Modeling of the effect of carbon dioxide desorption on carbon monoxide oxidation process on platinum catalyst surface
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Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Дослiджено двовимiрну математичну модель окиснення монооксиду вуглецю (СО) на
поверхнi платинового каталiзатора (Pt) згiдно з механiзмом Лангмюра–Гiншелвуда.
Враховано впливи структурних змiн каталiтичної поверхнi, температури пiдкладу та
десорбцiї продукту реакцiї (CO2). Показано, що врахування скiнченностi десорбцiї
CO2 незначно впливає як на хiд реакцiї окиснення, так i на область стiйкостi реакцiї.
A two-dimensional mathematical model for carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation on the platinum (Pt) catalyst surface is investigated according to the Langmuir–Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism. The effects of structural changes of the catalytic surface, the substrate temperature and desorption of the product of reaction (CO2) are taken into account. It is shown that taking into account the finiteness of CO2 desorption, both the course of oxidation reaction and the stability region are only slightly affected
A two-dimensional mathematical model for carbon monoxide (CO) oxidation on the platinum (Pt) catalyst surface is investigated according to the Langmuir–Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism. The effects of structural changes of the catalytic surface, the substrate temperature and desorption of the product of reaction (CO2) are taken into account. It is shown that taking into account the finiteness of CO2 desorption, both the course of oxidation reaction and the stability region are only slightly affected
каталiтична реакцiя окиснення, реакцiйно-дифузiйна модель, ма- тематичне моделювання реакцiйно-дифузiйних процесiв, reaction of catalytic oxidation, reaction-diffusion model, mathematical modeling of reaction-diffusion processes
Kostrobij P. Modeling of the effect of carbon dioxide desorption on carbon monoxide oxidation process on platinum catalyst surface / P. Kostrobij, I. Ryzha, B. Hnativ // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 5. — No 1. — P. 27–33.