Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2015. – №819
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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка".
До збірника науково-прикладних праць “Менеджмент та підприємництво в України: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” увійшли статті, які відображають проблеми менеджменту, підприємництва, інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності, управління національною економікою України тощо. Для працівників підприємств, банків, інвестиційних та інноваційних структур, органів державного управління, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей.
Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» ; голова Редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – № 819. – 476 с. : іл.
Item Інвестиційно-інноваційне забезпечення модернізації основного капіталу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Ткач, С. М.На основі аналізу динаміки інвестування в Україні встановлено ключові тенденції та проблемні питання інвестиційного забезпечення модернізації основного капіталу. Здійснено порівняльний аналіз інноваційної діяльності в Україні та країнах ЄС. Визначено ключові напрями інвестування модернізації основного капіталу з врахуванням інноваційного аспекту і запропоновано заходи для збільшення обсягів інвестування за цими напрямами. The growth ensurement of an economy is not possible without proper technical and technological base. A problem of tendentious increase of depreciation of fixed assets and a low level of its renewal exists in Ukraine. Accordingly, an important issue is the research of investment-innovative approach to modernization of fixed assets. The article aims to identify the key issues of investment-innovative ensurement of modernization of fixed assets and substantiate the directions and measures of their solution. In the research used general scientific and special methods: analysis and synthesis, economic and statistical, structural and factor analysis, dialectic, formal and systemic and structural, graphics. On the basis of analysis of dynamics of development of investment activity for the last five years was identify the basic problems of the investment providing of modernization in Ukraine: deficit of volumes of investments for maintenance of the fixed assets in the proper technical and technological state; reduction of investing is from outsourcing of financing; inefficient distribution of capital investments is after kinds and directions of assets with prevailing of investing of passive part of the fixed assets; subzero innovative activity of enterprises. In Ukraine in the types of economic activity, those are basis of IV-V of the technological models, the insignificant volumes of investments were attracted relatively. Innovative activity in industry carried on in over three times in percent correlation less enterprise, than in the countries of EU. Among directions of bringing in of investments acquisition of machines, equipment and software prevails in an innovation. On the basis of the educed problems the key trends of investing of modernization of the fixed assets are certain taking into account an innovative aspect and events offer for the increase of volumes of investing after these directions. For the increase of volumes of investing it is necessary: to extend the sourcing of investments, in particular to stimulate development of the venture investing; to put right close cooperation between the state, scientific establishments and enterprises; to carry out advancement of investment potential of productive sphere. Realization of these tasks is possible by means of acceptance of such measures : to work out the government program of stimulation of innovative activity and programs of support of small innovative active enterprises, in regions to create innovative clusters on the basis of academic and educational establishments, to the enterprises effectively to use possibilities of collaboration of Ukraine from EU through participating in international under backs, competitions, projects, to develop innovative strategy put right close cooperation between the participants of market for the sake of distribution of risks and cost cutting in the process of realization innovative activity.Item Можливості використання QR-кодів у контексті досягнення цілей маркетингових комунікацій(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Балик, У. О.; Колісник, М. В.Досліджено питання застосування концепції інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій у сучасних ринкових умовах. Визначено місце QR-коду в інтегрованих маркетингових комунікаціях, окреслено основні переваги та недоліки його використання, визначено цільову аудиторію користувачів QR-коду. Проаналізовано особливості використання інноваційного медіа-носія QR-коду різними засобами інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій, визначено формати розміщення повідомлення на носії. The article researches an issue of application of the concept of integrated marketing communications under contemporary market conditions. The author has described a tendency for convergence, which is inherent to modern media channels. Meanwhile, the author has indicated that this process is inherent not only to means used in order to provide a communication process, but also to the sense, which is presented with their help. Moreover, the author has determined a position of a QR-code within the integrated marketing communications, detected the main advantages and disadvantages of its usage, indicated a target audience of QR-code users. The researcher has indicated that a precondition of QR-code emergence was an increasing need of the market for invention of new ways of exchange of greater information amounts, since the information exchange had been earlier performed due to barcoding systems. The author has determined that one of the main causes of increasing popularity of such barcoding systems under modern conditions is more and more expansion of mobile gadgets with increasing technological opportunities. On the basis of analysis of theoretical principles of functioning of two-dimensional barcoding systems such as the QR-system the author has indicated their actions in two directions, i. e. offline- and online-communications. This means that barcoding enables to transform information into a digit form as well as into an inverse form consisting of decoding a script imprinted on a certain surface (a commodity package, a specialized advertising bearer, etc.) into a readable form. An achieved marketing effect is related to an outward appearance of the QR-code and a context appearing in such a case. Thus, the QR-code issue should be considered in the context of visualization. Simultaneously, it should be taken into account that a communication context, presented by the codes, is also of significant importance. The author has determined that the QR-code international standard had been approved in 2004 by the quality management system. In 2011 it was recognized as a standard for mobile phones by the international organization such as Globecomm Systems International. Henceforth, appropriateness of QR-code application has become unquestionable. An evidence of this fact is their widespread application for marketing purposes in enterprises of different sizes, which work in different industries. Furthermore, the author substantiates that nowadays the QR-code can be defined as a representative of modern marketing instruments being a consequence of the scientific and technological progress, which proposes a cheap way of realization of communication between an advertiser and a customer in offline and online modes. On the other hand, taking into account a definition of QR-coding technology as a method of process implementation, the very QR-code should be also considered from the standpoint of their technological content. The author has indicated that the QR-codes are more and more frequently used within large-scale advertising projects in different media channels and information bearers. Their appearance on the web pages is reported to be notable. The author has outlined that application of two-dimensional codes of this type occurs due to an initiative of mobile gadget users. This enables to apply a marketing communication strategy of a “pull” type. Its advantage, in contrast to a “push” strategy, is transmitting an initiative regarding communication process beginning to a customer. Within this context importance of the QRcodes consists of their appropriateness for usage within the marketing communication strategies of the “pull” type, especially on account of possibility of integration of traditional communication means with modern interactive ones and involvement of mobile gadget users in the process of exchange of information with sellers and other users. The author has substantiated that in spite of considerably insignificant application of the QR-codes as equivalents of the barcoding systems in the past, a need for coding, transition, and reading large amounts of information has become a market desire. Consequently, the standardized QR-codes has transformed into many types of two-dimensional coding systems, which are applied depending on market requirements.Item Моделі оцінки економічного ефекту та ефективності експортно-імпортних операцій (на прикладі парфумерно-косметичних підприємств хімічної промисловості)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Кононенко, Я. В.Розглянуто різні методологічні підходи до визначення економічного ефекту та економічної ефективності експортних та імпортних операцій промислових підприємств, акцент зроблено на діяльності парфумерно-косметичних підприємств хімічної промисловості. Визначено відмінності між поняттями економічного ефекту та економічної ефективності. Прості адитивні моделі розрахунку економічного ефекту не є достатніми для оцінки загальної ефективності експортно-імпортної діяльності підприємств. Окреслено підходи до розроблення багатофакторних моделей оцінки економічної ефективності експортної та імпортної діяльності підприємства. The existing methodological approaches to evaluating the economic effect and efficiency of export-import activities of enterprises are analyzed and proposals for their improvement are provided. It is known that in the national economic science in evaluating the effectiveness of exportimport operations of enterprises there are dominating approaches based on the calculation of indicators that can be defined as the instantaneous rate, and the average economic effect of transactions. The instantaneous rate is the economic effect of each specific export or import transaction, and the averaged economic effect is the effect of export (import) transactions for a certain period of time. It is emphasized that it is simpler to use the methods of the average cost of access to foreign markets distributed by years and their taking into account in additive formulae of economic effects. It is possible, if the mechanism of financial planning (budgeting) of an export project is used, which involves budgeting project. Several determining factors or groups of factors have an impact on the obtained result. We can rank these factors or groups of factors according to their significance (impact on the result) as follows: market pricing factors; production costs factors; forex volatility; credit influence; tax and regulatory policy factors; transaction costs factors. It is concluded that the ability of enterprises to affect the factor of efficiency of export and import transactions differs. The company can consider such factors as systemic risks and duly respond to their dynamics, minimizing their possible negative impact. Thus, in case of foreign trade transactions, it can use a set of traditional (bank guarantee, letter of credit, bill of exchange) and non-traditional (futures, options, forward, swap) financial instruments of risks management (hedging). Namely, the company should use a strategy of minimizing risks. The problem is that the detailed classification of branches isn’t provided by the State Statistics Service and this does not allow singling out the researched perfume and cosmetics complex from the general composition of the industry, separating it from the branches that have specific domestic sources of raw materials, for example, that of coke chemistry. However, the available data indicate that domestic production of complex chemical components for the perfume and cosmetics complex are practically absent or very insignificant in the market. It has been found that simple, reliable and effective methods of evaluating the effectiveness of export-import transactions are required along with the additive models ofь export-import transactions direct economic effect calculation. They must take into account: 1) complex probable nature of the interaction of factors that determine it, 2) comprehensive connectivity of export-import transactions in the production activities of domestic enterprises, 3) a means of the the company’s system effectiveness evaluation; 4) the specificity of domestic enterprises. So, we think it impossible to create a single synthesizing factor that would allow to unambiguously evaluate, compare and position enterprises engaged in export-import activitiesItem Особливості маркетингової діяльності в соціальних мережах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Романишин, С. Б.; Греськів, І. Р.Розглянуто особливості використання, значення й тенденції розвитку маркетингу в соціальних мережах, що сьогодні стає дедалі популярнішим завдяки оперативності, невисокій ціні, цільовому характеру, високому ступеню довіри тощо. Подано результати опитування маркетологів розвинених країн щодо використання ними такого маркетингу. Представлено модель використання соціальних мереж у маркетинговій діяльності, виділено види бізнесу й галузі діяльності, в яких вони найпоширеніші. Розкрито ключові методи та підходи до маркетингу в соціальних мережах. In the article features of the usage, importance and trends of marketing in social networks, which is becoming more popular because of its speed, low price, target character, a high degree of trust, are described. The results of a survey of marketers from developed countries concerning the use of such marketing are presented. The model of social networking in marketing activities is given and types of business and industries in which marketing in social networks is the most widespread are described. The key methods and approaches to marketing in social networks are revealed. Over 80 % of Ukrainian Internet users use social networks, and it is difficult to imagine life without them. Thus marketing is getting reoriented now on social media. Marketing in social networks - is certainly interesting and trendy marketing. However, despite the extensive experience in promoting brands in social media, not all companies know how to do it and do not use the full range of tools which can and should work in social networks. Social networking is one of the most popular types of entertainment, so it is not surprising that advertising on social networks in the US and Western Europe has become very popular. Today, advertising and promotion in social networks are the most important and successful means of SMM in internet marketing. According to the “2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report” 96 % among respondents -marketing experts from around the world – are engaged in social marketing and 92 % said that it is extremely important for their business. Marketing in social networks, like any other form of advertising has its advantages and disadvantages, positive and negative effects that can affect not only the advertised product, but the whole enterprise. On one hand, using social networking allows to attract a significant number of customers, increase profit. On the other hand - social networking is a possibility to quickly share experiences, so if only one user discovers that advertised goods or services have serious shortcomings, it will be soon found out by a large amount of people. In this case, product promotion can trigger counterproductive effects. Therefore, when deciding on engaging social networks to implement marketing strategy, marketers should thoroughly approach this issue and make a detailed analysis of the situation which has arisen or may arise during an activity. The effects of the implementation of such marketing activities will depend on several factors: the scope of the company, product or service and its features, target audience and others.Item Розвиток інвестиційної діяльності в Україні в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Моторнюк, У. І.; Теребух, М. І.Проаналізовано інвестиційну діяльність в Україні в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів, зокрема стан та основні напрями її розвитку. Обґрунтовано необхідність розроблення та реалізування інтеграційної політики в Україні. Особливу увагу звернено на формування європейської інтеграційної ідеології в системі державного управління. Проаналізовано основні чинники, що впливають на розвиток інвестиційної діяльності в Україні в контексті євроінтеграційних процесів. Узагальнено основні показники, що використовуються для оцінювання інвестиційної привабливості в контексті інтеграційних процесів. The investment activity in Ukraine in the context of European integration processes was analyzed in this article. Thesis there is determined the state and the main directions of its development. The necessity of developing and implementation of integration policy in Ukraine explained. Particular attention is paid to the formation of European integration ideology in public administration. The main factors influencing the development of investment activity in Ukraine in the context of European integration processes are analyzed in the article. Overview main indicators used for evaluation of investment attractiveness in the context of integration processes. The current integration policy dimension of the national state can be determined as a problem of formation of European integration ideology in public administration in the context of external factors as the direction of general public administration reform. In the process of integration ideology in governance is important to realize the following objectives: to identify content characteristics of the essence of historical bases of formation of Ukrainian foreign policy, explore the essence of a common EU foreign policy; identify and describe the factors that influence the formulation and implementation of foreign policy of Ukraine, to reveal the relationship between the characteristics of the formation of national identity model and content of Ukrainian national interests; to assess the role of government institutions in addressing the important foreign policy challenges in the face of increasing international influence on the political processes of the integration factor; assess the prospects for full and partial integration of Ukraine into the EU and Ukraine's contribution to European security in the context of research into the problems of the European integration process and the mechanisms of formation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU; analyzing the content of Ukrainian-European contradictions, identify the main perspectives of the constitution of Ukraine in the European democratic project to explore the potential and limiting factors of relations "Ukraine – EU". The transformation of public administration in the context of the European integration process requires systemic reforms under the criteria for EU membership and improvement of territorial organization of power in Ukraine in accordance with the principles of good governance set out in the regulations of the EU and the Council of Europe – the European Charter of Local Self-Government, the Single European Act, the Treaty about the EU. Ukraine, on the one hand, has exhausted the possibilities of market-based borrowing and live in debt, on the other – can not and does not need to support enterprises of real sector in the former scale, and under such conditions can not invest in infrastructure projects and other activities like European countries where the cost of maintaining regional development account for more than half of all allocated for these purposes amounts of money. Targeting resources external creditors only deepens debt bondage, out of which would be extremely burdensome. We'll have to raise the level of fiscal capacity by those sectors that can operate successfully, which means the slowdown of economic growth.Item Трансфер технологій і формування інноваційної стратегії в промисловій галузі української економіки(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Жуков, С. А.Визначено значення трансферу технологій для реалізації інноваційних процесів у промисловості України. Встановлено важливість державної підтримки та регулювання трансферу технологій. Обґрунтовано, що перспективним товаром на світових ринках є і буде високотехнологічна промислова продукція. Проаналізовано проблеми побудови ефективної національної інноваційної системи України. На основі оцінювання стратегій інерційно-ринкової та інноваційного прориву, запропоновано механізм реалізації іннова- ційної стратегії у промисловій галузі України. Perspective direction of world trade is a high-tech industrial product. Among the Ukrainian industrial production is the production of competitive high-tech industry. For such products primarily relates Production of military-industrial complex and dual-use products. To develop these products, it is necessary to build an effective national innovation system in Ukraine. Part of the innovation system should be a system of technology transfer. The object of this article is to study economics and innovative processes that accompany it. Technology transfer is the direction of forming innovative type of economy, it is a tool for innovative development of enterprises, industries and countries. Technology transfer contributes to the modernization and expansion of production, new products and additional revenue. Unlike other countries, in Ukraine this process is still at infancy and requires detailed study. Thus, the problem in the communication technology is a new phenomenon in various fields of Ukraine and is relevant area of research. In addition, an important element in building innovative type of economy is to develop innovative strategies in the industrial sector. The article summarizes the importance of technology transfer to industry of Ukraine and the role of government support and regulation system of the process. Proved, that the prospects for the development of domestic military-industrial complex should be considered in unity with the development of dual-use technologies. Established that there are two versions mechanism for implementing the strategy for socio-economic and technological development of innovation and Ukraine – is inertia-market strategy and the strategy of innovative breakthrough. Advantages and disadvantages of the main provisions of each of these strategies have been evaluated by the author. The consequence of inertial-market strategy will be low economic growth and the degradation of the economic structure, curtailment of research and innovation potential. To implement this strategy by using the prediction that formed the government program. However, the forecast for the practice does not provide the acceleration in economic growth; innovation and modernization of fixed assets increase the competitiveness of industrial products. Advantages strategy of innovative breakthrough is obvious and the author is given preference implement the strategy of innovative breakthrough in the industrial sector of Ukraine. This is a mechanism to improve the functioning of the national innovation system. Based on the research done by the following conclusions: 1) given the poor state of fixed assets industry Ukraine, improving innovation processes is only possible revitalization on the creation and transfer (transfer) technology at both the company and at the industry and the country; 2) in Ukraine technology transfer and innovation in high-tech industry is controlled by the state; 3) Production of military-industrial complex and dual-use products is and will be the basis for constructing an effective national innovation system in Ukraine, which will be based on a system of technology transfer; 4) The strategy of innovative breakthrough is a promising way out of the industrial sector of Ukraine crisis and building on its base of innovative modern competitive economy in the world. Thus, the basis of the innovation system in Ukraine is technology transfer and innovative breakthrough strategy. This suggests the need for further research in this direction. Yes, need additional study of the issue of resource support system technology transfer strategy of innovative breakthrough, the formation of the national innovation system as in the industrial sector of Ukraine, and in the economic system as a whole.Item Моделювання варіантів проектів інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення підприємств(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Добрянська, М. В.Удосконалено метод формування рішення щодо інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення підприємств. На основі вищенаведеного методу сформовано етапи аналізування і вибору найкращого проекту інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення серед альтернативних. Запропонований методичний підхід дав змогу вирішити проблему незбалансованості параметрів оптимізації інвестиційних проектів на їх вході та виході поглибленням формалізації інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення машинобудівних підприємств. For companies, technological updates are accompanied by complex engineering and organizational changes, the implementation of which is inevitably linked to certain capital and operating costs. Because of this, the technological innovation is an investment decision for a company. Meaning that its rationality is measured by the level of an investment efficiency and expected gains from the invested products. Often company’s management decisions are made without sufficient scientific justification. This results in a set of negative effects which can cause an inability to compete or even lead to company’s bankruptcy. Therefore, solving the problem of technological innovation requires managers to apply scientific justification methodology to make these investment decisions. Studies have shown that the existing methods are not sufficiently substantiated. They do not have a well formed logical transition among various forms of the tasks of the alternative technological updates investment projects. They are not capable of choosing the best of them and providing an organizational support for the implementation of the project which is optimal according to various criteria. Also, critical analysis of the existing methodological approaches of the enterprise technological renovation investment support modeling choices showed that their disadvantage is an unbalanced investment projects input and output parameter optimization. This article proposes a methodical approach that allow to solve this problem by deepening the formalization of the investment input into the technological replenishment of the machine building enterprises. It is prove that the execution of this task based on the multi-vector analysis of the suitability of the alternative investment options enables enterprise managers, guided by the criteria of money expenditure and time not only to choose the best option of the technological enterprise renovation investment from a number of existing options, but also to build an optimal sequence of the project work implementation events, which contributes to rationalizing investment decisions.Item Оцінювання управлінського персоналу як основного джерела забезпечення кадрової безпеки підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Карковська, В. Я.В умовах забезпечення економічної безпеки підприємства вагоме місце відведено кадровій безпеці. Основним джерелам забезпечення ефективності кадрової безпеки підприємства є комплексне оцінювання управлінського персоналу. В статті проілюстровано процес оцінювання управлінського персоналу як основного джерела забезпечення кадрової безпеки підприємства з розмежуванням його на певні етапи. In terms of ensuring the enterprise economic security the personnel safety plays an important role. The main source of providing the enterprise personnel safety efficiency is a comprehensive evaluation of the enterprise managerial personnel. The article illustrates the process of managerial personnel evaluation as the main source of providing the enterprise security, with this process being divided into certain stages. The main purpose of evaluating managerial staff as a source of the enterprise personnel security is providing the most effective ways to implement the enterprise security strategy. In the process of achieving this goal the following tasks should be performed: ensuring the rapid economic development of the enterprise due to effectiveness of managerial personnel; ensuring the revenue maximization due to effective implementation of management decisions; managing personnel risks; ensuring enterprise financial stability and solvency due to managerial personnel effectiveness; searching for the ways to accelerate the enterprise personnel security programmes implementation. The management effectiveness of the personnel component is the initial condition for realizing economic security and its strategy, as it supports this realization with the relevant material and labor resources. This trend of the enterprise activities aims to accomplish the following tasks: to quickly and accurately adapt the activities of the enterprise to changing market conditions, to the markets of appropriate material resources and means of production; to make appropriate adjustments to the strategic and operational plans of the enterprise; to minimize costs of the necessity to change plans; to plan requirements in specialists; to professionally develop specialists; to develop methods of assessing personnel performance and to implement conclusions made from this assessment. The development strategy of any enterprise since its formation assumes steady economic growth through effective management activities. The effectively built management process is a major factor and a prerequisite to ensure both enterprise successful operation and maintenance of a high level of competitive advantages of the enterprise. There is a direct connection between the efficiency of administrative activities at the enterprise and its economic development. This especially applies to enterprises whose position in the market economy is changed fundamentally, the process being accompanied by the need to introduce new directions of management improvement. The main purpose of evaluating managerial personnel is to identify problems in the management personnel activities to ensure the appropriate level of personnel security of the enterprise and the ways to overcome them. The process of evaluating the managerial personnel should be purposeful, i.e. it should be aimed at achieving the set goal; it should also be active, dynamic and flexible. The system of goals should be ordered according to the terms and mechanisms of continuous reproduction, i.e it should be realistic, clear, measurable, and urgent. The process of evaluating managerial personnel as the main source of ensuring the enterprise personnel security allows to form its optimal structure, to include the most necessary components, and to depict it schematically. On this basis it is possible to ensure evaluation of the effectiveness of managerial personnel and functioning of personnel security, without material and financial costs. The presented managerial personnel evaluation stages will be used in further studies on finding effective ways to ensure the necessary level of the enterprise personnel security.Item Інститути та інновації: проблеми та механізми взаємодії(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Тимошенков, І. В.; Нащекіна, О. М.Охарактеризовано місце і роль інновацій у соціально-економічному розвитку України. Розглянуто інституційні основи інноваційного розвитку економіки. Проаналізовано напрями та форми взаємодії інститутів та інновацій. Визначено завдання вдосконалення інститутів в Україні як ключової умови та основи інноваційного розвитку країни. The goal of this paper is to substantiate theoretical and methodological principles and practical tasks for the improvement and advancement of the system of societal institutions in the context of ensuring the innovative development of Ukraine. Based on this goal, the following research tasks were formulated: to identify and characterize the place and role of innovations in the social and economic development of a country; to analyze directions and forms of interactions between institutions and innovations; to identify institutional foundations for innovative development of a society. Conceptual unity of the study was ensured due to using both general and specific methods of research, including statistical sampling methods, conjoint analysis, content-analysis. Under the conditions of deepening globalization and intensifying international competition, national innovation systems have transformed from a mainly internal factor of economic development to one of the most important determinants of international competitiveness of countries and a factor ensuring the strength of national security systems. It is widely accepted in modern mainstream economic science, as well as in the society as a whole, that to solve their problems related to innovative development, both developing countries and transition economies must adopt institutional models which have proved to be successful in economically developed foreign countries, and first of all in those that occupy the top positions in global rankings of the world’s most innovative countries (Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, USA, Singapore, Denmark, Luxembourg, Hong Kong). However, as global historical experience shows, the forms of innovations, directions of innovative development and evaluations of innovation implementation results are always determined by specific historical, cultural and institutional conditions created by a specific society, which can promote or impede innovative development. That is why, when declaring the improvement of the national innovation system as a strategic direction of the development of Ukraine, one should take into account that, on the one hand, the creation and implementation of an effective national strategy of the innovative development require a profound rethinking of global historical experience through studies of meaning, place and role of innovations in the social-economic and cultural development of the society. On the other hand, it would be largely erroneous to borrow (or even worse to blindly copy) specific institutional models of a national innovation system and mechanisms of its functioning, which have proved to be progressive and effective in other countries under specific historical conditions of their development. The practical adoption in Ukraine of imported from outside institutions supporting innovative development, which are common and work well in other countries, will be appropriate and worthwhile under the following conditions: first, if the feasibility and effectiveness of their adjustment to general cultural, socio-economic and institutional conditions in Ukraine can be proved; second, if prior to their adoption, a systematic evaluation of their advantages and possible consequences under the real life conditions for their implementation and subsequent use is made.Item Проблеми валютного регулювання в Україні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Віблий, П. І.; Горбова, Х. В.; Федак, Б. А.Розглянуто основні проблеми валютного регулювання в Україні, а також проаналізовано відносини, що виникають під час валютного регулювання, доцільність використання певних форм та інструментів валютної політики задля покращення ситуації в країні. Наведено основні напрямки покращення ситуації на валютному ринку, а саме: розроблення гнучких правил роботи для учасників валютного ринку, використання міжнародного досвіду тощо. In a globalized world financial markets and integrating them in Ukraine is urgent development of an effective monetary policy. Application forms and instruments of monetary policy is of particular importance in acute crisis. In this regard, there is a possibility of the effective capacity of the country to more successful integration into the world community. To do this, based on analysis of domestic and foreign sources of problems for the functioning of the currency market in Ukraine is proposed to develop a clearly thought-out system of currency regulation, which will allow in the future to take a more advantageous position and effectively implement national interests. The article focuses on the major issues of currency regulation in Ukraine, as well as the analysis of relations arising in foreign exchange regulation, analyzed the feasibility of using certain forms and instruments of monetary policy to improve the situation. Means of currency regulation aimed at determining the principles of domestic and foreign currency policy and the formation and development of the domestic currency market of Ukraine, which is formed through relationships with key partners on economic cooperation, EU countries and the USA. Rate of exchange data States against the hryvnia is quite unstable. At the time of deployment of the global financial crisis Ukraine had not been able to resist the destructive effects of political and economic external and internal events. In order to minimize foreign currency deficit and reduce the downward pressure on the national currency, the National Bank conducted active foreign exchange intervention by selling US dollars. The situation sudden changes in exchange rates have a negative impact on the economy, and for Ukraine, over the years, changes in exchange rates give only negative results. This situation can be resolved only through effective conduct of monetary policy, namely the country needs to move to inflation targeting monetary regime, which for the past 20 years gained high popularity, which is probably due to the fact that it has proved its effectiveness in many countries. Thus, in Eastern Europe, the number of countries that use inflation targeting regime is increasing every year. In Ukraine, the currency used outdated regulations that exist throughout the country has not produced any effective results. For the successful implementation of inflation targeting required drastic changes in macroeconomic and structural policies, improvement of national statistics, the reform of the banking system and domestic financial markets. To improve international relations Ukraine need as much as possible to participate in the international movement of capital by attracting foreign loans. Development of international loans associated with increased globalization processes. Growth rates of international loans several times higher than the rate of growth and foreign trade. In recent years, Ukraine is almost in the international currency markets. One of the main causes of the situation in the country is weak national economy. In such a situation NBU had to strictly control the hryvnia, because unlike most restrictions on trade in the national currency, which is currently applied, directly or indirectly, may have a negative impact on its stability.Item Формування туристично-інноваційних кластерів у регіоні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Музиченко-Козловська, О. В.З’ясовано сутність поняття “туристичний інноваційний кластер (ТІК)”, визначено переваги і недоліки діяльності ТІК, встановлено джерела фінансування ТІК, наведено мету та завдання формування ТІК у регіоні, виділено напрями інноваційної діяльності у туризмі. З’ясовано: соціально-економічні передумови необхідності та доцільності формування національної мережі ТІК, доцільність наукових та екологічних досліджень у структурі ТІК, соціально-економічну ефективність діяльності ТІК, заходи з планування та прогнозування діяльності ТІК. Доведено важливість екологічних досліджень у структурі ТІК, наведено структуру та етапи формування ТІК. The essence of the concept "tourist innovation cluster" is clarified and its definition is proposed. The background and reasons for introducing innovations in the tourism sector are presented. The conditions of efficient cluster functioning in tourism are stated. Preconditions and possibilities of creating the tourist innovation cluster in the regions of Ukraine are determined. A list of possible advantages and disadvantages of the tourist innovation cluster in a region is provided. Possible sources of funding and the form of the tourist innovation cluster ownership are grounded. The goal and objectives of forming the tourist innovation cluster in the region are defined. Directions of innovation activities in tourism are presented. There are found out socioeconomic preconditions of necessity and expediency of forming a national network of the tourist innovation clusters. There is determined feasibility of scientific and environmental studies in the structure of tourist innovation clusters. The sequence of introducing market mechanisms in the tourist innovation clusters is offered. The socio-economic efficiency of the tourist innovation cluster activities is justified. Measures for planning and forecasting the tourist innovation cluster activities are proposed. The significance of environmental research in the structure of tourist innovation cluster is proved. The list of indicators by which to assess the effectiveness of tourist innovation cluster is determined. There are listed effects of the tourist innovation cluster in the region on various spheres of activities. There is proposed a mechanism and a list of stages for establishing and operating the tourist innovation clusters (TIC), namely: creating an TIC central governing body for management and coordination of its divisions activities with other parties for implementing programs and measures; forming TIC divisions, choosing a large tourist company or a group of similar organizations in the region where tourist resources are available; selecting companies and organizations in the tourism sector of the economy for full provision of the tourist cluster with resources, information, special skills, innovative technologies, investment funds or infrastructure etc., that will ensure fulfillment of the functional tasks of providing complex tourist services; creating conditions for the organization and implementation of research, development and introduction of new technologies and other innovations in order to continuously improve the efficiency of TIC; working out the system of selection, training and retraining of personnel; planning resource provision for TIC development in response to the growing demand for health recovery and recreation services; identifying forms of cooperation with the local authorities to achieve not only TIC higher competitiveness to improve profitability but also fulfillment of social tasks, modernization of cities, compliance with environmental balance; defining TIC territorial and production structure. The structure, components and the design of the innovative tourist cluster formation in the region are provided.Item Вплив євроінтеграційних процесів на розвиток туристичного ринку в Україні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Горбаль, Н. І.; Ханіна, Р. І.; Ковальчук, О. І.Розглянуто стан міжнародного ринку туристичних послуг та туристичного ринку України, представлено динаміку темпів зростання вітчизняного туристичного ринку порівняно з ринками розвинених країн та країн, що розвиваються, проаналізовано туристичний потенціал України через призму наявної туристично-рекреаційної інфраструктури. Встановлено, що темпи зростання вітчизняного ринку туризму повільніші, ніж в інших країнах, що розвиваються, але перевищують темпи зростання розвинених країн. Висвітлено вплив процесу євроінтеграції, співпраці України з ЄС на розвиток вітчизняного туристичного ринку. Визначено перелік заходів у сфері державної політики щодо регулювання ринку туристичних послуг у контексті євроінтеграції. In the article the situation on the international tourism market and the market of Ukraine is described, dynamics of the Ukrainian tourism market in comparison with the markets of developed countries and developing countries is presented growth, the tourism potential of Ukraine in the light of the existing tourist and recreational infrastructure is analyzed. It was established that the growth rate of the domestic tourism market is slower than in the developing countries, but higher than the growth rate of the developed countries. The effects of the European integration process and cooperation between Ukraine and the EU on the development of the domestic tourism market are presented. The list of measures in the field of public policy on the regulation of the tourist market is given. Ukraine has significant and real prospects of tourism development, so it must take one of the worthy places among the countries – world tourism leaders. Today Ukraine is moving towards European integration: the Association Agreement with the EU was signed, various projects in the economic, social, cultural and recreational areas with the assistance of funds, companies and non-governmental organizations of the European Union are organized, and more tourists visit our country, thus creating its image. As tourism in any country has clearly positive impact on improving of the country economic and social situation in important economic sectors: trade, transport, hospitality, dining, construction, etc., it is important to consider and improve the characteristics of the tourism market and the impact of European integration of Ukraine on it. Ukrainian tourist market is growing rapidly compared to other countries. Since 2005 the volume of tourist market in developed countries grew by an average of 6 % a year, in the developing world – an average of 10 %. A grows in the Ukrainian market was an average of 9 % annually, which is close to the rate of growth of the world market, but somewhat less than nthe average market growth rates in developing countries [3]. However, due to the political situation the volume of the domestic tourism market decreased significantly in 2014. To realize the tourist potential of Ukraine fully the state should: provide tourists with comfortable and safe environment in Ukraine; conduct an effective policy of mass tourism, work out its appropriate concept; simplify the visa process and abolish visa requirements for US, Canada, Japan; decrease hotel fee; adopt measures for the improvement of new objects of mass tourism; improve opportunities for the construction and operation of small motels and hotels of family type, which will provide new working places and can be a source of foreign currency earnings. The development of cooperation between Ukraine and the European countries is the main task and one of the main activities of the State Tourism Administration in Ukraine. In the process of cooperation with EU attention should be directed to: simplification of customs formalities connected with paperwork, improving competitiveness of Ukrainian tourism enterprises through introduction of standards in the tourism industry, which would meet European’s, establishment of appropriate training and retraining of qualified personnel employed in the tourism sector, promotion of tourist image of Ukraine among European countries.Item Зарубіжний досвід формування потенціалу підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Шостак, Л. В.Доведено необхідність використання зарубіжного передового досвіду формування потенціалу підприємства під час планування на вітчизняних підприємствах. Автор наводить конкретні приклади ефективності формування на іноземних підприємствах та пропонує послідовність (алгоритм) адаптації закордонних напрацювань у вітчизняній практиці. The necessity to use foreign experience for forming enterprise potential in planning processes at domestic enterprises is proven. Examples of the best foreign practices in the field are presented and the sequence (algorithm) of adapting foreign experience to domestic conditions is offered. The crisis in the national economy results in reduction of production output at the most of domestic enterprises; due to decrease of the consumer purchasing power there takes place accumulation of finished goods in warehouses as well as mass layoffs at enterprises. These factors lead to reduction of the enterprise potential. In order to develop the appropriate theoretical principles we substantiate theoretical aspects of forming domestic enterprises potential; principles and the model of its formation are singled out. For building the domestic enterprises potential, especially in times of economic uncertainty characteristic for the present state of the domestic economy, it is worth not only assess the benefits of international experience but also to determine the points that may be useful for doing domestic business. The study analyzed two types of potential, namely, employment and innovations potential. Based on this analysis the sequence of adapting foreign experience to domestic enterprises is proposed. The grounded global experience in enterprise potential building, namely the sequence of adapting the international experience to domestic enterprises will be used in further research to develop a model for determining the potential of the enterprise. Based on theoretical information and analytical data there will be created the model and the calculations will be done regarding the choice of the type of foreign experience to be chosen for adaptation.Item Термінологічний апарат регіонального саморозвитку(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Іванова О. Ю.Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти регіонального саморозвитку. Обґрунтовано систему термінів саморозвитку регіонів: саморозвиток, самодостатність, самозабезпеченість, самостійність, автономність, незалежність, самовідтворення, федералізм та федералізація, децентралізація. Визначено характерні ознаки термінів, що дало змогу обґрунтувати доцільність їх застосування для регіонального саморозвитку в умовах реанімаційних реформ в Україні. Уточнено визначення “самодостатність регіонального розвитку” та “потенціал саморозвитку регіону”. Потенціал регіону з погляду спрямованості на саморозвиток слід розглядати з двох позицій: як базовий та як акумулювальний. The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the regional self-development. A purpose of an article is a disclosure of the conceptual and terminological apparatus of regions’ self-development, the definition of the relationships and dependencies of these terms, and the appropriateness of their use in terms of transformations in Ukraine. The system of regions’ self-development terms, such as: self-development, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, independence, autonomy, independence, self-reproduction, federalism and federalization, decentralization are grounded. The characteristic signs of the terms are determined. that allowed to prove their application to the regional self-development in the conditions of intensive care reform in Ukraine. The definitions of “self-sufficiency of regional development” and “self-development capacity of the region“are clarified. The potential of the region, in terms of the focus on self-development, should be considered from two perspectives: basic and accumulative. It was determined that the decentralization in the context of regional development supports solving the following objectives: the reduction and elimination of the negative impact of state intervention in regional development; creating favorable conditions for selfdevelopment and self-sufficiency of the regions in Ukraine by reducing state regulation in order to increase their competitiveness; provision of legal framework to increase the independence of local governments to achieve regions’ self-development on the basis of maximizing the efficiency of their potential; institutional strengthening of interaction and motivational factors of socio-economic development of regions; creating incentives to improve the financial sustainability of regions by increasing the role of regional authorities in socioeconomic development of the regions; reduction of corruption risks in the redistribution of budget funds and others. Analysis of the terminological apparatus of regional development allowed to justify the conditions of regions’ self-sufficiency formation on the basis of the principles of fiscal federalism. The definition of “the potential of self-development of the region” is clarified. According to this it is an opportunity, the ability and motivation of the region to the accumulation and effective use of natural, human, financial and other resources for long-term socio-economic development based on self-reliance and self-organization, to meet the needs of the population and to combine national and regional interests. Based on this, in terms of the focus on selfdevelopment, the potential of the region should be viewed from two perspectives: basic and accumulative. It is proved that the formation and use of the storage capacities creates conditions for the safety and increase in efficiency of the basic potential use. The subject of further research is the creation of conditions for development of the regions, which aims to mobilize its own resources and opportunities that will enhance their competitiveness, the formation of competitive advantages and strengthen the competitive position.Item Стратегії та механізм забезпечення економічної безпеки зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Прокопенко, О. В.; Школа, В. Ю.; Домашенко, М. Д.Висвітлено особливості формування системи управління економічною безпекою зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств, яка охоплює стратегії та механізм управління економічною безпекою зовнішньоекономічної діяльності підприємств, рекомендовано під механізмом забезпечення економічної безпеки ЗЕД машинобудівного підприємства розуміти складову системи управління підприємством, яка на основі вибраної органами управління цілі щодо підтримки або підвищення рівня економічної безпеки ЗЕД з використанням наявного потенціалу підприємства забезпечує реалізацію поставленої мети та приводить до стабільної та ефективної роботи підприємства, запропоновано трикомпонентний показник оцінки рівня економічної безпеки підприємства, який охоплює: оцінку потенціалу підприємства для здійснення ЗЕД; рівень країнового ризику країни; показник рівня ринкових можливостей підприємства. The article deals with peculiarities of forming foreign economic activities economic security management system at enterprises, including strategies and mechanisms of foreign economic activities economic security control. Foreign economic activities economic security management at the enterprise includes organizational and economic control mechanism structure, functions, managerial decisions, which together lead to fulfillment of the main task, it being provision of efficient and smooth enterprise operation. Functioning of organizational and economic mechanism of controlling foreign economic activities economic security should be considered as the activity oriented to achieving managerial goals, and the state of this mechanism should be taken as the criterion to determine the foreign economic activities economic security level. However, to determine managerial aims achievement degree is a complex task, which requires detailed lead-up to choose factors influencing the general level of the enterprise foreign economic activities economic security. These factors should comprehensively determine the enterprise foreign economic activities economic security level, to characterize enterprise activities, its short-term and long-term results both inside and outside the enterprise. Foreign economic activities economic security providing mechanism of the machine building enterprise is an enterprise control system constituent, which on the basis of the aim chosen by authorities concerning foreign economic activities economic security level maintaining or increasing through using the enterprise potential, provides the stated aim realization and leads to enterprise stable and effective work. Organizational and economic mechanism to control foreign economic activities economic security at the enterprise is multilevel, therefore it is possible to achieve the set goals only when all systems and mechanism constituents are mutually coordinated. Applying this mechanism allows to create new scheme of cooperation between enterprise control system elements and to make the foreign economic activities economic security control more effective, logic and systematic. Strategies to provide enterprise economic security are constituents of the mechanism. They are chosen depending on the economic security zone, corresponding to each analyzed foreign economic activities directions. The three-component factor to estimate the enterprise economic security level is suggested to consider internal and external factors, which influence the enterprise economic security during its entering the foreign market. It includes evaluation of the enterprise foreign economic activities potential; level of the country risk; factor of the enterprise market abilities level. Development of the approach to forming strategies and the mechanism to provide foreign economic activities economic security at the enterprise will allow to increase the economic security general level, to stimulate administrative staff to take measures oriented towards efficient use of enterprise resources, to choose the optimal market for selling its products, and to choose the activities that will satisfy the international market needs.Item Методичні підходи до оцінювання ціни конкурсних пропозицій: надбання та недолік(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Мацапура, О. В.Узагальнено методичні підходи до оцінювання ціни конкурсних пропозицій. Визначено переваги та недоліки кожної з них. Надано пропозиції для усунення виявлених недоліків та визначення методики, найприйнятнішої саме для будівельних підприємств. Зазначено, що мета оцінки пропозицій полягає у визначенні рейтингу прийнятних по суті оферт для того, щоб виявити найвигіднішу для закупівельника пропозицію, визначивши витрати для кожної з них так, щоб мати можливість швидко та достовірно порівняти їх. Вибір найприйнятнішої методики оцінювання конкурсної пропозиції дає можливість визначити доцільність участі оферента у торгах, запропонувати найконкурентоспроможнішу ціну й оцінити ймовірність отримання вигідного підряду. Currently there are quite a number of methods for evaluation of price bids: ball, lowest price, estimated cost, low technical specifications, life cycle cost, cost, administrative and other. The analysis of these methods allows you to choose the most effective for each individual case (the level of competition, cost, timing). At the moment this procedure as the tender is widely distributed in a competitive construction market. In order to choose the winner of the tender should evaluate which of the bidders have put forward the best offer. There are various methods of evaluation of offers, the analysis techniques will allow you to choose the most effective. This paper summarizes the methodological approaches to the evaluation of the price bids, аdvantages and disadvantages of each. Proposals to address the identified weaknesses and the definition of the methodology that best suits the construction companies. The purpose of bid evaluation is to determine the acceptable rating on the merits of offers to identify the most profitable for the buyer suggestion by determining the costs of each of them in such a way as to be able to quickly and accurately compare them. The basic principle of correct assessment: take into account only the factors specified in the tender specifications, to consider them only on the basis of the criteria stated in the tender documents. Techniques of bids in construction. Point. Evaluation of each proposal by awarding her the appropriate number of points. Taking into account coefficients of various factors. Lowest price. The sole criterion in the consideration of offers is price. With preference given to the proposal with the lowest price. Estimated cost. The main criterion is the estimated value. Preference is given to the proposal with the lowest estimated cost. The minimum technical specifications. Selected proposals with the minimum technical specifications. Preference is given to the proposal with the lowest estimated cost. The life cycle cost. The initial price and the cost of operation and maintenance, which determines the total cost of the offer. Costly. Focuses on costs and desired profit. Administrative. Focus on the prices of the main competitors, or focus on one competitor – price leader. Thus the choice of the most appropriate methods for the assessment of proposal prices provides an opportunity to determine the appropriateness of the оffer or in the auction to offer the most competitive price and to assess the likelihood of favorable contract.Item Ризик регулювання у процесі планування виробничо-господарської діяльності підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Лакіза, В. В.Розглянуто регулювання стосовно функції планування, висвітлено причини появи ризику корегувальних заходів у процесі планування; виявлено та ідентифіковано фактори ризику та підходи для оцінювання ризику регулювання; запропоновано поділ ризиків регулювання за характером дії, визначення міри ризику та управління ризиком регулювання; сформовано послідовність розроблення корегувальних заходів у процесі стратегічного планування з урахуванням можливості виникнення ризиків регулювання; виділено суб’єктивні перепони для здійснення ефективного стратегічного планування. Regulating is considered in the context of planning functions; the definition of a separate group of risks of regulating in the context of the planning function in general and strategic planning in particular is offered. There are also considered risks that inevitably arise in the process of developing and implementing production and sales plans of enterprises. The causes of risks are explained (unpredictable changes in both external and internal environment of the enterprise). Risk factors and approaches for assessing the risk of regulating are detected and identified; the sequence of developing corrective measures in the process of strategic planning with the account of regulating risks is formed. The following approaches to risk assessment are reviewed: elaboration of all possible alternative regulatory conditions of completing regulating measures; identification of the most vulnerable points in regulatory actions; analysis of regulatory measures sensitivity to perturbating effects. Regulation risk management is defined as the process of preparation and implementation of measures aimed at reducing threats of taking wrong decisions and possible negative consequences of unwanted developments in the process of implementing the decisions taken. It should be based on the concept of acceptable risk, which reduces the possibility of its growth and brings the risk to an acceptable value. There are four methods of risk management: avoidance, localization, dissipation (distribution, diversification) and compensation. It is indicated that risk management is conducted on two levels - a controlled and controlling ones. Risk analysis involves the following steps: forming the final list of potentially unwanted events; defining a set of risk factors and their combinations based on certain qualitative and quantitative values and its particular indicators; evaluating and interpreting the obtained risk indicators values of an initially chosen corrective measure. The following subjective obstacles for effective strategic planning can be defined: excessive pressure, privilege of short-term indicators over long-term ones, manager’s personality traits, planning specialist’s personality traits. It is noted that an enterprise cannot fully eliminate the risk of its activities, including the risk of ineffective regulating actions, but is able to manage risks through their effective prediction.Item Інноваційні теорії ринкотворення та розвитку бізнес-сегментів(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Подольчак, Н. І.; Ясінська, А. І.Розглянуто сучасні теорії створення нових ринків та формування нових бізнес- сегментів: концепцію квантово-економічного аналізу, стратегію “блакитного океану”, теорію обмежень, концепцію “інтелектуальне лідерство”, теорію цінностей та концепцію ділової моделі. Згідно із концепцією квантово-економічного аналізу, творення нового ринку можливе, коли комбінація етапів розвитку товару, компанії та ринку є сприятливою для існування. У разі отримання недозволеної комбінації у матриці КЕА необхідно її видозмінювати на дозволену, яка створить умови для розвитку підприємства. Концепція “блакитного океану” основана на ідеї концентрації зусиль організації не на конкурентній боротьбі, а на виокремленні бізнес-сегменту у існуючому ринку або створенні абсолютно нового ринку. Концепція ділової моделі наголошує на інноваційно-стимулювальній дії ризиків для утворення нових ринків (чи окремих бізнес-сегментів) та визначає споживчоорієнтованість ринкотворчих процесів. Теорія обмежень спрямована на розкриття внутрішнього потенціалу організації для вирішення виробничо-господарських, управлінських чи інших проблем з метою пропонування ринку якісних товарів за доступними цінами. Теорія творення цінностей спрямована на формування цінності організації через пошук її власної ідентичності для максимального забезпечення потреб споживачів. Концепція інтелектуального лідерства зосереджується на важливості систематичного прогнозування стану та розвитку ринкового середовища, а також визначення та формування потреб споживачів. Дослідження цих теорій дало змогу виокремити фактори стимулювання ринкотвірних процесів, а саме: споживачі (їх реальні та потенційні потреби), товари (роботи, послуги), ціни, організації-виробники, а також ризики (як стимулювальні до виживання у ринковому середовищі фактори). The modern theory of the creation of new markets and development of new business segments are researched: the concept of quantum-economic analysis, the strategy of “blue ocean”, theory of constraints analysis, the concept of “intellectual leadership”, theory of value and the concept of the business model. According to the concept of quantum-economic analysis – a new market creation is possible when combination of stages for product development, the company and the market is favorable for existence. In the case of a combination of matrix unauthorized QEA it is necessary to modify the acceptable which will create conditions for enterprise development. Knowledge of the field success QEA, enables the design stage to abandon the project doomed to failure.The concept of “Blue Ocean” is based on the idea of focusing that organizations do not compete, and the singling business segment in existing markets or creates entirely new market. Authors blue oceans replaced competition in the creative process of creating a new system of values for customers and for own company. The concept of business model emphasizes innovation and stimulating action risks the creation of new markets (or separate business segments) and determines customer oriented in the market creation processes. The main elements of the model are: consumer choice, the choice of scale, strategic control and receive remuneration for their activities. Business model is the only systems of its elements are in close relationship and mutual need and meet the needs of customers. Theory of constraints analysis aims at the disclosure of internal capacity of the organization to address supply-economic, managerial or other problems, to market offering quality products at affordable prices. The essence of the theory is reduced to the identification and optimization of the “bottleneck”, which, according to the terminology of the concept are the problem areas of the company. The process of finding and strengthening of problem areas is endless process that ensures every new level of performance. The theory of value creation aims at fostering the values of the organization, through a search of its own identity and maximization of satisfaction the consumers needs. Thus identifying their own unique organization makes it a long-term strategy and creates new market. The concept of intellectual leadership focuses on the importance of systematically predicting the state and development of the market environment and to identify the needs of consumers and formation. Reach intellectual leadership ability can at best use of the product hidden abilities and special skills of employees. The concept of intellectual leadership considers the business as a movement from the creation of future markets to dominate them. The study of these theories makes it possible to isolate those factors that contribute process of creation market – consumers (their real and potential needs), product (works, services) for organization producing goods, as well as risks (like stimulating to survive in the market environment factors).Item Інфраструктура корпоративного середовища: зовнішні та внутрішні структурні елементи(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Сватюк, О. Р.Уточнено сутність поняття “корпоративне середовище”, “інноваційна інфраструктура”, “зовнішні суб’єкти корпоративного управління”, “внутрішні структурні елементи” на основі висвітлення думок науковців та нормативно-законодавчої бази. Досліджено інфраструктуру корпоративного середовища, у якій виділено: зовнішніх суб’єктів корпоративного управління (державу, ринки, інституційних інвесторів) та внутрішні структурні елементи (власників, організаційно управлінську структуру, корпоративний контроль, корпоративну культуру). For the development of joint stock companies there is required the interaction with the external environment, forecasting its regulatory impact on corporations and on the internal mechanism of coordinating interests of corporate entities. The essence of the concepts of «corporate environment», «innovative infrastructure», «external subjects of corporate governance», «internal structural elements» is specified based on scientists’ opinions as well as regulatory and legal framework. The author studies the corporate environment infrastructure and highlights the following: external subjects of corporate governance (state, markets, and institutional investors) and internal structural elements (owners, organizational and management structure, corporate control, and corporate culture). All these subjects have a complicated system of interests, and its coordination is the main task of optimizing corporate governance. The corporate environment infrastructure is a set of components that are not members of the corporation but have a certain influence on it. External subjects of corporate governance are dependent on the economic system as a whole. This is ensured by their relationships and forms the infrastructure of certain environment. The first element of the external environment is ensured at the level of state regulation through the authorities of general and special competence that create rules and regulations for corporate control, and liability of corporations. The organs of special competence include: the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market, State Property Fund of Ukraine, the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine; the National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets, and other authorities. Another important element of the external environment is the mechanism of market control over the corporation governance. In the system of corporate governance the commodity markets of products and financial markets play a significant role. Corporate governance and its effectiveness are determined by the achievement of certain socio-economic status by the corporation. For the owners an important result of corporate governance is obtaining a portion of profits and increasing exchange price of the company’s shares. Institutional investors (not owners of corporate rights) can be considered to be the third important element of external corporate governance. They are public organizations and mass media that influence corporate strategy and tactics. An important place is occupied by selfregulatory organizations - voluntary non-profit associations of professional stock market participants which perform the function of stock market regulation. Internal elements of the corporate governance system depend primarily on the availability of effective rules and procedures of the owners’ relationship and their impact on the regulated objects, i.e. on the corporation management. Standards and procedures (conducting the general meeting and taking decisions at it, determining the bodies to supervise managers’ performance in the period between meetings, defining competence for concluding agreements with different cost values etc.) are presented. Internal elements of corporate governance also include conduct regulations, staff remuneration of officials, formation of funds and payment of dividends, property transactions, and other types of industrial and economic activities that are developed by managers and agreed upon with the owners. Optimization of interaction between the management and owners is regulated by the state laws and regulations, market environment, and public institutions. Corporate governance systems depend on the characteristics of regulated objects. In small entities where there are a few owners corporate governance systems differ significantly from management systems of joint stock companies with many owners. The internal state of a corporation depends on the economic system as a whole that is ensured by the links between the elements that are part of it.Item Проблеми банківського сектору України та шляхи їх вирішення(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Кара, Н. І.; Осідач, Р. Й.Проаналізовано інформацію щодо проблематики банківського сектору України. Опрацьовано останні публікації та дослідження із урахуванням останніх індексів та показників банківського сектору та економіки загалом. Виконано фундаментальний аналіз основних проблем, що найбільше впливають на дестабілізацію банківської системи нашої держави, ділової активності та економіки загалом. Наведено економічні показники та факти, що засвідчують важливість ситуації та тісний кореляційний зв’язок з економікою. Сформовано методичні підходи до вирішення цих проблем та окреслено можливі перспективи. In this article the problems of the banking sector of Ukraine are analyzed. Recent publications and research on the recent indices and indicators of the banking sector and economy are processed. A fundamental analysis of the main problems that have the greatest impact on the destabilization of the banking system of our country, business activity and the economy as a whole is made. An economic indicators and facts that prove the importance of the situation and close correlation with the economy are presented. Methods for solving these problems and their prospects are formed. Developed and stable banking system is important for enterprises’ functioning and economics as a whole. In banking activity there a lot of problems in our country such as: high interest rates for loans and deposits; many banks where inexpediently to make financial sanitation and and restructuring of debts; an incompatible structure of assets and liabilities of banks; incomprehensible policy as for the courses of foreign currencies. Contradictions of development and activity of banking system of Ukraine and other countries were described in the scientific and research works such scientists as M. Kolodizeva, Y. Golikov, O. Lavrushin, A. Tavasiyeva and others. Banking system is very dynamic and it is changing almost every day, that is why it needs a lot of review and taking into account new data. In Ukraine there always was the high level of inflation, but nevertheless after world financial crisis in 2008–2009 its level was getting less. Unfortunately, National Bank of Ukraine reduced interest rates far rare than grivna’s inflation level was diminished. In the process of interest rate forming, the risk is very important. In fact, in Ukraine there are such kinds of risk, as inflation risk, business risk and credit risk. Because of these risks the bank in this situation will increase interest rates in order to avoid losses. One of the main structural problems in Ukrainian economy is frequent bankruptcy of banks. It has place because of too liberal position of National Bank of Ukraine. Recently to open bank could allow any middle-level businessman. The banks sometimes show fictitious losses in order to receive money for refinancing from National Bank. Afterwards these banks with money from National Bank of Ukraine enter the currency market and buy currency. It results in increase of foreign currency’ courses and afterwards the bank gives refinancing the same banks again. These banks don’t execute their main functions to give credits or maintain and increase money of depositors. The banking system must be auxiliary sphere that provides accumulation of money and their transfer into investments and as a result the economy will grow. Unfortunately, in Ukraine most of the banks do not help development of economy. Providing low interest rates motivates business development. That is why National Bank of Ukraine activity has to be concentrated on following the rules of banking system functioning not on making obstacles. Clear currency policy which is based on demand and supply would help to increase export.
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