Інженерна механіка та транспорт (EMT-2013). – 2013 р.

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Матеріали IІІ Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених EМТ-2013

У збірнику опубліковано матеріали конференції, присвяченої проблемам у галузі інженерної механіки, транспортних технологій, машинобудування, автоматизації виробництва. Видання призначено для науковців, аспірантів, студентів.

Інженерна механіка та транспорт : матеріали IІІ Міжнародної конференції молодих вчених EМТ-2013, 21–23 листопада 2013 року, Україна, Львів / Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка". – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – 112 с. : іл. – (4-й Міжнародний молодіжний фестиваль науки "Litteris et Artibus"). – Паралельний титульний аркуш англійською.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 38
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    Моделювання роботи важільних механізмів на базі центрального прямолінійно напрямного кривошипно-повзунного механізму у SolidWorks
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Міняйло, Петро
    The simulation of straight-line mechanisms and dwell mechanisms on the basis of slider-crank mechanism in SolidWorks is viewed. Straight-line mechanisms, which is widely used in modern engineering, describe the rod curve that in a particular area is close to a straight line, which provides a dwell of the final link of mechanism. Graphs for the kinematic parameters of dwell mechanisms are shown. The main aim of the research – to simulation the mechanisms and test their kinematic parameters. As seen from the results, the use of modern CAD systems such as SolidWorks, allows you to check all the necessary parameters based on computer models of mechanisms and significantly simplify experimental study of physical models of mechanisms and machines.
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    Удосконалення взаємодії станцій примикання і під’їзних колій морських портів
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Чеклов, Володимир; Шеховцов, Олексій; Матвієнко, Сергій
    Sea ports are an important element of the economy. Port's efficiency affects on the transport links with foreign countries. Most of the cargos is delivered to the ports and transported from them by railway transport. Therefore, improvement of technology of interaction of railways and ports is very important. Measures to improve the interaction technology of stations and ports have been proposed. The interval between the innings of cars has been reduced. The number of cars in the supply was increased. Improvements are proposed based on local conditions and traffic safety. This will allow to use the engineering tools more effectively.
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    Визначення напружено-деформованого стану пористої гумової плити в умовах нелінійного деформування
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Гребенюк, Сергій; Юрєчко, Василь
    There was created an approach for the numerical analysis of stress-strain state of the porous plate in non-linear strained conditions. Porous body stress tensor is based on the general Hooke’s law and includes the dependence from the porous material elasticity, metric tensor components, approximation of the first, second and the third strain tensor invariants. For viscoelastic deformation modeling there’re used integral relations based on Boltzmann-Volterra genetic theory. There was made a calculation of porous plate allowing the relaxation only of the porous rubber shift module in terms of viscoelastic deformation using the relaxation core. As a result, there were received the components of deformation stress state i.e. time distribution of normal stresses and motion dependence on both time and stress.
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    Визначення напружено-деформованого стану гумового буфера на основі уточненої моментної схеми скінченного елемента
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Гребенюк, Сергій; Бова, Ганна
    This work is devoted to elaboration and numerical realization of method of research of the stressstrain state of the rubber buffer taking into account weak compressibility on the basis of the precise finite element moment scheme. To determine the stress-strain state of the rubber buffer in conditions of linear deformation the threedimensional finite element method has been used. For increasing the accuracy of numerical results the precise finite element moment scheme has been applied. This scheme is a modification of moment scheme and envisages the receipt of expressions for deformations on the base of supplement of approximating initial polynomials of finite elements to a complete. The undertaken research shows that calculation of rubber constructions taking into account weakly compressibility of materials allows getting the adequate results using the cubic approximation of displacements.
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    Критерій порівняльної оцінки схем організації дорожнього руху за витратами палива
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Гецович, Євген; Казакова, Марина
    The paper deals with the influence of traffic on the change in fuel consumption of the vehicle when driving in certain modes of motion. The purpose of the article is to describe the technique of determining the criterion of comparative assessment of traffic options on fuel consumption. The obtained criterion is based on resulting of the coefficient of relative change in fuel consumption of traffic depending on the driving modes , namely the free driving mode with stops, free-driving mode with excessive speed , freedriving mode with ermitted speed , "start-stop" mode and constrained mode movement. The proposed method of determining the comparative evaluation of fuel consumption, depending on the mode of traffic flow , will allow for a comparative assessment of measures directed to traffic manasement and provide recommendations for the introduction of specific measures.
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    Optimal synthesis of the impulsive resonant two-mass vibro-impact systems
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Gursky, Volodymyr; Murashev, Sergiy; Gogol, Rostyslav
    The article solves the applied problem of the technological efficiency increase of resonant two-mass vibrating machines with an impulsive electromagnetic drive based on optimization synthesis and frequency analysis of asymmetric piece-linear elastic description. The value of speed of working mass is accepted for an objective function. Synthesis is based by frequency coefficient and relation of eigenfrequencies. The rational resilient parameters of asymmetric piece-linear elastic description settle accounts after the optimum values of the proper coefficients. The availability of the poly-frequency spectrum in the resonant mode of machine, operated by impulsive electromagnetic perturbation, is confirmed by the dynamic analysis and numerical system modeling.
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    Покажчик авторів
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013)
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    До проблеми попередження транспортних заторів
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Ширін, Валерій
    The paper deals with the issues concerning traffic flow management on congested sections of the road network of cities by changing the speed limit when approaching them. The purpose of the given article is to describe a methodology for determining the speed of vehicles, which can be implemented with the help of technical means of traffic management to reduce traffic delays when driving through intersections and increase the capacity of streets and roads in general. The proposed method is based on the use of controlled traffic signs that are part of automated traffic management systems. The speed rate, the length of the slowdown road section and position parameters of regulated road signs refers to the speed limit parameters change. The listed controlled parameters are determined on the basis of the vehicle speed depending on the traffic flow at road junctions before crossing the traffic light control loop parameters.
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    Дослідження демпфера нормально закритого чи відкритого з керуванням по тиску стиснутого повітря пневматичного привода
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Ковриженко, Д. В.
    A mathematical model of the pneumatic actuator with the damping rod at the end of stroke was made. Transient movement of the actuator piston is considered as adiabatic and in pseudo steady-statement. It is assumed that the compressed air is an ideal gas. Not any air leak in the drive is out. Designs of regulators normally open and closed adaptive to the level of pressure in the chambers of the drive was create. The design of the damper to the universal changeover from normally open to normally closed and vice versa. A mathematical model of adaptive dampers for the influence of design parameters on the process of damping was written. The greatest impact parameters are: the diameter of the piston, the spring constant, the zero offset spring, and the angle forming the rod to its axis. The optimal design of the drive, which provides a smooth stop for a range of pressure as the nominal flow rate, mass, and the constant force load, was found. In work showed the efficiency of a damper on the parameters established speed braking and a swing speed.
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    Аналіз використання міжнародних транспортних коридорів в Україні
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Чеклова, Валентина; Панченко, Юрій; Костиря, Ірина
    The article analyzes the international transport corridors concerning Ukraine. We consider separately each of the corridors, their length along grated Ukraine as rail and road journey. The features of the data corridors, their disadvantages. Create ITC and entering them into the international transport system is recognized nationwide priority direction of development of the transport system of Ukraine. Since 1998, implemented a number of important tasks "Program establishment and operation of a national network of international transport corridors Ukraine". On the infrastructure ITC, new technologies, the development of information systems, conducting research. The fact that the state has a very high coefficient of transitivity (Transport attractive) and therefore recovery, development and expansion of transport corridors is important for Ukraine.
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    Fracture risk assessment of trunk oil pipeline by corrosion fatigue mechanism of service defects development
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Vasyl Luzhetskyy
    Engineering estimations of the corrosion fracture velocity of oil pipelines have been given, which include both mechanical and physical-chemical interaction operation factors of strained material with workspace. Characteristics of cyclic corrosion crack resistance of a pipe metal of the exploited oil-trunk pipeline with the regard for operating production factors have been defined. New data about corrosive and fatigue failure of pipes in dependence on the initial sizes and forms of their detected defects have been obtained. Cyclic used and unused pipe investigated steel crack resistance charts have been compiled. Also, it has been established, that aqueous corrosive environments (soil and distilled water) essentially influence the fatigue failure propagation process in the investigated steel.
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    Уточнення рівнянь динаміки маятника Фурути
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Роєнко, Юхим; Волянський, Роман; Садовой, Олександр
    The Furuta pendulum provides a compact and impressive device for control demonstrations and draws the attention of the control community as a device for the development of nonlinear control laws. Despite the popularity of the device, there are very few papers which employ the correct dynamics. In this paper, potential and kinetic energy and then the full dynamics of the Furuta pendulum has been found using methods a Lagrangian formulation, and the form of friction corresponding to the real object has been derived.
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    Удосконалення роботи транспортної системи вугільно-енергетичного комплексу
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Науменко, Олексій
    The aim of the study is analyze of the possibilities of rational organization of traffic volumes and the organization of the transport system of carbon and energy, which is the largest consumer of transport services in the country. The main points the fuel and energy complex: extraction, refining, transportation of coal and generation of electricity, its fuel and energy balance. The current state of the organization of transport service fuel and energy complex on the east on the country. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the use of the rolling stock of public and private transport and using their own cars to transport coal from the mining sites to places of enrichment and power generation. Suggested on the basis of supervisory apparatus enterprise to create an independent carrier that will proactively manage, monitor and efficiently organize transport service fuel and energy complex.
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    Cистема керування автоматизованим вимірювальним комплексом для дослідження властивостей пористих матеріалів на базі нечіткого нейроконтролера
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Смолянкін, Олег; Маркіна, Людмила
    Purpose. Development of hardware-software complex based on IR 5047-50 tensile machine, model building automated control systems elongation details, modeling and forecasting the behavior of porous materials under complex loading trajectories with the use of fuzzy logic. Design/methodology/approach. The authors reviewed the methods of deformation of structural materials neodnorodnyh and installation for studying deformation and strength properties of powder materials. The developed device for lifting strength and deformation characteristics of a tenzometric sensors. Constructed taruvalni dependence. Models of porous materials based on fuzzy logic. We recommend using the method of fuzzy logic to predict material behavior under complex loading paths. Findings. Developed a model plant and automated control systems of power load parameters, followed by registration of deformation characteristics using fuzzy logic Originality/value appropriate use of fuzzy logic method for modeling the behavior of porous materials.
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    Використання даних моделювання транспортних потоків у автоматизованих системах управління дорожнім рухом
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Семченко, Наталія
    Increase of efficiency and traffic safety of vehicles on a road network is possible at introduction of automated control systems. They will allow to control traffic flows on the basis of information on traffic flows received from transport detectors on local objects. But introduction of automated control systems for traffic management is connected with considerable expenses. For the purpose of their reduction there was offered the technique of traffic flows modeling as well as their parameters which uses recurrent ratios. Parameters of traffic flows are calculated on the basis of received initial information only at entrances to conditional transport areas, the territory of automated control systems management is devided into. The adequacy of the developed model is approved by conducted pilot researches in the central part of Kharkiv. The use of the given technique will allow to reduce the number of transport detectors necessary for functioning of automated control systems used for traffic management by minimum 50 %.
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    Програмно-апаратний комплекс для управління рухомим об’єктом
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Гуменюк, Павло; Гуменюк, Лариса; Лотиш, Володимир
    The article substantiates the need to develop a model of the object movement to study its behavior under various conditions and under the influence of various external factors. The software to simulate the movement of two-linked wheeled object with reference connection between the units was developed. Powered algorithm of the basic mechanisms of the facility to ensure the sustainability movement was constructed. Software development environment for the AVR ATmega328P microcontroller board in the Arduino Uno, which is placed on board of the object model was selected. The connection to the virtual COM-port system from a higher level was described. The model allows to perform any maneuvers of two-linked wheeled object, including pre- registered at 90o turning maneuvers and lane changes for the study of factors influencing the stability of the object without costly and dangerous experiments was created.
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    Improving reliability of the trucks
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Iskhakov, Arthur; Makarova, Irina; Khabibullin, Rifat
    In the article the ways of increasing competitiveness automotive technique and providing opportunities improving them by analyzing information about defects with principle of "feedback" are analyzed. Used methodology of systems allows to organize interaction between systems of firm service and production system to improve efficiency of interaction.
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    Methods of bicycle users’ survey
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Tokmylenko, Olena
    The paper provides a review of data collection methods that can be used for bicycling modeling and planning. The review includes fifteen international studies that use different methods of data collection. The main advantages and disadvantages of each method are listed and the recommendations on when to use particular method are provided.
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    Waste substances for the electricity production. Cheap power off the power industry
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Kardasz, Piotr
    The following article present the research on using an alternative fuel in diesel engines. The tested fuel is made from waste oil. The research conducted that use of this fuel helps to reduce the amount of pollutants emitted during the combustion and decreases the energy consumption. The use of the tested fuel also contributes to solve the waste disposal problem and increases the energy efficiency of the process.
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    Розробка зносостійких наплавлених шарів із порошкових дротів для підвищення ресурсу роботи лопаток колеса млинового вентилятора
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013) Войтович, Андрій; Головчук, Мирослав
    The aim of the work is to conduct a comparative analysis of durability of the over welded layers with four commercially available boron-containing cored wires (150B6Tі10, 150Cr10B2VМn, 90Cr12SiB, 70Cr20B3Ti). All investigated coatings have been developed in order to increase the operating time and to reduce the maintaince period of the mashine parts that operate under the conditions of the severe abrasive wear. The microstructure and microhardness of the layers have been investigated on the cross-sections. A resistance against abrasion wear has been tested by an operating temperature of 150 °C and the velocity of abrasive particles (200 μm sand) of 36 m/s. It was found that the average hardness of the clad layers due to the formation of the carbides and borides rises to the values of 642 – 1028 HV0.2. The highest values were measured for 150Cr10B2VМn layers and the lowest – for 150B6Tі10 layers. The last can be explained by the formation of the crack network in the hard boron rich matrix. The maximal abrasion wear resistance was observed for the layers with a matrix with austenitic microstructure and carbide inclusions. The best 150B6Tі10 coatings demonstrate an increase in abrasion resistance more than twice if to compare with a substrate 10CrSiNiMn material.