Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2015. – №819

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка".

До збірника науково-прикладних праць “Менеджмент та підприємництво в України: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” увійшли статті, які відображають проблеми менеджменту, підприємництва, інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності, управління національною економікою України тощо. Для працівників підприємств, банків, інвестиційних та інноваційних структур, органів державного управління, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей.

Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» ; голова Редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – № 819. – 476 с. : іл.


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    Дослідження інноваційного розвитку промислових підприємств Львівщини
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Цогла, О. О.
    Розглянуто та опрацьовано ситуацію щодо інноваційного розвитку підприємств Львівського регіону. Проведено аналіз інноваційного розвитку промислових підприємств Львова та області. Визначено фактори, які впливають на інноваційне становище, що склалося за останні роки в економіці регіону. Підкреслено, що основними чинниками, що гальмують ведення бізнесу в сфері інноваційної діяльності, є нестабільність державної політики, податкова політика і податкові ставки. The innovative development of enterprises in Lviv region is studied and reviewed in the article. The analysis of innovative development of industrial enterprises in Lviv region is done. The factors influencing the innovative situation that has arisen in recent years in the region's economy are identified. The situation that has developed in recent years in Ukraine's economy is determined by the inefficiency of the conducted economic reforms, imperfection of tax system, the negative impact of state regulation on the activities of economic entities. However, fundamental factors of economic growth are resources and innovation. But, as in recent decades the problem of resource provision has aggravated, the current market environment requires the intensification of innovative activity. Competitiveness of Lviv region depends on the ability to introduce innovations, modernize production and technological processes adjusting to changing environmental conditions. However, during the analysis of the innovative activity of Lviv industrial enterprises it was found that innovative measures were taken only by 16.4% of all the industrial companies in the region, and the volumes of sales of innovative products are only 3% of total industrial output. It was revealed that were no financial support for innovation at the expense of foreign investors and the state in 2014; the main source of financing innovations was own funds of enterprises that decreased in recent years; financing from the local budgets is insufficient. In the region, as well as in the whole country, there is no venture financing, that is why the reduction of innovation efficiency is a long-term trend. The limited amount, and sometimes even absence of innovations funding from the state budget, lack of economic incentives to attract investment resources in innovations processes, uncertainty of institutional environment for the development of innovations infrastructure (technology parks, technopolises, technology transfer centers etc.) cause deterioration of the innovations conditions of the regions and encourage independence and self-financing of business activities.
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    Інститути та інновації: проблеми та механізми взаємодії
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Тимошенков, І. В.; Нащекіна, О. М.
    Охарактеризовано місце і роль інновацій у соціально-економічному розвитку України. Розглянуто інституційні основи інноваційного розвитку економіки. Проаналізовано напрями та форми взаємодії інститутів та інновацій. Визначено завдання вдосконалення інститутів в Україні як ключової умови та основи інноваційного розвитку країни. The goal of this paper is to substantiate theoretical and methodological principles and practical tasks for the improvement and advancement of the system of societal institutions in the context of ensuring the innovative development of Ukraine. Based on this goal, the following research tasks were formulated: to identify and characterize the place and role of innovations in the social and economic development of a country; to analyze directions and forms of interactions between institutions and innovations; to identify institutional foundations for innovative development of a society. Conceptual unity of the study was ensured due to using both general and specific methods of research, including statistical sampling methods, conjoint analysis, content-analysis. Under the conditions of deepening globalization and intensifying international competition, national innovation systems have transformed from a mainly internal factor of economic development to one of the most important determinants of international competitiveness of countries and a factor ensuring the strength of national security systems. It is widely accepted in modern mainstream economic science, as well as in the society as a whole, that to solve their problems related to innovative development, both developing countries and transition economies must adopt institutional models which have proved to be successful in economically developed foreign countries, and first of all in those that occupy the top positions in global rankings of the world’s most innovative countries (Switzerland, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, USA, Singapore, Denmark, Luxembourg, Hong Kong). However, as global historical experience shows, the forms of innovations, directions of innovative development and evaluations of innovation implementation results are always determined by specific historical, cultural and institutional conditions created by a specific society, which can promote or impede innovative development. That is why, when declaring the improvement of the national innovation system as a strategic direction of the development of Ukraine, one should take into account that, on the one hand, the creation and implementation of an effective national strategy of the innovative development require a profound rethinking of global historical experience through studies of meaning, place and role of innovations in the social-economic and cultural development of the society. On the other hand, it would be largely erroneous to borrow (or even worse to blindly copy) specific institutional models of a national innovation system and mechanisms of its functioning, which have proved to be progressive and effective in other countries under specific historical conditions of their development. The practical adoption in Ukraine of imported from outside institutions supporting innovative development, which are common and work well in other countries, will be appropriate and worthwhile under the following conditions: first, if the feasibility and effectiveness of their adjustment to general cultural, socio-economic and institutional conditions in Ukraine can be proved; second, if prior to their adoption, a systematic evaluation of their advantages and possible consequences under the real life conditions for their implementation and subsequent use is made.
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    Формування інноваційної інфраструктури автомобілебудівної промисловості в умовах європейського вектора розвитку національної економіки
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Терлецька, В. О.
    Досліджено та представлено визначення терміна “інноваційна інфраструктура”, сформовано класифікацію елементів інноваційної інфраструктури та запропоновано розглядати її як підсистеми однієї функціональної системи, які логічно і послідовно здійснюються у інноваційному процесі. Визначено основні завдання та суб’єкти інноваційної інфраструктури, досліджено проблеми формування та визначено шляхи і способи розв’язання проблем інноваційного розвитку автомобілебудівної промисловості України. Представлено у графічній формі динаміку придбання машин, обладнання та програмного забезпечення для реалізації інновацій за 2005–2013 рр. У табличній формі відображено інноваційну активність промислових підприємств за 2005–2013 рр. engineering and industrial production over the world. In the developed countries, the industry is strategic because it provides the development of many related industries, promotes the assimilation of high technologies, creation of final products with high added value, and contributes to the employment and bring appropriate charges to budgets. It is reasonable to develop machine – building industry in Ukraine as a strategic industry. Due to the necessity of withdrawal of economic stagnation related industries, the problem of employment and the reducing of the outflow of capital abroad. This is a strategic branch of the economy, where a potential of a country is being formed. The main problems of the domestic machine – building industry is relatively low technical and economic level, poorly developed production of components, improper implementation capacity of international scientific and technical cooperation, the lag in implementing environmental standards, the unresolved problem of recycling old cars, although the development of automobile industry in Ukraine has all the necessary resources, namely industrial base, skilled workforce, but the current domestic automotive industry is underdeveloped. The article explores and presents a definition of “innovation infrastructure”. Classification of the elements of innovation infrastructure has been formed and has been proposed to consider as a subsystem of a functional system that logically and consistently implemented in the innovation process. The main tasks and subjects of innovation infrastructure have been defined. The problems of formation have been investigated. The ways and means of solving the problems of innovative development of the automobile industry in Ukraine have been described. The dynamics of the purchase of machinery, equipment and software to implement innovation have been presented for the years 2005–2013 in the form of graphics. On the other hand, tables form display innovative activity of industrial enterprises for 2005–2013.
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    Проблеми інноваційного розвитку регіону
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Прохоровська, С. А.; Дяків, О. П.
    Розкрито роль інновацій як чинника соціально-економічного розвитку регіону, охарактеризовано передумови активізації інноваційної діяльності на прикладі Тернопільської області; визначено основні завдання формування регіональної інноваційної системи та її складові; з’ясовано чинники інноваційної активності найманих працівників; обґрунтовано основні напрямки інноваційної діяльності в Тернопільській області і запропоновано шляхи їхньої реалізації. The role of innovations as a factor of socio-economic development of region is exposed in the article; the pre-conditions of activation of innovative activity are described on the example of the Ternopil area. It is grounded that fundamental scientific research-and-developments and inputs and use of innovative goods are the basis of innovative activity. The necessity of development of innovative politics in a region, that must be aimed at development of scientific research-and-developments, increase of production and realization of scientific products, solution of social problems of use the newest technologies, is well-proven. It is set that is creation of infrastructure of innovative activity is the major task at forming the regional innovative system in region. It is well-proven that fundamental scientific research-and-developments, creation of the system of support and advancement of innovations would be the basic ways of activation of innovative activity in a region. It is set that the effective bringing in of scientific and technical potential to the innovative projects is the important factor of the economy growing and increase of competitiveness of industries of economy. The basic tasks of forming of the regional innovative system and its constituents are certained: productive-technological, consulting, financial, skilled, informative and sale. The problems of innovative development in Ukraine and the region are investigated. Factors that influence on innovative activity of the hired workers are distinguished by priority: professional training and competence, creative capabilities, character of man, requirement in self-realization and self-perfection, requirement in material welfare, entrepreneurship. The influence of self-education, studies to the new professions and increase of level of qualification of workers on innovative development of the Ternopil area is found out. It is well-proven that creation economically of effective workplaces, that will allow to develop creative potential of the hired worker, promote the level of his qualification is the important direction of increase of innovative activity of region.
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    Інноваційні чинники в умовах розвитку постіндустріальних тенденцій
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Головко, Л. С.
    Проаналізовано роль інновацій в економічному розвитку. Зображено реальну ситуацію в галузі інноваційних технологій в Україні та її майбутніх тенденцій введення в міжнародний інноваційний ринок. Визначено результати системних досліджень в Україні стану індустрії інноваційного розвитку і своєрідні тенденції. This paper exploits the conceptual bases of the competitive factors’ innovativeness and their influences upon the economic development of the national economy. More importantly, this paper discusses how factors that stimulate the situational development of the industrial production and restrain the use of its scientific and technological potential are analyzed. The foreign experience of innovation market’s development in regard to its application to the national conditions is analyzed in this article. The article presents the real situation in the field of innovation techniques in Ukraine and its future trends of entering to the international innovation market. The results of the system research of the Ukraine industry innovative development condition are presented in the article, and the peculiar tendencies and regular patterns are defined. This article describes questions concerning innovative activity. There are tendencies of innovative development which are characterized by slump of innovative activity. The necessity of improvement of governmental intervention methods into development of innovative sphere is substantiating. The systemic mechanism of governmental influence on the development of innovative sphere is offered which is based on specified principles, functions and methods. The methodical instrument is defined which is ground for innovative strategy. This instrument includes complex of measures for stimulation of innovative sphere development for post-industrial trends.
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    Стан інноваційної діяльності та ключові проблеми реалізаціх інноваційного потенціалу у промисловості України
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Бойчук, А. Б.
    Проаналізовано сучасний стан інноваційної діяльності у національній промисловості та інноваційну активність українських промислових підприємств. Визначено та систематизовано основні проблеми розвитку інноваційної діяльності на макро- та мезорівнях. Встановлено недоліки інноваційної політики держави та управління інноваційною діяльністю на українських промислових підприємствах. Доведено необхідність інноваційного шляху розвитку для промисловості України. The essence of the concepts of “innovation capacity” and “innovation active enterprises” has been defined. They have analyzed the current state of innovation in local industry and innovation activity Ukrainian enterprises. In addition, there have been given the reasonable assessment of innovation in the industry of Ukraine during long period of time. As a result, they have found that since that time that our country gained independence the development of innovation in the industry of Ukraine is made completely chaotic, mostly only in individual enterprises that are trying to meet the demands of the market to ensure the competitiveness of its products. Thus national innovation industry is in a state of stagnation, moreover, shows a strong tendency towards further decline. They have defined and systematized the key problems of the innovation potential of national industries, which primarily include: declarative government policy to support the development of innovative production; fall in the overall level of investment, which led to the loss of demand for scientific production; reorientation of national economic enterprises of the real economy sector in rapid return on invested capital; the high cost of credit resources of banks etc. They have colligated shortcomings of innovation policy and innovation management at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine. In consequence of conducted research it can be stated that there is not defined strategic goals and objectives of innovation development, there also isn't introduced a long-term and medium-term forecasting and planning of socio-economic development in Ukraine. Reforms of the national economy and programs which were offered by presidents and governments of Ukraine during recent years, only formally declared state innovation focus and in no way influenced the growth in demand and production needs of the Lviv Polytechnic economy to scientific and technical development. Priority directions of science and technology and innovation activities approved by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine lost its meaning in Ukraine. They have ceased to hold contests to perform appropriate state scientific and technical programs and develop new ones. Competitive financing system as the main mechanism for funding science and innovation is lost. Legislation in science and technology that was turned out in the first decade of independent Ukraine in general has created favorable conditions for the development of Ukrainian science and economy of the state, but by amending and suspending the existing rules of law it lost stimulating factors of science, especially in the implementation of applied research, their implementation and the creation of intellectual property market, which led to a significant decrease in innovation activity of industrial enterprises. The necessity for innovative development industry in Ukraine, as the only way to emerge from the financial and socio-political crisis is proved. Thus, it was found that one of the key strategic objectives that have to be set by our state in modern conditions is to find opportunities and to take effective measures aimed at enhancing the development of research and innovation potential to accelerate the technological development of national industry, improve its competitiveness and innovation.