Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2015. – №819
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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка".
До збірника науково-прикладних праць “Менеджмент та підприємництво в України: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” увійшли статті, які відображають проблеми менеджменту, підприємництва, інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності, управління національною економікою України тощо. Для працівників підприємств, банків, інвестиційних та інноваційних структур, органів державного управління, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей.
Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» ; голова Редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – № 819. – 476 с. : іл.
Item Аналіз інноваційної діяльності промислових підприємств України(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Загородній, А. Г.; Бабінська, С. Я.Розглянуто основні напрями інноваційної діяльності та характерні для інновацій ознаки. Проаналізовано інноваційну активність промислових підприємств як загалом в Україні, так і у Львівській області. Наведено динаміку інноваційної діяльності машинобудівної промисловості України, а також дані щодо кількості підприємств та обсягів реалізованої інноваційної продукції за межі України. Проаналізовано джерела фінансування інноваційної діяльності. Визначено основні чинники, які сприятимуть розвитку інноваційної діяльності українських підприємств. Functioning of a business is not possible without conducting innovative activities, which should be aimed at producing the new enterprise competitive basis or updating the existing one. Innovative activities of the company lie in improving the company’s operation as a whole or its particular units in order to gain competitive and economic advantages. The article considers the basic directions of innovative activities and characteristic features of innovations. The innovative activities of industrial enterprises in Ukraine and in Lviv region have been analyzed. As a result, it has been found that the number of industrial enterprises implementing innovations in Ukraine is growing, with the exception of 2008 and 2013. In Lviv region the growth is also observed, except the years 2008, 2010 and 2011. Most of the reductions is due to insufficient funding and level of academic training, imperfection of logistics and others. The article also presents dynamics of enterprises in Ukraine and Lviv region that implemented innovations in 2005 - 2013. The dynamics of innovative activities of machine building industry in Ukraine is shown, the industry taking a significant share of the Ukrainian economy. Statistics show that not many of the innovatively active enterprises of Ukraine sell their innovative products outside Ukraine. This is because the innovations sphere of Ukraine is not attractive to foreign investors as the government directs insufficient funds to developing innovative activities and so on. However, the average volume of the innovative products sold by one enterprise was increasing during the analyzed period, with the exception of 2009. The dynamics of the number of enterprises that sold innovative products outside Ukraine during the analyzed period is presented. The sources of financing innovative activities have been analysed. This analysis shows that the main sources of financing innovative activities are own funds of enterprises and investment funds. A small contribution is made by the state budget. Provided an effective public policy, Ukraine has considerable potential for the development of innovative activities. The main factors that will promote innovative activities of Ukrainian enterprises have been considered. Implementation of these factors will increase the innovative activities of Ukrainian industrial enterprises.Item Використання функцій попиту для збалансування розвитку продовольчих ринків(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Федулова, І. В.; Мостенська, Т. Л.Досліджено попит на основні продукти харчування за допомогою функцій попиту від доходу і ціни. За допомогою виявлених функцій, обчислених на їх основі коефіцієнтів еластичності й основних індикаторів продовольчої безпеки можна аналізувати перспективи розвитку окремих галузей харчової промисловості, пріоритетність їх розвитку для забезпечення населення повноцінним збалансованим харчуванням. The article explores the demand for basic food products by means of functional relations between the demand, income and price. The objective function of food production shall be based on three main factors: physiological need in food, effective demand of population and commodity supply of manufacturers. The level and structure of food consumption indicate the level of stability and quality of life of the population. However, in conditions of commodity production and market the ability to meet the need for food products is limited by purchasing power of consumers. It is characterized by the amount of money that consumers can spend on the purchase of food. The price of a product can be viewed in two ways: from the point of view of consumers and in terms of entrepreneurs who produce and sell finished products. For consumers, price means opportunity to meet their needs in one way or another. One of the parameters of food security is the indicator of the proportion of expenditure on food in total household expenditures; it should not exceed 60 %. This value is a critical limit for the use of aggregate income of households. In 2013 this figure in Ukraine amounted to 50.1 %, indicating that people are near the poverty line, when more than half of total income is spent on food. Expenses of consumers on food have been growing because of three factors: growth of population and food intake; increase of food prices; consumers giving preference to more expensive products and marketing services. This study investigates the dependence between the expenditure proportion on food in total household expenditures in Ukraine and average wages of employees. The analysis of regression functions of dependencies of the average consumption of basic foodstuffs per capita from the average monthly wage of employees allowed to determine the direction, closeness and elasticity of these dependencies. Also the average chain elasticity coefficients of the price were investigated. Their values are not always negative, though the market is unsaturated not for all food groups. The prospects of development of individual sectors of food industry and the priority of their development for providing population with complete balanced diet can be analyzed using the identified functions, elasticity coefficients calculated on the basis of these functions and key indicators of food security.Item Вища освіта України: траєкторія підвищення її якості(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Гаращук, О. В.; Куценко, В. І.Розглянуто стан вищої освіти в Україні, її місце і роль у розвитку інноваційної економіки та суспільства, обґрунтовано необхідність підвищення якості освіти загалом і вищої зокрема. Згруповано виші за шанхайським рейтингом. Наведено шляхи підвищення якості вищої освіти в Україні, що сприятиме її наближенню до вимог зазначеного рейтингу, а саме: необхідність її модернізації, насамперед завдяки оновленню метеріально-технічної бази, нарощуванню та раціональному використанню інтелектуального потенціалу тощо. The article is devoted to the topical issues related to the need to achieve high quality education and, above all higher, which would provide training of professionals. This task is extremely important, because it is the quality of the training and motivation to the profession ultimately depend on the pace of socio-economic development in accordance with the requirements of the XXI century. Therefore, the aim of the article is to reveal the trajectory of development of Ukrainian higher education, which would provide it access to the highest world level, which was to be reflected in the respective world rankings. One of the most common educational ratings is Shanghai ranking. The article presents the group of higher education institutions in the world within the first thirty places specified rating. Also, given the characteristics of the activities of higher education institutions, which provide them with entry into this rating. First of all, these characteristics relate to the quality of training of the teaching staff and graduates. Therefore, it states that one of the basic problems that can not talk about hit the Ukrainian higher educational institutions in the rankings is the disparity of standards of international and domestic educational and occupational classifications. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the existing experience in the world of advanced higher education institutions, one of which is Stanford University; in particular, its conversion to the entrepreneurial university is noted in the article. Later in the article notes the existence of correlation between the proportion of employed among workers with higher education and productivity in the economy. Also notes the importance for achieving high quality education necessary logistical support of educational institutions, including lower educational links. In this regard, it notes is taking place in Ukraine, a tendency to reduce the network of secondary and higher educational institutions. It is noted that while it is impossible to prevent the deterioration in the availability of education. At the same time as a reduction in the negative trend observed in Ukraine, the share of the population engaged in scientific activity, which consequently results in a significant decrease also the introduction of new technological processes in the industry. This comes at a time when the world is an important characteristic of the advanced countries, which have embarked on the innovative path of development is precisely the increase in scientific inventive activity and rapid implementation of its results in practice. Nonconforming needs of innovative development and the labor market is the structure of training in Ukraine. At the same time there is a decline in the quality of training. So often there is a tendency opposite to the global trend, where the unemployment rate among professionals with higher education is lower than for other categories of employees. An important aspect in this is the consistency of the labor market and higher education, to achieve interaction of the labor market and educational services. The article presents the main directions of the implementation of this interaction. A certain improvement over the solutions to these problems are expected in connection with the implementation of the National Doctrine of Education Development, which defines the relevant key priorities, resulting in the article. Required for implementation is proposed to find the financial support, including through the introduction of a franchise that, as international experience shows, can quickly expand markets without attracting additional resources for this purpose. Significant place in the article devoted to the experience of those countries where higher education according to the Shanghai ranking is the leading places. In particular, the educational systems of the United States, Finland and Singapore. It is noted the importance of the social and state mechanisms aimed at promoting education and its quality, which should (including in the form of social partnership) and implemented in Ukraine.Item Вплив євроінтеграційних процесів на розвиток туристичного ринку в Україні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Горбаль, Н. І.; Ханіна, Р. І.; Ковальчук, О. І.Розглянуто стан міжнародного ринку туристичних послуг та туристичного ринку України, представлено динаміку темпів зростання вітчизняного туристичного ринку порівняно з ринками розвинених країн та країн, що розвиваються, проаналізовано туристичний потенціал України через призму наявної туристично-рекреаційної інфраструктури. Встановлено, що темпи зростання вітчизняного ринку туризму повільніші, ніж в інших країнах, що розвиваються, але перевищують темпи зростання розвинених країн. Висвітлено вплив процесу євроінтеграції, співпраці України з ЄС на розвиток вітчизняного туристичного ринку. Визначено перелік заходів у сфері державної політики щодо регулювання ринку туристичних послуг у контексті євроінтеграції. In the article the situation on the international tourism market and the market of Ukraine is described, dynamics of the Ukrainian tourism market in comparison with the markets of developed countries and developing countries is presented growth, the tourism potential of Ukraine in the light of the existing tourist and recreational infrastructure is analyzed. It was established that the growth rate of the domestic tourism market is slower than in the developing countries, but higher than the growth rate of the developed countries. The effects of the European integration process and cooperation between Ukraine and the EU on the development of the domestic tourism market are presented. The list of measures in the field of public policy on the regulation of the tourist market is given. Ukraine has significant and real prospects of tourism development, so it must take one of the worthy places among the countries – world tourism leaders. Today Ukraine is moving towards European integration: the Association Agreement with the EU was signed, various projects in the economic, social, cultural and recreational areas with the assistance of funds, companies and non-governmental organizations of the European Union are organized, and more tourists visit our country, thus creating its image. As tourism in any country has clearly positive impact on improving of the country economic and social situation in important economic sectors: trade, transport, hospitality, dining, construction, etc., it is important to consider and improve the characteristics of the tourism market and the impact of European integration of Ukraine on it. Ukrainian tourist market is growing rapidly compared to other countries. Since 2005 the volume of tourist market in developed countries grew by an average of 6 % a year, in the developing world – an average of 10 %. A grows in the Ukrainian market was an average of 9 % annually, which is close to the rate of growth of the world market, but somewhat less than nthe average market growth rates in developing countries [3]. However, due to the political situation the volume of the domestic tourism market decreased significantly in 2014. To realize the tourist potential of Ukraine fully the state should: provide tourists with comfortable and safe environment in Ukraine; conduct an effective policy of mass tourism, work out its appropriate concept; simplify the visa process and abolish visa requirements for US, Canada, Japan; decrease hotel fee; adopt measures for the improvement of new objects of mass tourism; improve opportunities for the construction and operation of small motels and hotels of family type, which will provide new working places and can be a source of foreign currency earnings. The development of cooperation between Ukraine and the European countries is the main task and one of the main activities of the State Tourism Administration in Ukraine. In the process of cooperation with EU attention should be directed to: simplification of customs formalities connected with paperwork, improving competitiveness of Ukrainian tourism enterprises through introduction of standards in the tourism industry, which would meet European’s, establishment of appropriate training and retraining of qualified personnel employed in the tourism sector, promotion of tourist image of Ukraine among European countries.Item Ґенеза тіньових економічних відносин(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Хом’як, К. А.Здійснено аналітичний огляд літературних даних про виникнення і розвиток тіньової економіки. Визначено підходи щодо трактування поняття “тіньова економіка” з боку вітчизняних та зарубіжних науковців. Обґрунтовано поняття і сформульовано визначення тіньової економіки, розкрито умови кризових явищ під час її функціонування. Підкреслено необхідність проведення заходів детінізації в Україні. Ukraine’s economy is affected by a number of negative factors that threaten the financial, economic and national security of the country in general. One of these factors is shadow economy. At the end of the past century it was a minor secondary phenomenon but having expanded today it transformed into a key urgent problem of economic reality. An important task today is to resist such a negative phenomenon as shadow economy, which is dynamically developing, creating a number of problems for Ukraine. So, to objectively assess this phenomenon and to effectively fight with it, it is necessary to investigate the origins and the evolution of the category of “shadow economy”. Thus, research into the theoretical basis of the phenomenon is of great practical importance for counteracting it. Theoretical and methodological basis of research consists of the works of foreign and domestic scientists who highlighted the wide range of associated problems. In particular, the following are foreign experts who have been studying the phenomenon of shadow economy: K. Hart, D. Blades, P. Gutmann, A. de Soto, E. Feige, F. Schneider, J. Latova and others. Among domestic researchers working in this sphere there are Z. S. Varnaliy, I. I. Mazur, V. O. Turchynov, Ya. A. Zhalila and others. Despite a lot of research done there has not yet been formulated a unified definition of the term “shadow economy”. The purpose of this research is to perform a comprehensive analysis of the concepts of sources and development of shadow economy to get a deeper understanding of this phenomenon, to substantiate causal connections between the events of shadow economy and the official economy. The research is conducted using the historical method and the method of terminological analysis. Chronology, reasons and premises of the formation of shadow economic relations were studied. The interpretation of the definition “shadow economy” was analyzed. It was determined that approaches to studying the shadow economy are different in Ukraine and abroad. To be more detailed, Ukrainian scholars use the theoretical approach according to which the shadow economy is described as an economic category, while foreign scholars apply operational approach that explains shadow economy through its actions and measurements. Due to the absence of a common definition of the shadow economy, we propose a generalized definition, which gives a more comprehensive description of this concept. It is found that shadow economy is a complex, ambiguous and negative phenomenon that requires detailed studying. Perspectives for further research are to examine in detail reasons and factors that stimulate economic entities to resort to shadow economic actions; to develop effective methods of legitimizing the national economy.Item Дослідження інноваційного розвитку промислових підприємств Львівщини(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Цогла, О. О.Розглянуто та опрацьовано ситуацію щодо інноваційного розвитку підприємств Львівського регіону. Проведено аналіз інноваційного розвитку промислових підприємств Львова та області. Визначено фактори, які впливають на інноваційне становище, що склалося за останні роки в економіці регіону. Підкреслено, що основними чинниками, що гальмують ведення бізнесу в сфері інноваційної діяльності, є нестабільність державної політики, податкова політика і податкові ставки. The innovative development of enterprises in Lviv region is studied and reviewed in the article. The analysis of innovative development of industrial enterprises in Lviv region is done. The factors influencing the innovative situation that has arisen in recent years in the region's economy are identified. The situation that has developed in recent years in Ukraine's economy is determined by the inefficiency of the conducted economic reforms, imperfection of tax system, the negative impact of state regulation on the activities of economic entities. However, fundamental factors of economic growth are resources and innovation. But, as in recent decades the problem of resource provision has aggravated, the current market environment requires the intensification of innovative activity. Competitiveness of Lviv region depends on the ability to introduce innovations, modernize production and technological processes adjusting to changing environmental conditions. However, during the analysis of the innovative activity of Lviv industrial enterprises it was found that innovative measures were taken only by 16.4% of all the industrial companies in the region, and the volumes of sales of innovative products are only 3% of total industrial output. It was revealed that were no financial support for innovation at the expense of foreign investors and the state in 2014; the main source of financing innovations was own funds of enterprises that decreased in recent years; financing from the local budgets is insufficient. In the region, as well as in the whole country, there is no venture financing, that is why the reduction of innovation efficiency is a long-term trend. The limited amount, and sometimes even absence of innovations funding from the state budget, lack of economic incentives to attract investment resources in innovations processes, uncertainty of institutional environment for the development of innovations infrastructure (technology parks, technopolises, technology transfer centers etc.) cause deterioration of the innovations conditions of the regions and encourage independence and self-financing of business activities.Item Забезпечення розвитку експорту високотехнологічних товарів в умовах зміни векторів зовнішньої торгівлі(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Квач, Я. П.; Коваль, В. В.; Циналєвська, І. А.Розглянуто проблему забезпечення розвитку експортної діяльності, перш за все, високотехнологічних товарів, в умовах зміни векторів зовнішньої торгівлі. В межах дослідження проаналізовано структуру експорту України для визначення ступеня технологічності основних товарних позицій експорту. Проаналізовано також зарубіжний досвід застосування інструментів підтримки та стимулювання експортної діяльності. В умовах необхідності переорієнтації зовнішніх торговельних зв’язків вітчизняних товаровиробників наведено практичні рекомендації щодо підтримки експортної діяльності національних виробників високотехнологічної продукції. The article examines the problem of the development of exports in the context of changing direction of foreign trade in particular a special attention was paid to support's mechanisms of high-tech product's exports.. Indicators of Ukraine's foreign trade dynamics demonstrate a low effectiveness of the state export policy. The analysis of the commodity structure of Ukraine's exports indicates the raw material orientation of national economy in the system of international division of trade flows. The high-tech products export's value denotes a current low level of technological effectiveness of industrial production. The problem of inefficient export's structure is actualized by the fact that opportunities for manufacturing high-tech products in Ukraine are available, but at present, because of a number of reasons, not implemented. The crisis of modern foreign policy stipulates an acute fluctuations in the foreign trade especially in export of those commodity positions, which belonged to high-tech category, which include such commodity groups as “Aircraft and spacecraft”, “Computer and office equipment” “Electronics communications”, “Pharmaceutical products”, “Scientific instruments”, “ Electrical machinery equipment and their parts “, “Chemicals”, “Non-electrical machinery” and “Arms”. Closing the Russian market for such commodity groups as nonelectrical equipment and aerospace equipment, for which the Russian direction of export reached about 60% of the total, put the production of innovative goods on the brink of survival. Under these conditions the need for sales markets’ reorientation is a prerequisite the preservation and development of national innovation system, given the fact that the production of high-tech products for the domestic market remains unclaimed. Therefore, efforts for diversification of geography of deliveries of Ukrainian high-tech industrial commodities put on the agenda an application of development tools for export activity support in the development and implementation of effective mechanisms for supporting of national exporters when entering foreign markets. The experience of many developed countries, which have succeeded in raising of finished products export, demonstrates a crucial role in these achievements of effective system of state exports support. A cornerstone of the export support system is a mechanism of the financial support; the main instruments are mainly related to improving the efficiency of national export's credit system that is achieved through the strengthening of specialized financial institutions – Export Credit Agency (ECA). Due to the financial support of ECA national companies have the opportunity to receive state-warranty insurance and credit support as well as bank loans for longer periods and more favourable terms. In Ukraine, because of the lack state policy concerning development of infrastructural environment of export activity precisely in terms of the application of instruments of the financial sector, access to domestic exporters to credit funds is extremely difficult. This applies both a provision of investment resources for the modernization of the fixed assets and short-term lending to cover working capital needs. In our opinion, the development of export insurance and crediting via creation of such institutions as national export credit agency is able to provide a way out of crisis of foreign trade for Ukraine since the problem of access to foreign markets, primarily concerning shortage of working capital available for businesses and, at least, lack of investment resources to purchase new equipment and intangible assets. The validity of such a proposal supported by the fact that the creation of such an organization is not against the rules of the World Trade Organization and allowing largely to protect the financial position of domestic producers.Item Зарубіжний досвід формування потенціалу підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Шостак, Л. В.Доведено необхідність використання зарубіжного передового досвіду формування потенціалу підприємства під час планування на вітчизняних підприємствах. Автор наводить конкретні приклади ефективності формування на іноземних підприємствах та пропонує послідовність (алгоритм) адаптації закордонних напрацювань у вітчизняній практиці. The necessity to use foreign experience for forming enterprise potential in planning processes at domestic enterprises is proven. Examples of the best foreign practices in the field are presented and the sequence (algorithm) of adapting foreign experience to domestic conditions is offered. The crisis in the national economy results in reduction of production output at the most of domestic enterprises; due to decrease of the consumer purchasing power there takes place accumulation of finished goods in warehouses as well as mass layoffs at enterprises. These factors lead to reduction of the enterprise potential. In order to develop the appropriate theoretical principles we substantiate theoretical aspects of forming domestic enterprises potential; principles and the model of its formation are singled out. For building the domestic enterprises potential, especially in times of economic uncertainty characteristic for the present state of the domestic economy, it is worth not only assess the benefits of international experience but also to determine the points that may be useful for doing domestic business. The study analyzed two types of potential, namely, employment and innovations potential. Based on this analysis the sequence of adapting foreign experience to domestic enterprises is proposed. The grounded global experience in enterprise potential building, namely the sequence of adapting the international experience to domestic enterprises will be used in further research to develop a model for determining the potential of the enterprise. Based on theoretical information and analytical data there will be created the model and the calculations will be done regarding the choice of the type of foreign experience to be chosen for adaptation.Item Зміст до Вісника «Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку» № 819(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015)Item Зниження маркетингових ризиків у аграрних підприємствах(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Бочко О. Ю.Досліджено маркетингові ризики аграрних підприємств. Обґрунтовано основні види ризиків у маркетинговій діяльності та надано характеристику кожному з них. Подано методику оцінювання та етапність визначення маркетингових ризиків у сучасних умовах. Запропоновано групування маркетингових ризиків за напрямами: фінансові та управлінські. Виявлено ймовірність настання маркетингових ризиків аграрних підприємств. Обґрунтовано напрями зменшення маркетингових ризиків на аграрних підприємствах. Marketing risks of agrarian enterprises are investigated. In modern business environment an enterprise operates in conditions of increased risks. The enterprise must take into account the changes in internal and external environment, the effect of different factors on its activities. The research is relevant due to the emerging multiple marketing risks, uncertainty of the economic situation, and lack of timely and reliable information. The detailed study of marketing risks in the agrarian sector gives an opportunity of their grouping into financial risks that affect the level of profits or the result obtained, and administrative risks that influence the process of timely and operative decision-making. The financial marketing risks include the risks referring to communication, sales, price and investments-innovations, while the administrative risks embrace the risks concerning commodity, personnel and organization. One of main issues in the analysis of marketing risks is the analysis of losses that takes into account the level of losses depending on the kinds and sources of risks; determination of the total amount of losses from marketing risks in a reporting period; dynamics of losses in the recent years; sources of covering losses from risks in marketing activities. As a result of the research done the probability of occurrence of a certain type of marketing risk in an agrarian sector is discovered. 50 respondents - experts in the agrarian sector participated in questioning. It was found that marketing financial risks have the highest probability of occurrence (more than 60%). The ways of reducing the level of financial marketing risks are to discover the increased risk area and try to decrease its effect; to maintain the risk; to transfer the risk; to reduce the risk level. As to marketing administrative risks, the most common ways of their reduction are obtaining additional marketing information on the results of the research of a marketing object (a commodity, a market, a segment etc.) and motivating workers.Item Маркетингове дослідження рівня інтеграції українського студентства у міжнародний освітній простір(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Глинський, Н. Ю.; Ясевич, А.Проаналізовано причини, що спонукають студентів до навчання за кордоном, ступінь міжнародної активності українських студентів, рівень їх громадської заангажованості. На підставі результатів опитування молоді, котра навчається за кордоном та в Україні, визначено рівень перцепції студентами основних відмінностей між вітчизняною та закордонною вищими освітами та інших аспектів інтеграційного процесу. На основі висновків за результатами опитування сформульовано рекомендації, які стосуються ідентифікованих проблем. This survey-based article provides a comprehensive analysis of the most popular reasons, which encourage Ukrainian students to get higher education abroad. The impact of these factors on the integration process and the possible activity directions to reduce a negative tendency are also discussed in the topic. According to the conducted survey, it was covered the level of students’ participation in the exchange programs, which shows the real students’ steps to joining the international networks and enhancing their knowledge. Also, this article provides a comparison between the level of students’ interest in international exchange and their experience in it. A set of possible reasons, which cause the negative tendency in students’ social involvement are provided because of detecting the high level of social passivity among Ukrainian students during the research. The important aspect of this article is to compare the students’ expectations about their future career opportunities abroad and in Ukraine. The compound analysis of students’ anticipations and their general (optimistic) perception of career future are discussed as a part of this research. One of the main condition for successful Ukrainian integration into international environment is to implement foreign experience in Ukraine. The authors suggest to observe the opportunities for implementing abroad experience according to the percent of students, who are going to return to Ukraine. The analyze of students’ answers demonstrates that this situation can be described as positive, taking into consideration the present position of Ukraine in the international arena. Additionally this part of the article provides the research results about the importance of academic success (as a precondition of prosperous career) for Ukrainian students. Furthermore, the level of social activity of Ukrainian students is studied in this article. The authors researched the contribution of students’ community to social life, the level of their participation in volunteering and public activities. Basing on the students’ answers, the essential characteristics of students’ activity and possible reasons for it are provided in this topic. Also, according to the survey results, it was detected the students’ perception of the basic difference between education abroad and in Ukraine. The authors suggest a set of recommendations for indicated problems to completely achieve students’ integration into the global community.Item Матричні підходи моніторингу розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Рєпіна, І. М.; Вострякова, В. Ю.Розглянуто підходи до визначення та оцінювання інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Запропоновано тлумачення інноваційного потенціалу як сукупності трьох складових: інноваційних ресурсів, інноваційних компетенцій та організаційних здатностей. Наведено критерії для дослідження рівня розвиненості кожної складової. Запропоновано використання матричного методу у форматі дескриптивної моделі для моніторингу розвитку інноваційного потенціалу підприємства. Creation of innovations is a strategic priority to ensure competitiveness. An innovative way of development implies a certain innovation potential as the basis for this development. The concept of innovation potential as the conceptual reflection of innovation activities phenomenon has been evolving and clarifying in the process of methodological, theoretical and empirical studies since the early 80's. An important element of the innovation development management is the methods used in the procedures of evaluating company’s innovation potential. Analysis of the existing theoretical developments demonstrates the wide range of approaches to defining the essence of the company’s innovation potential. Among the most common of them there are resource, functional and combination approaches. In the first approach, the innovation potential of the company is mainly treated as a set of innovation resources that are interconnected, and the corresponding procedures that create conditions for the optimal use of these resources. The functional approach involves the review and analysis of the innovation potential in terms of the ability of the economic system to implement economic development based on innovations. Many researchers at present are trying to combine these approaches. In terms of modern resource theory the company’s innovation potential can be seen as a set of innovation competences and innovation organization capabilities based on innovation resources to achieve the goals of the company’s innovation development. Today there is a number of comprehensive approaches that are used in evaluating the innovation potential. They differ in a set of quantitative and qualitative characteristics that are being analyzed. The resource approach is based on the research of the enterprise innovation resources. The process-result approach involves the analysis of the innovation process results according to the innovation process stages. The personal approach is implemented by analyzing the ability of employees to generate innovative ideas and transform them into innovative products. The statistical approach involves research using questionnaires or surveys. The problem-oriented approach requires a clear selection of criteria, indicators, and assessment procedures corresponding to the problems identified. It is possible to use matrix methods in understanding the company’s innovation potential as the combination of resources, competencies and organizational capabilities for the purpose of evaluation and monitoring. An example is a four-component matrix based on modified and adapted to innovation problems approach developed by Russian scientists S. Yefremov and I. Khanykov. This matrix involves the selection of indicators in four areas. These are innovation projects, innovation resources, innovation competence and innovative organization capability. Based on a multi-profile comparative analysis there is identified the degree of connection and there is made the quantitative assessment between them. Based on this matrix it is possible to obtain the data on how specific innovation project implementation depends on the competences. This matrix allows to assess the innovation potential of the company. The result of the analysis is also an unambiguous definition of the areas of improving the innovation potential components.Item Методичні підходи до оцінювання ціни конкурсних пропозицій: надбання та недолік(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Мацапура, О. В.Узагальнено методичні підходи до оцінювання ціни конкурсних пропозицій. Визначено переваги та недоліки кожної з них. Надано пропозиції для усунення виявлених недоліків та визначення методики, найприйнятнішої саме для будівельних підприємств. Зазначено, що мета оцінки пропозицій полягає у визначенні рейтингу прийнятних по суті оферт для того, щоб виявити найвигіднішу для закупівельника пропозицію, визначивши витрати для кожної з них так, щоб мати можливість швидко та достовірно порівняти їх. Вибір найприйнятнішої методики оцінювання конкурсної пропозиції дає можливість визначити доцільність участі оферента у торгах, запропонувати найконкурентоспроможнішу ціну й оцінити ймовірність отримання вигідного підряду. Currently there are quite a number of methods for evaluation of price bids: ball, lowest price, estimated cost, low technical specifications, life cycle cost, cost, administrative and other. The analysis of these methods allows you to choose the most effective for each individual case (the level of competition, cost, timing). At the moment this procedure as the tender is widely distributed in a competitive construction market. In order to choose the winner of the tender should evaluate which of the bidders have put forward the best offer. There are various methods of evaluation of offers, the analysis techniques will allow you to choose the most effective. This paper summarizes the methodological approaches to the evaluation of the price bids, аdvantages and disadvantages of each. Proposals to address the identified weaknesses and the definition of the methodology that best suits the construction companies. The purpose of bid evaluation is to determine the acceptable rating on the merits of offers to identify the most profitable for the buyer suggestion by determining the costs of each of them in such a way as to be able to quickly and accurately compare them. The basic principle of correct assessment: take into account only the factors specified in the tender specifications, to consider them only on the basis of the criteria stated in the tender documents. Techniques of bids in construction. Point. Evaluation of each proposal by awarding her the appropriate number of points. Taking into account coefficients of various factors. Lowest price. The sole criterion in the consideration of offers is price. With preference given to the proposal with the lowest price. Estimated cost. The main criterion is the estimated value. Preference is given to the proposal with the lowest estimated cost. The minimum technical specifications. Selected proposals with the minimum technical specifications. Preference is given to the proposal with the lowest estimated cost. The life cycle cost. The initial price and the cost of operation and maintenance, which determines the total cost of the offer. Costly. Focuses on costs and desired profit. Administrative. Focus on the prices of the main competitors, or focus on one competitor – price leader. Thus the choice of the most appropriate methods for the assessment of proposal prices provides an opportunity to determine the appropriateness of the оffer or in the auction to offer the most competitive price and to assess the likelihood of favorable contract.Item Моделювання варіантів проектів інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення підприємств(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Добрянська, М. В.Удосконалено метод формування рішення щодо інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення підприємств. На основі вищенаведеного методу сформовано етапи аналізування і вибору найкращого проекту інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення серед альтернативних. Запропонований методичний підхід дав змогу вирішити проблему незбалансованості параметрів оптимізації інвестиційних проектів на їх вході та виході поглибленням формалізації інвестиційного забезпечення технологічного оновлення машинобудівних підприємств. For companies, technological updates are accompanied by complex engineering and organizational changes, the implementation of which is inevitably linked to certain capital and operating costs. Because of this, the technological innovation is an investment decision for a company. Meaning that its rationality is measured by the level of an investment efficiency and expected gains from the invested products. Often company’s management decisions are made without sufficient scientific justification. This results in a set of negative effects which can cause an inability to compete or even lead to company’s bankruptcy. Therefore, solving the problem of technological innovation requires managers to apply scientific justification methodology to make these investment decisions. Studies have shown that the existing methods are not sufficiently substantiated. They do not have a well formed logical transition among various forms of the tasks of the alternative technological updates investment projects. They are not capable of choosing the best of them and providing an organizational support for the implementation of the project which is optimal according to various criteria. Also, critical analysis of the existing methodological approaches of the enterprise technological renovation investment support modeling choices showed that their disadvantage is an unbalanced investment projects input and output parameter optimization. This article proposes a methodical approach that allow to solve this problem by deepening the formalization of the investment input into the technological replenishment of the machine building enterprises. It is prove that the execution of this task based on the multi-vector analysis of the suitability of the alternative investment options enables enterprise managers, guided by the criteria of money expenditure and time not only to choose the best option of the technological enterprise renovation investment from a number of existing options, but also to build an optimal sequence of the project work implementation events, which contributes to rationalizing investment decisions.Item Моделі оцінки економічного ефекту та ефективності експортно-імпортних операцій (на прикладі парфумерно-косметичних підприємств хімічної промисловості)(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Кононенко, Я. В.Розглянуто різні методологічні підходи до визначення економічного ефекту та економічної ефективності експортних та імпортних операцій промислових підприємств, акцент зроблено на діяльності парфумерно-косметичних підприємств хімічної промисловості. Визначено відмінності між поняттями економічного ефекту та економічної ефективності. Прості адитивні моделі розрахунку економічного ефекту не є достатніми для оцінки загальної ефективності експортно-імпортної діяльності підприємств. Окреслено підходи до розроблення багатофакторних моделей оцінки економічної ефективності експортної та імпортної діяльності підприємства. The existing methodological approaches to evaluating the economic effect and efficiency of export-import activities of enterprises are analyzed and proposals for their improvement are provided. It is known that in the national economic science in evaluating the effectiveness of exportimport operations of enterprises there are dominating approaches based on the calculation of indicators that can be defined as the instantaneous rate, and the average economic effect of transactions. The instantaneous rate is the economic effect of each specific export or import transaction, and the averaged economic effect is the effect of export (import) transactions for a certain period of time. It is emphasized that it is simpler to use the methods of the average cost of access to foreign markets distributed by years and their taking into account in additive formulae of economic effects. It is possible, if the mechanism of financial planning (budgeting) of an export project is used, which involves budgeting project. Several determining factors or groups of factors have an impact on the obtained result. We can rank these factors or groups of factors according to their significance (impact on the result) as follows: market pricing factors; production costs factors; forex volatility; credit influence; tax and regulatory policy factors; transaction costs factors. It is concluded that the ability of enterprises to affect the factor of efficiency of export and import transactions differs. The company can consider such factors as systemic risks and duly respond to their dynamics, minimizing their possible negative impact. Thus, in case of foreign trade transactions, it can use a set of traditional (bank guarantee, letter of credit, bill of exchange) and non-traditional (futures, options, forward, swap) financial instruments of risks management (hedging). Namely, the company should use a strategy of minimizing risks. The problem is that the detailed classification of branches isn’t provided by the State Statistics Service and this does not allow singling out the researched perfume and cosmetics complex from the general composition of the industry, separating it from the branches that have specific domestic sources of raw materials, for example, that of coke chemistry. However, the available data indicate that domestic production of complex chemical components for the perfume and cosmetics complex are practically absent or very insignificant in the market. It has been found that simple, reliable and effective methods of evaluating the effectiveness of export-import transactions are required along with the additive models ofь export-import transactions direct economic effect calculation. They must take into account: 1) complex probable nature of the interaction of factors that determine it, 2) comprehensive connectivity of export-import transactions in the production activities of domestic enterprises, 3) a means of the the company’s system effectiveness evaluation; 4) the specificity of domestic enterprises. So, we think it impossible to create a single synthesizing factor that would allow to unambiguously evaluate, compare and position enterprises engaged in export-import activitiesItem Можливості використання QR-кодів у контексті досягнення цілей маркетингових комунікацій(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Балик, У. О.; Колісник, М. В.Досліджено питання застосування концепції інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій у сучасних ринкових умовах. Визначено місце QR-коду в інтегрованих маркетингових комунікаціях, окреслено основні переваги та недоліки його використання, визначено цільову аудиторію користувачів QR-коду. Проаналізовано особливості використання інноваційного медіа-носія QR-коду різними засобами інтегрованих маркетингових комунікацій, визначено формати розміщення повідомлення на носії. The article researches an issue of application of the concept of integrated marketing communications under contemporary market conditions. The author has described a tendency for convergence, which is inherent to modern media channels. Meanwhile, the author has indicated that this process is inherent not only to means used in order to provide a communication process, but also to the sense, which is presented with their help. Moreover, the author has determined a position of a QR-code within the integrated marketing communications, detected the main advantages and disadvantages of its usage, indicated a target audience of QR-code users. The researcher has indicated that a precondition of QR-code emergence was an increasing need of the market for invention of new ways of exchange of greater information amounts, since the information exchange had been earlier performed due to barcoding systems. The author has determined that one of the main causes of increasing popularity of such barcoding systems under modern conditions is more and more expansion of mobile gadgets with increasing technological opportunities. On the basis of analysis of theoretical principles of functioning of two-dimensional barcoding systems such as the QR-system the author has indicated their actions in two directions, i. e. offline- and online-communications. This means that barcoding enables to transform information into a digit form as well as into an inverse form consisting of decoding a script imprinted on a certain surface (a commodity package, a specialized advertising bearer, etc.) into a readable form. An achieved marketing effect is related to an outward appearance of the QR-code and a context appearing in such a case. Thus, the QR-code issue should be considered in the context of visualization. Simultaneously, it should be taken into account that a communication context, presented by the codes, is also of significant importance. The author has determined that the QR-code international standard had been approved in 2004 by the quality management system. In 2011 it was recognized as a standard for mobile phones by the international organization such as Globecomm Systems International. Henceforth, appropriateness of QR-code application has become unquestionable. An evidence of this fact is their widespread application for marketing purposes in enterprises of different sizes, which work in different industries. Furthermore, the author substantiates that nowadays the QR-code can be defined as a representative of modern marketing instruments being a consequence of the scientific and technological progress, which proposes a cheap way of realization of communication between an advertiser and a customer in offline and online modes. On the other hand, taking into account a definition of QR-coding technology as a method of process implementation, the very QR-code should be also considered from the standpoint of their technological content. The author has indicated that the QR-codes are more and more frequently used within large-scale advertising projects in different media channels and information bearers. Their appearance on the web pages is reported to be notable. The author has outlined that application of two-dimensional codes of this type occurs due to an initiative of mobile gadget users. This enables to apply a marketing communication strategy of a “pull” type. Its advantage, in contrast to a “push” strategy, is transmitting an initiative regarding communication process beginning to a customer. Within this context importance of the QRcodes consists of their appropriateness for usage within the marketing communication strategies of the “pull” type, especially on account of possibility of integration of traditional communication means with modern interactive ones and involvement of mobile gadget users in the process of exchange of information with sellers and other users. The author has substantiated that in spite of considerably insignificant application of the QR-codes as equivalents of the barcoding systems in the past, a need for coding, transition, and reading large amounts of information has become a market desire. Consequently, the standardized QR-codes has transformed into many types of two-dimensional coding systems, which are applied depending on market requirements.Item Мотиваційні передумови інноваційної активності та реалізації інноваційного маркетингу на підприємстві(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Антоненко, О. Л.; Козар, З. І.Розглянуто роль мотивації у процесі інноваційної діяльності підприємства, запропоновано систему заходів, необхідних для інноваційної активності та реалізації інноваційного маркетингу на підприємстві. Сформовано механізм мотивації персоналу, що являє собою систему, яка узгоджує потреби, інтереси, ціннісні настанови, мотиви і поведінку працівників. Визначено принципи, яких потрібно дотримуватись для забезпечення ефективної мотивації працівників. Сформовано структуру інтелектуальної складової трудового потенціалу. Визначено чинники, які формують інтелектуальну складову трудового потенціалу та сприяють його функціонуванню: інтелектуальні здібності, інтелектуальний потенціал, рівень освіти, інформаційні ресурси, інтелектуальна власність, фінансовий капітал і досягнення інноватора, його творча активність та нові технології. Сформовано перелік сприятливих умов для інноваційної активності підприємства. Запропоновані заходи можуть створити сприятливе інноваційне середовище та задіяти необхідні механізми і стимули для підвищення зацікавленості підприємств у впровадженні інноваційних технологій. The article examines role of motivation in the process of innovation of the company, proposed a system of measures necessary for the implementation of innovative activity and innovative marketing in the enterprise. A mechanism of motivation of staff was formed, which is a system that matches the needs, interests, values, guidance, motivation and behavior of employees. The principles that have to be followed for effective motivation of employees. An intellectual component formed structure of labor potential. Factors that form part of the intellectual labor potential and contributing to its functioning is intellectual abilities and intellectual potential, level of education, information resources, intellectual property, financial capital and achievements innovator, his creative activity and new technologies. Determined that the motivation is an important component of innovation activity that determines the extent to which the employee will use its competence, creative effort, creativity at finding a solution to the problem, which is a very important resource in the process of innovation activity. This article highlighted that due to product-novelties with creative abilities of employees in innovative enterprises is the process of creating new technologies, products renewal, resulting in the company entering into new fast-growing markets. Such activities may contribute to improving the image of the company as innovation-oriented and increase investment in it. In the innovative business important role played by questions of the organization of marketing activities. However, small companies often these questions are beyond attention of manager. As a result, many projects fail. Marketing innovation activities of enterprise evaluation is an important condition for the success of the activities concerning innovation. Innovative Marketing for the enterprise stands as a certain type of production and business activities, which aims to optimize and control the innovation and production- sales management enterprises. Based on innovative marketing is the readiness of the enterprise to implementation innovative project. This article formed the list of favorable conditions for innovation activity of enterprises. Among these measures is the government support innovative creativity creating the necessary socio-economic conditions and investments to increase scientific capacity, attracting investors and encouraging staff to work for effective results, formatting team of creative people. Formed measures may create a favorable innovative environment, and activate the necessary mechanisms and incentives to enhance the interest of enterprises in implementation of innovative technologies.Item Міграційні процеси в контексті асоціації України та Європейського Союзу(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Горбаль, Н. І; Бобиляк, І. І.; Мельник, І. Г.Розглянуто сутність, особливості розвитку міжнародного ринку праці, досліджено тенденції світових міграційних процесів. Проаналізовано міграційні процеси в Україні, досліджено сутність та сучасний стан трудової міграції в Україні, зокрема динаміку еміграції та імміграції в умовах євроінтеграційних процесів. Проаналізовано особливості міграції українців, зокрема до країн ЄС, у сучасних економічних і політичних умовах. Вивчено особливості впливу асоціації України та Європейського Союзу на міграційні процеси ти сформовано прогноз щодо динаміки кількості емігрантів до країн Євросоюзу. In the article the essence, specifics of the development of the international labor market and international migration trends are studied. An analysis of migration processes in Ukraine, the essence and the current state of labor migration in Ukraine, the dynamics of emigration and immigration, particularly in terms of European integration processes are provided. The features of Ukrainian migration, especially to the EU, in the current economic and political conditions, are described. The influence of the association of Ukraine and the EU on migration is analyzed and forecasts of dynamics of the number of immigrants to the EU are formed. Today migration covers the vast majority of the world. Intensive movement of labor is going on among states in Europe, North and South America, the African continent, South East and West Asia. Among the most important world centers that define modern trends of international labor migration are the following: North and South American region, Western Region, South East and West Asia, Africa. In the last period around 20 million people have moved from country to country. International labor market – is the sphere of exchange, purchase and sale of labor power, the nature of which is largely determined by the interests of the world economy, forming the conditions of international employment. The variety of conditions of world economy and world community form highly differentiated workforce. The main trends of modern international labor market are the following: − international labor market is shrinking because of the influx of workers from Eastern Europe and the former USSR; − penetration of entry barriers for international labor market has increased; − competition among sellers of labor has intensified; − migrants discrimination continues to exist; − there are active trade unions seeking to defend the interests of the domestic workforce. As for Ukraine, the large cross-border emigration flows have characterized it for years. However, the causes of migration are gradually changing. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in the mid-1990s and 2000s ethnic factors mainly determined migration. The main factors that pushed people to migrate were poverty and unemployment. According to recent surveys 1,2–2,0 mln. Ukrainians work abroad. Today Ukraine in the international markets mainly acts as a state – exporter of labor, although there is a tendency to increase the number of foreigners working in Ukraine. Their number is about 10 times less than the number of Ukrainians working abroad. Migration flows are directed mainly to the neighboring countries – Russia (43 %), Poland (14 %), Czech Republic (13 %), and to countries with more attractive conditions – Italy (13 %), Spain (5 %), and Germany (2 %). Assessment of a possible increase in the flow of migration after visa liberalization is an important issue for Ukraine and the EU. On one hand, further “brain drain” and inappropriate use of knowledge and depletion of the workforce are undesirable potential tendencies for Ukraine. On the other hand, the number of Ukrainian highly educated workers in the EU will increase the pressure on their labor markets, which is already high. The problem of employment in Ukraine can not be addressed in isolation from the global processes on the labor market. The entry of Ukraine into the world market could mitigate the impact of unemployment in it, and exchange of human resources between Ukraine and other countries can be an effective way of lifting the country to the level of the most developed countries. However, joining the global labor market needs to overcome a kind of “entry barrier” to make Ukrainian workers competitive in the global labor market. But it will have to form a full labor market within the country itself, which will provide the necessary labor mobility. It should be tailored to suit effects of European integration processes in Ukraine.Item Об’єднання підприємств як механізм підвищення ефективності інвестиційної діяльності в регіоні(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Бондаренко, Ю. Г.; Кулініч, Т. В.Досліджено взаємовплив об'єднань підприємств на розвиток їх учасників, а також на активізацію інвестиційної та підприємницької діяльності в регіоні, зокрема за умови наявності сформованої адекватної інвестиційної регіональної політики. У разі ефективного поєднання зазначених процесів регіон самостійно, створюючи умови для реалізації підприємницької діяльності та для утворення об'єднань підприємств, підштовхує інвесторів до вкладень у певні регіональні об'єкти, посилені завдяки такому об'єднанню, а значить – стимулює активний розвиток цієї території. Для дослідження впливу створених об'єднань підприємств на збільшення припливу інвестицій у регіон у статті застосовано метод SWOT-аналізу. На прикладі сукупності об'єднань підприємств, значущих для соціально-економічного розвитку західного регіону України, здійснено диференціацію цих об'єднань за типами, виділено їхні характерні переваги і недоліки, визначено можливості їх впливу на розвиток регіону. Особливу увагу приділено кластерам як ефективній формі об'єднання підприємств та інструменту активізації регіональних процесів. The mutual influence of enterprises associations to development of their participants, as well as to intensification of investment and entrepreneurial activity in the region are researched, especially when adequate investment regional policy are formed. With effective combination of these processes region itself creates the conditions for the entrepreneurship implementation and for enterprises associations formation, and so it allows us to direct investments in certain regional objects, reinforced by such association, and therefore – all this promotes active development of the territory. For research of influence of created associations of enterprises on increasing of investment inflows to the region, the SWOT-analysis method is applied at the article. On the example of enterprises associations set which are relevant to the socio-economic development of the Western region of Ukraine, there is performed a differentiation of these associations per types, marked with their specific advantages and disadvantages, also there are outlined their possible impacts on the development of the region. So, Association’s formation through constant coordination of economic activities of enterprises-members and through ensuring their common interests in the relevant market will contribute sustainable development of the region. Associations in the form of Corporations creates the possibility of regional branches, formed with centralized and consolidated regulation of industrial and economic activities of their members, to better decide complex of their financial, technical, social and economic problems. Consortium will help its members to conduct reasonable goal-setting, to achieve confidently the common economic goal, to implement target programs and projects in region, beneficial for its socio-economic development. Such group companies as Concern will allow regional enterprises–members to use the possibilities of large-scale production, combining, coproduction and technological connections in order to get effective results with capital flow from less to more promising economy sectors, and also for financial implementation of large projects. Holding will create easier conditions for joint business activities, including the regulation of manufactured products’ sales. Industrial and Financial Groups (IFG) reveal the possibility of more effective implementation of state programs for the development of priority industries and for conducting economic restructuring in Ukraine according to international agreements. Due to IFG formation, investment and innovation processes will be activated in various sectors of the economy of the region, efficiency of the companies–members and their competitiveness on domestic and foreign markets should be increased. Rare for today kinds of associations – Cartels and Syndicates - also provide their advantages to regional business-partners: thanks to the implementation of joint business, they can effectively regulate the marketing of products with the preservation of agree to reduce competition between such companies. Particular attention is given to Clusters as an efficient form of business combination and as a revitalization tool for regional processes. Thus, from Clusters possibilities there are given innovation direction of economic development in a particular region considering its specificity, promoting employment growth and increasing demand for highly skilled labour, additional attraction of domestic and foreign investment. Clusters also provide strategic and operational support to SMEs, they increase competitiveness of the region as whole and create there a favourable competitive environment.Item Ознаки та особливості полівекторного розвитку підприємств(Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Кузьмін, О. Є.; Дідик, А. М.Обґрунтовано об’єктивну необхідність забезпечення полівекторного розвитку підприємств у сучасних високодинамічних та малопрогнозованих умовах функціонування. Запропоновано розуміти під полівекторним розвитком підприємства процес системних, гармонійних перетворень в усіх функціональних сферах підприємства, що зумовлює його перехід на якісно новий рівень. На підставі виконаних досліджень виокремлено ключові ознаки полівекторного розвитку підприємств, до яких зараховано наявність перетворень в усіх функціональних сферах підприємства, наявність домінуючих та наслідкових векторів розвитку, гармонійність перетворень, забезпечення прогресивної трансформації діяльності підприємства, цілеспрямованість та дієвість змін, інноваційність перетворень, синергійність змін, масштабність трансформації підприємства, керованість, системну локалізацію, нарощування потенціалу підприємства, тривалість. Виокремлено низку особливостей, які відрізняють полівекторний розвиток за сутнісним наповненням від інших різновидів розвитку, та наведено їхню характеристику. The objective necessity of providing of polivector development of enterprises is reasonable for modern high-dynamic and small the forecast operating conditions. It is suggested to understand under polivector development of enterprise the process of the system, harmonious converting into all functional spheres of enterprise that predetermines his passing to the qualitatively new level. On the basis of the executed researches the key signs of polivector development of enterprises in that the presence of converting is included into all functional spheres of enterprise are distinguished, presence of dominant and consequence vectors of development, harmoniousness of transformations, providing of progressive transformation of activity of enterprise, purposefulness and effectiveness of changes, innovativeness of transformations, synergy changes, scale of transformation of enterprise, dirigibility, system localization, increase of potential enterprise, duration. The row of features that distinguish polivector development after the essence filling from other varieties is distinguished. In particular, character of transformations at polivector development on enterprises it is quicker possible to identify as revolutionary, but not evolutional, as they envisage substantial quality and quantitative organizational changes. A requirement in polivector development is formed as the belated or passing ahead reaction on the changes of environment of functioning, although such development it does not follow to consider a situation, as his scale and importance are fully able to influence not only on the internal but also on external environment of functioning. Polivector development is simply aimed at progressive changes, thus on the increase of functioning of enterprise after all key spheres due to more effective and productive use of present and potential resource potential. Polivector development substantially depends on formal administrative influence, as consistentlysynchronous changes in the different spheres of functioning need the literate planning, organization, concordance, controlling and adjusting, thus inertia and chaotically they can not come true. Polivector development it follows to describe as a difficult, complex process that needs bringing in of swingeing majority of personnel of enterprise within the limits of vertical and horizontal divisions of administrative labor. There is a presence of certain dependence of corresponding polivector development of enterprise status from his previous states and success of achievement of the transient having a special purpose states, that is represented in property of ergodicity. Having regard to the presence of priority and consequence vectors of development, there is a large risk of receipt of considerable losses as a result of error of determination of priority vectors of development. Even during realization of system transformations on an enterprise within the limits of polivector development it is practically impossible to envisage all risks in a long-term prospect. Having regard to it, for polivector development inherent variety, at that ponderability, priority and importance of certain vectors, can change. Polivector development has a concrete chronologic sequence of realization, that is represented in the presence of the intermediate stages and expected endpoint shown in corresponding having a special purpose indicators. Polivector development is integral and complex, that is represented in his displays on different levels and in all spheres of functioning of enterprise during consistently-parallel, causal-consequence realization. The results of organizational changes at polivector development form soil for further transformations in activity of enterprise, thus they simultaneously come forward as an and result, and starting point. After primary cause polivector development it follows to describe as exogenous, as substantial transformations on enterprises are usually related to influence of factors of environment of functioning. For polivector development characteristic project approach that envisages clear determination of starting and eventual point after the different spheres of functioning taking into account present intercommunications and cross-couplings.
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