Numerical investigation of advection–diffusion in an inhomogeneous medium with a thin channel using the multiscale finite element method
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Lviv Politechnic Publishing House
Розглянуто задачу адвекцiї–дифузiї в неоднорiдному середовищi з тонким каналом.
До розв’язування цiєї задачi застовано рiзномасштабний метод скiнченних елементiв.
Показано, що отриманий розв’язок є стiйким та збiжним для достатньо великих чисел
Пекле. Наведено та проаналiзовано результати обчислювальних експериментiв.
The advection-diffusion in an inhomogeneous medium with a thin channel is considered. The multiscale finite element method is applied to solving the formulated model problem. It is shown that the obtained solution is stable and convergent for sufficiently large Peclet numbers. Numerical examples are presented and analysed.
The advection-diffusion in an inhomogeneous medium with a thin channel is considered. The multiscale finite element method is applied to solving the formulated model problem. It is shown that the obtained solution is stable and convergent for sufficiently large Peclet numbers. Numerical examples are presented and analysed.
рiзномасштабний метод скiнченних елементiв, адвекцiя-дифузiя, неоднорiдне середовище, multiscale finite element method, advection-diffusion, inhomogeneous medium
Mazuriak N. V. Numerical investigation of advection–diffusion in an inhomogeneous medium with a thin channel using the multiscale finite element method / Mazuriak N. V., Savula Ya. H. // Mathematical Modeling and Computing. — Lviv : Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2020. — Vol 7. — No 1. — P. 146–157.