 3. Kageyama Yasuyuki, Tada Yasukori. Appl.Phys.Lett., 55(1989), №10, p.1035-1037. 4. Л.Р. Битнер, В.А. Ведерников, Т.И. Данилина, Г.В. Маняхина, З.А. Шандра, Изв.ВУЗов. Физика, 12 (1976), с.11-15. 5. Е.В. Агафонникова, З.А. Шандра. Сверхпроводимость: физика, химия, техника, 5(1992), № 1, с.123-127. 6. Захарків А.Б., Шандра З.А. // Вісник НУ “Львівська політехніка”, 2002, № 434, с. 120 - 125. 7. Баберцян Р.П. Бадалян Э.С., Егназарян Г.А., Тер-Геворкян Э.И. //ЖТФ, 1998, № 9, с. 29 - 32.uk_UA
dc.rights.holder© Zenon Shandra, Tamara Danilina, 2002uk_UA
dc.subjectPetting’s celluk_UA
dc.subjectdischarge current-voltage characteristicuk_UA
dc.titlePeculiarities of electrical discharge in the Penning’s cell with sectional anodeuk_UA


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