Investigations to digitizing of the gyro oscillation swing by a line camera
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Видавництво Львівської політехніки
The purpose of this work is to develop a technology for an automatic measurement process for determining the
azimuth by the “Gyromax AK-2M” gyroscope. The accuracy of determining the principal values should be higher than
by manual procedure. A method for digitizing the gyro oscillations using a camera with a linear sensor and programming
code is proposed in this work. The working possibility of the line camera from Coptonix™ company was investigated, as
well as the possibility of its connection to a single board computer Raspberry Pi 3B for data transmission and processing.
The possibility of using the Python 3.0 programming language for these tasks was tested. Methodology. To implement
this project, an integrated approach was used, using devices such as a camera with a linear sensor, a single board
computer and facility, that simulates gyroscope oscillations. This research includes investigations in digitizing of data,
computing the azimuth values and automatizing these processes. For automatized data computation were used the same
two methods as in the regular manual measurements – Turning point method (TPM) and Pass-Through method (PTM).
Results. The result of this work is an automated oscillation measurement system, that can be applied in gyroscopes. The
system includes developed software, which connects the user to the linear camera and processing computer, records the
necessary data, transfers them to the client-computer and calculates the necessary values. For the convenience of using
the program by other users, the program is provided with a graphical user interface. The result of the program is a file
with the extension XML, which contains data about measurements. Scientific novelty and practical significance. The
new method of digitizing the gyroscope oscillations is proposed in this work. Application of a line camera and a single
board computer for the digitization of measurements opens a lot of possibilities for improving the automation processes
of the geodetic devices, which could increase the accuracy of measurement and decrease its duration. By developing this
method of digitization, it is possible to start production of an improved version of gyro add-on GYROMAX AK-2M.
гіроскоп, лінійна камера, оцифрування, автоматизація вимірювань, gyroscope, line camera, digitizing, automation of measurements
Heger W. Investigations to digitizing of the gyro oscillation swing by a line camera / W. Heger, I. Trevoho, Y. Lopatin // Сучасні досягнення геодезичної науки та виробництва. — Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2019. — № 2(38). — С. 45–53.