Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research. – 2017. – Vol. 2, No. 1

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Науковий журнал «Український журнал досліджень в освіті» виходить двічі на рік з 2016 року. Засновник і видавець Національний університет «Львівська політехніка».

Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research= Український журнал досліджень в освіті : науковий журнал / Lviv Politechnic National University ; editor-in-chief Volodymyr Ortynskyi. – Lviv, 2017. – Volume 2, number 1. – 70 p. : il.

Ukrainian Journal of Educational Research

Зміст (том 2, № 1)


Content (Vol. 2, No 1)



Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 13
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    Psychological and pedagogical studies: the problem of methodological principles development
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Sikorskyi, Petro; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The essence of pedagogical methodology and its components is widely investigated in the article. The system of basic methodological principles (identity of opposites in the infinite, ascension from abstract to concrete, dialogue interaction, differentiation) is substantiated. Also the main contradiction in education (between needs of society (“necessary”) and the needs of individuals (“I want”), taking into account their physical and psychological possibilities (“I can”) is specified. The method of derivative contradictions determination from the main one is being offered.
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    Social-pedagogical work with a dysfunctional family in the Ukrainian context
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Shved, Maria; Duzha-Zadorozhna, Myroslava; Pukaliak, Marta; Ukrainian Catholic University; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The modern Ukrainian society is experiencing a period of socio-political transformations, economic crisis and is searching for new strategies of its social development. Under these conditions, the notion of family undergoes considerable changes, which have a negative effect on its everyday activity. According to the socio-pedagogical approach, families can be thus classified: well-to-do, seemingly problem-free, at-risk family and family in crisis. Social threats (migration, terrorism, organized crime, environmental crisis etc.) have negative influence on family’s creation and development. Urgent problems of the Ukrainian family are: orphanage, migrants and refugees, loss of the contact with family members due to forced migration, social orphanhood, decrease in educational and socializing potential, poverty. These problems increase the number of problem families and disadapted children and youngsters. Disadaptation is the consequence of disorders in the process of social adaptation, during which the individual acquires necessary skills and patterns of behavior and changes the environmental conditions, according to his needs and abilities. To overcome the problems mentioned family needs professional help. In order to devise methods of sociopedagogical work with families in crisis, its stages, methods, models and principles were described in this article. The works of S. Jones, R. Joss, F. Loewenberg, R. Dolgoff were used to define the models of socio-pedagogical support of disadapted children (paternalistic, contact, instrumental, personalistic). A set of methods was used in this research – selection, analysis, professional literature systematization and generalization, comparative method for analysis of research data, method of theoretical generalization etc. To sum up, it can be stated that in Ukraine the problem mentioned still lacks for precise methodological research and scientific techniques of cooperation with problem families. This encourages the creation of a complete system based on international experience and modern technologies, which allows preparing specialists in social-pedagogy.
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    Development of the learning model of innovative personality
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Shvay, Rosksolyana; Misiurak, Yana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    Modern technologies have a great influence on our life, learning and communication. Both understanding of a learning process and acquisition of knowledge are changing. Key factors for a successful functioning in the modern world are learning, innovation and cooperation. A new phenomenon of a joint learning or self-education is developing. Connectivism, as a theory of learning, is adapted to the opportunities of our time and becomes the basis for the development and introduction of new pedagogical technologies in the era of globalization and computer technology. Connective training helps us shape all the key skills that we need to function in the modern world. Leading aspect in the learning process is the connection between learning activities and thinking. Value is represented not by the quantity of knowledge, but by its relevance. The key competences of this theory are the ability to use technological advances, to search for information in external databases and to link it to available knowledge and other information.
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    Miksike: USE of Estonian online tools in Ukrainian schools
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Noskova, Margaryta; Mukan, Nataliya; Khamuliak, Nataliia; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The analysis presented in this article is drawn from a broader qualitative study examining the experience of using online tools of the educational platformMIKSIKE (Estonia) in the EU, focusing especially on the Baltic countries, as well as its implementation in the Ukrainian schools. The authors highlight the literature review (Bykov &Ovcharuk, 2013; Hurevych & Kademiia, 2014; Morze & Vorotnikova, 2016; Mukan, Noskova & Baybakova, 2017; Patarkin, 2017a, 2017b; Robert, 2008, 2010; Vorotnikova & Kovalchuk, 2017; Zhaldak, 2005 etc.) as well as methods (theoretical methods: comparative analysis, logical and systemic analyses; applied methods: examining, inquiry, and conversations) used in this study. The researchers focus on the advantages of MIKSIKЕ online tools and their usage in the educational process. The dynamics of development and national expansion of the Project are presented. The authors analyse possibility to compare the results of different users, describe the selection of arranged mathematical exercises and problems, define the opportunity to create, store and use didactic materials on various school subjects. They determine the tool for creating test tasks of different complexity with the integrated conversion system of the obtained points into school grade.
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    Personality aspect of professional activities of a higher school teacher
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Kozlovskyi, Yurii; Kravets, Svitlana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article clarifies the fact that the issue of studying the personality development of higher school teachers in the context of their professional activity is relevant. Readiness for professional activity is considered as a system characterized by appropriate coefficients, the complex consideration of which allows obtaining reliable information about the real level of teachers’ professional work. It is expedient to present the features of the professional teaching staff of higher educational institutions in three categories: a practising teacher, a teacher-researcher and a scientist in the field of specialization of an educational institution. The higher school teachers’ scientific and pedagogical activities in the context of modern morality are an important component of their professional competence, substantially affecting the results of their teaching and research activities. It is considered as the realization of the idea of humanization of science and education.
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    Role of mercy in Christian self-upbringing
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Miśkowiec, Ewa; Szymańska, Maria; Jesuit University Ignatianum
    The article is aimed at showing the meaning of role of mercy in Christian up-bringing. The dimensions of Christian merciful upbringing cover the self-conscience level and self-active level where mercy takes its place there in sanctuary of interior meeting man with God that is expressed in latent dialogue between them. It requires understanding of the differences between notions “upbringing” and “self-upbringing”. The first one focuses on exterior influences on a person that undergoes the process of bringing up, the second one focuses on interior factors that need deep consciousness “pushing the person” towards more mature attitude reflected in merciful acts of doing. These acts have the inner and outer character. They let lifelong process of upbringing go towards transforming itself into self-upbringing one. Hence, this article is going to depict some aspects of the latent area of experience fostering building up the mature attitude of a man.
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    Determination of integration levels in the process of the content of studying formation: meta-subject approach
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Kozlovska, Iryna; Dolnikova, Lyubov; Fuchyla, Olena; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    In the article, the modern approaches to developing and determining the levels of integration in pedagogical science concerning higher education are thoroughly analyzed and generalized. As a result, it is confirmed that the thorough study of determining levels of integration was conducted by Chapaev (1998). The attempts to determine the levels of integration were made by such scientists as Akhlybynskyi (1984), Tiunnykov (1988), Paveltsyh (1989), Rozov (1989), Berulava (1998), V. Kraevskyi & Khutorskoi (2003), Pulbere (2004), Kozlovskyi (2014), etc. The classification of integration levels in the frame of educational integrology is presented and proved, the levels being differentiated by various features, namely, by the number of elements, by the extent of interconnection between the elements, by the nature of the integrated elements. General and partial approaches to the creation of the content of meta-subjects at higher educational establishments are analyzed. The definition of meta-subject is given and the prospects of the development of the content and the introduction of the meta-subject in the higher educational establishment are determined.
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    The training of master’s students for teaching profession in technical higher educational institutions
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Vykhrushch, Vira; Zinchuk, Iryna; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The relevant problems of master’s students’ training as future teachers in the context of technical educational institutions are caused by their mental differences as to the formation of “I-concept of a personality” and “I-concept of a teacher”. The low level of empathy of master’s students of technical higher educational institutions and lack of proper motivation cause the following problems in their methodical training: lack of positive experience in communication with a teacher(teachers) at school (higher educational institution) and indifferent/ neutral/ negative attitude to pedagogic activity, unwillingness to analyse the pedagogic interaction as a developing situation from a personal life; rejection of reasonable methodical techniques which are used by a teacher; false conception about the essence of didactic interaction in higher education. The low level of affiliation and the unjustified high” over-confident emptiness”, the wrongfully high level of anticipation concerning personal estimation as a subject of training plays a negative role in a formation of a master’s student as a teacher.
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    Current aspects of implementing internal quality assurance system at a higher education institution (the experience of Lviv Polytechnic National University)
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Kolodii, Ihor; Havran, Maryana; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article deals with the experience of implementing internal quality assurance system (IQAS) at Lviv Polytechnic National University. The authors explore the current problems of quality improvement in training specialists at higher schools. The legislative framework of higher education for providing high-quality education and improving the educational process is considered. The authors prove that every higher education institution should use quality management system that cannot be provided without a modern integrated higher education quality assurance system in general and all of its components in particular. They present the modern internal quality assurance system for educational activities and higher education at Lviv Polytechnic National University that allows training competitive specialists in various fields of vocational education. The researchers highlight the conceptual principles of quality assurance for educational activities and higher education at the University. The authors identify procedures and measures for IQAS implementation and University staff and units that are responsible for IQAS organization and effective operation. They define the main functions of the system for monitoring and quality control of the educational process and training specialists, and the main tasks and functions of the Quality Management System Assurance Department of Lviv Polytechnic.
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    The role of methodological work in forming vocational education teachers’ readiness to train future professionally mobile qualified workers
    (Lviv Politechnic Publishing House, 2017-02-20) Sushentseva, Lilia; Bilyk, Oryslava; Lviv Polytechnic National University
    The article deals with the issues of forming vocational education teachers’ readiness to train future professionally mobile qualified workers and the role of methodological work in this process. It is examined that modern vocational education teachers require the deeper knowledge of nature and meaning of the professional mobility, they would like to know how to forecast their personal and professional development and their students’ personal development and professional level. The main aim of the leading principles and approaches and the task of methodological work are defined. The authors consider that methodological work is a relatively integral, open dynamic system, whose functioning is directed into increasing pedagogical mastery of lecturers, masters of vocational training, improving their competence to generalize experience, procedures of viable organization and approaches to job training process, development of their initiative that allow them to successfully resolve the task concerning the preparation of professionally mobile qualified workers who are competitive in the labour market. The study confirms that it is worth observing the content of methodological work to provide conditions for vocational education teacher’s personality development, who would be ready to form professionally mobile qualified worker; teachers should have developed a social perception (human perceiving by humans) and emotional reactivity, behavioural flexibility, self-respect and respect to students. It is affirmed that in a system of methodological work it is desirable to use traditional and non-traditional forms of methodological work organization, active teachers’ study methods and innovative approaches to increase their psychological competence.