Two-dimensional mathematical model for carbon monoxide oxidation process on the platinum catalyst surface
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Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Досліджено двовимірну математичну мо-
дель оксидації карбон (II) оксиду (СО) на поверхні платинового
каталізатора (Pt) згідно механізму Лангмюра-Гіншелвуда.
Враховано впливи структурних змін каталітичної поверхні та
температури підложки. Показано, що врахування двови-
мірностіта структурних змін веде до зміни як динаміки про-
цесу оксидації, так і області стійкості.
The two-dimensional mathematical model for carbon monoxide (СО) oxidation on the platinum (Pt) catalyst surface is investigated according to the Langmuir- Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism. The effects of structural changes of the catalytic surface and the substrate temperature are taken into account. It is shown that when twodimensionality and structural changes are accounted for, both the dynamics of oxidation process and the stability region change.
The two-dimensional mathematical model for carbon monoxide (СО) oxidation on the platinum (Pt) catalyst surface is investigated according to the Langmuir- Hinshelwood (LH) mechanism. The effects of structural changes of the catalytic surface and the substrate temperature are taken into account. It is shown that when twodimensionality and structural changes are accounted for, both the dynamics of oxidation process and the stability region change.
Kostrobii P. Two-dimensional mathematical model for carbon monoxide oxidation process on the platinum catalyst surface / Petro Kostrobii, Iryna Ryzha // Chemistry & Chemical Technology. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2018. — Vol 12. — No 4. — P. 451–455.