Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2015. – №835
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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка"
До збірника науково-прикладних праць “Менеджмент та підприємництво в України: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” увійшли статті, які відображають проблеми менеджменту, підприємництва, інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності, управління національною економікою України тощо. Для працівників підприємств, банків, інвестиційних та інноваційних структур, органів державного управління, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей.
Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет "Львівська політехніка" ; голова редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – № 835. – 331с. : іл.
Item Performance budgeting – rationality, transparency, effectiveness – a new method of public finance management(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Kuck, J.; Kaźmierczak, D.One of the most important factors that may improve state management is modern public finance management. This new approach to management in public administration is defined as a concept of New Public Management or Performance- Based Management. Such concept of new management focuses on defining goals, beneficiaries and measurable outcomes. The management according to new rules should increase effectiveness of public services and at the same time reduce costs. Одним з найважливіших факторів, який може покращити державне управління, є управління у сфері державних фінансів. Цей новий підхід щодо управління у публічному адмініструванні визначається як концепція Нового державного управління або управління, що ґрунтується на результатах. Ця концепція нового управління фокусується на визначенні цілей, бенефіціарів та вимірюваних результатах. Таке управління, відповідно до нових правил, повинне збільшити ефективність державних послуг та одночасно знизити витрати.Item Актуальні проблеми інтеграції фінансового ринку України у світовий ринок(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Кондрат, І. Ю.; Сокіл, Ю. Р.Описано прояви процесів глобалізації на світовому фінансовому ринку та розглянуто можливості та загрози їх впливу на фінансовий ринок України. Кожна із проблем підкріплена конкретними показниками діяльності вітчизняного фінансового ринку протягом 2008–2014 рр. Шляхом розрахунку середніх геометричних величин досліджено динаміку основних показників розвитку банківського сектору, страхового ринку та недержавного пенсійного забезпечення. Охарактеризовано сучасну практику функціонування страхових компаній на фінансовому ринку як інвесторів. Систематизовано проблеми, які гальмують інтегрування фінансового ринку України у світовий. Особлива увага приділена тенденціям розвитку фондового ринку. Визначено особливості здійснення в Україні операцій з похідними цінними паперами. Розглянуто проблеми, що виникають в результаті неконтрольованого обігу цінних паперів, зокрема, в результаті активного інвестування в них банківськими установами. Описано можливі варіанти удосконалення роботи фондового ринку України та розвитку фінансових кластерів, зокрема, механізми їх організації та переваги для реального сектору економіки через залучення додаткових обсягів інвестицій та розвиток трансферу технологій, здійснення фінансового лізингу. Визначено міста, у яких найкраще реалізовувати пілотні проекти щодо розвитку як національних, так і транскордонних фінансових кластерів. Запропоновано заходи для подолання наявних на фінансовому ринку проблем з погляду можливостей його міжнародного конкурентного зростання. The article describes the manifestations of globalization processes on the world financial markets and considers the opportunities and threats of their impact on the financial market of Ukraine. The problems of modern financial market of Ukraine, in particular, its discrete and disproportionate nature, the lack of effective legislation regarding prudential supervision and regulation systems of non-banking financial sector, the devaluation of the national currency, accelerating inflation processes, the deterioration of quality of bank’s loan portfolios caused by the negative impact of the military-political crisis, are highlighted. Each of the discussed problems is backed by concrete indicators of financial market of Ukraine during the 2008- 2014. By calculating the average geometric quantities the dynamics of the main indicators of development of the banking sector (total assets, loans, capital, liabilities of banks, the result of the activity), the insurance market (gross premiums, gross insurance premiums, paid for reinsurance, total assets of insurers, the volume of formed insurance reserves) and the nonstate pension provision (total value of assets of private pension funds, total contributions from individuals, entrepreneurs, legal entities, pension payments, the amount of investment income, expenses reimbursed at the expense of pension assets) in Ukraine during 2008-2014 are investigated. The modern practices of the insurance companies in terms of their participation in the financial market as investors are characterized. The special attention is paid to the problems of the functioning of the stock market, as an institution, which is the least developed. The problems that hinder integration of the financial market of Ukraine in the global financial market are systematized. The peculiarities of operations with derivative securities in Ukraine are depicted. The problems resulting from uncontrolled circulation of securities in particular, as a result of active investment banking institutions, are reviewed. The possible options of improvement of the Ukraine’s stock market performance and the development of financial clusters, in particular, the mechanisms of their organization and benefit from their development to the real economy through the attraction of additional volumes of investments and development of technology transfer, the implementation of financial leasing, are described. The cities which are the best to implement pilot projects for the development of both national and cross-border financial clusters are defined. Taking into account the world’s best practices benefits of industrial and financial groups for the growth of the real sector of Ukraine’s economy and financial market development are defined. The measures to overcome the existing financial market issues from the point of view of possibilities of its international competitive growth are proposed.Item Базові засади формування потенціалу фінансово-економічної стійкості соціально-економічних систем(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Куцик, П. О.; Герега, О. В.Систематизовано й узагальнено наявні базові засади формування, виміру та управління потенціалом фінансово-економічної стійкості суб’єктів вітчизняної економіки. Наведено результати критичного аналізу використовуваного в теорії і практиці інструментарію встановлення рівня фінансово-економічної стійкості підприємства, його використання в управлінні. Сформульовано окремі аспекти розвитку базових засад управління процесами формування фінансово-економічної стійкості економічних систем. In Article the basic principles of formation, measurement and management of potential financial and economic stability of the domestic economy subjects were systematic and generalized. The results of the critical analysis used in the theory and practice tools for setting the financial and economic viability, and its use in the processes of management were shown. The certain aspects of the basic principles of management processes of formation the financial and economic stability for economic systems were formulated. There are a number of arguments that the potential financial and economic stability of market modern economy is the key criteria for their ability to adapt to the dynamism of global socio-economic environment. The adaptive to the conditions of the national economy concept of management tools and adequate capacity building process control of financial and economic stability of economic entities of the national economy providing the possibility of overcoming the crisis, gaining their investment attractiveness and improve conditions for transition to the innovative type of development were proved. As a result of the critical analysis set out in theoretical research field of functional evaluative and analytical instruments concluded its discrepancy practical needs effective management processes forming potential of domestic enterprises. Proved that the potential financial and economic stability of current social and economic systems objectively considered adequate due to their specific structure and terms of economic resources, the effectiveness of management practices regarding the dynamic transformation of these resources, and the result is reflected in the market position of the economic system, the value of its equity. In this context the necessity to develop adequate national practice patterns of absolute figures, their normative values and approaches to handling their dynamics. Formulated the basic principles of forming potential of the company, among which highlighted the urgency to implement in domestic enterprises monitoring and diagnostic systems for the purpose of identifying changes in the external and internal environment of the principles for assessment and analysis of potential stability, prerequisites correction parameters capacity in management decisions aimed effective processes to ensure capacity building of sustainable enterprise development.Item Визначення внеску НТПВ у формування прибутку від реалізації продукції підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Мазур, А. В.Досліджено питання фінансування стадії науково-технічної підготовки виробництва (НТПВ). Для забезпечення стадії НТПВ необхідними коштами запропоновано акумулювання власних коштів підприємства від реалізації науково-технічної продукції. Запропоновано використання частки прибутку від реалізації продукції для фінансування НТПВ. Розвинуто методичні засади визначення внеску НТПВ у формування прибутку підприємства. Proceedings of scientific and technical preparation of production requires certain costs, as it requires the use of machines, equipment, technologies with high technical and economic indicators. Financing of STPP is a prerequisite in order to achieve the desired result, and, accordingly, production of a certain product (development). The article examines problem of financing the stage of scientific and technical preparation of production (STPP). The funds needed to finance the STPP stage, can be obtained by direct sale of products of STPP. Another way for the STPP products realization is the implementation of the design and technological documentation, scientific and technological working in own production. In most cases, the results of the stage of STPP are directly introduced into the production of new or improved products. In that case it is not about direct result of the final working of STPP. However, the activity of this stage significantly affects the overall performance of the enterprise. It is therefore possible to determine the result of the stage of STPP as a share of the profit of the enterprise. It this case this part of the profits can be used to finance the STPP stage in process of its redistribution, which enables to conduct new research and development of the enterprise or to upgrade existing technology. In order to determine the profits of the stage of scientific and technical preparation of production as a share of scientific-research complex of work in the final result of the enterprise it is proposed to reflect partial profits of STPP considering income from sales of the enterprise and the coefficient of contribution to the forming the STPP profits. The coefficient of contribution to the forming the STPP profits of the enterprise is proposed determine by taking into account a number of factors that impact on the financial performance of the enterprise on the stage of STPP. The composition of such factors should be investigated and form for the resource and process approach. From the standpoint of resource-procession approach is obvious that to determine the STPP contribution to the forming of financial results of the company, it is necessary to determine the share of the scientific and technical operations deposit in the production. It is appropriate to define the deposit of the stage of STPP, if the product that is produced now are innovative, modernized or characterized by improved technical and economic parameters in comparison with a product that was made in previous periods, or analogs on the market. Accordingly to determine the contribution of scientific and technical works that provide innovation or modernization of the product, it is necessary to identify the contribution of innovative work in total work performed during production. Consequently, it is proposed to determine the coefficient of contribution to the forming the STPP profits of the enterprise on the basis of partial indicators that reflect the impact of relevant factors. The own funds from scientific and technical products sales accumulation is offered in order to provide the necessary funds. The use of share of profits of products realization to finance STPP is offered. Methodical bases of determining of the STPP contribution to the profits forming are developed.Item Детермінанти конкурентного розвитку вітчизняних підприємств(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Полянська, А. С.; Поплавська, Ж. В.Розглянуто детермінанти конкурентного розвитку національних економік та окреслено шляхи досягнення конкурентних переваг вітчизняними підприємствами, виділено ключові індикатори економічного розвитку, який є основою формування конкурентного потенціалу, охарактеризовано чинники, що впливають на конкурентоспроможність бізнесу, виділено можливі способи позиціювання вітчизняних підприємств на національних та міжнародних ринках, обґрунтовано напрями вирішення питання підвищення конкурентоспроможності вітчизняних промислових підприємств. The article investigates the determinants of the competitive development of national economies and ways of competitive advantages achieving by domestic enterprises; allocates the key indicators of economic development, which is the basis of a competitive potential; characterizes the factors affecting the competitiveness of businesses; identifies possible ways of domestic companies positioning at the domestic and international markets; justifies the directions of domestic enterprises competitiveness increasing questions solving. The renewal of economic growth is an objective condition for Ukraine’s integration with the developed world’s economic system. Processes and trends which are occurring in the global economy put their imprint on the economic processes in Ukraine. And the first this applies to industrial enterprises activities those are producers of wealth, the source of GDP growth, the field for the development and implementation of innovative solutions, the means of financial resources accumulation and the sphere of their usage for recovery of economic growth. The consequences of the global economic crisis are demonstrated that the basis of economic growth is material production. Domestic production is characterized by stagnation process. Despite this it is the necessity not only in crisis management, but also in the long-term strategic management focused on competitive development, under which we consider sustainable progress of an object, which can be a company, region, country. And one of the main enterprises’ operation. The most important points of Ukraine positions growth were increasing of trust to public institutions, increasing of domestic markets efficiency, increasing of the people’s share that are educated, and also the widespread usage of IT communications in business and private life. However, it are remained the old unsolved problems, including inefficient institutional environment and the dominance of large enterprises.. In general, Ukraine has maintained the previous competitive advantages, though their list is not long. These conclusions are based primarily on the good education system and the size of the market. To achieve a high level of competitiveness the emphasis is made on the efficiency increasing and business productivity. It should be noted that the determinants of national economies competitive development determine the strategy and policy of competitive development of individual enterprises. Their success will depend on the such determinants of growth in the economy: starting level of development, that means the level that existed at the time, from which we start counting rate of development; human capital, that means the level of education; internal domestic economic conditions, that means economic system; external economic conditions. However, each company being interested in achieving of profitable operations due to meet consumer needs independently decides ways and means of competitive advantage achieving. In solving of this problem does not lose relevance to Ukraine such tool of competitiveness achieving as positioning. It should be noted that trying to achieve competitive advantages, based on the desire to compete at local regional, national or international markets the company should gradually and consistently transform the potential opportunities into driving forces. In the domestic market, competing conditions are the same for all businesses. Somewhat different is the situation on foreign markets where dominate the other needs, requirements, terms and conditions of business. Among the determinants of domestic enterprises competitive development that are participants of foreign economic relations the priority requires have the following: conformity to the international regulatory and legal framework; technical conditions (specifications); management. Of course, it is difficult to compete with countries which underline the productivity growth of innovative enterprises whereas the innovation activity is much lower at the domestic enterprises. However, the criterion of efficiency is the starting point to competitiveness increase of the domestic enterprises and the economy as a whole.Item Детермінація основних засобів підприємств в умовах інвестиційного розвитку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Пирог, О. В.; Стельмах, Х. П.Досліджено питання детермінації основних засобів, розглянуто особливості їх трактування в умовах інвестиційного розвитку підприємств. Проблеми інвестиційного середовища змушують шукати способи ефективного функціонування підприємств. Зосередженість на процесі інвестування основних засобів розкриває проблематику діяльності в умовах інвестиційного розвитку та економічних переваг підприємства. Досягнення інвестиційних цілей підприємств та реалізація стратегії розвитку є одними із головних аспектів ефективної діяльності підприємств в умовах несприятливого інвестиційного середовища України. This article explores the question of determination fixed assets, the features of their treatment in terms of investment development. Problems of investment environment to seek ways to make effective functioning of enterprises. The focus on investing of the fixed assets reveals problems in terms of investment and economic benefits of enterprise. Achieving investment objectives and implementing business development strategies are some of the main aspects by effective operation of enterprises in the unfavorable investment climate in Ukraine. Large companies are a catalyst for technological progress, but there are a number of small companies that need investment and development. However, the dynamics of the operation of large companies easier to adapt by the changing economic situation, modernize fixed assets and apply a new approach to the implementation of investment strategies based on investment growth. The concept of “development” - the action; process, resulting in a change in quality, qualitative transition from one state to another, higher. Investment in terms of the main competitive advantage is technological lead over competitors, is the ability to create new technology and high-tech, high-tech products. Therefore, as soon as possible is the immediate formation of such principles of innovation and investment policy, which would be able to provide a robust growth path. Fixed assets related to the investment process development by investment. Investment in fixed assets is a measure of capital costs. This applies to any investment during the period of measurement of physical assets such as investment in infrastructure, real estate, machinery, equipment, held for more than one year. Fixed assets, as material inputs require constant updates, so the investment aims and the main investment objectives and investment strategy in the context of investment projects. In the future, studies the concepts of “fixed assets” should take into account that no single correct interpretation leads to inaccurate classification. Therefore, we must pay attention to the peculiarities of their determination and investment, as the basis of the production process.Item Ділова репутація підприємств як засіб забезпечення прибутковості на товарних ринках(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Михальчишин, Н. Л.Обґрунтовано сутність ділової репутації як результату поведінки підприємства на ринку, належність до категорій, які сприймає та оцінює зовнішнє оточення. Визначено, що можливість здійснення певної поведінки суб’єктом господарювання зумовлюється його внутрішньою спроможністю, внутрішнім середовищем. Автор встановив, що діловій репутації притаманні матеріальні та нематеріальні прояви, через вплив на які можна завдавати шкоди та принижувати ділову репутацію. Визначено, що захист, підтримання та розвиток ділової репутації є необхідними засобами для забезпечення прибутковості підприємства. This article is justifying an essence of business reputation (“goodwill”) as a result of behavior of the enterprise on the market and it is determined that business reputation is one of categories that is perceived and evaluated by the surrounding entities that are in contact with a enterprise. It was established that business reputation depends on factors both, internal and external environments in which the entity operates. The business reputation is determined mostly by the internal environment, which in turn determines capabilities and level of performance in regards of enterprise's duties, and as a derivative – formation of reputation under the influence of the environment that shapes collective opinions and social assessment. In order to establish factors of the internal environment that shapes business reputation, it is required to find out what affects it's surroundings, as surroundings' public assessment will determine the reputation. External environment of the enterprise is formed by its customers, business partners (suppliers), competitors on the market (both actual and potential) and public authorities. Business reputation will depend on the ability of the Enterprise: provide high quality products; comply with the optimum ratio “price-quality”; save time for the consumer; provide consumers warranty, after-sales service and so on. Business reputation in a market economy depends on its consumer's satisfaction, and whether it is ready to conduct business with this particular supplier (customer retention). Accordingly, factors that can determine reputation in terms of suppliers is not only an ethical business component, but also the professionalism of the enterprise in the legal plane. In relations with competitors following factors of the business reputation are formed: pricing policy with consideration of market trends; ability to influence the market size of the goods; respect for the integrity of competition and so on. Based on the results of studies of the internal environment may be determined that business reputation will be formed by the personnel's potential. Formation of the enterprise's reputation can be in line or can diverge in time with different stages of the life cycle of the enterprise. The paper found that business reputation may have tangible and intangible manifestations, the influence of which can cause damage to business reputation. It is also is determined that business reputation cannot be related to structural categories and cannot include components because it is moral and ethical category. It should be borne in mind that business reputation is influenced by numerous factors of internal and external environments. It is determined that in addition to the cost of improving and maintaining business reputation, enterprise should include the costs of its protection, which depend on the chosen protection method, and to ensure profitability of enterprise business reputation should be protected, maintained and improved.Item Забезпечення продовольчої безпеки за допомогою створення центрів розвитку регіону(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Нікішин, Є. В.Розглянуті основи побудови продовольчої безпеки регіону за допомогою формування “каталітичних” центрів розвитку, що створюються на основі принципу “субсидіарності”. Показана необхідність формування центрів для забезпечення продовольчої безпеки у сучасних економічних умовах. Визначено проблеми, які виникнуть перед Україною після підписання ЄС договору про трансатлантичне партнерство, торгівлю та інвестиції. Обґрунтовано актуальність організації захисту регіонального ринку в умовах інтеграційних процесів. Виявлено завдання та шляхи створення і стійкої роботи каталітичних центрів розвитку. Одним із завдань є визначення основних принципів контролю продовольчої безпеки, концептуально побудованих на принципах раціоналізації та оптимізації використання потенціалу регіонів. The article is devoted to the basics of building a system of food security in the region by forming a “catalytic” development centers. Developed a model of regional development based on the concept of growth poles on the principle of “subsidiarity”. The centers of development should be preferred and effective way to address food security and development of the region. This model is largely should contribute to the solution of complex of socio-economic problems in the region. The article carried the conceptualization and analysis of the role of the leading agricultural enterprises in the creation of food security in the region and the country. There are defined a policy framework of strengthening the productive potential of enterprises and their transformation into development centers. The concept of development centers is the theory of open-driven trade policy. On the basis of this concept examined the basic directions of transformation of enterprises in the centers of development of the region. Author shows peculiarities of the use of natural, financial, technological and human resources to build development centers. The author examines problems that typically arise during the formation of centers of development. The main purpose of the construction of the system is to create sustainable social and economic development of the region. Are listed the threats and risks that arise for Ukraine as a result of the signing of the contract of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The conclusion is drawn that Ukraine should take measures to protect the economic and food security at the national and regional levels. The analysis of the problems shows that food security is provided by a complex interaction of state bodies, businesses, financial institutions, regional and sub regional levels with the rational use of all available resources. The strategy of interaction built within the framework of the fundamentally new concept, which is based on the principle of subsidiarity. The strategy of interaction requires the creation of the basic principles of the system of control of food security in the region. The author believes that the economic security of the region should be based on the principle of subsidiarity, which is the basis for the strategy of development of advanced enterprises, which are catalytic centers of development of the region. Politics of protectionism of the agricultural sector will contribute to the protection and development of the domestic food market, the creation of a single economic space, the establishment of intra- and inter-regional communications, system integration in external markets, achieving a high level of food security in the region and the country as a whole. Common agricultural policy and the creation of catalytic centers of development will contribute to the achievement of food security in the region.Item Зміст до Вісника "Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку" № 835(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015)Item Значення та класифікація небезпек в управлінні внутрішньою безпекою(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Ліманський, А.Виокремлено характерні загрози внутрішньої безпеки у контексті динамічно змінного середовища. Наголошено на ролі та актуальності визначення небезпеки та її запобіганні в процесі управління внутрішньою безпекою. Оговорено класифікацію небезпек щодо однорідних груп відповідно до багатьох диверсифікованих критеріїв класифікації. Зроблено наголос на зростаючому значенні міжнаціональних, невійськових небезпек, запобігання яких вимагає багатосторонніх підходів, що ґрунтуються на залученні агентів та агентств з національних держав. The article aims to outline characteristics of threats to homeland security in the context of dynamically changing environment. In this way, the role and significance of hazard identification and danger prevention in the process of homeland security management are emphasized. The text, furthermore, postulates a taxonomy of dangers grouped into relatively homogenous sets according to a plethora of diversified classification criteria. In this context, the article lays a specific stress on increase in the significance of transnational, non-military dangers whose prevention requires a multilateral approach based upon engagement of agents and agencies from a number of nation states.Item Комплексна програма комунікацій підприємства із громадськістю як інструмент впливу на його ділову репутацію(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Ясінська, Ю. Р.Розглянуто ділову репутацію підприємства як процес та результат взаємодії підприємства із громадськістю, який залежить від цілеспрямованого планування комунікацій підприємства. Розглянуто різноманітні підходи щодо сегментування груп громадськості підприємства, визначено особливості їх взаємозв’язку із підприємством. Розроблено комплекс напрямків впливу підприємства на групи громадськості, зокрема, за допомогою організації кадрової політики та корпоративних комунікацій підприємства, організації особистих та групових зустрічей керівників підприємства, підготовки звітно-інформаційної документації, проектів соціально-економічного розвитку місцевостей розміщення підприємства, моделювання систем лояльності для постійних покупців. Reputation as a process and result of interaction among the society and the enterprise depends on purposeful planning of enterprise relationship with its target community groups. The public, which affects to the enterprise is heterogeneous, has different interests and needs, different expectations about its activities, and requires planning and organization of different marketing communications. The purpose of the article has been to determine the directions of formation of enterprise communications with target society groups to create a long-term and mutually beneficial relationships that positively affect to the reputation of the enterprise. In particular, it has been examined the following question in the article: 1) the impact on the target society groups to the enterprise; 2) it was developed areas of programs for enterprise communications with customers, employees, investors, local communities, taken into consideration their values, interests and needs. Forming a positive relationship with the local community, the enterprise must determine its capability and priorities of activity selecting or combining environmental, economic and social development programs of local communities. Constant dialogue with local communities, taking into consideration their opinions and suggestions help to receive their support in various crisis situations that may occur in the future. Ensuring effective communication and the formation of a rational personnel policy principles, with the aim to create loyal employees are in the center of a stable and positive relations with employees of the enterprise. Comfortable working conditions, flexible work incentives and objective evaluation, recognition of the value of the personal contribution of each employee to the activity of the enterprise, will allow the head of the enterprise to form a friendly and reliable relations with the employees and achieve goals. The importance of investors for enterprise is undoubted because they invest to the enterprise. Relations with them are built and supported by the following measures: advertising and distribution of information products (leaflets, brochures, etc.), gathering investors, excursions to the enterprise, review of annual and quarterly reports. Permanent information and contact support with investors and shareholders of the enterprise will allow it to gain their trust and affection, and receive planned investments. Customers of the enterprise are one of the priority groups of the public as they generate income, so its task is to meet their needs, keep contact with them forming a base of regular customers, sell them more and more goods. In the center of the entrepreneur activity should be a customer and his needs. Through individual approach to each customer, offering after-sales service, such as training and consulting, product maintenance, organizing effective loyalty programs for customers, carefully considering and resolving complaints and remarks of customers – that will allow an enterprise to tie and keep long-term relationships with a significant number of customers. Developed areas of enterprise communications with its target groups will be used in the further empirical studies as the diagnostics basis of existing communication business entities to determine their rankings on the efficiency of communication policy, and develop recommendations for improving communications of some enterprises with their target community groups.Item Концептуальна модель моніторингу економічних показників результативності підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Рябкова, О. В.Обґрунтовано актуальність та необхідність розвитку концептуальних положень моніторингу економічних показників результативності підприємства. Розкрито зміст і сутність складових елементів системи моніторингу економічних показників результативності підприємства, а саме: принципи, суб’єкти, об’єкти, мета, обмеження, засоби, функції моніторингу. Запропонована концептуальна модель формує концептуальну базу використання такої системи з метою інформаційно-аналітичного забезпечення управління функціонуванням підприємства. The actuality and the necessity of development of the conceptual provisions of economic indicators monitoring of the enterprise effectiveness are reasonable in the article. The content and the essence of constituent elements of the monitoring system of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness are exposed, namely: principles, subjects, objects, aim, limitation, facilities, monitoring functions. The monitoring principles are the substantive conceptual provisions, the essential element of the monitoring system of economic indicators of the enterprise activity, adherence to which will afford ground for creating facilities for unimpaired and effective operation of the monitoring system of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness, will ensure the tasks performance and implementation of monitoring functions. The subjects of monitoring of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness are the parties interested in the effective activity of the enterprises, namely proprietors, top-managers, professional employees of the enterprise. The object of monitoring of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness is the system of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness. The aim of monitoring of indicators of the enterprise effectiveness is the periodic tracking of the enterprise activity indicators, directed to the early detection and previous prevention of the problems and also the deviation from the criteria-based values. The functions of monitoring of economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness co-operate with the constituents of the monitoring system and are directed on to the solution of the monitoring tasks, what determine the aim of this process. The necessary elements of the functioning monitoring system of the economic indicators of the enterprise effectiveness are the informational and methodological support, soft hardware, organization support and human resourcing. The most essential means of the monitoring of the enterprise effectiveness performance indicators is the system of indicators, which contains a set of indicators characterizing the enterprise business processes indicators, which are the fundamental factors for the creation of the enterprise added value. In accordance with the stages of technological process of the indicators effectiveness monitoring the whole complex of monitoring methods can be systematized in such groups of methods: tracking methods, estimating methods, forecasting methods and data service methods. During the performance of monitoring of the economic indicators effectiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to take into account the organizational, financial, informational, technical and human resources limitations. Offered conceptual model forms the conceptual basis for the usage of such system aimed to provide the informational support and analytical procurement of enterprise management operation.Item Концептуальні засади визначення сутності толінгових операцій(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Коць, І. І.Розглянуто та проаналізовано різні підходи до трактування понять “давальницька сировина”, “операції з давальницькою сировиною”, “толінг”, “толінгові операції” у теоретичній та нормативно-правовій базі. На цій основі концептуально обґрунтовано та сформульовано уніфіковані тлумачення сутності толінгу й толінгових операцій. Виокремлено та розкрито ключові характерні особливості толінгових операцій, що визначають специфіку їхнього здійснення. The actuality of research is caused by the fact that at present a major part of domestic enterprises is characterized by significant problems in the financial sphere and isn’t able to ensure its independent realization of manufacturing process for various reasons. In such conditions tolling operations are the one of the most attractive and perspective type of cooperation with the foreign partner, who is ready to give its own raw material, cover the production costs, provide product sales and pay for the performed processing work. Thus, the processing enterprise receives the perspective opportunities of improving the condition of its various problem spheres and further independent manufacturing of competitive products for the domestic and foreign markets. However, at modern stage there is no unified definition of the essence of the term “tolling operations”, as well as there are different approaches to its interpretation and analogization of tolling operations with the operations with raw materials in the scientific, legal and business fields. To eliminate the existing in categorical apparatus discrepancies and ambiguities on the problem of tolling operations the various approaches to the interpretations of the terms “raw materials”, “operations with raw materials”, “tolling” “tolling operations” in theoretical and legal basis are reviewed and analyzed. The received analysis results gave an opportunity to implement the conceptual grounding of essence of the key terms in tolling sphere. In particular, under the tolling operations it is proposed to understand the complex of inter-related jobs on processing raw materials (processing, assembly, disassembly, use, repair, modernization, reconstruction, etc.) of foreign customer (tollinger), which were imported into the country of performer (processing enterprise), with the aim to manufacture for him the finished product, which is subordinate to reexportation to the country of customer, on a contractual basis and in accordance with the valid norms of national and international law. In the article there are selected the key characteristics of tolling operations, which include: foreign economic character of tolling (the key participants in this process – the customer of finished product and its manufacturer must represent the different countries); legal nature of tolling (is based on the state regulation and control of the process realization and provides compliance with all valid legislative norms in this area); contractual nature of tolling (is based on an agreement between the contracting parties, which contains the conditions of process realization and obligations of subjects); constant nature of customer’s ownership on raw materials at any stage of its processing; pay character of tolling (provides the customer’s covering all costs which arise in the implementation of tolling operations and the compensation of performed work of processing enterprise); obligation of return of the made from customer’s raw materials production into his country.Item Координування вигоди стейкхолдерів з метою забезпечення безпеки діяльності(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Рудковський, О. В.Визначено поняття “інтерес” та “економічний інтерес”, встановлено значення процесу “узгодження інтересів” для формування системи безпеки підприємства. Визна- чено етапи процесу узгодження інтересів, методи реалізації, завдання та кінцеву мету. Встановлено суб’єкти системи безпеки, визначено їх інтереси, а також завдання у забезпеченні корпоративної безпеки. Проаналізовано причини виникнення конфліктів та методи усунення конфліктів інтересів. Встановлено комплекс заходів (алгоритм дії) для узгодження інтересів. Визначено комплекс показників, що використовують для оцінювання якості реалізації корпоративних інтересів безпеки. Describing the features of the functioning of any corporation, we note as an open system, its activity is based on a combination of interests of a large number of parties. The interests of each party can be fundamentally contradictory, and therefore there is an urgent need to harmonize and balance of interests. An important result of the coordination of interests is the organization of corporate security. The process of corporate security lies in the system of measures aimed at implementing secure enterprise, protect against internal and external threats, as well as coordination and balance in space and time the interests of all stakeholders. Therefore, the coordination of economic interests of the company determines its economic freedom, and she, in turn, created on the basis of economic security. Alignment of interests to ensure the economic security of the company – a set of institutional arrangements that are continuous and cyclical. In practice, coordination of interests is to compromise on behavior with respect to all participants and stakeholders. Analysis and evaluation of the activities carried out with regard to the achieved performance indicators. And the end result is the construction of the planned harmonization behaviors and interactions of each party, adapting to existing conditions and adequate response and implementation of the task. Ensuring economic security management creates competitive company and its investment attractiveness. Thereby increasing the value on the stock market. For most investors measure of attractiveness is safety indicators (state of settlements with partners, lack of financial liabilities consisting availability of qualified management personnel, lack of disputes). Organization of corporate security lies in the system of measures to secure the implementation of the enterprise, protection against internal and external threats, as well as coordination and balance in space and time the interests of all stakeholders, the activities of security corporation, is continuous and cyclical. Thanks to the steps of the balancing of interests, the company also provides security on the part of the environment, relationships which can also carry dangerous nature.Item Логістичний менеджмент у критичних ситуаціях(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Драбік, І.Логістична підтримка необхідна для впровадження кризового менеджменту. Сенс логістичного менеджменту передбачає використання основних правил діяльності, що стосуються економічного тлумачення як мінімізації витрат, необхідної і для досягнення поставлених (деталізованих) цілей, і впливу максимізації результатів під час викорис- тання запланованих видатків. Однак високий рівень складності та невизначеності умов кризового менеджменту, незважаючи на економічні закони, вимагають компетентного та раціонального використання багатьох інших правил, запропонованих науковцями і перевірених на практиці. Їх варто було б зарахувати до загальних норм, правил діяльності, однак, знання і навички дають нам можливість вибирати відповідну модель поведінки у певних умовах, тобто, кризових ситуаціях. Logistic support is necessary in order to accomplish crisis management. The sense of logistic management is expressed in obeying basic rule of action, which refers to economy meaning both minimizing outlays necessary for achieving intended (described in details) aim and effects maximization while using possessed outlays. However, high complexity and changeability of crisis management conditions, apart from economy rule, require competent and rational use of many other rules worked out by logistic theoreticians and verified in practice. They should refer to binding norms, rules of conduct, knowledge and skills enabling us to behave in an appropriate way in particular circumstances – critical situations.Item Маргіналізм в аспекті міжкультурного виміру міжнародної трудової міграції(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Гуменюк, Ю. П.Доведено потребу дослідження міжнародного руху робочої сили з міждисциплінарних позицій, що дасть можливість примножити економічну теорію новим трактуванням причин, умов та наслідків трудової міграції. Розвинений погляд на маргінальність трудового емігранта як ресурсу, що сприяє багатоманітності взаємопроникнення культур народів, поєднаних трудоміграційними коридорами, формуючи в такий спосіб новий напрямок глобалізації – глобалізацію культури та розвиток її традиційних проявів. It has been proved the researches necessity of international labor movement from crossdisciplinary perspectives that can increase the economic theory by new interpretations of labor migration causes, conditions and consequences. It has been formulated five-stage model of international work force migration from the aspect of changing social status of a person, as the consequence of changes in his/her work force quality; within this model it has been proved that international labor migration should be consider as a social lift that determines the global fluctuation of regional productivity. At the same time, the importance of regional productivity depends on several factors among which a special place occupies the socio-cultural environment of the existing work force. However, in a situation where the migrant workers along with the economically active population of the country form the available work force, the socio-cultural environment becomes a clash sphere of adepts’ cultures. The cultural adaptation in the host society depends on which social class the immigrant flows to (from the country of other level of development). Based on the comparison of intercultural integration and development prospects of the USA metropolitan cities, it has been marked out the positive factors that potentially make circumstances of sustainable globalization, which will caused the positive consequences for all ethnic groups and social stratum of planet population. From the historical aspect, it has been given a characterization of migrant concepts of “melting Pot” and “multiculturalism” as closely related stages of social and economic integration of foreigners with local communities. It has been developed a view of marginality of labor immigrant as a resource that promotes the diversity of cultures interpenetration of combined by labor migration corridors, creating a new trend of globalization - the globalization of culture and the development of its traditional manifestations. It is also focused on the mutual commitment between the receiving and sending societies, the object of which is migrant worker, as the personification of homeland household.Item Методи оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку автомобілебудівної продукції(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Терлецька, В. ОДосліджено підходи та методи оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку. Визначено, що оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку – надзвичайно складний та громіздкий процес, оскільки передбачає оцінювати не тільки стан ринку, його особливості і характер, а й чинники впливу на кон’юнктуру ринку. Проаналізовано існуючі методи оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку. Представлено характеристику підходів до оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку у табличній формі. Розглянуто і проаналізовано вказані підходи. Розроблено модель оцінювання кон’юнктури ринку, удосконалено та подано класифікацію показників кон’юнктури. In modern conditions of economic activity to the economic issues are particularly important to study methods of evaluation of market conditions, as they are extremely essential to obtain the current, objective and complete information concerning the state of the market. So the question about the role and importance methods of evaluation at present market conditions are particularly relevant. As the issue the evaluation of market conditions is one of the most difficult types of marketing research - covers an extensive range of issues in relation to choice and economic justification methods, techniques, methods of evaluation, indicators of market conditions, etc., and provides quantitative and qualitative (visual) assessment state of the market, trends of the development, nature and characteristics of the market, efficiency of functioning of enterprises in industry, economic situation in the market, determination ponderability of factors of market conditions, etc., and is aimed at the integral evaluation of economic performance in general - is an assessment of trends and patterns development of the market influenced by factors of market conditions. To achieve this goal the following objectives have been formulated. To achieve this goal required the following tasks: to investigate methods for evaluating market conditions; to analyse existing methods of assessment of market conditions; to investigate and improve of indicators of market conditions. The article explores the approaches and methods of the evaluation of market conditions. The author determines that the assessment of market conditions is an extremely complex and cumbersome process, that involves not only assess the state of the market, its features and character, but also factors of influencing the market conditions. Methods for evaluating the market conditions have been presented. Characterization of approaches to the evaluation of market conditions has been illustrated in tables. These approaches have been considered and analyzed. Model of the assessment of market conditions has been developed. Classification of indicators of market conditions has been represented and improved. The study of market trends, peculiarities of its operation, the nature and state of the market impacts, causation allows to explore, analyze and generate information and create analytical basis for determining priority research areas for the development of integrated methods for assessing the market conditions. In today’s researchers focused attention on the study of individual methods of evaluation of market conditions for specific sectors, while at the present stage of development necessary are essential integrated assessment methods that combine various combinations of existing techniques and allow systematically evaluate the market conditions, state of the industry and its character. Review of scientific literature [1-8] and studies of existing approaches to the assessment of the market conditions makes it possible to isolate and analyze two approaches to assessment. The first approach is to evaluate the market conditions in relation to evaluation of its condition through the use of universal methods of assessment, namely: economic and mathematical methods, statistical, empirical, expert and others. The second approach consists to assessment the factors of the market conditions that affect the market situation, and researcher is developing a method for evaluating, in which researcher defines the classification criteria and indicators for assessment (enterprise sector) independently and individually. This approach focuses on the use of a set of indicators that reflect the characteristics, nature, status and trends of the market conditions certain types of products (industry).Item Механізм державного управління “зеленою” національною економікою(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Бублик, М. І.Розглядаються нові напрями державного управління екологічною політикою та політикою “зеленої” економіки в Україні та світі з метою зменшення обсягів техногенних збитків у національному господарстві пропонується метод вибору цільових програм, проектів та заходів щодо зменшення техногенної шкоди, відповідно до обсягу доступного фінансування. In the article new directions of state governance of environmental policy and “green” economy are examined in Ukraine and the world, in order to reduce the volume of technogenic losses in the national economy going is offered a method for selection of targeted programs, projects or activities to reduce man-made damage in accordance with the amount of funding available. Solving these problems involves not only creating a favorable environment for greening production and implementation of the policy of “green” economy, but also the formation of new government regulation of technogenic (man-made) damages at the macro level. The problem of construction of method of choice system of state regulation of man-made damages at the macro level has particular relevance. Based on our research and the obtained results, we recommend to include the method of choice system of state regulation of man-made damage into the mechanism of their state regulation as part of the system. The proposed method with the methods of management of all resources and information flows at national level will improve the effectiveness of state regulation. The method of selecting that type of system of state regulation of production technogenic load, which will give opportunity to minimize man-made damage and set up effective measures to reduce pollution, improve health and life expectancy has been developed at the level of the national economy. Thus, the introduction of the proposed method of choice system of state regulation of man-made damage taking into account features clusters of economic activities into the mechanism of their state regulation make it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of management decisions on the development of the national economy, modernizing the structure of its economic activity and reconstruction of industrial objects of potential manmade threat to the environment and society to improve the quality of life and improve the environment.Item Мотиваційні характеристики працівників підприємств в умовах інноваційної діяльності(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Дорошкевич, К. О.; Пшик-Ковальська, О. О.; Вороновська, М. М.Досліджено сутність, наголошено на значенні та розглянуто чинники мотивування працівників підприємств (виду управлінської діяльності, який забезпечує спонукання працівників на досягнення цілей підприємства та задоволення власних потреб) в умовах інноваційної діяльності: матеріальні і нематеріальні, внутрішні і зовнішні, гігієнічні і мотиваційні тощо. Також у статті описано методи практичної мотивації, які ґрунтуються на оцінюванні рівня виявлення компетенції працівників, визначенні типу мотивації (інструментальний, професійний, патріотичний, господарський, люмпенізований) на основі розрахунку рангових коефіцієнтів кореляції та методів нечіткої логіки тощо. З метою підвищення результативності діяльності працівників підприємств в умовах інноваційного розвитку удосконалено практичну мотивацію шляхом визначення мотиваційних характеристик працівників (у формі, яка придатна для формування плану щодо реалізації їх мотиваційних потреб в умовах інноваційного розвитку) та способу їх оцінювання за допомогою використання бально-факторного методу уведенням позитивних і негативних оцінок із застосуванням елементів статистичного аналізу під час їх подальшого використання. This article explores the nature, meaning and emphasized motivating factors examined (type of management, which provides encouraging employees to achieve business objectives and meet their own needs) employees in terms of innovation, tangible and intangible, internal and external, hygienic and motivating others. Also article describes practical methods of motivation, based on the assessment of competency level of detection, determining the type of motivation (instrumental, professional, patriotic, economic underclass) based on the calculation of rank correlation coefficients and fuzzy logic methods. To improve the performance of the employees in terms of innovative development improved by identifying practical motivation motivational characteristics of employees (in tabular form that is suitable for forming a plan to implement the motivational needs of employees) and their method of evaluation through the use of score – factor method by introducing positive and negative evaluations using elements of statistical analysis in their further use. Therefore, a practical motivational activity under this approach comes down to improving material incentives for workers. Defining basic types of motivation (labor motivation) is important to optimize the stimulating effect on workers in terms of innovation, as each of them points to the motivational orientation of the individual in terms of innovation. However, their research associated with deep study of physiological properties of the individual and can complicate the process of motivation in the company. In addition, this method can prove to be costly for the company in terms of innovation. The advantage of using fuzzy logic methods to determine the base type employee motivation is that as a result of the method of fuzzy sets made both positive and negative incentives for workers. However, determining the nature and size of the stimulus within the approach carried out by an expert, which reduces the value of economic-mathematical modeling in the process of motivating employees.Item Основні чинники підвищення конкурентоспроможності виробничого потенціалу промислових підприємств(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Петрович, Й. М.Зроблено спробу висвітлити основні чинники підвищення конкурентоспроможності виробничого потенціалу промислових підприємств у динамічних умовах прискореного науково-технічного прогресу та ринкових умовах господарювання, розкрити їх змістове наповнення та окреслити сферу їх впливу і результативність на підвищення конкурентоспроможності виробничого потенціалу промислових підприємств. The article attempted in general to identify and substantiate factors that take an influence on improving the competitiveness of the production potential of industrial enterprises. In this form, these factors are shown in two groups: technical and technological, organizational and economic nature. Depending on the object and subject of research and its purpose each group of factors has to be detailed in order to thoroughly consider them the most influence in the development of specific projects or organizational and technical measures implemented and targeted at specific companies to improve their competitive potential. Particular attention should be given to consideration and the impact of these factors in the development and implementation of projects to modernize industry and prepare them for the production of innovative content, which is competitive on domestic and foreign markets. Factors have technical and technological focus is the foundation on the basis of which not only formed, but developing competitive potential, as their impact is materialized in technical and technological base of enterprises, accompanied by a significant improvement in its quality performance and increasing capacity and are prerequisites for the production of competitive products. This is achieved through the development and introduction in enterprises of the relevant organizational and technical measures to bottlenecks in throughput of individual production units, in particular update the technological equipment, to modernize existing, introduce new processes, implement measures related to partial or comprehensive mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes.
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