Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку. – 2015. – №819

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Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка".

До збірника науково-прикладних праць “Менеджмент та підприємництво в України: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку” увійшли статті, які відображають проблеми менеджменту, підприємництва, інвестиційної та інноваційної діяльності, управління національною економікою України тощо. Для працівників підприємств, банків, інвестиційних та інноваційних структур, органів державного управління, викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, науковців, аспірантів та студентів економічних спеціальностей.

Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». Серія: Менеджмент та підприємництво в Україні: етапи становлення і проблеми розвитку : збірник наукових праць / Міністерство освіти і науки України, Національний університет «Львівська політехніка» ; голова Редакційно-видавничої ради Н. І. Чухрай. – Львів : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – № 819. – 476 с. : іл.


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    Сучасний стан та перспективи розвитку українського ринку інтелектуальної власності
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Яковлєв, А. І.; Косенко, О. П.; Ткачов, М. М.
    Проведено статистичний аналіз інноваційного розвитку української промисловості. Особливий акцент зроблено на динаміці показників формування та розвитку ринку об’єктів інтелектуальної власності. Досліджено динаміку зміни кількості українських підприємств у розрізі напрямів інноваційної діяльності – створення та впровадження новацій. Показано, що теперішній стан світового та національного ринку інтелектуальної власності виконує надзвичайно важливі завдання із забезпечення науково-технічною інформацією, знаннями, досвідом державних структур, наукових організацій, освітніх установ, промислових виробництв, інноваційних фірм, окремих інвесторів та розробників інтелектуальної продукції. The paper conducted a statistical analysis of the innovation development of Ukrainian industry. Particular emphasis is placed on the dynamics of the formation and development of the intellectual property. Proved that the technological development of the industry and its sectors, including engineering, depends largely on a number of important factors. These authors include: the level and characteristics of innovation, ie the status of the development of intelligent technologies (organization of these processes, innovative activity of enterprises and organizations, funding, staffing, etc.); level of innovation, that state of receptivity enterprises, institutions and organizations for innovation; the level of the current state of Ukrainian market of intelligent technologies, ie organic combination of the first two factors. Dynamics of changes in the number of Ukrainian companies in terms of innovation activity – the creation and implementation of innovations. In this study the authors made important conclusions. First, despite the reduction in the number of innovative active enterprises, their dynamics plays a certain stability, which is not progressive, because the industrialized countries are increasing their innovative activity of enterprises accelerated pace. Second, the vast majority of enterprises perform work on the creation and use of Innovation, which indicates that these companies carry out scientific and technical work for their own use and not for the development of innovative market. Proved that the market for intellectual property-specific, and that provides for a specific product (scientific, technical, industrial, managerial knowledge and experience) of specific exchange (goods are not the product itself, but only the right to use it), the specific presentation of the goods to the consumer (by based agreements on the right to use the object exchange). It is proved that the specific intellectual property market also appears that for efficient use of intellectual goods selling rights entails the delivery of certain machinery and equipment, the provision of commercially additional services (technical, commercial, financial, management, marketing, etc. .), without which this particular product is simply impossible to use effectively. It is shown that the present state of the world and national intellectual property market takes an extremely important task of providing scientific and technical information, knowledge, experience, government agencies, research organizations, educational institutions, industrial enterprises and innovative firms, individual investors and developers of intellectual property. The authors emphasized that this software can be both embodied and in intangible forms. Accordingly, the market of intellectual property in the article is defined as a set of technical and economic relations between developers and users of intellectual goods for sale and purchase (transfer and use) the results of intellectual innovation, having economic, scientific, technical, industrial or social value . Accelerated pace of scientific and technological progress in the world, implementing technologies of globalization and international cooperation conducive to the rapid growth of trade in the world market of intellectual and innovative technologies, increase its capacity and detail areas of operation.
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    Вища освіта України: траєкторія підвищення її якості
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Гаращук, О. В.; Куценко, В. І.
    Розглянуто стан вищої освіти в Україні, її місце і роль у розвитку інноваційної економіки та суспільства, обґрунтовано необхідність підвищення якості освіти загалом і вищої зокрема. Згруповано виші за шанхайським рейтингом. Наведено шляхи підвищення якості вищої освіти в Україні, що сприятиме її наближенню до вимог зазначеного рейтингу, а саме: необхідність її модернізації, насамперед завдяки оновленню метеріально-технічної бази, нарощуванню та раціональному використанню інтелектуального потенціалу тощо. The article is devoted to the topical issues related to the need to achieve high quality education and, above all higher, which would provide training of professionals. This task is extremely important, because it is the quality of the training and motivation to the profession ultimately depend on the pace of socio-economic development in accordance with the requirements of the XXI century. Therefore, the aim of the article is to reveal the trajectory of development of Ukrainian higher education, which would provide it access to the highest world level, which was to be reflected in the respective world rankings. One of the most common educational ratings is Shanghai ranking. The article presents the group of higher education institutions in the world within the first thirty places specified rating. Also, given the characteristics of the activities of higher education institutions, which provide them with entry into this rating. First of all, these characteristics relate to the quality of training of the teaching staff and graduates. Therefore, it states that one of the basic problems that can not talk about hit the Ukrainian higher educational institutions in the rankings is the disparity of standards of international and domestic educational and occupational classifications. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the existing experience in the world of advanced higher education institutions, one of which is Stanford University; in particular, its conversion to the entrepreneurial university is noted in the article. Later in the article notes the existence of correlation between the proportion of employed among workers with higher education and productivity in the economy. Also notes the importance for achieving high quality education necessary logistical support of educational institutions, including lower educational links. In this regard, it notes is taking place in Ukraine, a tendency to reduce the network of secondary and higher educational institutions. It is noted that while it is impossible to prevent the deterioration in the availability of education. At the same time as a reduction in the negative trend observed in Ukraine, the share of the population engaged in scientific activity, which consequently results in a significant decrease also the introduction of new technological processes in the industry. This comes at a time when the world is an important characteristic of the advanced countries, which have embarked on the innovative path of development is precisely the increase in scientific inventive activity and rapid implementation of its results in practice. Nonconforming needs of innovative development and the labor market is the structure of training in Ukraine. At the same time there is a decline in the quality of training. So often there is a tendency opposite to the global trend, where the unemployment rate among professionals with higher education is lower than for other categories of employees. An important aspect in this is the consistency of the labor market and higher education, to achieve interaction of the labor market and educational services. The article presents the main directions of the implementation of this interaction. A certain improvement over the solutions to these problems are expected in connection with the implementation of the National Doctrine of Education Development, which defines the relevant key priorities, resulting in the article. Required for implementation is proposed to find the financial support, including through the introduction of a franchise that, as international experience shows, can quickly expand markets without attracting additional resources for this purpose. Significant place in the article devoted to the experience of those countries where higher education according to the Shanghai ranking is the leading places. In particular, the educational systems of the United States, Finland and Singapore. It is noted the importance of the social and state mechanisms aimed at promoting education and its quality, which should (including in the form of social partnership) and implemented in Ukraine.
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    Розвиток інноваційної і сталої інфраструктури: досвід Європейського Союзу
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Яншина, А. М.
    Проаналізовано сучасні наукові підходи до дослідження проблем створення інноваційної інфраструктури у країнах світу у контексті сталого зростання як найсуттєвішого аттрактора розвитку міжнародної економіки. Розкрито ключові тенденції й особливості формування інноваційної і сталої інфраструктури на наднаціональному і національному рівнях у межах Європейського союзу. Запропоновано рекомендації щодо формування інноваційної і сталої інфраструктури в Україні в умовах її інтеграції до Європейського союзу. A drastic deterioration in environmental performance of developed countries as well as emerging markets triggered off by devastating resource usage, environmentally and socially intolerant economic behavior has turned national-level goal of greening and socializing economic growth into a worldwide challenge of utmost importance. Innovative and sustainable infrastructure plays a pivotal role in the sustainable development concept implementation at all levels. In the article academic approaches to the innovative infrastructure are examined in the light of sustainable development as a key world economy attractor. The author investigates latest trends and features of the EU infrastructure modernization. The infrastructure performance of the EU Member-States has been rather strong and innovative of late but not permanently sustainable. Thus amongst many terms used to outline a final and expected result of infrastructure renovation – sustainable, innovative, green infrastructure – the last one aimed at ensuring eco-friendly economic effects as well as non-environmental benefits is supposed to be the most applicable to the modern EU context. Green infrastructure goals have been incorporated into all main supranational policy frameworks of the European Union since Green Infrastructure Strategy «Green Infrastructure – Enhancing Europe’s Natural Capital» was adopted in May 2013. To meet decarbonization challenges and integrate new Member-States into intra-EU economic affairs the European Union prioritize greening energy and transport infrastructure. Active civil society dialogue on green infrastructure issues is ensured by a variety of NGOs represented at all EU levels and via a number of on-line platforms. France, Germany, Austria, Belgium and Finland are the EU leaders in terms of innovative infrastructure. However the world economic crisis has negatively impacted the infrastructure financing. After the World War II the public sector was a key investor in infrastructure across Europe. Nowadays public sector investments in infrastructure have dropped, the total number of public-private projects is low as well.
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    Основні засади формування механізму стимулювання інноваційної діяльності у машинобудуванні Миколаївського регіону
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Гришина, Л. О.; Погорєлова, О. В.; Тубальцева, Н. Ф.
    Розглянуто питання активізації інноваційної діяльності як визначального фактора зміцнення конкурентних позицій підприємства на внутрішньому і зовнішньому ринках. Визначено роль творчого персоналу у забезпеченні ефективності інноваційної діяльності машинобудівних підприємств, який має бути відповідно мотивований. Обґрунтовано необхідність формування ефективного механізму стимулювання персоналу до здійснення інноваційної діяльності у машинобудівній сфері економіки Миколаївської області. The issue of innovative activity stimulation as a determining factor in strengthening the competitive position of enterprises on domestic and foreign markets has been considered in this article. Only the adoption of innovative models of development followed by economically developed countries, could strengthen the competitive position of enterprises on domestic and foreign markets. All these have led to an objective necessity of study the formation of effective mechanism for staff encouraging in performing the innovative activity in the industrial sector. Innovative activity is the unifying element in the formation of the integral system “sciencetechnology- production”, that is the content of scientific and technical progress. Innovations are an important link communicating the scientific results prior to their use in manufacture for the purpose of increasing the efficiency. The need of innovative activity in present stage requires continuous introduction of advanced technologies and using the achievements of science-intensive industries ensuring the dynamic development of the economy. The creative staff role in ensuring effectiveness of innovative activity of machine-building enterprises, which should be properly motivated has been determined. Economic and social development depends not only on the quality management systems, organization of production, its technical equipment, but mostly on the person creative activity, his desire to work with high efficiency, enthusiasm, commitment to continuous knowledge updating and implementation in the labor process. The effectiveness of innovative activity depends on workers who must be properly motivated. The task of promoting scientific and technical labour through its specificity is rather complicated, because the need to increase the activity of personnel in searching for new knowledge, new ideas, fostering the atmosphere of creativity appears. The need of formation an effective mechanism to encourage staff to innovate in the field of engineering economy of Mykolaev region has been justified. Such mechanism should include the definition of goals, objects, forms and methods of enterprise innovative activity stimulation. The Main principles of formation an appropriate mechanism to encourage staff innovation, by definition methodological and practical aspects of estimation an introduction efficiency of new forms of stimulation of these workers will be used in further studies.
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    Стан інноваційної діяльності та ключові проблеми реалізаціх інноваційного потенціалу у промисловості України
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Бойчук, А. Б.
    Проаналізовано сучасний стан інноваційної діяльності у національній промисловості та інноваційну активність українських промислових підприємств. Визначено та систематизовано основні проблеми розвитку інноваційної діяльності на макро- та мезорівнях. Встановлено недоліки інноваційної політики держави та управління інноваційною діяльністю на українських промислових підприємствах. Доведено необхідність інноваційного шляху розвитку для промисловості України. The essence of the concepts of “innovation capacity” and “innovation active enterprises” has been defined. They have analyzed the current state of innovation in local industry and innovation activity Ukrainian enterprises. In addition, there have been given the reasonable assessment of innovation in the industry of Ukraine during long period of time. As a result, they have found that since that time that our country gained independence the development of innovation in the industry of Ukraine is made completely chaotic, mostly only in individual enterprises that are trying to meet the demands of the market to ensure the competitiveness of its products. Thus national innovation industry is in a state of stagnation, moreover, shows a strong tendency towards further decline. They have defined and systematized the key problems of the innovation potential of national industries, which primarily include: declarative government policy to support the development of innovative production; fall in the overall level of investment, which led to the loss of demand for scientific production; reorientation of national economic enterprises of the real economy sector in rapid return on invested capital; the high cost of credit resources of banks etc. They have colligated shortcomings of innovation policy and innovation management at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine. In consequence of conducted research it can be stated that there is not defined strategic goals and objectives of innovation development, there also isn't introduced a long-term and medium-term forecasting and planning of socio-economic development in Ukraine. Reforms of the national economy and programs which were offered by presidents and governments of Ukraine during recent years, only formally declared state innovation focus and in no way influenced the growth in demand and production needs of the Lviv Polytechnic economy to scientific and technical development. Priority directions of science and technology and innovation activities approved by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine lost its meaning in Ukraine. They have ceased to hold contests to perform appropriate state scientific and technical programs and develop new ones. Competitive financing system as the main mechanism for funding science and innovation is lost. Legislation in science and technology that was turned out in the first decade of independent Ukraine in general has created favorable conditions for the development of Ukrainian science and economy of the state, but by amending and suspending the existing rules of law it lost stimulating factors of science, especially in the implementation of applied research, their implementation and the creation of intellectual property market, which led to a significant decrease in innovation activity of industrial enterprises. The necessity for innovative development industry in Ukraine, as the only way to emerge from the financial and socio-political crisis is proved. Thus, it was found that one of the key strategic objectives that have to be set by our state in modern conditions is to find opportunities and to take effective measures aimed at enhancing the development of research and innovation potential to accelerate the technological development of national industry, improve its competitiveness and innovation.
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    Мотиваційні передумови інноваційної активності та реалізації інноваційного маркетингу на підприємстві
    (Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015) Антоненко, О. Л.; Козар, З. І.
    Розглянуто роль мотивації у процесі інноваційної діяльності підприємства, запропоновано систему заходів, необхідних для інноваційної активності та реалізації інноваційного маркетингу на підприємстві. Сформовано механізм мотивації персоналу, що являє собою систему, яка узгоджує потреби, інтереси, ціннісні настанови, мотиви і поведінку працівників. Визначено принципи, яких потрібно дотримуватись для забезпечення ефективної мотивації працівників. Сформовано структуру інтелектуальної складової трудового потенціалу. Визначено чинники, які формують інтелектуальну складову трудового потенціалу та сприяють його функціонуванню: інтелектуальні здібності, інтелектуальний потенціал, рівень освіти, інформаційні ресурси, інтелектуальна власність, фінансовий капітал і досягнення інноватора, його творча активність та нові технології. Сформовано перелік сприятливих умов для інноваційної активності підприємства. Запропоновані заходи можуть створити сприятливе інноваційне середовище та задіяти необхідні механізми і стимули для підвищення зацікавленості підприємств у впровадженні інноваційних технологій. The article examines role of motivation in the process of innovation of the company, proposed a system of measures necessary for the implementation of innovative activity and innovative marketing in the enterprise. A mechanism of motivation of staff was formed, which is a system that matches the needs, interests, values, guidance, motivation and behavior of employees. The principles that have to be followed for effective motivation of employees. An intellectual component formed structure of labor potential. Factors that form part of the intellectual labor potential and contributing to its functioning is intellectual abilities and intellectual potential, level of education, information resources, intellectual property, financial capital and achievements innovator, his creative activity and new technologies. Determined that the motivation is an important component of innovation activity that determines the extent to which the employee will use its competence, creative effort, creativity at finding a solution to the problem, which is a very important resource in the process of innovation activity. This article highlighted that due to product-novelties with creative abilities of employees in innovative enterprises is the process of creating new technologies, products renewal, resulting in the company entering into new fast-growing markets. Such activities may contribute to improving the image of the company as innovation-oriented and increase investment in it. In the innovative business important role played by questions of the organization of marketing activities. However, small companies often these questions are beyond attention of manager. As a result, many projects fail. Marketing innovation activities of enterprise evaluation is an important condition for the success of the activities concerning innovation. Innovative Marketing for the enterprise stands as a certain type of production and business activities, which aims to optimize and control the innovation and production- sales management enterprises. Based on innovative marketing is the readiness of the enterprise to implementation innovative project. This article formed the list of favorable conditions for innovation activity of enterprises. Among these measures is the government support innovative creativity creating the necessary socio-economic conditions and investments to increase scientific capacity, attracting investors and encouraging staff to work for effective results, formatting team of creative people. Formed measures may create a favorable innovative environment, and activate the necessary mechanisms and incentives to enhance the interest of enterprises in implementation of innovative technologies.