Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2015. – №819
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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка".
До збірника науково-прикладних праць “Менеджмент та підприємництво в України: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” увійшли статті, які відображають проблеми менеджменту, підприємництва, інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності, управління національною економікою України тощо. Для працівників підприємств, банків, інвестиційних та інноваційних структур, органів державного управління, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей.
Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» ; голова Редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – № 819. – 476 с. : іл.
Item Особливості організаційних змін у системах корпоративного управління(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Олексів, І. Б.; Лісович, Т. Ю.Проаналізовано особливості здійснення організаційних змін на корпоративних підприємствах. Економічно інтерпретовано кластери, отримані в результаті кластерного аналізу групи корпоративних підприємств машинобудівної галузі. Запропоновано напрями розвитку систем управління корпоративними підприємствами в результаті впровадження організаційних змін. In the article, particularities of conducting organizational changes in corporate enterprises are analyzed. The achievement of purposes stated in the article were achieved on the following stages: cluster analysis of machine-building corporate companies, economical interpretation of clusters received as the result of cluster analysis of group of corporate companies from machine-building industry, development of proposals concerning the development of corporate management systems depending on clusters to which the relevant corporation belongs. Cluster analysis was conducted for 40 corporations, which belong to machine-building industry. The aim of cluster analysis was to classify machine-building corporations depending on their financial ability and financial independence. As the result of cluster analysis, four clusters were received. Cluster analysis for 40 enterprises was conducted in 2012 and 2013. After the analysis, corporations were joined in comparative table. The latter permitted to evaluate financial ability and financial independence of corporations in 2012 and in 2013. In addition, the directions for the development of corporate management system that can be achieved as the result of organizational changes implementation were proposed. As the result of analysis of modern trends in economic situation in Ukraine and international relations with partner countries it can be stated that corporations will need to realize radical steps for adaptation to external environment. Such steps are proposed to do in the following directions: change of organization corporate culture, orientation of corporations on new sales markets, restructuring corporations and change of type of their activity. Such changes should be bound to specific objects of changes. The objects of changes are the following: technical development, innovative development, investment development, information systems, development of intellectually oriented objectives. Such complex of activities can be applied for all objectives and for separate objectives depending on the capabilities of corporations both in general and in its separate parts. As the result of corporate changes, the following results can be achieved: significant change of key indicators and movement of corporations to “better” clusters. The final aim of corporations is to achieve cluster two, which is the cluster with the corporations who have the best financial capability and are independent.Item Сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку українського ринку інтелектуальної власності(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Яковлєв, А. І.; Косенко, О. П.; Ткачов, М. М.Проведено статистичний аналіз інноваційного розвитку української промисловості. Особливий акцент зроблено на динаміці показників формування та розвитку ринку об’єктів інтелектуальної власності. Досліджено динаміку зміни кількості українських підприємств у розрізі напрямів інноваційної діяльності – створення та впровадження новацій. Показано, що теперішній стан світового та національного ринку інтелектуальної власності виконує надзвичайно важливі завдання із забезпечення науково-технічною інформацією, знаннями, досвідом державних структур, наукових організацій, освітніх установ, промислових виробництв, інноваційних фірм, окремих інвесторів та розробників інтелектуальної продукції. The paper conducted a statistical analysis of the innovation development of Ukrainian industry. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamics of the formation and development of the intellectual property. Proved that the technological development of the industry and its sectors, including engineering, depends largely on a number of important factors. These authors include: the level and characteristics of innovation, ie the status of the development of intelligent technologies (organization of these processes, innovative activity of enterprises and organizations, funding, staffing, etc.); level of innovation, that state of receptivity enterprises, institutions and organizations for innovation; the level of the current state of Ukrainian market of intelligent technologies, ie organic combination of the first two factors. Dynamics of changes in the number of Ukrainian companies in terms of innovation activity – the creation and implementation of innovations. In this study the authors made important conclusions. First, despite the reduction in the number of innovative active enterprises, their dynamics plays a certain stability, which is not progressive, because the industrialized countries are increasing their innovative activity of enterprises accelerated pace. Second, the vast majority of enterprises perform work on the creation and use of Innovation, which indicates that these companies carry out scientific and technical work for their own use and not for the development of innovative market. Proved that the market for intellectual property-specific, and that provides for a specific product (scientific, technical, industrial, managerial knowledge and experience) of specific exchange (goods are not the product itself, but only the right to use it), the specific presentation of the goods to the consumer (by based agreements on the right to use the object exchange). It is proved that the specific intellectual property market also appears that for efficient use of intellectual goods selling rights entails the delivery of certain machinery and equipment, the provision of commercially additional services (technical, commercial, financial, management, marketing, etc. .), without which this particular product is simply impossible to use effectively. It is shown that the present state of the world and national intellectual property market takes an extremely important task of providing scientific and technical information, knowledge, experience, government agencies, research organizations, educational institutions, industrial enterprises and innovative firms, individual investors and developers of intellectual property. The authors emphasized that this software can be both embodied and in intangible forms. Accordingly, the market of intellectual property in the article is defined as a set of technical and economic relations between developers and users of intellectual goods for sale and purchase (transfer and use) the results of intellectual innovation, having economic, scientific, technical, industrial or social value . Accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress in the world, implementing technologies of globalization and international cooperation conducive to the rapid growth of trade in the world market of intellectual and innovative technologies, increase its capacity and detail areas of operation.Item Мотиваційні передумови інноваційної активності та реалізації інноваційного маркетингу на підприємстві(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Антоненко, О. Л.; Козар, З. І.Розглянуто роль мотивації у процесі інноваційної діяльності підприємства, запропоновано систему заходів, необхідних для інноваційної активності та реалізації інноваційного маркетингу на підприємстві. Сформовано механізм мотивації персоналу, що являє собою систему, яка узгоджує потреби, інтереси, ціннісні настанови, мотиви і поведінку працівників. Визначено принципи, яких потрібно дотримуватись для забезпечення ефективної мотивації працівників. Сформовано структуру інтелектуальної складової трудового потенціалу. Визначено чинники, які формують інтелектуальну складову трудового потенціалу та сприяють його функціонуванню: інтелектуальні здібності, інтелектуальний потенціал, рівень освіти, інформаційні ресурси, інтелектуальна власність, фінансовий капітал і досягнення інноватора, його творча активність та нові технології. Сформовано перелік сприятливих умов для інноваційної активності підприємства. Запропоновані заходи можуть створити сприятливе інноваційне середовище та задіяти необхідні механізми і стимули для підвищення зацікавленості підприємств у впровадженні інноваційних технологій. The article examines role of motivation in the process of innovation of the company, proposed a system of measures necessary for the implementation of innovative activity and innovative marketing in the enterprise. A mechanism of motivation of staff was formed, which is a system that matches the needs, interests, values, guidance, motivation and behavior of employees. The principles that have to be followed for effective motivation of employees. An intellectual component formed structure of labor potential. Factors that form part of the intellectual labor potential and contributing to its functioning is intellectual abilities and intellectual potential, level of education, information resources, intellectual property, financial capital and achievements innovator, his creative activity and new technologies. Determined that the motivation is an important component of innovation activity that determines the extent to which the employee will use its competence, creative effort, creativity at finding a solution to the problem, which is a very important resource in the process of innovation activity. This article highlighted that due to product-novelties with creative abilities of employees in innovative enterprises is the process of creating new technologies, products renewal, resulting in the company entering into new fast-growing markets. Such activities may contribute to improving the image of the company as innovation-oriented and increase investment in it. In the innovative business important role played by questions of the organization of marketing activities. However, small companies often these questions are beyond attention of manager. As a result, many projects fail. Marketing innovation activities of enterprise evaluation is an important condition for the success of the activities concerning innovation. Innovative Marketing for the enterprise stands as a certain type of production and business activities, which aims to optimize and control the innovation and production- sales management enterprises. Based on innovative marketing is the readiness of the enterprise to implementation innovative project. This article formed the list of favorable conditions for innovation activity of enterprises. Among these measures is the government support innovative creativity creating the necessary socio-economic conditions and investments to increase scientific capacity, attracting investors and encouraging staff to work for effective results, formatting team of creative people. Formed measures may create a favorable innovative environment, and activate the necessary mechanisms and incentives to enhance the interest of enterprises in implementation of innovative technologies.Item Система поддержки принятия решений в управлении экономической устойчивостью промышленного предприятия(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Скрыль, О. К.Наведена разработанная структура системы поддержки принятия решений в управлении экономической устойчивостью промышленного предприятия. Предложенная структура системы поддержки принятия решений в управлении экономической устойчивостью промышленного предприятия, использующая инструментарий интеллектуального анализа данных, позволяет на основе информации, поступающей из множества разнородных источников, оперативно принимать решения по обеспечению экономической устойчивости промышленного предприятия в условиях нестабильной внешней среды, поддерживает итерационный характер процесса принятия решений, что дает возможность менеджерам предприятия их обосновывать, и реализована с помощью самого широкоиспользуемого, но в то же время мощного программного инструмента, что позволяет оперативно реализовывать решения на практике. In modern business competition the economically stable enterprises whose management constantly analyzes the market environment, predicts behavior of competitors and fights for the market positions through effectively organized information system have advantages over other enterprises. In modern industrial enterprises large amount of information is circulating daily, which needs time to be processed thus complicating the decision making process. It is on the organization of information at the enterprise that the quality improvement and the efficiency of the decisions taken depend on and, ultimately, the behavior and conditions of the enterprise in the market, its development prospects and economic stability depend on the same factor. The relevance of the research is the need of ensuring economic stability of the industrial enterprises by using effective information technologies in the decision-making process, such as the decision support system. The purpose of the article is development of the decision support system structure for managing industrial enterprise economic stability. The decision support system in managing economic stability of industrial enterprises is understood as an interactive automated system that assists management of an industrial enterprise in using the data on the enterprise operation and the simulation model for evaluating, forecasting and monitoring the economic stability of industrial enterprises to identify directions for maintaining economic stability and ability to take operational decisions. The offered structure of the decision support system in management of economic stability of the industrial enterprise using tools of the data intellectual analysis allows making operative decisions on ensuring economic stability of the industrial enterprise in the conditions of unstable environment on the basis of the information arriving from diverse sources. As for the practical implementation of the decision support system in the management of economic stability of industrial enterprise in the form of an interactive automated system the system must possess the ability to work with the interactive queries with a query language being quite simple to learn, we propose to create a prototype of the decision support system in MS Excel because it not only provides communication between the software products presented in the subsystem of information input but also offers a userfriendly interface. Thus, the offered decision support system in management of economic stability of the industrial enterprise maintains iterative nature of decision-making process. This gives the chance to managers of the enterprise to justify their decisions. The system is realized by means of a common but powerful program tool that allows to quickly implement the decisions made.Item Формування конкурентних пріоритетів підприємства на основі адаптивно-орієнтованого підходу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Безугла, Ю. Є.Досліджено питання формування конкурентних пріоритетів підприємства на основі адаптивно-орієнтованого підходу. Визначено, що, формуючи конкурентні пріоритети управління підприємством, варто враховувати дві головні закономірності систем: комунікативності й еквіфінальності в поточних і довгостроковому періодах, а також напрями розроблення стратегії розвитку. The enterprise competitive priorities formation on the basis of adaptive-oriented approach is researched. It is discovered that for creating competitive priorities on the basis of adaptive-oriented approach there are needed human resources, the company must have professionally trained and positively motivated employees at its disposal. The success of creating competitive priorities on the basis of adaptive-oriented approach is largely determined by the professional competence of the company’s management. Information support involves, in addition to creation and availability of the necessary search systems and databases, a wide dissemination of information about the purposes of creating competitive priorities on the basis of adaptive-oriented approach, the course of implementation, and the results of the stages held. It is determined that the competitive problems arise due to the lack of adaptive-oriented approaches. Formation of competitive priorities can be considered a basic condition for the release of company’s crisis. The choice of options depends on many adaptive-oriented factors: the degree of weight of the company’s financial and economic conditions; the conditions of production and human resources of the company and its structural divisions; availability of promising production and competitive investment projects in terms of efficiency of production and marketing; opportunities of settling the relations with creditors and debtors. The necessity of creating competitive priorities of the company is justified with the aim of developing relevant theoretical, methodological and applied aspects. There are proposed stages of enterprise competitive priorities formation which serve as a guide in the form of goals for an enterprise, it becomes possible for the enterprise to use adaptive-oriented precious resource that requires constant updating, improving quality, and some types of information require appropriate security.Item Інноваційні чинники в умовах розвитку постіндустріальних тенденцій(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Головко, Л. С.Проаналізовано роль інновацій в економічному розвитку. Зображено реальну ситуацію в галузі інноваційних технологій в Україні та її майбутніх тенденцій введення в міжнародний інноваційний ринок. Визначено результати системних досліджень в Україні стану індустрії інноваційного розвитку і своєрідні тенденції. This paper exploits the conceptual bases of the competitive factors’ innovativeness and their influences upon the economic development of the national economy. More importantly, this paper discusses how factors that stimulate the situational development of the industrial production and restrain the use of its scientific and technological potential are analyzed. The foreign experience of innovation market’s development in regard to its application to the national conditions is analyzed in this article. The article presents the real situation in the field of innovation techniques in Ukraine and its future trends of entering to the international innovation market. The results of the system research of the Ukraine industry innovative development condition are presented in the article, and the peculiar tendencies and regular patterns are defined. This article describes questions concerning innovative activity. There are tendencies of innovative development which are characterized by slump of innovative activity. The necessity of improvement of governmental intervention methods into development of innovative sphere is substantiating. The systemic mechanism of governmental influence on the development of innovative sphere is offered which is based on specified principles, functions and methods. The methodical instrument is defined which is ground for innovative strategy. This instrument includes complex of measures for stimulation of innovative sphere development for post-industrial trends.Item Зміст до Вісника «Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку» № 819(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015)Item Проблеми радіаційної безпеки авіапасажирів та членів екіпажів повітряних суден та підходи до соціально-економічних, інноваційних та правових напрямків їх вирішення(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Баран, Р. Т.Розглянуто проблеми радіаційної безпеки авіапасажирів і членів екіпажів повітряних суден (ПС), оскільки вони не стали поки що предметом наукових досліджень серед тих, хто вивчає інноваційні підходи в управлінні базовими галузями економіки країни. На ці проблеми не звертають уваги ні авіапромисловці, ні авіаперевізники, що не сприяє розвитку літакобудування і розширенню авіатранспортних послуг (АТП). Відсутність у літаках вітчизняного виробництва захисних екранів від природного опромінення (ПО) гальмує інтенсифікацію їх використання на ринках світової авіатранспортної системи, не забезпечується економічна ефективність та конкурентоздатність. Запропоновано можливі підходи до вирішення цих проблем та зменшення негативного впливу ПО на споживачів АТП. Problems of radiation safety of passengers and crew of aircraft, because they have not become a subject of research as yet and have not spread among those who are exploring innovative approaches in the management of basic sectors of the economy, are investigated in this article. No attention is paid to them, neither by aviation industry nor by air carriers, does this not favor the development of aircraft construction and the expansion of air transport services (ATS). The lack of protective screens against natural radiation (NR) in aircrafts inhibits the intensification of their use in the markets of the world air transport system. Therefore, there is no economic effectiveness and competitiveness. Possible approaches to solving these problems and reduction of the negative impact of natural irradiation on consumers of ATS are suggested. Description of the object of the investigation. The problems of air transport industry and the whole transport complex in Ukraine consist in their reformation with the goal of their continuous development. And, from each point of view, these measures for development of air transport as infrastructure should be undertaken on innovative basis. For the purpose of competitiveness of operators of airplanes on external air transport markets, namely national aircraft manufacturers and companies, principles of environmental safety acquire the greatest importance. The results of research on innovative approaches to competitiveness and increase of economic efficiency as well as environmental safety of the national system of aircraft industry and air transport (airlines) are presented in this article. The relevance of the work. The article, is extremely relevant, since it offers the main approaches to the definition of socio-economic efficiency as well as the means of improvement of consumer qualities of Ukrainian aircraft with the aim of their design, manufacturing, sales and offer (transportation opportunities) in the markets of air transportation services in the world. Recently, the development of the aircraft Antonov family (An-140 up to An-178) continues. Therefore, in this the article the author's suggestions consist in design of, figuratively speaking, screens against the natural irradiation. This problem is especially relevant in air travels (flights) at the altitude of cruiser echelons. Thus, the complex security observation, ecology, and expansion of the concept of “aviation security” as well as, the increase in competitiveness and efficiency of air transport on this basis make up a scientific novelty of the article. The results consist in the fact that the author from the point of view of the aircraft operator examined the organization, design, production for the operation of the air transport market segments of distant end height routs as just for the subjects of Ukrainian air transport. Then they will be operated safely for the users and commercially effectively as made in Ukraine aircraft. And this is the urgent need in scientific – practical elaboration and decision of this problem. Value the conducted research and, specifically, its results consist in the statement of conclusions which can be used in practice of state regulation in air transport; legislative regulation of issues of ecological safety both of passengers and crews are elaborated. It is stated that in this case there are possibilities to increase efficiency, ecological safety, and competitiveness of the national air transportation system.Item Сучасний стан розвитку підприємств лісового господарства України(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Волинець, І. Г.Проаналізовано та оцінено сучасний стан розвитку підприємств лісового госпо- дарства України. Охарактеризовано лісовий фонд, наведено пріоритетні напрями та стратегічні завдання розвитку лісогосподарських підприємств. Проаналізовано основні показники ведення лісового господарства та фінансово-господарські показники підпри- ємств лісового господарства. Підкреслено, що сучасний стан лісів та лісового господарства України свідчить про гостру необхідність розроблення нових основ лісокористування, які б враховували необхідність різнопланового і цільового використання лісів, підвищення їх стійкості та посилення еколого-захисних функцій, а також активного впровадження міжнародних принципів сталого управління лісами. The current conditions of market economy are characterized by high degree of instability and uncertainty of the external business environment, by the increasing effect of its factors on the economy and management of an industrial enterprise. Modern development of innovative technologies, appearance of innovative commodities and markets, sharp fluctuations of market demand and market conditions, changes in government regulations of the economy complicate the task of modern industrial production organization and development. In such conditions the problem of searching the ways of developing forestry enterprises requires an urgent solution. To effectively solve the problem it is necessary to analyze the forestry enterprises economic activities and to determine activities directions that will help to attain enterprises’ sustainable development. The forestry complex occupies a comparatively insignificant place in the industrial production of Ukraine, but has a strategic value for the national economy as it embraces all the processes related to recreation and use of the country’s strategic resource – that of forest. It is proven in the article that social, environmental and economic development of the country largely depends on the efficiency of forestry enterprises economic activities. Priority directions of these enterprises development are determined as follows: forestation and reforestation, improvement of quality composition of forests, defence and protection of forests, felling trees related to forestry economic activities, logging, hunting economy, wood processing, and development of forest infrastructure. The main indicators analysis of forestry economy in 2010-2014 shows stability in forestry enterprises operation. Research results showed the sharp necessity of developing new regulations of forest management that would take into account the necessity of versatile and targeted use of forests, increasing their sustainability and strengthening their environmental protective functions as well as introducing international principles of sustainable forest management. Market regulating, satisfying the real demand for commercial timber and products of forestry in case of complete and effective use of the county’s own raw materials, and entering foreign markets are impossible without a fundamental change in the economic structure as a whole and restructuring of production. This must ensure production of competitive products, their compliance with export requirements, creation of favourable investment climate and conditions for changing forms of ownership. So, there is a necessity to search for adequate approaches to structural transformations and innovative elements of structural policy in the forestry industry.Item Теоретичні основи сталого розвитку в управлінні підприємством(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Сталінська, О. В.; Драчук, Ю. З.Розглянуто теоретичні основи сталого розвитку в управлінні підприємством для обґрунтування процесу визначення перспективного напряму розвитку підприємства і прийняття управлінських рішень, підпорядкованих меті сталого розвитку як стратегічному пріоритету, що забезпечує його ринкову вартість і суспільну цінність. The theoretical basis for sustainable development as a new model of economic forms of social equality and environmental sustainability is part of the further global development. Every day more and more are gaining strength factors causing the need for change: production and consumption patterns, lack of resources, changes in the global economy, the environment, the dynamics of political processes, as well as demographic changes. The current situation actualizes the need to change management principles and consumption, but also opens up opportunities for new technologies in the market, new growth, and jobs created with the advent of innovative products and services. Sustainable development is reduced to the question of the ability of people, companies and governments to determine their own future. With regard to business participation in the sustainable development means understanding the long-term problems of the planet and in consideration of their policies and practices. Modern business is the process of creating and sharing your own values for long-term sustainability, in addition to economic benefits, it should also take into account the value of the two components: people for whom it is created, and the environment, bringing thus the triple bottom line activities. The problem concerns the stability of the business environment in all its dimensions: social, economic, cultural and environmental. Sustainable development of a certain level, of course, serves as a basis for the sustainable development of its higher levels. So important is the process of integrating the paradigm of sustainable development in the strategic management of the company and its impact on sustainable development of the region, the state of the planet. Companies have a direct and indirect impact on the various stakeholders in the regions of its presence. This includes the impact of social, environmental and economic aspects. Direct impact - the impact that the company itself has on employees and their families, organizations and local communities, as well as local authorities. Indirect effects - the impact that has on the enterprise local population and local authorities, enterprise vendors. Together, this creates the overall effect is that the company has on the region. The analysis shows that there is not a generalized coherent picture that characterizes the multifaceted strategy for sustainable development of industrial enterprises, nor even a general understanding of how the sustainable development in practice. Sustainable development can improve the efficiency of enterprise management, and preferably not in the present or in the near future and in the long term, reduce risk, stabilize the financial situation, to reduce the negative impact on the environment, increase the flexibility of responding to the disturbance of the environment, increase social stability in the enterprise. The urgency and the need to develop a mechanism for strategic management of the enterprises on the principles of sustainable development allows enterprises to study and planning of environmental and social activities, and to plan a withdrawal owners. The implementation of the mechanism will enhance the sustainability of the company both in the short and long term. Using the mechanism of strategic management of the enterprises on the principles of sustainable development will enable a comprehensive and systematically take into account the relationship of factors external and internal environment of the enterprise to the achievement of sustainable development priorities. Accounting basics of the strategic management of enterprises on the principles of sustainable development on the scale of the national economy and related industries will provide the balance between the interests of business owners, the needs of current and longterm operation, as well as environmental protection and social development with a view to overcoming the economic, environmental and social crisis.Item Зниження маркетингових ризиків у аграрних підприємствах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Бочко О. Ю.Досліджено маркетингові ризики аграрних підприємств. Обґрунтовано основні види ризиків у маркетинговій діяльності та надано характеристику кожному з них. Подано методику оцінювання та етапність визначення маркетингових ризиків у сучасних умовах. Запропоновано групування маркетингових ризиків за напрямами: фінансові та управлінські. Виявлено ймовірність настання маркетингових ризиків аграрних підприємств. Обґрунтовано напрями зменшення маркетингових ризиків на аграрних підприємствах. Marketing risks of agrarian enterprises are investigated. In modern business environment an enterprise operates in conditions of increased risks. The enterprise must take into account the changes in internal and external environment, the effect of different factors on its activities. The research is relevant due to the emerging multiple marketing risks, uncertainty of the economic situation, and lack of timely and reliable information. The detailed study of marketing risks in the agrarian sector gives an opportunity of their grouping into financial risks that affect the level of profits or the result obtained, and administrative risks that influence the process of timely and operative decision-making. The financial marketing risks include the risks referring to communication, sales, price and investments-innovations, while the administrative risks embrace the risks concerning commodity, personnel and organization. One of main issues in the analysis of marketing risks is the analysis of losses that takes into account the level of losses depending on the kinds and sources of risks; determination of the total amount of losses from marketing risks in a reporting period; dynamics of losses in the recent years; sources of covering losses from risks in marketing activities. As a result of the research done the probability of occurrence of a certain type of marketing risk in an agrarian sector is discovered. 50 respondents - experts in the agrarian sector participated in questioning. It was found that marketing financial risks have the highest probability of occurrence (more than 60%). The ways of reducing the level of financial marketing risks are to discover the increased risk area and try to decrease its effect; to maintain the risk; to transfer the risk; to reduce the risk level. As to marketing administrative risks, the most common ways of their reduction are obtaining additional marketing information on the results of the research of a marketing object (a commodity, a market, a segment etc.) and motivating workers.Item Попередження бізнес-конфліктів у процесі розробки та запровадження в дію підсистем антикризового управління підприємством(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Хома, І. Б.Запропоновано системний підхід щодо попередження бізнес-конфліктів у процесі розроблення та запровадження у дію підсистем антикризового управління підприємством. Узагальнено перелік елементів, що блокують досягнення результатів антикризового управління суб’єктом господарювання в умовах зародження бізнес-конфліктів для подальшого їх уникнення та ідентифіковано позитивні наслідки від вчасного запобігання конфліктним ситуаціям у підприємницькій діяльності. The systematic approach to the prevention of the business conflicts are proposed in the development and implementation of the subsystems of crisis management. The list of items that block the achievement of results of anti-recessionary operation of business in conditions of the business conflicts’ origin for further their avoidance is generalized and the positive effects of early warning of conflict situations in the entrepreneurial business are identified. The crisis management is considered as a totality of forms and methods of implementation of anti-crisis procedures that must be applied to a particular enterprise for its “recovery” even in the presence of the origin of various business conflicts in it, which are especially dangerous in the final stage of the development and implementation of the main subsystems of crisis management of a business entity, since they can indefinitely delay the process of its “recovery” and spontaneously undermine the integrity and effectiveness of its planned anti-crisis events. All business conflicts arise from a mismatch between different interests in transactions that require a more balanced attitude towards them in the aspect of their warning, forecasting and settlement. It is believed that the full-fledged mechanism of anti-recessionary operation of business consists of the following subsystems of: 1) the diagnostic subsystem of financial condition and assessment of the prospects for the development of business enterprise; 2) the subsystem of marketing; 3) the subsystem of anticrisis investment policy; 4) the subsystem of personnel management; 5) the subsystem of production management; 6) the subsystem of closing down of business. It is proved that the presence of a business conflict not only leads to the cessation of all possible contractual relations in the enterprise, but also does not allow to activate and to achieve a positive result from the enacted subsystems of crisis management. The subsystem of liquidation’s organization of the enterprise, the purpose of which is not saving further its operation, is as an exception. The following research methods: analysis and synthesis, generalization and grouping are used in the article. The influence of the positive consequences of prevention of various conflicting situations in the effectiveness of the integrated mechanism of crisis management of enterprise are analyzed on the basis of these methods through a differentiated approach to the detection and bundling of elements that block the achievement of positive results of individual subsystems of crisis management. A systematic approach is based on the idea of the prevention of business conflicts in process of development and commissioning of the subsystems of enterprise’s crisis management therefore it is recommended to use: the command activity in business that would holistically focused on anti-crisis measures in entrepreneurial activity; the maximum supportability by ability to predict the risk of origin of business conflicts; the optimization approaches to making the right decision in the list of the various possible solutions; the strategic approach to business planning in general, and the conclusion of only profitable (lucrative) business transactions; the optimization approaches in regard to the implementation stages of business agreements with in-depth analysis of all possible business processes. The prospect for further research in this field is the development of quantitative methods for forecasting the impact of different kinds of conflict situations on the enterprises’ insolvency and its timely warning before an individual program of crisis management will be applied to this enterprise for more rapid achievement of the best results in overcoming the crisis.Item Особливості розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури України(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Степанюк, Н. А.Виділено основні завдання інноваційної інфраструктури, що мають виконуватися в Україні. Досліджено сучасний регіональний підхід до формування інноваційної структури в Україні. Проаналізовано іноземний досвід створення і розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури. Запропоновано створення національної інноваційної системи, яка забезпечить сприятливий інноваційний клімат для розвитку інноваційної інфраструктури. The article distinguish the main tasks of innovation infrastructure that must be carry out in Ukraine. The modern regional approach to the forming of innovation structure in Ukraine is researched. There is analyzed international experience of creation and development of innovation infrastructure in it. In the artile it is offered an establishment of a national innovation system that it will provide a favorable innovation climate for development of innovation infrastructure. Ukraine stands in the way of innovation development of economy and choice in this country. Significant natural resources in Ukraine, the use of which would give the opportunity to build on this basis its development there. It is necessary to realize their intellectual potential, which is the basis of innovation economy and increase its competitiveness. The innovation process in developed countries – is that combining science, technology, economics, business, management, covering the full range of relations of production, exchange, consumption. Behind all this is a series of interconnected organizations small and large companies, universities, laboratories, technology parks and incubators, engaged in the production and conversion of scientific knowledge and technology on a commercial basis. The main source of innovations is the scientific and technical activities, to bridge the implementation of technology in the real economy – technology transfer, and the main player in innovation – research institutions, universities that turn new knowledge into value added tax and wealth.Item Проблеми побудови національної та регіональних інноваційних систем(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Конопельський, З.На основі поглядів Івана Франка щодо поступу запропоновано методологію побудови національної та регіональних інноваційних систем. Запропоновано моделі інноваційного процесу, інноваційної структури національної та регіональних інноваційної системи. Проаналізовано складові інноваційних систем, зокрема: структури, що виробляють макроекономічну інноваційну політику; структури, спрямовані на забезпечення суб’єктів інноваційної діяльності нематеріальними ресурсами; структури, спрямовані на забезпечення інноваційної діяльності матеріальними ресурсами з державних та ринкових джерел. The views of Ivan Franko, his all life, his writers and scientific activity were oriented on the progress of a man, a family, a society, his country and his nation to the good. Progress was, the central category, around which Ivan Franko’s outlook was formed in his youth and also, with some caution, in his maturity. Progress to the good was, so to say, the main strategic aim of his life, that penetrates into his all scientific and creative activity. Entirety and systematization of his views are most of all seen in the progress. Even being young, he analysed and studied the views of other thinkers on the progress. The work “Thoughts about the evolution in the history of mankind” can be a good example here. It was published in the magazine “Swit” in 1881-1882. Ivan Franko’s titanic work formed his view on the progress. His poem-strategy “Anthem” (more known as “Eternal Revolutioner”), that was written in 1880 and published for the first time in 1882, can be a persuading and original fact of his striving for progress. The aim of investigation of this article is an attempt of up-to-date usage of Ivan Franko’s views for the developing some methodology of forming the ways of beneficent progress according to the system “a man – a family – a society – a country – a nation”, formulated by Ivan Franko. Beneficial progress of Ukraine is located in Franko’s system “science – trade – an item – goods”, which is nowadays transformed into innovation model of Ukraine’s development. Historic materials from the funds of the Central State Historic Archives of Ukraine in Lviv (CSHA of Ukraine in Lviv) and from other archives were used for studying this article. Certain methodology of forming national and regional innovation system was suggested on the basic of Franko’s views on the progress. The main parts of innovation systems were analysed, for example, structures, that form macroeconomic innovation policy, structures, aimed at supplying subjects of innovation activity with non-material resources; structures, that take part directly in the process of creating commercialization and practical usage of new knowledge; structures, aimed at providing innovation activity with material resources from state and market sources; structures, that enforce integrative processes in the conditions of globalization. The following words of Ivan Franko were especially analysed, that “Human science tries to get together all the achievements of mankind since ancient times, check them by people’s mind and by testing, taking from them experience for the future, preserving all, that is precious and interesting and to save next generations from the ruins and mistakes, that were earlier.” Here we can make a conclusion, that it is the innovation model of Ukraine’s development, that can provide its progress to the good and its stable development. It must be noted, that innovation activity in all spheres of human activity and problems of managing it in Ukraine must also become an object of scientific exploration. On the basis of this material we can make the following conclusions: the system of Franko’s views on the progress is farseeing, we can really consider him a prophet in the progress to the good. The methodology, suggested on the basis of Franko’s views on the progress and his methodology of building our national system can help in forming Ukraine’s innovation system.Item Інвестиційно-інноваційне забезпечення модернізації основного капіталу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Ткач, С. М.На основі аналізу динаміки інвестування в Україні встановлено ключові тенденції та проблемні питання інвестиційного забезпечення модернізації основного капіталу. Здійснено порівняльний аналіз інноваційної діяльності в Україні та країнах ЄС. Визначено ключові напрями інвестування модернізації основного капіталу з врахуванням інноваційного аспекту і запропоновано заходи для збільшення обсягів інвестування за цими напрямами. The growth ensurement of an economy is not possible without proper technical and technological base. A problem of tendentious increase of depreciation of fixed assets and a low level of its renewal exists in Ukraine. Accordingly, an important issue is the research of investment-innovative approach to modernization of fixed assets. The article aims to identify the key issues of investment-innovative ensurement of modernization of fixed assets and substantiate the directions and measures of their solution. In the research used general scientific and special methods: analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical, structural and factor analysis, dialectic, formal and systemic and structural, graphics. On the basis of analysis of dynamics of development of investment activity for the last five years was identify the basic problems of the investment providing of modernization in Ukraine: deficit of volumes of investments for maintenance of the fixed assets in the proper technical and technological state; reduction of investing is from outsourcing of financing; inefficient distribution of capital investments is after kinds and directions of assets with prevailing of investing of passive part of the fixed assets; subzero innovative activity of enterprises. In Ukraine in the types of economic activity, those are basis of IV-V of the technological models, the insignificant volumes of investments were attracted relatively. Innovative activity in industry carried on in over three times in percent correlation less enterprise, than in the countries of EU. Among directions of bringing in of investments acquisition of machines, equipment and software prevails in an innovation. On the basis of the educed problems the key trends of investing of modernization of the fixed assets are certain taking into account an innovative aspect and events offer for the increase of volumes of investing after these directions. For the increase of volumes of investing it is necessary: to extend the sourcing of investments, in particular to stimulate development of the venture investing; to put right close cooperation between the state, scientific establishments and enterprises; to carry out advancement of investment potential of productive sphere. Realization of these tasks is possible by means of acceptance of such measures : to work out the government program of stimulation of innovative activity and programs of support of small innovative active enterprises, in regions to create innovative clusters on the basis of academic and educational establishments, to the enterprises effectively to use possibilities of collaboration of Ukraine from EU through participating in international under backs, competitions, projects, to develop innovative strategy put right close cooperation between the participants of market for the sake of distribution of risks and cost cutting in the process of realization innovative activity.Item Вплив євроінтеграційних процесів на розвиток туристичного ринку в Україні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Горбаль, Н. І.; Ханіна, Р. І.; Ковальчук, О. І.Розглянуто стан міжнародного ринку туристичних послуг та туристичного ринку України, представлено динаміку темпів зростання вітчизняного туристичного ринку порівняно з ринками розвинених країн та країн, що розвиваються, проаналізовано туристичний потенціал України через призму наявної туристично-рекреаційної інфраструктури. Встановлено, що темпи зростання вітчизняного ринку туризму повільніші, ніж в інших країнах, що розвиваються, але перевищують темпи зростання розвинених країн. Висвітлено вплив процесу євроінтеграції, співпраці України з ЄС на розвиток вітчизняного туристичного ринку. Визначено перелік заходів у сфері державної політики щодо регулювання ринку туристичних послуг у контексті євроінтеграції. In the article the situation on the international tourism market and the market of Ukraine is described, dynamics of the Ukrainian tourism market in comparison with the markets of developed countries and developing countries is presented growth, the tourism potential of Ukraine in the light of the existing tourist and recreational infrastructure is analyzed. It was established that the growth rate of the domestic tourism market is slower than in the developing countries, but higher than the growth rate of the developed countries. The effects of the European integration process and cooperation between Ukraine and the EU on the development of the domestic tourism market are presented. The list of measures in the field of public policy on the regulation of the tourist market is given. Ukraine has significant and real prospects of tourism development, so it must take one of the worthy places among the countries – world tourism leaders. Today Ukraine is moving towards European integration: the Association Agreement with the EU was signed, various projects in the economic, social, cultural and recreational areas with the assistance of funds, companies and non-governmental organizations of the European Union are organized, and more tourists visit our country, thus creating its image. As tourism in any country has clearly positive impact on improving of the country economic and social situation in important economic sectors: trade, transport, hospitality, dining, construction, etc., it is important to consider and improve the characteristics of the tourism market and the impact of European integration of Ukraine on it. Ukrainian tourist market is growing rapidly compared to other countries. Since 2005 the volume of tourist market in developed countries grew by an average of 6 % a year, in the developing world – an average of 10 %. A grows in the Ukrainian market was an average of 9 % annually, which is close to the rate of growth of the world market, but somewhat less than nthe average market growth rates in developing countries [3]. However, due to the political situation the volume of the domestic tourism market decreased significantly in 2014. To realize the tourist potential of Ukraine fully the state should: provide tourists with comfortable and safe environment in Ukraine; conduct an effective policy of mass tourism, work out its appropriate concept; simplify the visa process and abolish visa requirements for US, Canada, Japan; decrease hotel fee; adopt measures for the improvement of new objects of mass tourism; improve opportunities for the construction and operation of small motels and hotels of family type, which will provide new working places and can be a source of foreign currency earnings. The development of cooperation between Ukraine and the European countries is the main task and one of the main activities of the State Tourism Administration in Ukraine. In the process of cooperation with EU attention should be directed to: simplification of customs formalities connected with paperwork, improving competitiveness of Ukrainian tourism enterprises through introduction of standards in the tourism industry, which would meet European’s, establishment of appropriate training and retraining of qualified personnel employed in the tourism sector, promotion of tourist image of Ukraine among European countries.Item Можливості використання QR-кодів у контексті досягнення цілей маркетингових комунікацій(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Балик, У. О.; Колісник, М. В.Досліджено питання застосування концепції інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій у сучасних ринкових умовах. Визначено місце QR-коду в інтегрованих маркетингових комунікаціях, окреслено основні переваги та недоліки його використання, визначено цільову аудиторію користувачів QR-коду. Проаналізовано особливості використання інноваційного медіа-носія QR-коду різними засобами інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій, визначено формати розміщення повідомлення на носії. The article researches an issue of application of the concept of integrated marketing communications under contemporary market conditions. The author has described a tendency for convergence, which is inherent to modern media channels. Meanwhile, the author has indicated that this process is inherent not only to means used in order to provide a communication process, but also to the sense, which is presented with their help. Moreover, the author has determined a position of a QR-code within the integrated marketing communications, detected the main advantages and disadvantages of its usage, indicated a target audience of QR-code users. The researcher has indicated that a precondition of QR-code emergence was an increasing need of the market for invention of new ways of exchange of greater information amounts, since the information exchange had been earlier performed due to barcoding systems. The author has determined that one of the main causes of increasing popularity of such barcoding systems under modern conditions is more and more expansion of mobile gadgets with increasing technological opportunities. On the basis of analysis of theoretical principles of functioning of two-dimensional barcoding systems such as the QR-system the author has indicated their actions in two directions, i. e. offline- and online-communications. This means that barcoding enables to transform information into a digit form as well as into an inverse form consisting of decoding a script imprinted on a certain surface (a commodity package, a specialized advertising bearer, etc.) into a readable form. An achieved marketing effect is related to an outward appearance of the QR-code and a context appearing in such a case. Thus, the QR-code issue should be considered in the context of visualization. Simultaneously, it should be taken into account that a communication context, presented by the codes, is also of significant importance. The author has determined that the QR-code international standard had been approved in 2004 by the quality management system. In 2011 it was recognized as a standard for mobile phones by the international organization such as Globecomm Systems International. Henceforth, appropriateness of QR-code application has become unquestionable. An evidence of this fact is their widespread application for marketing purposes in enterprises of different sizes, which work in different industries. Furthermore, the author substantiates that nowadays the QR-code can be defined as a representative of modern marketing instruments being a consequence of the scientific and technological progress, which proposes a cheap way of realization of communication between an advertiser and a customer in offline and online modes. On the other hand, taking into account a definition of QR-coding technology as a method of process implementation, the very QR-code should be also considered from the standpoint of their technological content. The author has indicated that the QR-codes are more and more frequently used within large-scale advertising projects in different media channels and information bearers. Their appearance on the web pages is reported to be notable. The author has outlined that application of two-dimensional codes of this type occurs due to an initiative of mobile gadget users. This enables to apply a marketing communication strategy of a “pull” type. Its advantage, in contrast to a “push” strategy, is transmitting an initiative regarding communication process beginning to a customer. Within this context importance of the QRcodes consists of their appropriateness for usage within the marketing communication strategies of the “pull” type, especially on account of possibility of integration of traditional communication means with modern interactive ones and involvement of mobile gadget users in the process of exchange of information with sellers and other users. The author has substantiated that in spite of considerably insignificant application of the QR-codes as equivalents of the barcoding systems in the past, a need for coding, transition, and reading large amounts of information has become a market desire. Consequently, the standardized QR-codes has transformed into many types of two-dimensional coding systems, which are applied depending on market requirements.Item Удосконалення системи мотивації персоналу підприємства із застосуванням комплексного підходу на прикладі СП ТОВ “Сферос-електрон”(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Дума, О. І.; Палчинська, І. І.; Семків, І. А.Розкрито сутність мотивації персоналу з виокремленням її ролі у процесі розвитку підприємства та надано визначення поняття “мотивація персоналу” з погляду отримуваних благ. Проаналізовано прoблематику матерiальнoї мoтивацiї на сучаснoму етапi рoзвитку українськoї економіки. Дослiджено мотивацiйнi процеси управлiння персоналом підприємства на усіх рівнях. Науковий аналіз проблеми мотивації персоналу дав змогу узагальнити фактори, види та особливості мотиваційного впливу на працівників підприємства. Розроблено комплекс методів та заходів мотивації персоналу. Запропоновано систему заходiв покращення мотивацiї персоналу на пiдприємствi, основними iз запропонованих були способи нематерiальної мотивацiї. Обґрунтовано доцільність упровадження цих методiв, які пiдвищать продуктивнiсть працi персоналу на СП ТОВ “Сферос-Електрон”. Further development of civilization promotes implementation of innovations in economic systems, which radically increase enterprices efficiency, improve the quality of manufactured products, both goods and services, reduce the proportion of rejects. The development of innovative technologies and production robotization make the managers face new challenges. However, this does not reduce the importance and influence of such a factor as efficiency of human resource management, which, ultimately, is a factor of the enterprise efficiency as a whole. The key factor of sustainable and efficient functioning of the country’s economy is the continuous improvement of the existing enterprises management systems based on the use of modern achievements in management and entrepreneurship. Resolving theoretical and practical problems of human resources management through further research in socio economic factors of labor motivation provides the opportunity to improve both quality and productivity of labor. The article presents the result of scientific and practical research into material and nonmaterial motivation of personnel at the example of "Sferos-Elektron" joint venture. Human resources motivation and professional skills are the determining ingredients of the productivity of both mental /creative labor and routine physical work on production lines. Motivation assigns conscious value to the work for a person, regardless of the nature of the work itself. The purpose of the research was to develop a comprehensive system of personnel motivation. To achieve this purpose the following tasks were formulated and performed: identification of the key elements of a comprehensive system of personnel motivation, verification of the key assumptions through applied research of motivation factors at "Sferos-Elektron" JV. The research is focused on identification of the most important factors of staff motivation depending on the age of employees, years of service and type of work performed. In applied aspect it means the opportunity to improve human resources management of "Spheros- Electron" JV by strengthening staff motivation and increasing productivity as a result.Item Трансфер технологій і формування інноваційної стратегії в промисловій галузі української економіки(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Жуков, С. А.Визначено значення трансферу технологій для реалізації інноваційних процесів у промисловості України. Встановлено важливість державної підтримки та регулювання трансферу технологій. Обґрунтовано, що перспективним товаром на світових ринках є і буде високотехнологічна промислова продукція. Проаналізовано проблеми побудови ефективної національної інноваційної системи України. На основі оцінювання стратегій інерційно-ринкової та інноваційного прориву, запропоновано механізм реалізації іннова- ційної стратегії у промисловій галузі України. Perspective direction of world trade is a high-tech industrial product. Among the Ukrainian industrial production is the production of competitive high-tech industry. For such products primarily relates Production of military-industrial complex and dual-use products. To develop these products, it is necessary to build an effective national innovation system in Ukraine. Part of the innovation system should be a system of technology transfer. The object of this article is to study economics and innovative processes that accompany it. Technology transfer is the direction of forming innovative type of economy, it is a tool for innovative development of enterprises, industries and countries. Technology transfer contributes to the modernization and expansion of production, new products and additional revenue. Unlike other countries, in Ukraine this process is still at infancy and requires detailed study. Thus, the problem in the communication technology is a new phenomenon in various fields of Ukraine and is relevant area of research. In addition, an important element in building innovative type of economy is to develop innovative strategies in the industrial sector. The article summarizes the importance of technology transfer to industry of Ukraine and the role of government support and regulation system of the process. Proved, that the prospects for the development of domestic military-industrial complex should be considered in unity with the development of dual-use technologies. Established that there are two versions mechanism for implementing the strategy for socio-economic and technological development of innovation and Ukraine – is inertia-market strategy and the strategy of innovative breakthrough. Advantages and disadvantages of the main provisions of each of these strategies have been evaluated by the author. The consequence of inertial-market strategy will be low economic growth and the degradation of the economic structure, curtailment of research and innovation potential. To implement this strategy by using the prediction that formed the government program. However, the forecast for the practice does not provide the acceleration in economic growth; innovation and modernization of fixed assets increase the competitiveness of industrial products. Advantages strategy of innovative breakthrough is obvious and the author is given preference implement the strategy of innovative breakthrough in the industrial sector of Ukraine. This is a mechanism to improve the functioning of the national innovation system. Based on the research done by the following conclusions: 1) given the poor state of fixed assets industry Ukraine, improving innovation processes is only possible revitalization on the creation and transfer (transfer) technology at both the company and at the industry and the country; 2) in Ukraine technology transfer and innovation in high-tech industry is controlled by the state; 3) Production of military-industrial complex and dual-use products is and will be the basis for constructing an effective national innovation system in Ukraine, which will be based on a system of technology transfer; 4) The strategy of innovative breakthrough is a promising way out of the industrial sector of Ukraine crisis and building on its base of innovative modern competitive economy in the world. Thus, the basis of the innovation system in Ukraine is technology transfer and innovative breakthrough strategy. This suggests the need for further research in this direction. Yes, need additional study of the issue of resource support system technology transfer strategy of innovative breakthrough, the formation of the national innovation system as in the industrial sector of Ukraine, and in the economic system as a whole.Item Титульний аркуш до Вісника «Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку» № 819(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015)
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