Інженерна механіка та транспорт (EMT-2013). – 2013 р.
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Матеріали IІІ Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених EМТ-2013
У збірнику опубліковано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі інженерної механіки, транспортних технологій, машинобудування, автоматизації виробництва. Видання призначено для науковців, аспірантів, студентів.
Інженерна механіка та транспорт : матеріали IІІ Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених EМТ-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013 року, Україна, Львів / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 112 с. : іл. – (4-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки "Litteris et Artibus"). – Паралельний титульний аркуш англійською.
Item Визначення напружено-деформованого стану гумового буфера на основі уточненої моментної схеми скінченного елемента(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Гребенюк, Сергій; Бова, ГаннаThis work is devoted to elaboration and numerical realization of method of research of the stressstrain state of the rubber buffer taking into account weak compressibility on the basis of the precise finite element moment scheme. To determine the stress-strain state of the rubber buffer in conditions of linear deformation the threedimensional finite element method has been used. For increasing the accuracy of numerical results the precise finite element moment scheme has been applied. This scheme is a modification of moment scheme and envisages the receipt of expressions for deformations on the base of supplement of approximating initial polynomials of finite elements to a complete. The undertaken research shows that calculation of rubber constructions taking into account weakly compressibility of materials allows getting the adequate results using the cubic approximation of displacements.Item Особливості застосування мурашиних алгоритмів для розв’язування задачі комівояжера(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Могила, Ігор; Лобач, ІринаIt is chosen the ant colony algorithm among up-to-date metaheuristic methods for solving the traveling salesman problem, which simulates ant behavior during food search. Main steps of the ant colony algorithm are considered, it is implemented in MATLAB. It is determined that values of input parameters and presence of elite ants impact the efficiency of its functioning. It is determined number of iteration, necessary for finding the optimal solution for networks with different sizes.Item Титульний аркуш до "Інженерна механіка та транспорт - EМТ-2013"(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)Item Optimal synthesis of the impulsive resonant two-mass vibro-impact systems(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Gursky, Volodymyr; Murashev, Sergiy; Gogol, RostyslavThe article solves the applied problem of the technological efficiency increase of resonant two-mass vibrating machines with an impulsive electromagnetic drive based on optimization synthesis and frequency analysis of asymmetric piece-linear elastic description. The value of speed of working mass is accepted for an objective function. Synthesis is based by frequency coefficient and relation of eigenfrequencies. The rational resilient parameters of asymmetric piece-linear elastic description settle accounts after the optimum values of the proper coefficients. The availability of the poly-frequency spectrum in the resonant mode of machine, operated by impulsive electromagnetic perturbation, is confirmed by the dynamic analysis and numerical system modeling.Item Удосконалення методики визначення рівня безпеки на автомобільних дорогах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Птиця, ГеннадійIdentification and analysis of road safety is the first step in the management of safety and is crucial in the development of measures directed to prevent and reduce the number of road traffic accidents. The given study substantiates the need for improving the determination of safety level indexes of traffic on public roads, and the peculiarities as well as limitations concerning practical application of the existing methods used for determining the basic safety parameters are specified. An approach to improving the existing techniques using the methods of multivariate statistical analysis, the methods of cluster analysis, and the factor analysis methods for streamlining and reduction of parameters taken into account by the existing methods is proposed. The scheme of improvement phases according to the selected criteria is drawn up, and each criterion is consistently described. The results of theoretical research on reducing the number of parameters that are investigated at the expense of switching from individual accident coefficient to latent ones are offered.Item Система прогнозування потреби запасних частин автомобілів-тягачів на основі гібридних нейронних мереж за допомогою статистичних даних(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Тєнишев, В. Є.; Кравченко, О. П.; Верітельник, Є. А.There are various methods for determining the need for spare parts: a method of calculating according to nomenclatural rules, definition of requirements for spare parts to power units according to parameters that define the loading and high-speed operation mode; determination of the rates of consumption of spare parts for the approximate evaluation of the first parts replacement. The conducted research has shown that the existing methods allow to calculate the required number of spare parts, each method has its advantages, but there are also definite drawbacks. Therefore, the development of the universal method that would allow to take into account the advantages and to eliminate the defects of existent methods, and which would be easy to use at the enterprises is expedient. Neural networks are well suited for the tasks of classification, optimization and forecasting. The system developed based on fuzzy logic elements using neural networks, in which as expert opinion incorporated the results of statistical data processing. As a result of the research work a hybrid network was obtained, by the means of wich the expert system that can predict the number of failures was developed.Item До проблеми попередження транспортних заторів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Ширін, ВалерійThe paper deals with the issues concerning traffic flow management on congested sections of the road network of cities by changing the speed limit when approaching them. The purpose of the given article is to describe a methodology for determining the speed of vehicles, which can be implemented with the help of technical means of traffic management to reduce traffic delays when driving through intersections and increase the capacity of streets and roads in general. The proposed method is based on the use of controlled traffic signs that are part of automated traffic management systems. The speed rate, the length of the slowdown road section and position parameters of regulated road signs refers to the speed limit parameters change. The listed controlled parameters are determined on the basis of the vehicle speed depending on the traffic flow at road junctions before crossing the traffic light control loop parameters.Item Моделювання роботи важільних механізмів на базі центрального прямолінійно напрямного кривошипно-повзунного механізму у SolidWorks(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Міняйло, ПетроThe simulation of straight-line mechanisms and dwell mechanisms on the basis of slider-crank mechanism in SolidWorks is viewed. Straight-line mechanisms, which is widely used in modern engineering, describe the rod curve that in a particular area is close to a straight line, which provides a dwell of the final link of mechanism. Graphs for the kinematic parameters of dwell mechanisms are shown. The main aim of the research – to simulation the mechanisms and test their kinematic parameters. As seen from the results, the use of modern CAD systems such as SolidWorks, allows you to check all the necessary parameters based on computer models of mechanisms and significantly simplify experimental study of physical models of mechanisms and machines.Item Моделювання поведінки дрібнодисперсного матеріалу при його витіканні із конічної лунки дозатора(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Шоловій, Юрій; Магерус, НадіяThis article purpose is the modeling of the bulk material behavior during its outflow from the conical hole. The feasibility of bulk material behavior modeling and properties of the product and the environment impact on the flow properties of product features are justified in the article. The mathematical model of the bulk material behavior taking into account the power factors, that affect the bulk material batching features. The catenation forces impact (autohesion) on the bulk material behavior and its variability depending on the product and the environment properties is analyzed. The influence of humidity on the autohesion force was founded using the developed mathematical model and graphical method. The novelty of this mathematical model lies in the account of the catenation forces between the particles of the product and the investigating of its characteristics during the product and the environment properties changing.Item Створення Євразійського кластера залізничного транспорту для підвищення професіонально-наукового потенціалу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Чеклов, Володимир; Подкользіна, КатеринаThe task of this article is an analysis of position of the railway industry in the Euro-Asian space, getting the effect of the creation in Euro-Asian cluster of railway universities. Combining science at a European and Asian universities cluster rail transport will have at its disposal a strong base in the rail sector. This will not only best use of human resources, research and development, but also will promote rail transport market to a whole new level. Competition between roads remain as such, the cluster is not a monopoly, but its creation greatly strengthen weaknesses in the scientific aspect of employment in many countries, and enhance overall competitiveness of rail transport in Europe and Asia to other modes of transport, improve and simplify the interaction of both legally and technologically.Item Зміст до "Інженерна механіка та транспорт - EМТ-2013"(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)Item Удосконалення взаємодії станцій примикання і під’їзних колій морських портів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Чеклов, Володимир; Шеховцов, Олексій; Матвієнко, СергійSea ports are an important element of the economy. Port's efficiency affects on the transport links with foreign countries. Most of the cargos is delivered to the ports and transported from them by railway transport. Therefore, improvement of technology of interaction of railways and ports is very important. Measures to improve the interaction technology of stations and ports have been proposed. The interval between the innings of cars has been reduced. The number of cars in the supply was increased. Improvements are proposed based on local conditions and traffic safety. This will allow to use the engineering tools more effectively.Item Дослідження коефіцієнтів зведення у щільних транспортних потоках(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Форнальчик, Є. Ю.; Леськів, І. О.; Леськів, М. О.The necessity of usage of passenger car unit equivalent for destiny traffic flows is shown. Vehicles were classified on passenger cars, trucks and buses. It is determined that values of passenger car unit equivalents are smaller for all vehicle types than given in regulatory documents. The usage of theirs will allow take into account traffic flow composition at urban street network more adequately.Item Mathematical model of the temperature field in the half-space with partially determined boundary condition(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Popil, Oksana; Halazyuk, OlenaTo improve the operational characteristics of the contacting surfaces of machine parts, plastic and casting elements of structures they are covered with thin coatings that have the physical-mechanical properties that differ from the core material. Under conditions of localized heating and different coefficients of the linear thermal expansion a cracking and exfoliation of the coating is possible. Therefore is actual a physically correct formulation of problems of thermal conductivity in the bodies with thin coating under localized heating.Item Переміщення елементів опорного вузла магістрального нафтопроводу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Дзюбик, Андрій; Хомич, Іван; Шуптар, ЯрославWe consider the deformation element reference node pipeline during it’s operation. Completed threedimensional parametric modeling support for different types of design. A method interface elements support that provides real conditions of work. Analysis of the load acting on the structure and developed a model for calculating the finite element method. Calculation of the reference node for various reactions of support from 25 kN to 215 kN. Characteristic displacements of control points in the reference section of the site. Powered graphical relationship between the value of the reaction and movement in the control points. Shown that the magnitude of the excess load on the support of the project value can be monitored largest displacements. The experimental verification of individual data calculation of cross-sectional deformation of the pipe when it is compressed.Item Оцінка контрейлерних перевезень та підвищення їх ефективності(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Кравченко, Катерина; Вовк, Ірина; Литвиненко, МаксимThe article presents statistics of freight transportation for the years 2002-2013. Held the analysis of the shortcomings of road and rail transport modes. Performed classification methods unloading automotive vehicles, which are transported on railway platforms. Proposed objective function for evaluating the effectiveness of a piggyback, the physical meaning of which is to try to minimize material costs, harmful emissions, time, drag, dirt carried by road rolling, volumes of stolen goods. Improved design of the railway platform, thus improving safety, reduce pollution carried by car rolling stock and reduce the aerodynamic drag of rolling stock.Item Покажчик авторів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)Item Визначення тривалості обстеження за поведінкою пасажирів при виборі шляху пересування(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Свічинська, ОльгаAnalysis of passenger behavior when making route choice between different public transport routes is an important issue in transport planning and modeling and it should be based on the specially designed surveys. Difficulties in realization of these surveys and limitation of data that can be extracted don’t allow the researcher to make all necessary calculations and forecasts. It caused by subjective appreciation of available alternatives from the choice set and by ungrounded survey period when modeling the passenger route choice. This study presents the formula to calculate the number of days required for the survey of passenger travel behavior in city route system, which based on frequency and probability of route alternative to be chosen.Item Waste substances for the electricity production. Cheap power off the power industry(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Kardasz, PiotrThe following article present the research on using an alternative fuel in diesel engines. The tested fuel is made from waste oil. The research conducted that use of this fuel helps to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted during the combustion and decreases the energy consumption. The use of the tested fuel also contributes to solve the waste disposal problem and increases the energy efficiency of the process.Item Increase of cars reliability at the expense of their warranty service abroad process improvement(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Makarova, Irina; Khabibullin, Rifat; Belyaev, Eduard; Kozadaev, Ruslan; Cheremin, AleksandrThe article is devoted to the development of theoretical and practical methods of solving problems associated with the development of the system of the corporate service of trucks and increase efficiency of its functioning. It is shown the influence of the climatic conditions of the region operating on the indicators of operational reliability. The proposed method will allow to organize the accumulation of statistical data on the most frequent reasons of premature refusals emergence in certain service conditions; accumulation of analytical data from the dealer centers allowing the producer purposefully to improve a design of the car, increasing its reliability and safety.